April 16, 1996 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD Ð Extensions of Remarks E527 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS THE INTELLIGENCE COMMUNITY CIA would be confirmed as the premier all- HONORING RETIRING NORTH ACT source analytical agency. DIA continues to be MIAMI POLICE DEPUTY CHIEF the focal point for managing Defense all- LAURENCE R. JURIGA HON. LARRY COMBEST source analysis. OF TEXAS The Clandestine Service, comprising current HON. CARRIE P. MEEK IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES CIA and Defense clandestine human collec- OF FLORIDA Monday, April 15, 1996 tors, would be combined into a single entity IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Mr. COMBEST. Mr. Speaker, I have intro- and separated from CIA. Monday, April 15, 1996 duced today the Intelligence Community Act. A new Technical Collection Agency [TCA] Mrs. MEEK of Florida. Mr. Speaker, after This bill represents an important stage in our would manage the technical collection activi- more than 31 years of service with the North committee's major project, IC21: The Intel- ties of signals, imagery and measurement, Miami Police Department, Laurence R. Juriga ligence Community in the 21st Century. and signatures intelligence. retired on April 10, 1996. He began his career The Intelligence Community Act makes A new Technology Development Office in 1964 as a patrol officer and is retiring as comprehensive changes in how we manage [TDO] would manage intelligence community deputy chief of police. intelligence. I would like to outline for my col- research and development. Chief Juriga distinguished himself over three leagues the principles that have led to this leg- decades as an officer of the utmost integrity islation. The current National Intelligence Council and professionalism. His rise from patrol offi- First and foremost, the United States contin- would become the National Intelligence Eval- cer to deputy chief attests to his abilities. He ues to need a strong, highly capable and in- uation Council, with the key responsibility of possesses a wealth of practical and adminis- creasingly flexible intelligence community. Our making sure that intelligence means and ends trative knowledge for which his peers turn to national security concerns are more varied are correlated, and that every effort is made to him when seeking input on wide-ranging top- and in many ways more complex than they provide the best intelligence to policy makers. ics. The entire North Miami police force views were during the cold war. IC21 also comprises a number of non- him with esteem and respect. The United States needs an intelligence legislative proposals that will be found in the Beyond his normal job duties, Chief Juriga community that is more corporate, i.e., one unclassified staff studies, which would be established himself as a vibrant member of that works better together as a more coherent available later this week. enterprise aiming toward a single goal the de- the North Miami community through I want to thank the staff members of the livery of time intelligence to policy makers at unparalled participation in community activi- Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence various levels. ties. He has been instrumental in organiza- A key issue is opportunity, not reform. In the who have devoted much of the last year to tions including the Police Officers Assistance aftermath of our cold war victory we are more this effort. The bill I have introduced today is Trust, the North Miami Foundation for Senior secure than we have been since 1940. This is a testament to their hard work and to their vi- Citizens, and the Dade County Association of a good time to update and modernize intel- sion. Chiefs of Police. He has been active in the ligence. I urge my colleagues to look over this bill Special Olympics and the Easter Seal pro- IC21 is not a budget or staffing exercise. It carefully, and the staff studies as well. The gram. is an effort to ascertain the type of intelligence staff of the intelligence committee is always Chief Juriga also initiated the North Miami community we will need as we enter the next available for questions and consultation. Police Department's Angel Network, a system through which more than 2,800 gifts were col- century. Issues of cost and size should be de- This is a daunting agenda and an important lected and distributed to needy children this bated during the regular legislative budget de- one. Informal discussions among the staff of past Christmas. These behind the scenes ef- liberations. interested congressional committees in the forts are exactly what set Chief Juriga apart Finally, the focus must be on where the in- House and Senate and with the executive indi- from the norm. telligence community needs to be in the next cate agreement on many of the principles I As he moves forward with his wife, Nancy, 10 to 15 years, not a snapshot of where we have outlined. I optimistically look forward to into the next phase of his life, I wish him