
January 22, 1971, EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS 417 trol Act of 1974; to the Committee on Bank­ time requirement for candidates for the Of­ establish a Joint Committee on Energy; to ing and Currency. fice of President and Vice President; to the the Committee on Rules. H.R. 12212. A blll to prohibit the exporta­ Committee on Interstate and Foreign Com­ By Mr. ICHORD (for himself, Mr. tion of grain from the United States when­ merce. AsPIN, Mr. DENT, Mr. 8AT'l'ERJ'IELD, ever the supply of grain is not sutllcient to By Mr. THOMPSON of New Jersey: Mr. HOWARD, Mr. RAalCK, Mr. ZION, meet domestic needs; to the Committee on H.R. 12219. A bill to establish a National Mr. 8ARASIN, Mr. RoE, Mr. KEMP, Mr. Banking and Currency. Energy Information System, to authorize the PODELL, Mr. BUitXll: of Florida, Mr. By Mr. PATI'EN: Department of the Interior to undertake an SIKES, Mr. JAMES V. STANTON, Mr. H.R. 12213. A blll to establish a National inventory of U.S. energy resources on public BENNETr, Mr. En..m:Ro, Mr. H'tJBEB, Energy Information System, to authorize the lands and elsewhere, and for other purposes; Mrs. GRASSO, Mrs. 8CHBOEDD, Mr. Department of the Interior to undertake an to the Committee on Interstate and Foreign KARTH, Mr. NIX, Mr. VANIX, Mr. Fm.­ inventory of u.s. energy resources on publlc Commerce. TON, Mr. DAVIS of South Carolina, lands and elsewhere, and for other purposes; By Mr. VEYSEY: and Mr. LONG of Maryland) : to the Committee on Interstate and Foreign H.R. 12220. A blll to establish a national H. Res. 774. Resolution declaring the sense Commerce. homestead program under which single­ of the House with respect to a prohibition of By Mr. REUSS (for himself, Mr. AsH· fa.mlly dwellings owned by the Secretary of extension of credit by the Export-Import LEY, Mr. KOCH, Mr. MITcHELL OP Housing and Urban Development may be Bank of the United States; to the Committee Maryland, Mr. MOAKLEY, Mr. MOOR­ conveyed at nominal cost to individuals and on Banking and CUrrency. HEAD of Pennsylvania, Mr. STARK, famllies who will occupy and rehabllitate By Mr. MARAZITI: and Mr. STUDDS) : them; to the Committee on Banking and H. Res. 775. Resolution providing for an H.R. 12214. A blll to amend the Economic Currency. investigation of the amount of petroleum Stabilization Act of 1970 to require the Pres­ By Mr. WYATT: resources; to the Committee on Rules. Ident to set a ceiling price on certain domes­ H.R. 12221. A blll to declare Lake Oswego, By Mr. RANGEL: . tic crude petroleum not to exceed prices pre­ Oreg., a nonnavigable wa.ter of the United H. Res. 776. Resolution creating a select vailing on May 15, 1973, adjusted for cost States; to the Committee on Interstate and committee to conduct an investigation and increases; to the Committee on Banking and Foreign Commerce. study of the health effects of the current Currency. By Mr. EILBERG: energy crisis on the poor; to the Committee By Mr. ROE: H.J. Res. 872. Joint resolution proposing on Rules. H.R. 12215. A b111 to amend the Public an amendment to the Constitution of the H. Res. 777. Resolution creating a select Health Service Act to provide assistance for United States guaranteeing the right to life committee to conduct an investigation of programs for the diagnosis, prevention and to the unborn, the Ul, the aged, or the in­ the nationalization of the on industry; to treatment of, and research in, Huntington's capacitated; to the Committee on the Ju­ the Committee on Rules. Disease; to the Committee on Interstate and diciary. By Mrs. SULLIVAN: Foreign Commerce. By Mr. KOCH: H. Res. 778. Resolution to provide further By Mr. ROSE: H.J. Res. 873. Joint resolution to establish funds for the expenses of the investigations H.R. 12216. A bill to amend the act relat­ a Joint Committee on Energy; to the Com­ and study authorized by House Resolution ing to the Lumbee Indians of North Caro­ mittee on Rules. 187; to the Committee on House Admin.1stra­ lina; to the Committee on Interior and In­ By Mr. O'HARA: tion. sular A1fa1rs. H.J. Res. 874. Joint resolution to designate By Mr. ROYBAL: the first week in October of each year as H.R. 12217. A b111 to amend title 38, United "National Father-Son Week"; to the Com­ PRIVATE BILLS AND RESOLUTIONS States Code, to provide appropriate cere­ mittee on the Judiciary. monies with respect to the burial of veterans By Mr. BOB WILSON: Under clause 1 of rule xxn, in national cemeteries; to the Committee on H.J. Res. 875. Joint resolution designating Mr. FAUNTROY (by request) introduced Veterans' A1Ia1rs. February of each year as "American History a b111 (H.R. 12222) to correct an inequity in By Mr. STAGGERS: Month"; to the Committee on the Judiciary. the case of certain applications for letters H.R. 12218. A