qryAllProjectsAndCCO ProjectNo Title ConstructionCost C427920 Traffic Signal Prioritization process C464610 Tassafaronga Recreation Facility Improvements $480,695.00 S467810 International Blvd. Demolition projects $205,000.00 p457710 Brookfield, Dimond, Monclair Branch Libraries Improvements $390,000.00 C376610 Caldecott Trail $650,000.00 C329147 RHS bounded by Campus Drive, Mountain Blvd, Knoll Ave, and Access (83-013)$1,100,000.00 C329149 RHS Bounded by Mountain Blvd, Bernves Ct, Terrabella Wy and Redwood Rd $2,040,000.00(SB 83-502) C242510 Bay Trail to Lake Merritt Bicyle Pedestrian Bridge $12,000,000.00 C329146 SS Rehab bounded by Casle Parkway, Skyline Blvd, Haverhill Dr, Scarborough$6,410,000.00 Dr C393340 Glen Echo Trash Net C395410 Con Agra - 23rd, Series B $2,000,000.00 C394710 Cryer Building & Dock Improvements $2,500,000.00 C329144 RHS Bounded by Joaquin Miller Rd, Rubin Dr, Burdeck Dr and Highway 13 (SB$4,100,000.00 56-06) C459110 Radio Tower Emergency Generator & New Permanent Shelter Improvements $1,000,000.00 A468583 APL Communications Facility Improvements $270,000.00 C329145 RHS Bounded By 21st Ave, 17th Street, 24th Ave, and 27th Ave (Sub-Basin 60-06) A468584 911 Facility Police and Fire Emergency Radio Improvements C329148 RHS bounded by Hwy 13, Reinhard Dr, 39th Ave, and Aliso Ave (83-501) $1,300,000.00 C444010 San Pablo Ave/West St & San Pablo Ave/W Grand Ave $290,000.00 B00570 Golden Gate Branch Library Exterior Window Replacement $165,000.00 C442910 Bonham Way Stair Path Repairs $151,625.00 C435610 Golden Gate Recreation Center $6,000,000.00 C457610 Durant Park Improvements $670,000.00 C369650 Citywide Street Resurfacing II $3,000,000.00 C329134 SS Rehab Bounded by Broadway, Golden Gate Ave, And Contra Costa Road $913,780.00 C329135 SS Rehab Easements Between Clarendon Crescent And Sunnyhills Road $548,780.00 C329137 SS Rehab Easements Between Margarido Dr and the Area of Ostrander Road and$238,340.00 Broadway Terrace C329138 SS Rehab in Easement by Gunn Dr and Moore Dr, in Larry Ln , and Easement by$375,030.00 Larry Lane C369510 Caldecott Tunnel Settlement Projects 1 - 6, 17 $1,822,000.00 C369520 Caldecott Projects 9 and 14. $1,170,000.00 C329119 Sanitary Sewer Flow Monitoring and Modeling C369640 Citywide Street Resurfacing $4,000,000.00 C329139 RHS Bounded by Park Road, Longridge Road, and Lake Shore Ave (Sub-Basin$6,179,123.00 54-12) C329142 SS Rehab in 20th St from Harrison St to Broadway and in West Grand from San$2,200,000.00 Pablo to Wood St C329143 RHS Bounded by Park Blvd, Hollywood Ave, Sunnyhills Rd, and Brighton Ave (54-16)$4,000,000.00 H83110 Seismic Retrofit-Leimert Blvd Bridge - PE Phase $6,708,425.00 H83210 Seismic Retrofit-23rd Ave Bridge - PE Phase $10,985,000.00 C329127 City Parks & Facilities Sewer Lateral C444110 Installation of New Traffic Signal at the Intersection of Bancroft Ave & 94th Ave $350,500.00 C455611 The Rehabilitation of Sanitary sewers at Lakeside Park Boat House $145,155.00 C98530 42nd Ave & High St Access Improvements $9,549,000.00 C194921 Latham Sq. Streetscaping $1,900,000.00 CS319710 Seismic Retrofit of Adeline Street Bridge $4,100,000.00 C377910 Children's Fairyland Entry Improvement $375,000.00 P400210 Foothill - Melrose - High St Streetscape C427520 2010-2012 HSIP Cycle 4: Hegenberger Road $654,900.00 G121810 Replacement of Embarcadero Bridge over Lake Merritt Channel $17,500,000.00 