Checklist of Oklahoma Birds

Checklist of Oklahoma Birds

Paridae: Chickadees & Mimidae: Mockingbirds & ___ Kentucky Warbler (T-SR) Cardinalidae: Cardinals & Titmice Thrashers ___ Mourning Warbler (T) Allies Checklist of GAVIIFORMES ___ Carolina Chickadee (PR) ___ Gray Catbird (T-SR) ___ MacGillivray’s Warbler (T) ___ Northern Cardinal (PR) Gaviidae: Loons ___ Mountain Chickadee (WR) ___ Northern Mockingbird (PR) ___ Common Yellowthroat (PR) ___ Rose-breasted Grosbeak (T) Oklahoma Birds ___ Common Loon (T-WR) ___ Hooded Warbler (T-SR) ___ Juniper Titmouse (PR) ___ Sage Thrasher (WR) ___ Black-headed Grosbeak (T) ___ Wilson’s Warbler (T) ___ Tufted Titmouse (PR) ___ Brown Thrasher (PR) ___ Blue Grosbeak (T-SR) This bird list, compiled by Gary D. PODICIPEDIFORMES ___ Canada Warbler (T) ___ Black-crested Titmouse (PR) ___ Curve-billed Thrasher (PR) ___ Lazuli Bunting (T) Schnell, includes species for which Podicipedidae: Grebes ___ Yellow-breasted Chat (T-SR) ___ Indigo Bunting (T-SR) there are a number of Oklahoma ___ Pied-billed Grebe (PR) Remizidae:Verdins Sturnidae: Starlings ___ Painted Bunting (T-SR) records and is based primarily on ___ Horned Grebe (T-WR) Thraupidae: Tanagers ___ Verdin (PR) ___ European Starling (PR) ___ Dickcissel (T-SR) the Date Guide to the ___ Eared Grebe (T-WR) ___ Summer Tanager (T-SR) Occurrences of Birds in Oklahoma, ___ Western Grebe (T-WV) ___ Scarlet Tanager (T-SR) Aegithalidae: Bushtits Motacillidae: Wagtails & Icteridae: Blackbirds 4th edition (Oklahoma Bird ___ Western Tanager (T) ___ Bushtit (PR) Pipits ___ Bobolink (T) Records Committee, 2004, PELECANIFORMES ___ American Pipit (T-WR) ___ Red-winged Blackbird (PR) Oklahoma Ornithological Society, Pelecanidae: Pelicans Emberizidae: Emberizids ___ Eastern Meadowlark (PR) Sittidae: Nuthatches ___ Sprague’s Pipit (T-WR) Tulsa). It takes into account name ___ American White Pelican (PR) ___ Green-tailed Towhee (T) ___ Western Meadowlark (PR) th ___ Red-breasted Nuthatch (T- changes through the 49 ___ Spotted Towhee (T-WR) ___ Yellow-headed Blackbird (T) WR) Bombycillidae: Waxwings supplement to the Check-list of Phalacrocoracidae: ___ Eastern Towhee (T-WR) ___ Rusty Blackbird (T-WR) ___ White-breasted Nuthatch ___ Cedar Waxwing (T-WR) North American Birds (1998, ___ Canyon Towhee (PR) ___ Brewer’s Blackbird (T-WR) Cormorants (PR) American Ornithologists’ Union, ___ Cassin’s Sparrow (T-SR) ___ Neotropic Cormorant (rare T- ___ Brown-headed Nuthatch (PR) ___ Common Grackle (PR) Washington, D.C.), but does not Parulidae: Wood-Warblers ___ Bachman’s Sparrow (rare T- SV) ___ Great-tailed Grackle (PR) follow the change in sequence of ___ Blue-winged Warbler (rare T- ___ Double-crested Cormorant SR) ___ Brown-headed Cowbird (PR) families outlined in the 44th Certhiidae: Creepers SR) (PR) ___ Rufous-crowned Sparrow (PR) ___ Orchard Oriole (T-SR) supplement. Species status codes ___ Brown Creeper (WR) ___ Tennessee Warbler (T) ___ American Tree Sparrow (WR) ___ Baltimore Oriole (T-SR) for Oklahoma are included, with ___ Orange-crowned Warbler (T- ___ Chipping Sparrow (PR) ___ Bullock’s Oriole (T-SR) abbreviations as follows: Anhingidae: Darters Troglodytidae: Wrens WR) ___ Clay-colored Sparrow (T) S=Summer; W=Winter; ___ Anhinga (SR) ___ Rock Wren (PR) ___ Nashville Warbler (T) ___ Brewer’s Sparrow (T) Fringillidae: Finches & Allies P=Permanent; R=Resident; ___ Canyon Wren (PR) ___ Virginia’s Warbler (rare T) ___ Field Sparrow (PR) CICONIIFORMES ___ Purple Finch (T-WR) V=Visitant; T=Transient. ___ Carolina Wren (PR) ___ Northern Parula (T-SR) ___ Vesper Sparrow (T-WR) ___ Cassin’s Finch (WR) Visitants are species that occur Ardeidae: Herons, Bitterns, ___ Bewick’s Wren (PR) ___ Yellow Warbler (T-SR) ___ Lark Sparrow (T-SR) ___ House Finch (PR) irregularly, and transients are & Allies ___ House Wren (PR) ___ Chestnut-sided Warbler (T) ___ Black-throated Sparrow (T- ___ Red Crossbill (WR) those that pass through the state ___ American Bittern (T) ___ Winter Wren (WR) ___ Magnolia Warbler (T) SR) ___ Pine Siskin (T-WR) on spring and/or fall migration. ___ Least Bittern (T-SR) ___ Sedge Wren (T-WR) ___ Yellow-rumped Warbler (T- ___ Lark Bunting (PR) ___ Lesser Goldfinch (T-SR) ___ Great Blue Heron (PR) ___ Marsh Wren (T-WR) WR) ___ Savannah Sparrow (T-WR) ___ American Goldfinch (PR) Date______________________ ___ Great Egret (T-SR) ___ Black-throated Green ___ Grasshopper Sparrow (T-SR) ___ Evening Grosbeak (T-WR) ___ Snowy Egret (T-SR) Regulidae: Kinglets Warbler (T) ___ Henslow’s Sparrow (T-SR) Time______________________ ___ Little Blue Heron (T-SR) ___ Golden-crowned Kinglet (WR) ___ Townsend’s Warbler (rare T) ___ LeConte’s Sparrow (T-WR) Locality____________________ Passeridae: Old World ___ Tricolored Heron (rare SV) ___ Ruby-crowned Kinglet (T-WR) ___ Blackburnian Warbler (T) ___ Nelson’s Sharp-tailed Sparrows _________________________ ___ Cattle Egret (T-SR) ___ Yellow-throated Warbler (T- Sparrow (rare T) ___ House Sparrow (PR) _________________________ ___ Green Heron (T-SR) Sylviidae: Gnatcatchers SR) ___ Fox Sparrow (T-WR) Weather___________________ ___ Black-crowned Night-Heron ___ Blue-gray Gnatcatcher (T-SR) ___ Pine Warbler (PR) ___ Song Sparrow (T-WR) (T-SR) ___ Prairie Warbler (T-SR) ___ Lincoln’s Sparrow (T-WR) _________________________ ___ Yellow-crowned Night-Heron Turdidae: Thrushes ___ Palm Warbler (rare T) ___ Swamp Sparrow (T-WR) _________________________ ___ Bay-breasted Warbler (rare (T-SR) ___ Eastern Bluebird (PR) ___ White-throated Sparrow (T- Observers__________________ T) ___ Mountain Bluebird (WR) WR) __________________________ ___ Blackpoll Warbler (T) Threskiornithidae: Ibises & ___ Townsend’s Solitaire (T-WR) ___ Harris’s Sparrow (T-WR) ___ Cerulean Warbler (rare T-SV) __________________________ Spoonbills ___ Veery (rare T) ___ White-crowned Sparrow (T- ___ Black-and-white Warbler (T- __________________________ Threskiornithinae: Ibises ___ Gray-cheeked Thrush (T) WR) SR) ___ White Ibis (SV) ___ Swainson’s Thrush (T) ___ Dark-eyed Junco (T-WR) Notes_____________________ ___ American Redstart (T-SR) ___ White-faced Ibis (T-SR) ___ Hermit Thrush (T-WR) ___ McCown’s Longspur (T-WR) __________________________ ___ Prothonotary Warbler (T-SR) Plataleinae: Spoonbills ___ Wood Thrush (T-SR) ___ Lapland Longspur (WR) __________________________ ___ Worm-eating Warbler (T-SR) ___Roseate Spoonbill (SV) ___ American Robin (PR) ___ Smith’s Longspur (WR) ___ Swainson’s