Regular Meeting of the Common Council Wednesday, August 12, 2020 7:00 PM Council Chambers, City Hall, 2nd Floor, 27 West Main Street, New Britain, Connecticut NOTICE - The next regular meeting of the Common Council will be held on Wednesday evening, August 12, 2020, at 7:05 PM in Council Chambers, City Hall, 27 West Main Street, New Britain, Connecticut. Public Participation will begin prior to the regular meeting at 7:00 pm via teleconference. Dial In Number: (866) 613-0751 Alternate Number: (860) 390-4418 Access Code: 09574 Streaming of Meeting: http://newbritainct.gov/meetings 7:00 PM - PUBLIC PARTICIPATION CALL TO ORDER ROLL CALL INVOCATION PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE AWARDS, PRESENTATIONS AND SPECIAL RECOGNITIONS APPROVAL OF MINUTES MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETINGS OF JUNE 10, 2020; JUNE 24, 2020; JULY 8, 2020 AND SPECIAL MEETINGS OF JUNE 4, 2020; JUNE 13, 2020 AND JUNE 24, 2020. 2020-06-04 Special Meeting - Bonding 2020-06-04 Special Meeting - Budget 1 2020-06-10 Regular Meeting 2020-06-13 Special Meeting 2020-06-24 Regular Meeting 2020-06-24 Special Meeting 2020-07-08 Regular Meeting AMENDMENTS TO AGENDA PETITIONS 1. Ald. Salerno for the appropriate department(s) to evaluate the need of signage for special needs individuals in the area of Jones Drive and Beachwood Drive. There is a residential home in this area and a family with an autistic child live in the vicinity and have safety concerns due to excessive speeding by motorists. Petition 2. Ald. Salerno for the appropriate department(s) to conduct a traffic study at the intersection of Monroe, Ellis and Glen Streets. Residents have complained about on-going speeding and motorists not stopping at the stop sign, causing safety concerns. Please recommend any suggestions to create a safer environment for pedestrians. Petition 3. Ald. Ayalon for the appropriate department(s) to conduct a study pertaining to flood danger in the area of Ridgewood Street. The street has inclinations meeting in the middle near 52 Ridgewood where there is a sewer opening but it lacks the capacity of draining sufficiently during storms. Please report if there is a plan for this street. Petition 4. Ald. Santiago for the appropriate department(s) to provide detailed information regarding the number of complaints filed against the property at 43 Osgood Avenue, former Israel Putnam School, within the past ten (10) years. Petition 5. Ald. Santiago for the appropriate department(s) to provide detailed information regarding the status and development timeline of the 27.3 acres located in the Pinnacle Park Subdivision conveyed to Polamer Precision, Inc. as of December 11, 2019. Petition 6. Ald. Santiago for the appropriate department(s) to provide information regarding the number of New Britain residents that are or close to becoming homeless, this should include residents that are being evicted from their current place of abode. Also, please provide information regarding the City’s assistance to residents that may be losing housing due to the Covid-19 pandemic. Please give in detail the process and/or steps the City has taken to assist residence with this issue. Petition CONSENT AGENDA - All reports are on consent unless removed during the Common Council meeting. 