St. George Melkite-Greek Catholic Church 1617 West State Street Milwaukee, Wisconsin 53233–1246 “An Eastern Church in communion with the Church of Rome” Rectory and Office: (414) 342-1543 Website: byzantinemilwau ee!com "he Rt. Re$! %aul &! 'rechette( %astor 'aceboo : )b!me*+yzantine,ilwau ee March 22, 2020 — Sunday of John Climacus Troparia from the Divine Litur#$ 1. Resurrection (tone -): O ,erciful 3. St! &eor.e: O &reat among the One( who came down from on hi.# saints and .lorious martyr( &eor.e( and endured burial )or three days since you are a deli$erer o) in order to save us from su/ering! capti$es, a doctor )or the sic and a O our 0ife and our Resurrection, noble attendant to ings, intercede .lory to you! for us to 3hrist &od( that he may 2. St! 2ohn 3limacus: 4our abundant save our souls! tears made the wilderness to sprout 4. 9ontakion o) the :nnunciation: and bloom, and your dee5 si.hs o) "riumphant leader to you belongs lo$e made your labors fruit)ul a our 5rize o) $ictory8 :nd since you hundredfold6 you became a shining saved us from ad$ersity( we o/er star showering miracles u5on the you our thanks. We are your world! Holy 'ather 2ohn, 5ray to 5eo5le O mother o) &od8 So as you 3hrist &od that He may save our have that invincible 5ower( souls. continue to deli$er us from danger that we may cry out to you Hail, O ; and bride e$er pure! %rokimenon "he Lord will gi$e strength to his peo5le6 the Lord will bless his peo5le with peace! Stichon: Gi$e to the Lord! You sons of God, gi$e to the Lord glory and praise! &pistle: Heb 6:13-20 +rethren, when &od made his 5romise to :braham, since he #ad no one .reater to swear by( he swore by himself, saying( >I will surely bless you, and will surely multiply you &n.22 : 14)!? :nd so( after 5atient waiting( :braham obtained the 5romise! 'or men swear by one .reater than themsel$es, and an oat# .i$en as a .uarantee is the @nal settlement of all their disagreements. Hence God, meaning to show more abundantly to the heirs o) the 5romise the @rmness o) his will inter5osed an oat#( so that by two unchangeable things, in whic# it is im5ossible )or &od to decei$e( we may #a$e the strongest comfort A we w#o ha$e refu.e in #olding )ast the ho5e set be)ore us. "his ho5e we #a$e as a sure and @rm anchor o) the soul, reaching e$en be#ind the $eil where our )orerunner Jesus #as entered )or us, as he became a hi.# 5riest )ore$er according to the order of Melchisede ! (lleluia Bt is good to gi$e thanks to the Lord, to sin. praises to your name, O Most Hi.#8 Stichon: To proclaim your kindness at dawn and your faithfulness throu.#out the! Gospel: "he Possessed Boy, M 9:17-31 :t that time one o) the crowd came to Jesus and bowed to him saying: >,aster( B ha$e to you my son, w#o has a dumb spirit6 and whene$er it seizes him it throws him down, and he )oams and .rinds his teet#6 and he is wasting away! :nd B told your disci5les to cast it out( but t#ey could not!? :nd he( answering him, said( “O unbelie$ing .eneration, how long shall B be wit# youE How long shall B 5ut u5 wit# youE +ring him to me!? :nd t#ey him to him; and the spirit( when it saw Jesus, immediately threw the boy in con$ulsions, and he )ell down on the .round and rolled about )oaming at the mout#! So he as ed his )ather( >7ow long is it since this has come u5on him?” And he said( “From his infancy. O)tentimes, it has thrown him into the @re and into the waters to destroy him. +ut i) you can do anything ha$e com5assion on us and help us.? +ut Jesus said to him, >B) you can belie$e( all things are 5ossible to the man o) )ait#!? :t once the )ather o) the boy cried out and said wit# tears, >B do belie$e6 help my unbelie)!? Fow when Jesus saw that a crowd was rapidly .athering( he rebu ed the unclean spirit( saying to it( >4ou deaf and dumb spirit( B command you( .o out o) him and enter him no more!? :nd crying out and $iolently con$ulsing him, it went out o) him, and he became li e one dead( so that many said( “He is dead!? +ut Jesus too him by the #and( and raised him and he stood u5! :nd when he had come into the house( his disci5les asked him 5ri$ately( “Why could we not cast it outE? :nd he said to them, >"his ind can be cast out in no way eGce5t by 5rayer and )asting!? :nd lea$ing that 5lace( they were 5assing throu.