J .. A'' ■ ■) > l» r - /* ' . • r -f r’^‘ « " ;• /■» >«i» < ^0 " ? r . •m t r VOL. U L, NO. fL « flKf* It.) 8 0 ^ MANC9S8TBB, JAPAN CONTINUES THEIR VtfiCES TANGCE ffiNATE d : TROOP MOVEMENTS ' '• -v/m; >'«• ^ CU m m M jfar; HeidqBv- PAPAL BULL SETS - . CMtttt. ten Baabri From Aor; \ ' Bcimca Old kard^ ^ ASIDE HOLYYEAR ntswcnniHEs Muiy Odiet .tM ToW ^ 190J)00 OdMse Solfien Fdiwm ol Fiwid^ IbUers TweTcmiQA ' A w i k A tta u A . Pope Pks Has Docnment :Rqiitt S u ^ W9 0 ^ . 'i,r . ■ W i Co m ^ At PriM lt Read h the Principal ShaiilwOcwu, China. Jan. 16. — WateinGton, Jan.* 16 —» (AP) V enatt Coofresanu Says Sesm t--SaLljadi Bit (A P )—RaUaa reiationB with the dm ithes In Rome. RumblinGs amonG Repubfirim rtiinwin NattonaUat foveniment forces forecast a stirri^'. oontM Flirty Sknid Bt R eorfu - Ciiy R ecartrdQ KB Thd WK« stralaad today becanse of the soon between toe Old (Ikurd and elaylnjr of an Italian messenGer by Vatican City, Jan. 16.—(A P )—A fbllowen of President Hebva for Chinese troops. kei^lkw Leaders Nenled Starts Ihdt K tcn m a p^Md buU today set aside the 12 contool of toe party orGanisation. The Italian was shot down by the months beGinninG April 2 as a holy O'*' Alredly a move.baa bear started rhtnear as he was passinG the Sino- to resiit uiy effort tty; Mr.' Hoover’* Japanase battlefront southwest of year of prayer, penance and pil friends to have him retiun thb WashinGton, Jan« ,16.— (AP) — Hartford, Jan. 1 6 ^ (A P )—)M - here. ItaUan anthorities posted in GiimaGe tp Rome and Paleatine. titular cUeltainahl|p' of the par.y Representative Gibson. (R., V t), catoma toAt many of ton eontnsvar- tits treaty area insisted he had been Pope Piux XL said it should lead to after retirea from, toe preddeiKy. sial matters of two pAasi aGo wffl assured safe passaGe. s^d in a statement today that toe “sodaL political and international . Indicatiais are. todt tM ’atruGfH next ^puUican candidate for Pres­ ■gain donodnate ^ proeeodiaGx The Govenunent was ex­ peace." now haisG wpGed behind* the. bcfnpa, pected to demand satisfaction from ident "ttiohild come from toe “com-' toe preaeat General Aaaafiil^ aps^ An "extraordinary holy year” trill break into the open afteir soon folk” and that a reorGanisation the CSdnese Govenunent at NankinG, and "a General and hiGhest Jubflee” . tinue to Grow afronGar daily. ^ th other nations siGnatory to the Much'S. ' ‘ o f toe party should be initiated by was to mark what the Pon^ be­ The bitter fiGht these three men have carried on aGainst the^Glasa BankinG Bill in the Sroate resulted in Hud ihr: Hoover dqd^. ^ RepubUcan members of the next When toe LeGlalatora.oeiiyaie Boated protocol, Italy maintains Gar­ lieved to be the 19th centenary of tiaue as tUk temkiatiilG factor in morrow for their third seaelan risons at Shanhaikwan and Tientsin one of. the Great^t leGislative snarls ever to entanGle the upper house of ConGress. Important leGislation - Holii»ie. the ’Tasaion of Jesus ChtteL IBs inriu^^- the vote on the President's veto of the Philippine Independence nUA-haS 1|ien hjtld ba^ by the "" oiGanlaatlon wilte a vtaw ^they Gibabh criticised toe RepubUcan amonG the bins tead is «tyect*d to • to protect traflic on the Petjping- cmcillxkm and death for the salva­ be one creatinG a District ' CoOrt. Sbanbaikwan railway and the Ital­ filibuster with threat 6f;^a p C ^ on coininG fron)^ Diempcratlc leaders. Pictured bein Senator leaderidiip o f'to e present Houise as tion of men.” Burton K Wtiecltf shakSog hbnda vritb S ^ t o r Elmer, Vhotaas o f Oklahoma, VrUlo Senator Huey Laog of tom In; Jildr o ^ d ^ S u ^ tbe nbu-. 