C470920 Rainbow Rec Center C384010-A Lake Merritt Floating Island Pilot Project P402310 14th Avenue Streetscape Project $4,687,467.00 C429610 Foothill / Seminary Streetscape Page 1 qryAllProjectsAndCCO C274390 ADA Improvements at Woodminster $350,000.00 C394010 Bellevue Dr Entry Improvements - Measrue DD Series B $700,000.00 C393910 Lakeside Green Street Project (Snow Park/Harrison/20th St.) - Measure DD $8,500,000.00 P414210 Perlta/MLK Pilot Projects $3,661,000.00 C393811 Lake Merritt Bellevue Ave Improvements & Paths $1,200,000.00 C393710 Sailboat House Shoreline Improvements $4,500,000.00 C470910 Rainbow Rec Center C244811 Sausal Creek Restoration Project in Dimond Park $1,880,500.00 G313170 7th Street Phase II $2,500,000.00 P444930 Temescal and Lion Pool ADA Upgrades C455610 On-Call Sanitary Sewers Emergency Projects FY 2013-14 C423710 Bushrod Park Tot Lot Re-surface $58,100.00 C329133 Sanitary Sewer Rehab in Easement Between Thornhill Dr and Cabot Dr. and in Gouldin Rd. C312810 RHS - Rehab Bounded by Golf Links Rd, Encina Way amd Calandria Ave (SB 85-012) s467610 5844 Bancroft demolition $54,500.00 G381112 Glascock Street Railroad Crossing Improvement Project C227230 RHS 20th St San Pablo Ave Telegraph Ave Alice St and 12th St Sub-basin 52-05$4,582,000.00 Part 2 C458910 CPUC 130 Railroad Crossing Improvements C371810 Pedestrian Safety Improvement Project $673,900.00 C461810 RHS at 57th Ave between San Leandro St and International Blvd C428610 RHS - Dennison St., Embarcadero, King St. and Federick St $700,000.00 C428510 RHS MacArthur Blvd, Maple Ave, Barner Ave, Frye St Sub-basin 80-102 B00560 Linden Park Improvements $250,000.00 G444210 Stormwater Treatment Units (Tree Wells) C329132 SS Rehab esmt bet Delmont Ave & Edgemoor Pl, Majestic Ave &Laird Ave,Modesto St & Madera Ave G427410 Various Streets Resurfacing and Bikeway Facilities C254430 Piedmont Pines Utility Undergrounding Phase I & II $1,450,000.00 C346810 Seismic Retrofit of Coliseum Way Bridge - Construction Phase $2,891,978.11 C241610 12th Street Reconstruction $36,470,412.08 C277110 10th Street Bridge at the Lake Merritt Channel C347110 Seismic Retrofit of Hegenberger Rd Bridge - Construction Phase $4,668,774.16 G381114 Fruitvale Ave Sidewalk Improvements - Phase 3 G381113 Chapman and Lancaster Streets Sidewalk Improvements - Phase 2 C312010 RHS - Rehab Bounded by Lochard, Edgemont, Kerrigan (SB 85 - 232) $2,211,316.00 C312310 RHS - Shattuck Ave, 66Th St, Telegraph Ave and 59Th St (SB 50-10) C312410 RHS - Rehab Bounded by Lincoln, MacArthur, Rhoda, Coolidge (SB 80-113) $3,122,400.00 C312510 RHS - Mountain Blvd., Greenridge Dr., Long St., Keller Ave. (SB 85-502) C167640 MacArthur Blvd Street Improvement $4,754,600.00 C316230 2007-2009 HSIP Cycle 2: Countdown Ped Heads HSIPL-5012 (097) C329131 Rehabilitation of SS and SD Easement of York & Erie St, SS in Easement by Wellington St and Eaement by Brighton Ave C270210 CIP 2005-06 Broadway Signal Interconnect & Integration with Transportation Management$815,022.88 Center (ITS) C268310 RHS - Rehab Bounded by San Leandro Blvd., Edes Ave. and 85th Ave. (SB 85-101)$3,609,183.18 C284540 Peralta Hacienda Park - De Anza Trail Historic Core Linkage $821,337.82 C329120 On Call Sanitay Sewer Emergency Projects FY 2011-2012 $391,516.39 G313110 7th St, West Oakland Transit Village $3,745,341.69 C329128 SS Rehab Rosedale Bounded by Foothill