January 23, 1941 5c a copy THE WITNESS THE ARCHBISHOP OF YORK Leads an Important Conference in England ENGLISH CHURCHMEN SPEAK Copyright 2020. Archives of the Episcopal Church / DFMS. Permission required for reuse and publication. SCHOOLS CLERGY NOTES BUTT, E. D., formerly in charge of Holy Cross Church, Valle Crucis, North Carolina, ©fye dlerteral ©{jealugrcal is in charge of Trinity Church, Winchester, Tennessee. K e m p e r WHX ^mraarg COOPER, A. S., resigned as rector of St. KENOSHA, WISC. Three- year undergraduate Mary’s Church, Franklin, Louisiana, because course of prescribed and elective of ill health. Leading Church school for girls in the Middle study. West. Preparatory to all colleges. Also gen­ CRAGG, J. A., vicar of Holy Trinity Church, eral courses. Unusual opportunities in Art Fourth-year course for gradu­ ■ Lansdale, Pennsylvania, has accepted a call and Music. Complete sports program. Accred­ ates, offering larger opportunity to be rector of All Saints Church, Phila­ delphia, effective February 15. ited. Well organized junior school. for specialization. Under direction of the Sisters of St. Mary. Provision for more advanced CUTLER, H., who is vicar of the Church of Catalog on request. Address Box WT. Rochelle Pjirk, New Jersey, is now also in work, leading to degrees of S.T.M. charge of the Church of the Epiphany, and D.Th. Cedar Park, New Jersey. ADDRESS FOOTE, N. L., was ordained priest by Bishop Daniels of Montana, in St. James Church, ST. AUGUSTINE’S COLLEGE Bozeman, Montana, December 18. He is in Raleigh, North Carolina THE DEAN charge of Virginia City mission field, dio­ cese of Montana. An accredited Church College for Negro Chelsea Square New York City Youth. Coeducational. GLUCK-LAGER, O. B., formerly in charge Degrees of B. A. and B. S. For Catalogue Address the Dean of St. Martin’s Church, Marcus Hook, Penn­ Needs of college: A larger endowment, sylvania, is now superintendent of the scholarship aid for worthy students, Cathedral Home for Children in Laramie, gifts for current expenses. Wyoming, effective, January 15. Address The President Legal Title for Bequests: Episcopal Theological School GRANT, S., formerly with the Urban Mis­ Trustees of St. Augustine's College, CAMBRIDGE, MASSACHUSETTS sion diocese of New Jersey, will take charge Raleigh, North Carolina. of the Church of the Redeemer, Palisades Affiliated with Harvard University offers Park, and St. John’s Church, Englewood, unusual opportunities in allied fields, such as New Jersey, as of January 1. philosophy, psychology, history, sociology, etc. HANSON, A. B., formerly rector of the Church of the Epiphany, Concordia, Kansas, HOLDERNESS For Catalogue Address the Dean is in charge of churches in Hutchinson, Kingham, and Anthony, Kansas. Address In the White Mountains. College Preparatory is in Hutchinson. and General Courses. Music and Crafts. Foi boys 12-19. All sports including riding. 200 The Virginia Theological HERON, C., rector of Trinity Church, Irv­ acres of woods. New fireproof building. In- ington, New Jersey, has resigned as of dividual attention. Home atmosphere. Seminary January 1. For Catalogue and other information, Rev. Edric A. Weld, Rector HILL, K. W., formerly rector of St. Matthew’s Address the Dean Church, Enid, Oklahoma, is vicar of St. Box W , Plymouth, N. H. Theological Seminary, Alexandria, Va. Luke’s Church, Hollister, California. LAWS, H. N., formerly rector of the Church of the Good Shepherd, South Richmond, Berkeley Virginia, is to be rector of Lynnhaven Parish and of Epiphany Church, Norfolk, Divinity School Virginia, effective February 1. S tu a rt Iftall New Haven, Connecticut MASON, O. L., formerly in charge of Emmanuel Church, Somerville, Massachu­ An Episcopal girls’ school of fine old Affiliated with Yale University setts, is to be rector of Trinity Church, traditions and high standards in the beau­ Address DEAN W. P. LADD Saco, and in charge of St. Stephen’s, Water- tiful Valley of Virginia. College prepara­ boro, Maine. Address is Saco. tory, general courses, and secretarial 86 Sachem Street courses. Two years beyond high school MOWRY, H. J., JR., formerly vicar of Christ Music, art, expression. Graduates success­ Church, Chattanooga, Tennessee, is to be ful in college. Well-equipped buildings. CARLETON COLLEGE rector of Christ Church, Springfield, Ohio, New gymnasium, pool. Outdoor life. Hid- Donald J. Cowling, President effective, February 15. ing. Founded 1843. Catalog. Ophelia S. T. Carleton is a co-educational liberal arts Carr, A.B., Box A, Staunton, Va. college of limited enrollment and is rec­ NELSON, H. E., formerly in charge of St. ognized as the Church College of Min­ Mark’s Church, Grand Rapids, Minnesota, nesota. is rector of St. Matthew’s Church, St. Address: Assistant to the President Paul, Minnesota. CARLETON COLLEGE