2 REPORTS OF BOARDS, COMMISSIONS, DEPARTMENTS AND LEGISLATIVE COMMITTEES: A. RE: CLAIMS FOR INJURIES AND/OR PROPERTY DAMAGE. Report B. RE: PURCHASING REPORT FOR BID THRESHOLD ITEMS. Report C. RE: SALE OF SURPLUS EQUIPMENT. Report Tabulation Sheet D. BOARD OF POLICE COMMISSIONERS RESPONSE TO ITEM NO. 35110. RE: SURVEILLANCE OF INTERSECTION OF GOVERNOR STREET AND CORBIN AVENUE. Report Original Petition E. BOARD OF POLICE COMMISSIONERS RESPONSE TO ITEM NO. 35111. RE: MONITORING OF ATV AND MOTORCYCLE ACTIVITIES IN THE AREA OF LINCOLN STREET. Report Original Petition F. BOARD OF POLICE COMMISSIONERS RESPONSE TO ITEM NO. 35136. RE: PARKING RESTRICTIONS ON KONSTIN PLACE. Petition 35136.doc Original Petition G. BOARD OF POLICE COMMISSIONERS RESPONSE TO ITEM NO. 35153. RE: PARKING RESTRICTIONS ON BRITTANY FARMS ROAD. Report Original Petition H. RECREATION AND COMMUNITY SERVICES DEPARTMENT RESPONSE TO ITEM NO. 35166. RE: SUMMER PROGRAMMING SAFETY MEASURES AND PARTICIPATION RATES FOR PROGRAMS. Report Original Petition NEW RESOLUTIONS 1. RE: TO AMEND THE CODE OF ORDINANCES TO CREATE A POLICE CIVILIAN REVIEW BOARD. K. ROSADO, F. SANTIAGO, H. DYSON Resolution 2. RE: $66,777.33 TO TURF PRODUCTS CORPORATION FOR PURCHASE OF NEW TORO GROUND MASTER MOWER FOR THE RECREATION AND COMMUNITY SERVICES DEPARTMENT, STANLEY GOLF COURSE. R. REYES, D. SALERNO, I. 3 SANCHEZ, F. SANTIAGO, R. SMEDLEY Resolution 3. PUBLIC BID NO. 4030. RE: $443,700 TO KOVACS CONSTRUCTION CORPORATION FOR THE MODIFICATIONS AT THE UTILITIES DIVISION'S STEELE STREET PUMP STATION. D. SALERNO, E. SANCHEZ Resolution Tabulation Sheet E-Mailing Record 4. RE: $24,333.12 TO OTTO ENVIRONMENTAL SYSTEMS, LLC FOR PURCHASE OF FIVE HUNDRED AND FOUR (504) ROLL-OUT TRASH AND RECYCLING CONTAINERS. A. AYALON, K. RUTKOWSKI Resolution 5. COOPERATIVE PURCHASING. RE: $13,832 TO FFF ENTERPRISES FOR EIGHT HUNDRED (800) DOSES OF INFLUENZA VACCINES FOR THE HEALTH DEPARTMENT, NURSING DIVISION. C. OSBORN, R. SMEDLEY Resolution 6. RE: $17,300.01 TO CARLSEN SYSTEM INC FOR PURCHASE OF THREE (3) NEW OZONE INJECTION PUMPS FOR THE PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT, UTILITIES DIVISION. D. SALERNO, E. SANCHEZ Resolution 7. RE: AUTHORIZATION TO ENTER INTO AGREEMENT WITH ESC FOR LIGHTING UPGRADE PROJECT AT THE NEW BRITAIN POLICE DEPARTMENT FOR APPROXIMATELY $82,585. K. ROSADO, R. SMEDLEY Resolution 8. RE: TAX ABATEMENTS, CORRECTIONS AND REFUNDS. D. SALERNO, E. SANCHEZ, R. SMEDLEY Resolution Adjustment report Adjustment report spreadsheet June 2020 Adjustment report spreadsheet July 2020 Refunds Report Refunds spreadsheet EAN Holdings Refund 9. BUDGET APPROPRIATIONS - GRANT FUNDING. RE: $7,500 SUMMER ENRICHMENT EXPERIENCE PROGRAM (SEEC). R. REYES, D. SALERNO, I. SANCHEZ Resolution 10. AMERICAN SAVINGS FOUNDATION GRANT - YEAR 15. RE: MONIES TO ORGANIZE AND RUN AFTER SCHOOL PROGRAMS AT PULASKI AND SALDE MIDDLE SCHOOLS. R. REYES, D. SALERNO, I. SANCHEZ, F. SANTIAGO, R. SMEDLEY Resolution 4 11. RE: AUTHORIZATION FOR MAYOR TO ENTER INTO A MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING AGREEMENT WITH 27-31 GLEN STREET, LLC T0 LEASE ELEVEN (11) PARKING PSACES AT THE ARCH STREET PARKADE LOCATED AT 140 ARCH STREET. D. SALERNO Resolution 12. RE: AUTHORIZATION TO EXECUTE A FIREARMS RANGE USE AGREEMENT WITH THE NEWINGTON POLICE DEPARTMENT