and Santa Rita C329129 SS Rehab in Easement Bounded by 42nd Ave Carrington, Bridge Ave and 16th Ave C329130 SS Rehab Easement By Elinora and Reinhardt C316220 2007-2009 HSIP Cycle 2: Left Turn Phasing HSIPL-5012 (096) $239,813.58 P188450 Sanitary Sewer Large Pipe Cleaning C369630 Citywide Street Rehabilitation and Reconstruction Phase II C389410 Citywide Bikeway Improvements Project $282,143.40 Page 2 qryAllProjectsAndCCO C369914 Roadway Edge Restoration Near 7280 Woodrow Drive C428011 Citywide Curb Ramps and Sidewalk Repair C435410 Foothill Streetscape Phase II P233282 Foothill Streetscape Phase I $4,008,800.40 P318410 66th Avenue Streetscape Improvement $1,921,228.25 P294110 Oakland Army Base Bldg. Demolition Project C376210 Safe Routes to School (SRTS) 2/Federal: Bret Harte Mid; Manzanita Community; Peralta Ele; Pacific Boychoir; La Escuela Bilingue International C390710 73rd Avenue Stormwater Trash Separator (CDS Unit) $791,978.11 C366920 Coliseum Transit Village Infrastructure & Snell Street C457110 Sanitary Sewer Root Foaming FY 2012-13 C464560-1 Latham Square - Pilot C391510 BART 17th St Gateway C329124 SS Rehab Easement Mastland Dr and Ascot Dr C370610 ONCALL CITY WIDE SIDEWALK REPAIRS $1,575,846.85 C377710 Morcom Rose Garden $1,237,880.79 C96110 RHS - E.24th St., 17th Ave., E.14th and 13th Ave., Phase I $5,000,665.00 C370510 ON CALL CITYWIDE CURB RAMP REPAIRS AND 30 YEAR TRANSITION PLAN$1,044,000.00 G427020 Hegenberger Road Bridge Over UPRR $315,443.00 G427040 Oakport St. Bridge $82,456.20 G427210 West Oakland Youth Center $6,677,652.92 C390010 Lakeshore Avenue Complete Streets Project $913,620.52 C378010 Feather River Camp - Roadway Paving & ADA access path $217,222.88 C317510 On-Call Citywide Sidewalk Repair FY 07-08 $1,464,043.00 C346710 Seismic Retrofit of Campus Dr. Bridge - Construction Phase $901,177.41 C267620 Tidewater Sanitary Sewer Pump Station Replacement G375710 Fruitvale Alive Streetscape $2,939,680.82 C346910 Seismic Retrofit-Park Blvd Viaducts - Construction Phase $1,750,586.63 C366930 Coliseum BART Plaza and Pedestrian Areas $1,148,724.76 G427030 E. 8th Street Bridge $407,509.35 P330910 Railroad Ave. Improvements - Phase II (Louisiana to 98th Ave.) $767,558.00 G384910 Maxwell Park Upgrades G340910 Safe Routes To School (SRTS) 1/Federal: Franklin Ele; Frick Mid; Lakeview Elm; Lafayette Ele; Hoover Ele; Peralta Ele G388410 San Antonio Park Lighting P233271 23rd Avenue Street Improvement $2,189,235.13 C357010 Safe Routes To School (SR2S) 7/State: Oakland Tech High; Castlemont Community$394,288.31 of Smalll Schools C329410 Cesar Chavez Park Improvements $1,792,057.37 C244850 Butters Canyon Restoration Design and Management Plan $0.00 C244860 Lion Creek Restoration Project $551,079.00 C244890 Garber Park Restoration $12,000.00 C250110 Sidewalk Condition and ADA Survey $1,208,250.00 C253910 SS Rehab in an Easement between Gravatt and Alvarado $114,611.47 C379110 Main Library Second Start Relocation, Ph.1 $190,922.00 C243610 Derby Avenue to Lancaster Street, Oakland Waterfront Trail $1,503,596.48 C245510 Raimondi Park Renovation $4,675,975.64 C38300 SS Rehab Easemt Grand/Walker C384010 Lake Merritt Nature Center Stormwater Trash Separator $264,878.00 C243910 Alameda Ave, Oakland Waterfront Trail $520,125.00 C38510 SD in 41st Ave./E15 TO E17 C244711 Studio One Art Center Haz.
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