' . .■> 3 . ^ ............. ^ ^ . •>-. ;-vj L*5‘ , /’5l P A iL T o m t m L f M m ter«tollM rti«( 5 ,2 4 6 i< IM AMtt I T . - .'v . • V ,y-„ j f'<iV YOIiLtIL,Na25« JAP WAR MINISTER Cobbler Finds A W <^ To Gidleiit Bill In GoM< FOR PEACE PARLEY IN BOLD ^5- G n n a l A n k i WoaU Invite FINANCIERS FEAR Only Spots to Be Ifo- . I . An Nations Interested m enssed Rnssiap En­ Two Exeenfires of IL 0. SECURITIES A a V- V- K-. .s>'* AWAITDECISION the Far Eastern Problen^ -y.-K-.w voy "Whep He Arrives — Canfield Rubber Co. Cd- *■ • i.v * T’’ To A ^ U. S. to Attend. & y Capital WiD Not Invest V<‘v; >. .••••. :< ON FORD CONTRAQ ^ V s \ R -Vs ' , ^ I ' DetaBs Setded Lder. naped, Tpken to OntAirii lht3 die Present Law Is Ttokyo, O ct 80.— (AJ») — M nla- Waahteften, Oct 80.— (A P )—Vir­ Ageot Win W u Lowest Bid­ of City, Bound, Ganeil ter of War Sado Arakl, now In Modilied Greatly. tual oomifietlon of a formula for Wcfltem Japan for the annual President Roosevdt’s recent discus­ der Files fon oal Rntctt and Left in Woods— army maneuvers, was quoted In sions with Maxim Litvinoff of Rus­ Japanese newspaper today as advo­ Hot Springs, Va.. Oct SO.—^^(AP) sia was revealed today by Washing­ FreeTbenmetres and Gre cating a parley on peace. ton authorities. Fith Ofidals. -Hie Investment Banken Asso­ In an interview, Araki was said to Although State Department offi­ have announced he w o^d propose to ciation today began a drive for cials guarded the exact course to Alarm. the Cabinet an international confer­ modification of the Securities Act be followed by toe Chief Bteecutive Waahington, Oct. 80.— (A P )— ^The ence in Tokyo for all powers inter­ on the ground it is holding up in­ in his meeting with the Soviet com­ sharp eontroveray between Beery ested in the Far Bast. vestment of millions which might missar for foreign affairs, no secret Ford and toe N R A today focused Bridgeport, Oct 30.— (A P)—Kid* Japan, China, Manchukuo, Rus­ was made of the fact that there had upon toe office of J. R. ^MoCaii, be used fbr jobs. * •S'i'! V naped as they were about to entd^ sia, GreAt Britain, France, Poland, The bankers in convention here been a final roundup of data for the comptroller general, where 'a ruling the United States would be invited, heard their president Frank Gor­ conversations. waa awaited upon whether dealers the H. O. Canfleld Rubber Company it was sai^ don of Chicago, charge that the act Both Mr. Roosevelt and Secretary selling Ford p r^ cte are eligible to factory on Housatonic avenue at 11 Ooiter of Discord which makes security issues crimi­ Hull remained silent upon Litvi­ bid for government huainesa. Formal proteats have *been filed at o’clock today with a |6,700 payroBi' 'The Orient has become the cen­ nally liable for their statements of noff’s assertion that so far as he was ter of discords involving the whole the White House and with Secretary two executives of the conqiany w ^ facte abrut bonds “seems to con- concerned the matter could be set­ world and Japan's recognition of I f necessity is the mother of Invention, Gobbler Mike Byrd, left, ranks as at least, a first cousin. Aflner Wallace by toe Northwest Motor forced into their c’wn automobile clilde that makers and sellers of se­ tled in half an hour. Manchuko has inflamed world opin­ Ed Lewis, rig^t, with gold in his poke, went to Grant’s Pass, Ore., to halfe his shoes cobbled. No Company of ^tbesda, Maryland, two holdup men who drove them tjt ion like upon fire,” the minister curities are resuptiveiy corrupt” scale was available, but ingenuity was. Balancing a jrardstlck on a cobbler's knife, held In place by Only High Spots low bidder on new trucks for toe a secluded wooded section north <j( The convention approved Gor­ of war waA quoted. pincers, Byiti weighed the gold. A dime on one end w^ghed a tenth ounce. Dust to balance the In the discussions, expected here Civilian Conservation C o m , con­ Bridgeport, bound and gagged toeffi don’s rema'-ks and piissed resolu­ "A conference of powers inter­ “scale” was poured on the other. The bill was »l.tW. Byrd estimated the gd d at 81.75, giving Lewis to start early next week, it is Mr. tending it would be illegal to award and made off with the p a y r ^ '-t tions saying “this condition is seri­ ested in the Far Bast would give 25 cents change. The bank found his guess was less than two cents off. Roosevelt’s Intention to bit only the toe contradt to any other bidder. It -w u one of the most darinf Japan an opportunity to explain her ously interfering with Industrial high i^ te