AVEBAOE DAILT aBOULA'nON Moath at Oetetar, ItSS THE WEATHEB Forceaat at C. 8. Weather Hiirtford 6.201 Mmaber ot tba.Aadn Sfcawati toalgiit probably TiHaa I Saaday morning, wanner bi north iL i Banaa at Ctrralatloaz portion tonight. SUghUy colder Snnday. MAN(HESTER — A CITY OF VILLAGE CHARM VOL. LVItt, NO. 81 (Uaeemad AdeartMag am Paga 10) MANCHESTER, CONN., SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 5, 1938 r WELVB PAGES) PRICE THREE CENTS Diver Seeks Cause of Nazi Ship Blast T0 0I2NNAVY POWERS REPORTED YARDINSOinH HUNGARIAN INFANTRY PLANNING PROTEST DLElirEAliS CROSSES ON SECOND ON JAPANESE ACTS Revivd Of New Orleans PENSION SALX PLAN Plant, War Factories Is United States, Great Brit- FINDa NO CI7STOMEBS TO CZECH TERRITORY Frederick, Md., Nov. 8.— Part Of Defense Activity; aia And France Prepar- (AlP)—Two city sUckeni offer- ACCIDENTAL FIRINO T ing pensions at "bargain rates" KILLS BRITISH SOLDIER' ing To Question Barring failed to And any customers May Keep Fleet In Atlantic RAINS CHECK Soldiers Enter Ceded S e^ among elderly residents here. London, No. 8— (AP) — The J. Sheldon Turner, executive Accidental firing of one of Bri- tion With Occupation Of Trade In Yangtie VaOey. secretary of the Frederick Coun- Washington. Nov. 8.— (A P )—The tain’s famed "12 abota a minute" FOREST HRES ty Welfare Board, said the two administration's decision to reopen anti-aircraft guna. in which a men offered to sell 860 monthly blank bad been loaded inatead pensions for $20 "to pay for the New Orleans navy srard, inoper- Island Of Little Sekoett; Shanghai, Nov. 8.—(AP) — The o f an empty ahell caae, killed one necesMry stamps and other ative since 1921. gave fresh Indica- ted States, Great Britain and IN 16 STATES territorial soldier today and things." tion today that the “temporary" wounded five otbera. Cavalry And ArtiHerf France were reported by reliable The sales fell through when Atlantic squadron, created laat The crew manning the gim, smlgn circles today to be prepar one cautious townsman called September, might become a perma- reputed to he a deadly menace to bis banker to seek approval Units FoHow Troops' _ new protests against being nent sea force. Damage To Timber Sbmds any exlatlng aircraft, was barred from the rich Tangtxe val -a, Only last spring. Admiral Wll- cleaning up" after a mock air ley while Japanese merebanta were lum D. L«ahy, chief of naval oper- attack when a blank shell left In And Farm Crops Estimat< Planes Circle C laying foundations for ecoNomlc ations, told a House committee that the breech wa# fired accidentally, monopolies. J the Navy had more facllltlea on the hurling a ramrod Into the crew. Japanese spokesmen insisted that SEEK POLITICS Atlantic coast than were ne^ed. ed In Hundreds Of ThoD” military necessity required that the Budapest Nov. 8.— (A P )—H oa- At that Ume, however, the fleet Yangtze be made virtually a Jap- was concentrated In tha Padfle. garlan troops crossed the Dmxiuba anese river. Since then. 38 vessels have been sands In Blazing Area. river on a pontoon brtdga exactly on Japanese commercial interests IN CROSS VISIT organized Into the Atlantic squa- the scheduled second today to atafi aIs(Y started eatabllabing trade coa AVER DALADIER dron. In the meantime, too, there occupying another slice o f diamera^ nectlona in South China. has been official concern over the By ASSOCIATED PBESS Canton dispatches aald Japanese be red Czechoslovakia. ' C i TO ROOSEVET possibility that the totalitarian Forest Ares consumed timber on WhUe the rest of Hungary, which merchant ships had begun saving states might seek expansion In IS A PLOTTER at Canton, although foreign ship- additional thousands o f acrM today has awaited this momant nace aha South America. Thla concern was lost territory after the Wortd War. ping still was barred from the reflected In President Roosevelt's but rains checked the spread of Pearl river and there was no appar- flames In many sectlona of tbe na- called the day her “ national reaurrae* , Governor Says Nothing Of reasserUon oif the principles of the tlon," the .soldiers entered the ceded ' ent prospect that the ban would be Monroe doctrine. tion's 16-atate fire area. WITH RIGHTISTS Ufted. area, totalling some 4,875 square To Open Ordnaaoa Plant Drenching rains In the South mllea, at 10 a. m. (4 a. m., e. s. t ) , A Japanese spokesman aald trad- Chat When He Retiims; President Roosevelt announced A mysforious explosion, which Injured at least four crew mem- broke a prolonged drouth and help- ers going to Hankow and Canton north of Altenberg, Hungary, . < at Hyde Park, N. Y., yesterday the "PP™ open the German steamship Vancouver and caused her ed control hundreds ot blaaea but The first step was tbs oocnpatlM . were “limited to furnishing gooda ach ing