Reproduction is authorised provided the source is acknowledged. is source the provided authorised is Reproduction Community Research” (Project no. ICA4-CT no. (Project Research” Community -2001-10106) is responsible for the use which might be made of the information contained in this publication. this in contained information the of made be might which use the for responsible is DG Research, Programme “Confirming the international role of role international the “Confirming Programme Research, DG to 90 tons (fresh)/ha with sugar yields from 4 to 17 tons/ha. 17 to 4 from yields sugar with (fresh)/ha tons 90 to Neither the publishers, nor the European Commission or any person acting on behalf of the Commission the of behalf on acting person any or Commission European the nor publishers, the Neither thematic network funded by the European Commission, European the by funded network thematic The USA plantations between 21° and 47° latitude yield between 50 between yield latitude 47° and 21° between plantations USA The with the assistance of F of assistance the with . V . ivarelli, ETA, Florence ETA, This publication has been realised in the framework of LAMNET of framework the in realised been has publication This , Content elaborated by Dr. G. Grassi, Secretary General EUBIA, Brussels, Brussels, EUBIA, General Secretary Grassi, G. Dr. by elaborated Content ble in future. in ble more than Short Rotation Forestry Rotation Short than more . of 80 fresh tons/ha and a sugar production of ~7 ton/ha will be possi be will ton/ha ~7 of production sugar a and tons/ha fresh 80 of - [email protected] - www.eubia.org - [email protected] Tel. +32 2 28 28 420 - Fax +32 2 2828 424 2828 2 +32 Fax - 420 28 28 2 +32 Tel. (as in Grignon, France). It is estimated that a biomass yield biomass a that estimated is It France). Grignon, in (as 500 MJ/m 500 • Its high capacity to absorb CO absorb to capacity high Its • /ha per cycle), 3 times 3 cycle), per /ha CO t (~45 2 2 Rond Point Schuman, 6 - B 1040 Brussels – Belgium – Brussels 1040 B - 6 Schuman, Point Rond 2 were able to produce 20 d.t/ha with an accumulated solar radiation of radiation solar accumulated an with d.t/ha 20 produce to able were Short Rotation Forestry. Rotation Short Sweet Sorghum Korall varieties, developed by KWS Co., since 1982 since Co., KWS by developed varieties, Korall Sorghum Sweet • Its low water requirements 1/3 of sugar cane, 1/2 of corn, 1/4 of 1/4 corn, of 1/2 cane, sugar of 1/3 requirements water low Its • o emnHg aiuests(rusheg 2 7 5’North) 35’’ 17’ 52° (Braunschweig: sites Latitude High German For issues relevant to Sweet Sorghum are: Sorghum Sweet to relevant issues year reaching full maturity and a large production. Other interesting Other production. large a and maturity full reaching year [email protected] - www.wip-munich.de - [email protected] [email protected] - www.etaflorence.it - [email protected] T T el. +49 89 720 127 35 - Fax +49 89 720 127 91 127 720 89 +49 Fax - 35 127 720 89 +49 el. el. +39 055 5002174 - Fax +39 055 573425 055 +39 Fax - 5002174 055 +39 el. • Roots: ~ 10% ~ Roots: • In some regions it is therefore possible to obtain two plantations per plantations two obtain to possible therefore is it regions some In Piazza Savonarola, 10 - 50132 Florence – Italy – Florence 50132 - 10 Savonarola, Piazza Sylvensteinstr . 2 - 81369 Munich – Germany – Munich 81369 - 2 . • Grains: up to 7 % 7 to up Grains: • peratures above 10 °C must be 2600- 4600°C 2600- be must °C 10 above peratures • Leaves: 10 – 15 % of its weight its of % 15 – 10 Leaves: • during the plant cycle (120 – 150 days) the accumulated daily tem- daily accumulated the days) 150 – (120 cycle plant the during • Cane: up to 75 % of its weight its of % 75 to up Cane: • Published by Published Biomass distribution (typical): distribution Biomass The climatic conditions for successful Sweet Sorghum plantations are: plantations Sorghum Sweet successful for conditions climatic The • K • O = 0,30 % of stillage weight weight stillage of % 0,30 = O 2 perate regions as well as in poor quality soils and in semi-arid regions. semi-arid in and soils quality poor in as well as regions perate • P • = 0,22 % of stillage weight stillage of % 0,22 = O 5 2 & lignocellulosic yields. lignocellulosic & because it can be grown in all continents, in tropical, sub-tropical, tem- sub-tropical, tropical, in continents, all in grown be can it because • N = 0,2 % of stillage weight stillage of % 0,2 = N • crop of universal value, universal of crop Rio & Soave: ~ 8 t/ha) combined with others presenting higher sugar higher presenting others with combined t/ha) 8 ~ Soave: & Rio