E688 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks May 12, 2016 DESTINY GARCIA newed attention to this matter. I also want to Identification Badge. Such accolades are in- acknowledge and thank former Senator Bob dicative of the high caliber of her unfailing and HON. ED PERLMUTTER Graham for his hard work as Chair of the Se- dedicated service to our nation. On June 6th, 2014, Col. Baker assumed du- OF COLORADO lect Committee on Intelligence when the Joint ties as the NORAD and USNORTHCOM Co- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Congressional Inquiry was written, and his steadfast advocacy for making these pages ordination Officer to the Department of Health Thursday, May 12, 2016 public. and Human Services, at the Pentagon. As a Mr. PERLMUTTER. Mr. Speaker, I rise Mr. Speaker, the victims’ families and our Coordination Officer, Col. Baker has directly today to recognize and applaud Destiny Gar- nation experienced a profound personal loss and significantly contributed to NORAD and cia for receiving the Arvada Wheat Ridge and after 15 years they deserve to have their USNORTHCOM’s mission success in re- Service Ambassadors for Youth award. questions answered. The declassification of sponse to the Unaccompanied Children Hu- Destiny Garcia is an 8th grader at Jefferson the 28 pages will be an important step in that manitarian Crisis and the international and do- Senior/Junior High School and received this direction. mestic responses to the Ebola Virus Disease outbreak. The trusted partnerships that Col. award because her determination and hard f work have allowed her to overcome adversi- Baker meticulously built among diverse stake- ties. CELEBRATING THE RETIREMENT holders will remain as her key national-level The dedication demonstrated by Destiny OF COL. TANYA S. BAKER FROM contribution and legacy. Even though she will Garcia is exemplary of the type of achieve- THE UNITED STATES ARMY no longer be present at NORAD and ment that can be attained with hard work and USNORTHCOM on a day-to-day basis, her perseverance. It is essential students at all HON. ROBERT J. WITTMAN legacy will inevitably carry on. Col. Baker is supported in her retirement by levels strive to make the most of their edu- OF VIRGINIA her parents: Thermus R. Baker, Sr. and Ruth cation and develop a work ethic which will IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES B. Baker; her brothers: Thermus R. Baker, Jr., guide them for the rest of their lives. Thursday, May 12, 2016 Everett S. Baker, Gary B Baker, and Reginald I extend my deepest congratulations to Des- M. Baker; her sister Monica R. Frazier; and tiny Garcia for winning the Arvada Wheat Mr. WITTMAN. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to recognize Colonel Tanya S. Baker of her faithful companion and dog Zoe Simone. Ridge Service Ambassadors for Youth award. Mr. Speaker, I am humbled to congratulate I have no doubt she will exhibit the same dedi- Woodbridge, VA on the occasion of her retire- ment from the United States Army. Through- Col. Baker on the culmination of a distin- cation and character in all of her future guished 30 year career in the United States accomplishments. out her 30 year career, Col. Baker has self- lessly served our country and community; Army. I wish her all the best in this next chap- f ter of her life. namely, during the time she spent as North DECLASSIFICATION OF THE 28 American Aerospace Command and United f PAGES OF THE 9/11 JOINT CON- States Northern Command (NORAD and HONORING MR. BRAD ONORATO GRESSIONAL INQUIRY USNORTHCOM) Coordination Officer to the Department of Health and Human Services HON. MIKE THOMPSON HON. STEPHEN F. LYNCH (DHHS), at the Pentagon. NORAD OF CALIFORNIA OF MASSACHUSETTS USNORTHCOM is a tremendous institution IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES and its Washington Office is charged with IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Thursday, May 12, 2016 building trusted relationships with mission es- Thursday, May 12, 2016 sential partners, such as DHHS. NORAD Mr. THOMPSON of California. Mr. Speaker, Mr. LYNCH. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to join USNORTHCOM provides command and con- I rise to recognize and honor Mr. Brad my colleagues in calling on President Obama trol of Department of Defense (DOD) home- Onorato for his great contribution to the des- to finally declassify the 28 pages of the Joint land defense efforts and coordinates Defense ignation of the Berryessa Snow Mountain Congressional Inquiry into Intelligence Activi- Support of Civil Authorities. In performing both Monument by President Barack Obama on ties Before and After the Terrorist Attacks of of these critical missions, USNORTHCOM de- July 10, 2015. This outstanding accomplishment was made September 2001. fends America’s homeland and protects our possible by the tireless work of countless ad- This year will mark 15 years since the hor- people, national power, and strategic freedom vocates. Their commitment to engaging rific September 11 attacks that struck at the of action. friends, colleagues, local