con- are today. working with my colleagues over the next few tinued happiness. With these principlesÐflexibility, months to pass a bill that will give us the intel- f ``corporateness,'' opportunity, future visionÐin ligence community we will need as we enter mind, the Intelligence Community Act pro- the 21st century. NATIONAL MEDICAL LABORATORY poses several changes. Among them are: WEEK A more clearly defined central role for the f Director of Central Intelligence [DCI] as head of the intelligence community, including ex- PERSONAL EXPLANATION HON. DAVID E. BONIOR panded authority over resources and person- OF MICHIGAN nel. The DCI would also continue to be di- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES rectly responsible for the CIA, clandestine HON. HELEN CHENOWETH Monday, April 15, 1996 services and the community management staff. OF IDAHO Mr. BONIOR. Mr. Speaker, there are more Re-establishing the Committee on Foreign IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES than a quarter million certified laboratory per- Intelligence within the National Security Coun- sonnel, including pathologist, medical tech- cil, to provide regular guidance and feed back Monday, April 15, 1996 nologists, clinical laboratory scientists, and to the DCI. specialists, practicing preventive medicine in Creating a second Deputy DCI. One Deputy Mrs. CHENOWETH. Mr. Speaker, on Tues- more than 12,000 medical laboratories in the DCI would run CIA, the other would run the day, March 12 and Wednesday, March 13 last United States. community management staff, thus giving the week, I was unable to be here due to an ill- These highly trained and dedicated profes- DCI greater back-up and support for this two ness in the family and missed rollcall votes sionals make invaluable contributions to the major responsibilitiesÐthe CIA and the intel- 56±61. quality of health care in the United States. ligence community. Had I been here, I would have voted: ``No'' They save countless lives by providing reliable The Director of the Defense Intelligence on rollcall vote 56, ``Yea'' on rollcall vote 57, test results required for prevention, detection, Agency [DIA] would be designated as the Di- ``Yea'' on rollcall vote 58, ``No'' on rollcall vote diagnosis, and the treatment of illness and dis- rector of Military Intelligence, the senior uni- 59, ``No'' on rollcall vote 60, and ``Yea'' on roll- ease. By carefully performing high quality tests formed military intelligence officer. call vote 61. and providing reliable information, these vital · This ``bullet'' symbol identifies statements or insertions which are not spoken by a Member of the Senate on the floor. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor. E528 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD Ð Extensions of Remarks April 16, 1996 health care workers help physicians make di- first exposure to congress came when he was ing today, I hope it is this: that OSHA is agnosis, early, when cures are most likely to assigned as the congressional Liaison office changing the way it does business.'' The succeed. Test results may also help rule out for surface ship programs in the Nary's Office marks of the new OSHA, according to the As- certain conditions thereby avoiding unneces- of Legislative Affairs. Upon conclusion of that sistant Secretary, would be the elimination of sary treatment, saving money, and most im- assignment, Captain Shields took command of inspection and penalty quotas; a less con- portantly, ensuring the proper treatment. U.S.S. O'Bannon. With that successful tour frontation approach to enforcement, including We all must take responsibility for our behind him, Captain Shields was hand picked reductions in penalties for employers who health, but ultimately, our well-being depends to be a legislative assistant to the Chairman promptly correct violations; and commonsense on the cooperation and coordination that ex- and Vice-Chairman, Joint Chiefs of Staff. regulations. ists between the many individuals devoted to Captain Shields has been awarded the De- Whatever the genesis for this recognition of maintaining health. Doctors, nurses, dietitians, fense Distinguished Service Medal, the Meri- the need to change OSHA by the Clinton ad- teachers, parents, and the staff at our Nation's torious Service Medal, four Navy Commenda- ministration, I, and I know many of my col- medical laboratories all play important roles. tion Medals, and the Joint Meritorious Unit leagues as well, have applauded it. The direc- The dedicated professionals who work in Commendation. He is married to the former tion of these changes is the same as we have these laboratories save lives every day. They Jennifer Reith of London, England, and has pushed for in H.R. 1834, the Safety and play a crucial role in the delivery of health two wonderful children, Sarah and Robert. Health Improvement and Regulatory Reform care services in America and I am proud to Bob was one of the principal liaison officers Act.
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