Sweet Sorghum can be considered thus a a thus considered be can Sorghum Sweet Fertilising Value of Sweet Sorgum Distillery Stillage Distillery Sorgum Sweet of Value Fertilising ghum varieties: one presenting a much higher grain yield (i.e. hybrid (i.e. yield grain higher much a presenting one varieties: ghum sugar) & animal feed products. feed animal & sugar) same results can also be obtained by the adoption of two sweet sor- sweet two of adoption the by obtained be also can results same • K • O = 0,71 % of humid bagasse weight weight bagasse humid of % 0,71 = O renewable energy products, industrial commodities, food (grains & (grains food commodities, industrial products, energy renewable 2 commercial bioenergy schemes. Of course, for large size projects, the projects, size large for course, Of schemes. bioenergy commercial lignocellulosics) but also for its capacity to provide a very wide range of range wide very a provide to capacity its for also but lignocellulosics) • P • = 0,22 % of humid bagasse weight weight bagasse humid of % 0,22 = O 5 5 2 These data are frequently used as base for an economic evaluation of evaluation economic an for base as used frequently are data These ~20 to 50 dry t/ha and to the wide range of its products: grains, sugar, grains, products: its of range wide the to and t/ha dry 50 to ~20 • N = 0,45 % of humid bagasse weight weight bagasse humid of % 0,45 = N • Fertilising Value of Sweet Sorghum Bagasse Sorghum Sweet of Value Fertilising only for its high economic value (due to its high sustainable productivity sustainable high its to (due value economic high its for only • Lignocellulosic ~ 14,5 d.t/ha 14,5 ~ Lignocellulosic • Sweet Sorghum is an extraordinarily promising multifunctional crop not crop multifunctional promising extraordinarily an is Sorghum Sweet • K • O = 10,8 kg/ha (~ 0,16 kg/t) 0,16 (~ kg/ha 10,8 = O 2 • Sugar ~ 7,5 t/ha 7,5 ~ Sugar • = 24 kg/ha (~ 0,03 kg/t) 0,03 (~ kg/ha 24 = O • P • 5 5 2 • Grains ~ 5 t/ha 5 ~ Grains • • N= 119 kg/ha (~1,8 kg/t) (~1,8 kg/ha 119 N= • and lignocellulosics yields: lignocellulosics and Production (yield: 65 fresh t/ha) fresh 65 (yield: Production 1970, that show a more equilibrated spread between sugar, starch sugar, between spread equilibrated more a show that 1970, Export of Microelements due to Sweet Sorghum Sweet to due Microelements of Export Particularly interesting are varieties developed in China since the year the since China in developed varieties are interesting Particularly Fructose 1,04 % 1,04 years and/or treatment effect. treatment and/or years Glucose% 1,74 various EU regions. Ranges within regions are due to varieties, to due are regions within Ranges regions. EU various Saccharose% 7,13 Stem fresh and dry matter and sugar yields of Sweet Sorghum in Sorghum Sweet of yields sugar and matter dry and fresh Stem (377 ZH 101/KWS) ZH (377 T able : high saccharose crop crop saccharose high : G. Grassi G. Figure 1: Sugar distribution Sugar 1: Figure One of the best world food-feed-energy crop food-feed-energy world best the of One GHUM SOR SWEET here below (EU Trials): (EU below here Sweet Sorghum, agronomic practice. Typical values are presented are values Typical practice. agronomic Sorghum, Sweet -climatic condition (temperature, precipitation), soil quality, variety of variety quality, soil precipitation), (temperature, condition -climatic meters: LAMNET The productivity of Sweet Sorghum largely depends on many para- many on depends largely Sorghum Sweet of productivity The ON BIOENERGY ON Sweet Sorghum Productivity Sorghum Sweet LA TIN TIN AMERICA AMERICA THEMA TIC NETW TIC ORK Cultivation Requirement & Agronomic Practice Sweet Sorghum* Potential (medium term: 20 years) Energy Inputs and Outputs for 1 ha * Assuming a Sweet Sorghum productivity of 8 t sugar/ha and 20 dry ton bio- of Sweet Sorghum (Mcal/ha) • Soil quality: acceptable heavy clay or high % of sand; mass/ha • Soil acidity: PH 4,5 to 8,5; Energy Inputs: • Soil salinity: better resistance than corn; AREA BIOETHANOL PELLETS BIOFUEL • Temperature: total accumulated daily temperature from 2,600 °C (mio ha) (mio t/y) (M.TOE/y) Operation of the machines 1,700 up to 4,600°C during the growing cycle with minimum germination E U –25 25 120 205 Ploughing 305,5 temperature of 8°C – 10°C; Sweet Sorghum is a plant for limited Brasil 33 160 270 Seed bed preparation 37 daylight hours; Africa 12,3 60 50 Fertilization 15,5 • Water demand is 200 m3/t with an average rainfall need of 500 to China 9 45 75 Seeding 50 600 mm. World** 900 Sweet 4,300 7,300 Weeding 129 (very long Sorghum or E.U.
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