b111 to amend the Com­ By Mr. RAILSBACK: patent of Tsukumo Nobusawa; to the Com­ munications Act of 1934 to repeal the equal H. Con. Res. 414. Concurrent resolution to mittee on the Judiciary. EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS IMPLEMENTATION OF MPAP CAUSES of a letter Mr. Pat Moran, fuel alloca­ nounced. Much of the publicity surround­ CONFUSION AT ALL LEVELS tion officer for the State of Arkansas, Ing the initiation of this program empha­ wrote to Secretary of the Interior Rog­ sized that the individual state governments ers Morton. I am afraid that such prob­ were expected to play an important role in HON. BILL ALEXANDER lems are not peculiar only to the Ar­ carrying out its day to day operation. In an OP ARKANSAS effort to learn in more detail how the State kansas allocation officer. of Arkansas could do Its part during the IN THE HOUSE OP REPRESENTATIVES It is time for us to stop the back­ current energy shortage, I have attended Monday, January 21, 1974 biting over how we got into this situa­ these briefing sessions of your department, atlon and who is to blame. We have got all to no avail; the speakers are not sure of Mr. ALEXANDER. Mr. Speaker, the anything when questioned by the various mandatory petroleum allocation pro­ to start working together to get some truthful answers to the extent of this state offi.cials in attendance. gram went into effect on November 1. However, the particular briefing which At that time its Administrator said that crisis and then constructively take mea­ takes the cake, so to speak, was the one tn sures to alleviate it. Dallas, Texas last Friday morning, Novem­ he did not have the staff to handle this The letter follows: program and it would take him 60 to 90 ber 16. This meeting, to which each Gov­ .ARKANSAS PuBLic ernor in this region was asked to send a days to set it up. However, this country SERVICE COMMISSION, representative, was addressed by Under Sec­ was expected to live under a program Little Bock, Ark., November 19, 1973. retary Whitaker in your absence. Secret&rJ for 2 to 3 months that was not in full op­ Hon. RoGERS C. B. MORTON, Whitaker delivered an absolutely ridiculous eration. Not only were those adminis­ Secretary of Interlqr, Department of the speech (although it was mercifully short) tering and affected by the program at Interior, Washington, D.C. in which he sought to convince the audi­ local and State levels confused and un­ DEAR MR. SECRETARY: During the past ence that President Nixon had seen the pres­ sure of its provisions and authority, but month I have attended approxtmately three ent fuel shortage coming for years and that we in Congress were not much more briefings at the invitation of your agency, it was the Congress who at fault for or the Energy Polley omce, whtch were sup­ was successful in obtaining answers from posedly designed to bring appropriate state failure to act. those responsible for the program at offi.cials up to date on the workings of the Secretary Morton, most of the people in the Federal level. And, the MPAP has newly formed ''mtddle distulate fuels allo­ the Dallas audience last Friday came 1n an been revised several times since its issu­ cation program" formulated and announced effort to get some answers about the day to ance to make up for the hasty, seem­ by the Energy Polley Oftlce for implementa­ day workings and administration of the fuel Jngly thoughtless omissions and mistakes tion by the Department of Interior, effec­ allocation program being sponsored by your made in the promulgation of the first tive November 1, 1973. department. What they received was a thtnly regwations. My knowledge of the "middle dtstmate diSguised poltttcal speech which no one ap­ allocation program" was, and stm 18, what I preciated. In the current stage of the energy As an example of the lack of informa­ have gleaned from a careful reading and re­ shortage we are surely past playing the tion our States are getting on this pro­ reading of the program as it was printed in asinine game wherein one branch of our gov­ gram, I wish to share with YOU a CODY the Pedera.l Register when tt was ftrst an- ernment blames another for our troubles (a CXX--27-Part 1 418 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS January 22, 1974 point very aptly made by Congressman Mil­ It was reassuring to read Mr. Drum­ The danger is plain to see. It 1s not an ford of Texas at the Dallas meeting.) mond's appraisal of American Viewpoint, overstatement to say that it !s as great a Whether it be termed "New Federalism" headed by Ivan Hill, president, Univer­ challenge to American freedom as World War or otherwise, the States are ready to assume sity Square, Chapel Hill, N.C.
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