# &alilee( and he did not wish anyone to now it! 'or he was teaching his disci5les, and saying to them, >"he Son o) ,an is to be betrayed into the hands o) men, and t#ey will ill him; and ha$ing been illed( he will rise again on the third day!? Online Services and other Resources for Prayer htt5s:/*www.byzantinemilwau$id-19/ Prayer List %lease rememberH:ll those w#o are sic and in need: 2ohn I :lice Herro( +ill 9outris, Fic 0angenfeld( +arb I +ruce ,oden (sister- and brother- in-law o) Jan "aylor)( J$a Fora (niece o) the Foras)( +ob %eterson, 2oe Radano$ic#( +et# Rodwell, J$a Saseen ("heresa and Janelle HerroKs niece)( Jan "aylor( 9at#y "omaz, Jspe ;illasenor( John Zambo and Kat#y Zambo! Stewardship 0ast Sunday: ordinary collections: $216; candles: $17! "han s )or your .enerosity8 Owed to e5arc#y for last month (assessment, retirement and medial insurance): $2,099.51 "here is a link to donate via Pay%al on our website: htt5s:/*byzantinemilwau ee!com/donate* Schedule for This Week Tues*a$' Preparation for the Annunciation We*nes*a$' The Annunciation Thurs*a$' Thursday of Repentance Sun*a$' Sunday of Mary of Egypt +on#ratulations an* Happ$ Birth*a$ to :lexis 1olis (3/26) and ,onica Zambo (3/27)! ,ay God grant you many years! For the Annunciation Troparion' "oday is the )ountainhead o) .ontakion' "rium5hant leader to you our sal$ation and the re$elation o) the belongs our 5rize o) $ictory8 :nd since mystery that was 5lanned from all you sa$ed us from ad$ersity we o/er you eternity: "he 1on o) &od becomes the 1on our thanks. We are your 5eo5le O mother o) the ; and &abriel announces this o) &od8 So as you ha$e that in$incible .race! 0et us Noin him in crying out to the 5ower( continue to deli$er us from danger ,other o) &od: Hail, O Woman full o) that we may cry out to you 7ail, O ; .race8 The Lord is wit# you! and bride e$er pure! %rokimenon ,y soul magni@es the Lord and my spirit reNoices in God my Sa$ior! Stichon: +ecause he has re.arded the lowliness o) his #andmaid( )or( behold( hence)ort# all generations shall call me blessed! &pistle: Hebrews: 2: 11-18 +rethren, the sancti@er and the sancti@ed are all o) one nature: there)ore he is not ashamed o) calling them bret#ren and saying( >I will declare your name to my brethren" in the midst of the church I will sin! your praise# (%s. 21: 22)? :nd again, >I and my children whom God has gi%en me (ls.8: 17, 18)!? Fow( since children #a$e blood and flesh in common, so he li ewise has shared in the same( that throu.# deat# he destroy the one who had the 5ower o) deat#( that is, the de$il; and deli$er those who throu.hout their li)e were e5t in sla$ery by the )ear o) deat#! 'or o) course it is not angels he is assisting( but the o/spring o) :braham. Where)ore it was that he should in all things be made in the li eness o) his brethren, so that he become a merci)ul and )aithful hi.# 5riest be)ore &od to eG5iate the 5eo5leKs sins. 'or because he himself has su/ered and was tem5ted( he is able to help t#ose who are tem5ted! (lleluia He shall come down li e rain u5on a fleece( li e showers he shall .ently )all u5on the .round. Stichon& His name shall be praised fore$er; as long as the sun, his name shall last! Gospel: 0u e 1: 24-38 Bn t#ose days Jlizabet#( the wi)e o) Zechariah concei$ed and she secluded herself )or @$e months, saying( >"hus has the 0ord dealt wit# me in the days when he dei.ned to take away my re5roac# among men. Fow in the sixt# mont# the angel Gabriel was sent from &od to a town o) &alilee called Fazaret#( to a $ betrothed to a man named Jose5#( o) the #ouse o) Da$id( and the $ir.inKs name was ,ary! :nd when the angel had come to her( he said( “Hail, full o) .race( the 0ord is wit# you! +lessed are you amon.
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