residents, busi- heart of our nation, and shook us to our core. Col. Baker was commissioned via George- nesses, stakeholders across the country, and The United States suffered an immeasurable town ROTC in May of 1986, after matriculating policymakers in a coordinated effort to achieve tragedy that day, but for the victims and their from George Mason University. She received permanent protection was critical to the estab- families, their loss is beyond words. They lost her commission as a Medical Service Corps lishment of the Monument. sons, daughters, mothers, fathers, husbands, Lieutenant and served in many notable as- Now, the Berryessa Snow Mountain Monu- wives, sisters and brothers. These families’ signments of increasing responsibility, includ- ment may be counted among the hundreds lives were forever changed, and their road to ing Federal Coordinating Center Coordinator pristine parks across the country that rep- healing is made all the more difficult by the at Tripler Army Medical Center, in Honolulu, resent America’s most treasured public re- questions that remain unanswered. Hawaii and Battalion Commander for the Army sources. The region’s unique geological for- These classified pages in the 9/11 joint con- Reserve Careers Division, 13th Battalion, in mations will play host for the world’s scientists gressional inquiry contain vital information Aurora, CO. Such roles have enabled Col. for years to come. Centuries-old archeological about the circumstances surrounding the at- Baker to positively and significantly influence sites will draw curious historians and research- tacks, and can provide crucial guidance for her colleagues, fellow Soldiers, as well as the ers as they piece together the stories of gen- our future counterterrorism policies. I have future strategic leaders of our military. erations past. And avid bikers, hikers, camp- personally read these pages and am confident Col. Baker holds a Bachelor of Arts in Soci- ers, horsemen, and sportsmen will be able to that they can be released without compro- ology from George Mason University and Mas- enjoy this landmark that is now forever open mising intelligence-gathering sources and ter of Strategic Studies from the Army War and accessible to outdoor enthusiasts from methods. The Obama Administration is cur- College. Col. Baker also completed a second Northern California and beyond. rently undertaking a review and is expected to Senior Service College—the Air War College. The Berryessa Snow Mountain Monument announce its decision in the coming weeks. I In addition to her academic success, Col. serves as proof of the value of the Antiquities strongly urge it to complete its review as soon Baker has received an extensive number of Act and the power of the Executive to protect as possible and declassify the 28 pages. awards and decorations. These include the these lands in the face of inaction by Con- I am pleased to be part of this bipartisan ef- Defense Superior Service Medal, Army Meri- gress. After extensive input from interested fort to give the families the answers they de- torious Service Medal with three Oak Leaf parties and substantial evidence of this re- serve. Together with my colleagues Congress- Clusters, Army Commendation Medal with gion’s value, the Obama Administration hon- man WALTER JONES and Congressman THOM- three Oak Leaf Clusters, Army Achievement ored the support of stakeholders, and the AS MASSIE, we introduced H. Res. 14 urging Medal, Southwest Asia Service Medal with gravity of conservation. the President to release the pages. I want to three Bronze Stars, Global War on Terrorism The legacy of public lands is one of the thank Congresswoman GWEN GRAHAM for or- Medal, Army Superior Unit Award, Meritorious most important we can leave for future gen- ganizing these speeches that are bringing re- Unit Commendation Award and Army Staff erations. The Berryessa Snow Mountain VerDate Sep 11 2014 05:39 May 13, 2016 Jkt 059060 PO 00000 Frm 00006 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\K12MY8.010 E12MYPT1 SSpencer on DSK4SPTVN1PROD with REMARKS May 12, 2016 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E689 Monument is a critical piece of a preservation ment that can be attained with hard work and my heartiest congratulations to the profes- system that stretches from the Hawaiian Is- perseverance. It is essential students at all sional musicians and leadership of the Amer- lands to the Maine Coast. It has been a privi- levels strive to make the most of their edu- ican Federation of Musicians of the United lege working with Brad to further the preserva- cation and develop a work ethic which will States and Canada (AFM). This year, the tion of our nation’s great open spaces. guide them for the rest of their lives. union which represents more than 80,000 pro- f I extend my deepest congratulations to fessional musicians will convene and celebrate James Tresco for winning the Arvada Wheat its 100th Annual International Convention in IN RECOGNITION OF THE 100TH AN- Ridge Service Ambassadors for Youth award.
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