In the Oakland, Calif., estuary, where autboritiea sought permanent relief dejiended upon Paris ConuminisU Accuse to the Japanese navy and army' Parties Strengthen Battle adminlstraUoD'a intention to re- ot the island of Little Schuett near - open the New Orleans yard. He als) ue caiM of the blast A telephone call by an unidentilled person continued precipitation. the former Czech eonununity of and Insisted they were not engaging to the Oakland Tribune. Informing them of the blast a few minutes The damage to timber stands and Doborgas. In public business. said steps were being taken to cut Premier Of InspirinK At- Lines On Chosen Issues. down delays In the construcUon of Mfore It occurred, lent credence to a possible theory of saboUge. A farm crops was estimated In the Realdeats Cheer SoMlen * Meanwhile, flghtlng continued on mver Is shonTi being lowered Into the water to Investigate the Mg warships %nd that a 832,000,000 hundreds o f Umusands. Tbe fire Hungarian reaidente of the reglea, numerous fronts, the heaviest action hole In the hull of the steamer, which bad 7 passengers and a crew area extended from Michigan to the tack On Headquarters Of many drasaed In colorful peasaat being around Hankow and In South World War srdnancs plant at OX M aboAra. Gulf and from the Atlantic to the costumM, caroa to cbear Um ragl- " China. By ASSOCIATED PBESS South Charleston, W. Va., would be reopened. Mississippi waterfhed. meat of Infantry 'which was tha fln t - Oenerallaalmo Cblang Kai-Shek, Followers of the Connecticut H. W. Berckman, dlatrlct forsater, Pkrty; See Coop Phumed. to cross tbs Improvised bridge. with a group of Soviet Russian ad' Rapid change in dealgr. Hr. campaign speculated today wl^ether Rooaevelt said, has been a major estimated the timber loan In oae Tbs infantrymen were fellowad by vlsera, more than 100 new tanks and KentucI^ county, Harlan, at 8800,- there was any political signlflcance reason for delays In warship con- cavalry and artillery tmlts, whlla Russian-strengthened artillery, 000. FIros awept over 8,000 acres Parts, Nov. 8.— (A P )—Oommu- overhead a dozen Hungarlaa air- said to have chosen South Hunan In the visit Governor Cross' paid strucUon. The government, be add- BRITISH FLIERS ASSAIL In the state and endangered live nlsU chargad officlaUy today that planes circled. province aa base for a new stand yesterday to Presldant Roosevelt at ed, wanted to reduce the Ume be- major coal mining properties. Har- The territory was awardsd Hun- a Premlar Edouard Daladier’a cam- against the Japanese. his Hyde Park, N. Y., home. tween appropylaUona for the ships lan and Pike counties In the coal gary by Italian and Oermaa msdU- To back up thla new phase of and the compIeUon of their con- paign agalnat them Inspired aa at- One republican orator suggested fields still were menaced despite the tors at Vienna last Wednasday. Ths resistance the Chinese will have an strucUon. LONG DISTANCE RECORD rains. the governor had gone there to re- tack by Natlonallat hands on tbe four-power “peace of Munich air baae In Yunnan, southwestem- The chief executive did not dls- Fourth of State ta Zone 29 and subsequent mlnorttlM con- naost province of China, where port fears of a Democratic defeat In party's headquartara laat night A (foonecUcut next Tueaday aad to cloaa '.vhat use would be made ot the A hundred majo’r fires and un- statement laimed by communists ac- cessions cost Csecboslovakla about American Instructors are trainliilni: W est lUrglBla plant Idto for about counted small ones ragtd In West 16,165 square mllM, o f which 103M ypong airmen to sxpaad tha amali aeek prealdentlal Intervention aa a Strike Tbreatening WeatherP|J^^ ouaad tha prsmier at “compUclty last mfouta aid la the campaign. 18 years. It was Intended for cob' Virginia wbers, Stata Forester D. B. with ths sworn sasmlss at democ- aquare ndlaa went ta OeraMBy, 4Sa "VBt effective' force t>f Rosaian' strucUon of armor plate, but Mr. Griffin aald, tbe flames bad ths firs- to Poland, and 4378 to Huagaty, eqxilpped^d manned plenee. Hi# governor said nothing about racy.” bis luncheon chat with the presi- Rooaevelt said It woul<Ynot be used fighters' “backs sgslnst the wall." The flnt Hungartana actually ta Dtepeelttea of Pereee. Tha attack, tn which about a dent when he returned to the state for that purpose. A 1600 mile area—one-fourth o f the dosen youths chanting tbs French step upon tha fonaar Casefa , soO Latest reports from the front stote—was In the Are sone. Nearly were a detachment of engtneera arho laced Jepaneee forces In the Han- laat night and plunged anew Into The New (5rleans staUon Is valusd Mtional anthem shattered windows the campaign by addressing a rally by the Navy at 84.669,041.
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