Warbler (rare T- __________________________ ___ Chestnut-collared Longspur University of Oklahoma SR) __________________________ (T-WR) Norman, Oklahoma Ciconiidae: Storks ___ Ovenbird (T-SR) 2009 __________________________ ___ Wood Stork (SV) ___ Northern Waterthrush (T) G __________________________ ___ Louisiana Waterthrush (T-SR) ANSERIFORMES Accipitrinae: Kites, Eagles, & CHARADRIIFORMES ___ Ring-billed Gull (PR) APODIFORMES Tyranninae: Tyrannine Anatidae: Ducks, Geese & Hawks Charadriidae: Plovers ___ California Gull (rare T) Apodidae: Swifts Flycatchers Swans ___ Mississippi Kite (T-SR) ___ Black-bellied Plover (T) ___ Herring Gull (T-WR) ___ Chimney Swift (T-SR) ___ Ash-throated Flycatcher (T- ___ Bald Eagle (PR) ___ Lesser Black-backed Gull SR) Dendrocygninae: Whistling- ___ American Golden-Plover (T) ___ Northern Harrier (PR) (rare WV) ___ Great Crested Flycatcher (T- Ducks & Allies ___ Snowy Plover (T-SR) Trochilidae: Hummingbirds ___ Sharp-shinned Hawk (T-WR) ___ Glaucous Gull (WV) SR) ___ Black-bellied Whistling-Duck ___ Semipalmated Plover (T) ___ Ruby-throated Hummingbird ___ Cooper’s Hawk (PR) ___ Sabine’s Gull (rare T) ___ Cassin’s Kingbird (T-SR) (SR) ___ Piping Plover (rare T) (T-SR) ___ Northern Goshawk (WR) Sterninae: Terns ___ Western Kingbird (T-SR) Anserinae: Geese & Swans ___ Killdeer (PR) ___ Black-chinned Hummingbird ___ Harris’s Hawk (rare WV) ___ Least Tern (T-SR) ___ Eastern Kingbird (T-SR) ___ Greater White-fronted Goose ___ Mountain Plover (rare T-SR) (T-SR) ___ Red-shouldered Hawk (PR) ___ Caspian Tern (T) ___ Scissor-tailed Flycatcher (T- (T-WR) ___ Rufous Hummingbird (rare T- ___ Broad-winged Hawk (T-SR) ___ Black Tern (T-SR) SR) ___ Snow Goose (T-WR) Recurvirostridae: Stilts & SV) ___ Swainson’s Hawk (T-SR) ___ Common Tern (rare T) ___ Ross’s Goose (T-WR) Avocets ___ Red-tailed Hawk (PR) ___ Forster’s Tern (T) Laniidae: Shrikes ___ Cackling Goose (T-WR) ___ Black-necked Stilt (T-SR) CORACIIFORMES ___ Ferruginous Hawk (PR) ___ Loggerhead Shrike (PR) ___ Canada Goose (PR) ___ American Avocet (T-SR) Alcedinidae: Kingfishers ___ Rough-legged Hawk (WR) COLUMBIFORMES ___ Northern Shrike (WR) ___ Tundra Swan (T-WV) ___ Belted Kingfisher (PR) ___ Golden Eagle (PR) Columbidae: Pigeons & Doves Anatinae: True Ducks Scolopacidae: Sandpipers, ___ Rock Pigeon (PR) Vireonidae: Vireos ___ Wood Duck (PR) Phalaropes & Allies PICIFORMES ___ Gadwall (T-WR) Falconidae: Falcons ___ Eurasian Collared-Dove (PR) ___ White-eyed Vireo (T-SR) Scolopacinae: Sandpipers & Picidae: Woodpeckers ___ American Wigeon (T-WR) ___ American Kestrel (PR) ___ White-winged Dove (PR) ___ Bell’s Vireo (T-SR) Allies ___ Lewis’s Woodpecker (PR) ___ American Black Duck (T-WV) ___ Merlin (T-WR) ___ Mourning Dove (PR) ___ Black-capped Vireo (rare SR) ___ Spotted Sandpiper (T-SR) ___ Red-headed Woodpecker (PR) ___ Mallard (PR) ___ Peregrine Falcon (rare T) ___ Inca Dove (PR) ___ Yellow-throated Vireo (T-SR) ___ Solitary Sandpiper (T) ___ Golden-fronted Woodpecker ___ Blue-winged Teal (PR) ___ Prairie Falcon (PR) ___ Plumbeous Vireo (T) ___ Greater Yellowlegs (PR) (PR) ___ Cinnamon Teal (T) CUCULIFORMES ___ Blue-headed Vireo (T) ___ Willet

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