with Litvinoff and leaire recovery and re-employment "and The letters also asked McCarl for daylight holdups in the crime bin* real motives in the Manchurian detailS/to assistants. a decision on the governmsnt's tory of the 'dty. In their automo­ that it is “essential to redefine the Secretary Hull, who postponed for campaigns and the reason for leav­ policy, toe company has bile t r ^ north’ward, toe car and indefinite llr.biUtles imposed by the week his trip to South America, ing the league (of nations). a right to stil to the government its victims passed himdreds pe#*^ act so as to make it possible for re­ will have a hand in this work, as a t Then, the newspaper quoted him BELIEYE KIDNAPERS The l o ^ concerns also contended sons and several policemen but neat further, “perhaps other powers sponsible enterprises to meet their RUM RUNNER IS SHOT; 'wUl R Walton Moore, assistant sec­ that if it waa barred from oo: realized what was transpiring, could reach a genuine understand­ requirements fdr new capital and retary of state, and William C. Bul­ tive bidding, approximately 6,800 Thons Kldniqied v ing of what has happened In Man' to co-operate with the recovery MURDERED YICTIM litt, special assistant to toe secre­ manufacturers other than S^rd who churia— and eventually -recognise program.” tary state. The Udiiiqied officials were &' supply various parte and equipment Archibald Mayse of Southport, vie^ Manchukuo.' , Investors Beady GUARDS S M One of the Plans for motor unite would be injured. president and treasurer of the Talks Arms Outs Gordon sai|j that all over tbe One plan under consideration President Roosevelt held last Fri­ According to the Interviewer, would call for creation of a special fleld Company, and S t^ < m United Btates ooiporations are day that unless McCarl ruled other­ Tomlinson^ assistant treasurer Araki added that the conference Relathres Think Body Was corps of economic and trade experts wise, dealers or agents representing ready 'o undertake the financing the company.' might discuss disarmament prob­ so necessary to industrial recovery, Sailor Serioosl; Womded no handle details. Ford would not have their bids ac­ lems preliminary to the 19S5 naval Woriunen in the Canfleld foctoiy but, he said: Bnmed; Department of Although the President has warn­ cepted unless toe Detroit manufaor conference and also a Japanese- ed that toe invitation to the Soviet turer came under toe conditions of saw Mayse and Tortllnsop. getr-'" Soviet non-aggression pact. ”No corporation director in his by Madiine Gan Fire; His did not necessarily imply reoognl- into' toe automoMle hut M senses is going to risk existing re- toe N ra code. Foreign Mbister Hlrota said he FIFTY HOUR WEI ksdee hrestigating. tloq, the State Department hhs been One of toe Important develop­ realise that toey wwe being knew nothing of Araki's proposal souroea by putting his name on fl- extended preparations for toe actual Into the vtolcle and so gave na^ivHwg under a law whloh makes Companiens Taken Into ments In the flurry over the Ford until he read of it in the news­ restoration of diplomatic relations question today was the disoov*ra alarm. papers, but said he expected to talk him petaonally liable for the next with Russia. that the action of toe veterans ad- Ikrea Men la Parly it over with the war minister on the ten yean and adopts ^ e un-Ameri­ Custody; K g Booze Carpi BntNRiAIbstlttsTnke PikeviUe, Ky., Oct 80.— (A P )— A list has been compiled of con­ mlnlstratlMi Saturday in awarding After the bandits had ahaadoaen latter's return to ToRyo. Mean­ can prlaplple that he be judged While 'a Departmefit of Justice sular and dlplsmatic representatives a contrfRjt to tize Northwest Motor their ylotims at a, Mdudad sp<R while, Hirota withheld his opinion as guilty mil ns he can be proven in­ 'agent today investigated toe pur­ now in varieos parts of toe wwU for one motor m M the 'ikahua aaotloa of to the plan’s feasibility nocent Caro d a who ispeak IlnsslaD and are veraato iSAcan aftar tha atataBaeBt af'-Haghr N«WeLotldfl4 ^.Comt, Oot 80.— ported kidnaping last Friday of toey .apparently jeffied a third Other foreign■jreisn office officials said "It is time for plain speaking. tabS^et coadtttiMBis. Johnson; teuiitwy adiiitilrtirator. fwko bad. fliOoirad in a aeqond ^ f easlbiliky of the WlUia intaton. about 66* relattves of thesIV doubteddo the H m law Is a klndT-ance to National (A P )—Oaa OMU WM woimd^ drtt .toat Ford daklara were ineligible.
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