/KaLh Supporter HI CaledonianBitaichean-atseig Mac nan Elleana' Bhriuthainn is Chluaidh /Kajor Sponsors ^RBS EventScotland’ Areyll ^Butei COUNCIL 9 ArgyllEnterprise & the Islands Alba ... a’ toirt thugaibh Mod na bliadhna-sa ... air an telebhisean ... air an reidio ... air an eadar-lion 103.5- 105 FM bbc.co.uk/alba Fon an asgaidh gu: 08000 967050 Gach soirbheachadh do na farpaisich agus don h-uile duine a tha an sas! MnE is one of Scotland's leading independent television production companies with an outstanding reputation for producing high quality broadcast programming. mne See MnE: www.mnetelevision.com telibhisean LevelGlasgow 3, Pentagon Business Centre. 2Skye Pairc nan Craobh Estate, 3BG3 WashingtonBAZ Street. Glasgow, IV4SBroadford, SAP Isle of Skye, t:e: [email protected] 240 0000 t:e: [email protected] S2Q ISO 2 A' cruthachadh chothroman dhan Ghaidhlig ■ othrothroman obrach sa Ghdidhlig a cOrsaichean fein leasachaidh 'brosnachadh Gdidhlig am A" measg an digridh didhlig sa Choimhearsnachd G “Failte chridheil oirbh gu Mod Dhiin Omhain 2006” Tuilleadh fiosrachaidh aig: www.cnag.org.uk 'ModNaiseanta (RiogfiaiC (Dim OmUain 2006 TdiCte 6ho (DickjWafsh Tear-gairm ComataicCh Mdcf (Dhiin Omhain 2006 OEVD MILK kAiLKE -a CHAltRDEAN As Cetf Coimfiearsnacfd(Dfiun Omhain is ChdmhaiCis Comhairie <Earra (jhdidheiC is (Bhdidagus mo cho-oihrichean air Comataidh ionadada’ Mhdidtha sinn a’ cur fdiCte hhldth oirhhgu ar hade agus gu MddNdiseanta (Rioghad2006. dha sinn air Ceth fortanach cothrom fhaighinn aoigheachd a thoirt dhan Mhod Ndiseanta agus tha sinn Can dhdchasach, Ce ar n-udachaidhean a-nis suidhichte, inhheachd ar n-diteachan farpais, agus ar moCdidhean a thaohh nafeise, a hhios a ’ gahhada-steach taghadhfarsaing de thachartasan cuCtarad, cdmhCa ri cdirdeas ar Coimhearsnachd, gun codean sinn ar n-amas am Mdda dheanamh eadhon nos fhedrr ann an 2006 agus seadtainn aon uair ede gur e sdr dite a th’ ann an (Dim Omhain airson Ceithidde dhfheis chuCtarad, chudromach ndiseanta. Tha sinn a ’ cur Cuach mhdranns na tha moran a ’ deanamh gus arcdnan is arcuCtar (jdidhCig a dhion agus tron tachartas ndiseanta seo ni sinn nos urrainn dhuinn airson an amas seo adhartachadh. Tha sinn a’ toirt taing dhuihh ude airson na take tha sinn a’suiCeachadh hhuaihh agus airson seachdain mhiorbhadeach de chdirdeas ann an gdidhCig. Suas Ceis a’ ghdidhfig. DichjWaCsh Tear-gairm Comataidh Mod<Dhim Omhain 2006 fytodNaiseanta (RiogfiaiC (Dim OmUain 2006 VtfeCcomefrom (DickjWaCsh Convener (Dunoon Mocf2006 Committee ONE NVWDtRfED moVSAND WELCOMES - EEJENDS On behaCfof tfe Community of Dunoon and CowaC, flrgytf e£ (Bute CounciC and my codeagues on the (beat (Mod Committee we extend to you aCC the warmest of wetcomes to our down and to this the BjjyaC (NationaC Mod for 2006. ‘We are most privileged in being able to host the (Nationaf Mod and we are confi- dent that with our arrangements now wed in place, the quaCity of our venues for competitions, and our proposals for our <Feis which wiCC include a wide variety of Gaelic cultural events for your entertainment, together with the friendship offered by our Community we will achieve our aim and that is to male the Mod even better in the year 2006 and demonstrate once again that