FOR THE TERM OF JULY 1, 2020 THROUGH JUNE 30, 2021. H. DYSON, R. REYES, I. SANCHEZ, R. SMEDLEY, W. PABON, E. SANCHEZ, F. SANTIAGO Resolution 13. BUDGET AMENDMENT - POLICE DEPARTMENT. RE: FEDERAL HIGHWAY SAFETY FUNDS FY 2021 SPEED AND AGRESSIVE DRIVING ENFORCEMENT PROGRAM. H. DYSON, R. REYES, F. SANTIAGO, R. SMEDLEY, W. PABON, E. SANCHEZ, I. SANCHEZ Resolution 14. RE: $16,600 TO CDM SMITH INC FOR CONSULTING ENGINEERING ASSITANCE FOR THE PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT, UTILITIES DIVISION. D. SALERNO, E. SANCHEZ Resolution 15. RE: AUTHORIZATION TO ENTER INTO CONTRACT WITH PERMA TREAT CORP FOR $24,444 FOR THE PURCHASE AND REMOVAL OF SAW TIMBER AND CORDWOOD FROM THE PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT, UTILITIES DIVISION PROPERTY. D. SALERNO, E. SANCHEZ Resolution Supporting Documents 16. WITHDRAWN RE: CONSTRUCTION OF FENCES FOR THE WHIGVILLE AND WASEL RESERVOIRS FOR THE PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT, UTILITIES DIVISION. D. SALERNO, E. SANCHEZ Resolution Fencing.pdf 17. RE: $19,400 TO TATA & HOWARD FOR CONSULTING ENGINEERING ASSISTANCE FOR THE PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT, UTILITIES DIVISION. D. SALERNO, E. SANCHEZ Resolution 18. RE: ENGINEERING DESIGN FOR THE WATER TREATMENT PLANT SCADA SYSTEM AND THE BATTERSON PARK ROAD WATER MAIN EXTENSION PROJECTS FOR THE PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT, UTILITIES DIVISION. D. SALERNO, E. SANCHEZ Resolution 19. WITHDRAWN RE: CONVEYANCE OF PROPERTY KNOWN AS 488 HARTFORD ROAD. K. ROSADO 5 20. PROPOSED ADDITION RE: ROADSIDE PICK-UP OF ORGANIC DEBRIS CAUSED BY TROPICAL STORM ISAIAH. F. SANTIAGO Resolution ADJOURNMENT 6 June 4, 2020 SPECIAL MEETING OF THE COMMON COUNCIL JUNE 4, 2020 Mayor Erin E. Stewart called the Special Meeting of the Common Council to order at 6:38 p.m. on Thursday, the 4th day of June 2020 in the Common Council Chambers, City Hall. Fifteen members were present at roll call: Ald. Rosado, Pabon, Smedley, E. Sanchez, Santiago, Anderson, Ayalon, Beloin-Saavedra, Dyson, Osborn, Reyes, Rutkowski, I. Sanchez, Thompson and Salerno. Ald. Rosado moved to waive the reading of the Mayor’s Warrant, seconded by Ald. Salerno. So voted. MAYOR’S WARRANT TO THE CLERK OF THE CITY OF NEW BRITAIN: BY THE AUTHORITY OF THE STATE OF CONNECTICUT, YOU ARE HEREBY COMMANDED TO NOTIFY Robert Smedley, Richard Reyes, Emmanuel Sanchez, Kristian Rosado, Aram Ayalon, Wilfredo Pabon, Daniel Salerno, Iris Sanchez, Francisco Santiago, Chris Anderson, Sharon Beloin-Saavedra, Michael Thompson, Kris Rutkowski, Howard Dyson, and Colin Ivan Osborn, Aldermen and Alderwomen of said City, that there will be a special meeting of the Common Council on Thursday, June 4, 2020 at 6:30 p.m. in the Council Chambers, City Hall, 27 West Main Street, New Britain, CT for the following purposes: 1. To accept a report of the Standing Bonding Subcommittee of the Common Council Committee on Administration, Finance and Law regarding a $25,800,000 Appropriation and Bond Authorization for Projects and Improvements Related to the City’s Water Treatment Facility and System. 2. To act upon a Resolution regarding a $25,800,000 Appropriation and Bond Authorization for Projects and Improvements
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