ROSE, L., formerly at Central Theological Northfield Minnesota Seminary, Ikebukuro, Japan, is temporarily in charge of St. James Church, Deer Lodge, Montana. DeVEAUX SCHOOL SHIRLEY, J. G., formerly in charge of Grace 1852-1940 Church, Elkins, West Virginia, is rector of Niagara Falls, New York St. Stephen’s Church, Beckley, West Vir­ All Saints’ Episcopal College A Church preparatory school for Doys from the ginia, effective January 15. Vicksburg, Mississippi sixth grade. Small classes. Experienced in­ structors. Students may enter at any time and SMITH, J. W., deacon, was deposed by the A small church school for girls offering four in any grade above the fifth. Enrolment lim­ Bishop of Duluth, December 4. Deposed at years of high school (specializing in college ited to 120. his own request because of renunciation of preparatory) and two years of college. Em­ The Rt. Rev. Cameron ). Davis, D.D. the ministry. phasis on thorough work. Bishop of Western New York Borders on the National Park in historic President, Board of Trustees STOVER, J. D., formerly rector of All Saints’ Vicksburg and overlooks the Mississippi. For catalogue, address Church, Elizabeth, New Jersey, is to be Arts. Mild Climate. Outdoor Sports. rector of Holy Trinity Church, Collingswood, Address: Geo. L. Barton, Jr., Ph.D., Headmaster New Jersey, effective, February 1. The Rev. W. G. Christian, Rector DeVEAUX SCHOOL Niagara Falls, N. Y. WARD, A'. B., formerly in charge of the Whitefish Mission Field, Whitefish, Montana, is to be rector of St. James’ Church, Lewis­ Virginia Episcopal School ton, Montana, effective February 1. FORK UNION WAUKAZO, F.. deacon, was deposed by the Lynchburg, Virginia MILITARY ACADEMY Bishop of Duluth, December 4. Deposed at Prepares boys for colleges and university. his own request because of renunciation of Splendid environment and excellent corps of An Honor Christian School with the highest the ministry. teachers. High standard in scholarship and academic rating. Upper School prepares for WELSH, W. N., formerly in charge of reli­ athletics. Healthy and beautiful location in university or business. ROTC. Every mod­ gious education work at Grace Church, the mountains of Virginia. ern equipment. Junior School from six years. Orange, New Jersey, will do mission work For catalogue apply to Housemother. Separate building. Catalogue. in the following churches: Christ Church, Rev. Oscar deWolf Randolph, D.D., Rector Dr. J. J. Wicker, Fork Union, Virginia. Totowa B oro; St. Luke’s and St. Mark’Sj Paterson; St. Stephen’s, Delawanna, New Jersey. St. Faith’s School WOODROOFE, R. W., has resigned as execu­ Saratoga Springs, Health Centre of tive secretary of the diocese of Albany to Confirmation Instructions America become rector of St. Mark’s Church, West By BISHOP JOHNSON Hampton, Long Island, effective February Episcopal School for 60 girls, ages 8-18. 50c for single copies Tuition $550. Regents’ examination for col­ 26. lege entrance. Business, Art, Music, French, WOODWARD, D. R., was ordained priest by $4 for a dozen copies Winter Sports. Bishop Gilbert of New York, in St. James Chai>el in the Cathedral of St. John the T H E WITNESS The Rev. F. Allen Sisco, Ph.D., Rector Divine, New York, on December 19. He is Protection, Care, Health, Education curate in Trinity Parish at the Chapel of 6140 Cottage Grove Ave. Chicago the Intercession, New York. Copyright 2020. Archives of the Episcopal Church / DFMS. Permission required for reuse and publication. Editor Assodate Editore Ir v in g P . J o h n s o n F r a n k E . W il s o n Managing Editor W i l l i a m P . L ad d W il l ia m B . S po f po r d THE WITNESS G eorge I. H il l e r Literary Editor C l if f o r d L . S t a n l e y G a r d in e r M . D a y A National Paper of the Episcopal Church A l b e r t T . M o l l e g e n Vol. X X IV . No. 46. JAN UARY 23, 1941 Five Cents a Copy THE WITNESS is published weekly from September through June, inclusive, with the exception of the first number of January, and semi­ monthly during July and August, by the Episcopal Church Publishing Company, 6140 Cottage Grove Avenue, Chicago, Illinois. The subscrip­ tion price is $2.00 a year; in Bundles for sale at the church the paper sells for five cents a copy, we bill quarterly at three cents a copy. Entered as Second Class Matter, March 6, 1939, at the Post Office at Chicago, Illinois, under the Act of March 3, 1879. Circulation Office: 6140 Cottage Grove Avenue, Chicago. Editorial and Advertising Office: 135 Liberty Street, New York City. English Churchmen Speak Reported by WILLIAM B. SPOFFORD 'T'H IS IS the report of a conference that may go itself by Dorothy Sayers, novelist, who said: down in history as one of the most important “Suppose that during the last century the ever sponsored by the Church.
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