Dunoon is an ideal venue for such an important national cultural festival ‘We very much appreciate and value all that is done by many in securing the protec- tion of our gaelic language and culture and through this national event we will do all that we can in the furtherance of this aim. ‘We than f you all in anticipation of your support and for a wonderful wee f of friendship in gaelic. Long live gaelic. Die f‘Walsh Convener Dunoon Mod2006 Committee 5 J/Ldd‘Naiseanta (RiogfaiC <Dun Omfain 2006 TaiCte 6fo JLonghas (DdmhnaCfdcfi Ceann-suidhe din Comunn gdidfeafacti ViCC, J4 Chdirdean, tfia sinn an seo a-rithist, deiseiC airson ar cdnan is cuCtar a cHomfiarracfiadfi re tacHartais a tha mi cinnteacfi a cfiordas n na F-ui(e. Tfa cttii aig (Diin Omhain airson fdiCte SFCdtfi agus tfia na Mddan a 6Fa sa cFiedrnaidF dCainn seo roimFe air a FFitF air CetF soirFneacFaiC. CFan eiCteagamF sam FitF ogam nacF 6i tacFartas na FCiadFna seo a’ cFeart cFo soirFFeacFaiL Jln-uiridF sna ‘EiieananSiarFFa an aimsir sdnraicFte matF agus gedis toigF kJoFin d- sin a gFaSFad tFuigefFein tFa mise a ’ smaoineacFadF gur e (Bdrd na GaidFCig 6u cFoireacF ris'. TFia mi an ddcFasgun dean Fuitfa’(BFiiim, isgu F-draidn JAiCean CaimbeuC, an t-JArdOifigear, na rinn iadan-uiridFgus am 6isinn cinnteacF a deagF aimsir. TFa e a’ deanamF diofar mdr dFan TFeis, gu F-draidF dFan cFCoinn. Re 2005, rinn JoFnJA. is mifFin an-dirdegun coinnicneamaida’ FFdt’-aiseig nuair a 6Fia i a ’ tigFinn gu gort; ni sinn sin am-FCiadFna cuideacFdagus seacF gum Fi na SdtaicFean-aiseig a tigFinn a F-uiCe 20 mionaidna siiidcFiFF gumfaic siSF mdran dFuinn iron t-seacFdain! JA tFaoFF adFartais co-cFeangadte ri ar cdnan, tFa mise den FFeacFdgu FFedadFF- FarmisneacFdagainn agus sinn a’gfuasadair an t-sdgFe cFeart. TF ugfosgiadF SgoiC CjFdidFCig iirann an CjuiscFu adFoFarsdnraicFte dFuinn airson a FFitF misneacnaiC TFa mi air a rddF roimFe gu FFieif mi a ’ creidsinn gum Fi maireannacFda ’ cFdnain a cFeart cFo mdran urra ris anfFeadFainn a tFa taoFF a-muigF nan ceamaidFean (gdidFCig is a FFios i ri na F-diteacFan far a FFeiCa’ QFididntig ga FruidFinn mar cFdnan mdtFaired TFa mi cuideacFd a’ creidsinngum FitFear, san dm ri teacFd, gu mdran comain anfFeadFainn a tFa ag ionnsacnadF arcdnain airson na tFa iad a ’ deanamF gus an cdnan a neartacFadn. <Bu mFatF (earn taing a tFoirt do ar n-urrasairean is arvriomF FFuidFnean taic, CaCedonian Mac a ’ (BFriutFiainn, (Banca RiogFaifna F-jAlFa, TventScotCand, Com- FiairCe Tarra-gFdidFeiC <BFdid, (Bdrd na gdidFCig, lomairt Tarra-GFaidFeiCe£ nan ‘Edean, JAm Rosta RiogFaiC, SeirFFeisean nam MeadFanan gdidhdg, Comunn na gdidFCig, ComFairCe nan LeaFFiraicFean agus (BRC JACFa. Taing sFdnraicFte dFa ComataidF lonadaiC Mod2006 ann an (Dim OmFain a tF’ air a FFitF ag oFair cFo cruaidF tFairis air iomadF mios gus deanamF cinnteacF gum Fi an tacFartas soirFFeacFad. ViCC, tFide amfeiCeadF a tFoirt a-macF is sinnfFin a tFreanadF is a dFeiseaCacFadF airson tdiseacFaidFean trdtF is criocFnacFaidFean anmocF. CuimFnicFiFF ur Cit a gFaFFaiCsa mFadainngunfFios nacFJFeumar drama no dFd dCairson seasamF ri na FFios an siudde cFonsairtean is cneiCidFean. TFia mi gu matF cinnteacF gun cord an t-seacFdain riFF uiCe mar aig gacF Mod eiCe. Suas Ceis a’ gFaidFCig. JAongFas DdmFnaCCacF Ceann-suidFe (MbdNaiseanta (RiogHaiC (Dim Omhain 2006 ‘WeCcomefrom Angus MadDonaCd (president An Comunn Qaidfiealhcfi Vitt, friends Here we are again, ready to ceCeSrate ourCanguage andcuCture overt He course ofwHat I know widHe an event enjoyedSy ad (Dunoon Has tHe reputation of Being a welcoming Host andprevious Mods in this fine area Have Been resound- ing Cy successful I Have no douBt tHat tHis year's event wid Be equady so. Last year in tHe Western IsCes tHe weatHerwas exceptionaCandaCtHougH John A CiHes to claim credit I BeCieve tHis was attriButaBk to <Bdrd na CjaidHtig! I Hope tHe (Board memBers and especiady CHief (Executive Adn CampBed do whatever they did Cast year so that good weather can Be guaranteed. It does ma^e a great difference to the (Festival especiady for the children. Ado during 2005 John A and I made it our mission to greet the ferry as it arrived in port, we shad Be doing the same this year and since the ferries arrive at 20 minute intervals don’t expect to see too much of us during the weeh^ As far as progress in relation to our language is concerned I Believe that there is cause for optimism in that we are moving in trie right sort of directions. Fhe opening of the new (jaelic School in (jlasgow gave us a special reason to Be optimistic. I have said previously that I Believe the survivalofthe language wid owe as much to those in the geographical non-Gaelic speaking areas as much as to the areas where Gaelic is spoken as the native language. I also Believe that in future a great deBt wid Be owed to those learning our language in the worh^ that they are doing to strengthen its survival. I would lihe to thanfjour sponsors and main supporters Caledonian MacBrayne, Ahe (Royal(Banh^of Scotland, Eventscotland, Argyll & (Bute Council, (Bdrd na Gaidhug, Argyll e£ the Isles Enterprise, The Royal Mail, Gaelic Media Services, Comunn na Gdidhlig, The Gaelic (Boohs Council and(B(BC Scotland. A very special thanks to the Mod2006Local Committee in Dunoon who have worked so diligently over many months to ensure that the event is a success Wed, time to get the kilt out and to get ourselves trained and ready for early starts and late finishing. (Remember to take your porridge in the morning just in case a dram or two might Be needed to survive ad those concerts and ceilidhs. Tm quite sure you wid all enjoy the week^as you do at every other mod. Suas leis a’ Ghdidhlig. Angus Macdonald (president 7 9/ldcf‘Naiseanta (RiogfiaiC <Diin Omfiain 2006 Important information for Competitors. Competitors delayed by their appearance at another venue must inform the Chief Steward or one of his/her staff in order that all information can be relayed to the competition chairperson. Adjudication sheets will be available for collection at The Mod Office in the Queen's Hall. (Please allow about 2 hours after end of competition before collection of adjudication papers.) Mod music for Mod 2007 will be on sale at the Mod Information Desk, in the Queen's Hall, all week. Competitors are NOT allowed to consult books, manuscripts or copies of music during competitions, the only exception being instrumental competitions.
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