'close corporation” which be said system. ian commander In Tiratsin was said The dooument was read yester­ Inee. la the betttt ‘Generally h w ^ to have been assured Us messenGer Louiriana is Ohvthe riGht. ' ahuhted aUe men to the back­ As ia 1931, this measiiro adQ day in St. Peter’s, and' readinGs R^ubiioana oh c^tol.I^.' > Ground. probatdy be soUdly M^pteted hy would rea^ the border city safely. were set later in S t John L a te n t Japanese military authorities, . ^G naid SliGhted . “The party must be orGanised into Demoertts in view at GevbsnjNr. meanwhile, feared they may have mother churdi of Rome; Maiy Ma­ . But members of .toe old : Guard, a^hU nG uUt to represent toe com- Cross’ repeated advopAOJ Of fa ^ acted too late In attmnptinG to block jor and S t Paul’A outside the walls. wbq considered themaelvea sUshtail m<m ,people-.6f the .cbxmtry,” he said. GanisinG.toe minor eoinrtA the passes of the Groat Wan of The. dean of protonotaiies read it to MRS. SAYIS IS DEAD; durinG toe Hoover adminittratioii "It bap bara an effortive criticiam The new District Court hUI mitim and *»«»«« facilitate the annexa­ the conGreGation in S t Peter’s. BILL IS M A Y O ) are tdkiaG. about havinG the pres­ that it has fkUed in this purpose dur­ drawn up by toe judicial oouadt • . aV. V-M*.;; I I- t-. V •• •> « ..-I v- * ■ *. .. .< tion of JehU provlttce to Manchukuo, The Pope’s recent protests ent party setup “cleaned out froM inG the last few years, and for that differs from that defSAbs*' two the Japanese-sponaored Manchtirian aGainst churCh restrictions in top to bottom,” and a nbw ayan- reason the .vb^ra have turned to toe years «Go in that the matiiod aV Spain, Mexico and Ruoda w en re­ WHM DAUGHTER state. izatioo created, with a. conservative leader of smother party who prom­ appointli^ toe district judGsa is called in thla passti^: "Oh, miQr FOR ANOTHER Wmg basia but a slant satiataetory to4ha ises to accompUsb what they beUeve U6,M0 SoMtera left to toe General A issxiWy to the moat merdful Lord brinG about liberal element of toe party. for toair Good.’” decide. Two yeaira aGo the bill pro­ About 180,000 CUneae troops were that the hdy year which we shall They want to take over party "Cw^dGe Type" ’ already in the province. posed toe judGes be aiqx*nta6 shortly inauGurate will brinG peace Wat WUe Hoase bFiJe; contim early ih the sprinG to pre­ Gibson said the party needed a toe Governor. Ten were known to have to souls, to the churcb that liberty Senate Committee Fails To pare for the CoiGressional camt- latuier of “the OopUdGe type" and been hastened throush Ciumenkow, DRYLAWISSTILL New Measure evers^where due her x x x.” paytt In 3884. “mutt Give direction to toe hopes the pass of nine Gates, north of UrGes'Prayer Deak Follows OparaliM With murii preliminary man- andf'- aai^ratioas of toe common folk The new measuro propeead to att. here, by the Chinese General ChanG He called upon the world to turn Reach AGreement f k euverjtaG ia GoinG.on, toe battle lines if^ it' is to Get away from toe bUGht up 36 district ooorta. These will ro- Hriao-LUuDG, just before Japanese its mind "from earthly and decay­ IMPORTANT ISSUE mre not yet definitely, drawn. They of the rqiutatlcha of servinG biG busi­ place all the prsaent courta bttew blodcedlt. k Cankilft. toe Superior, Court inG thinGs” X X X he urGed prajrer Measnre— AlcohoEc Con­ ■re, however, to center about the ness onty.” ' J^wneae airplanes bombed and and pennance, not only ^ . those of ebairmanship of toe RepubUcan Na­ “It is a weO known fact,” Gibson The aalariea o f the diatriet judGaa heavily damaGed a Chinese military the church, but for "sD mankind tional comiUttee, now hdd' by said, “tott. ^ RepubUcan Party would ranGe from 86,500 in the haadquartsres at Kailu, in northeast led astray by so many discords and tent Starts Disdssion. IbirteeD Years DU T«hy CkimbridGe. Mass., Jan. 16—(AP) Everjst Sanders, secretaty. to the poUcy and stsmeGy of toe House has larGsot districts to 81.560 for toe Jdibl, Japanaae reports said today. smaller districts. bostiltty* taborlaG under so many —Mrs. Jsiri* WniMi Sayre, dmii^- late (folvin (foolidGe wheb he was been shaped and directed by a few Jqianeas obntinuBd a troop move^ ndseriaa and feazfol .o f so many President. members joined, into a. dose corpora- In-obnaectlbn with : toe District ment into ^ provinca from that re­ ter of PresIdMUt Woodrow Wilson, (fourts plan, toere has arlasn con­ dangeea.” WashinGton, Jan. 16.— (A P)— A . Not To ResiGn. * . tipn. kwtyAMe m oi have been left Gion whl(h ai^eared to be aiminG to The Wpe asserted that “the pre­ and fife-lonG woricer In social ser­ Talk amonG toe Repuhlicaaa is in toe.bawRjdund. and. Given no op- siderable conjaeture also aa to oeeverGB wMh t)tiiet troope in this week’s driay for the Collier-Blaihe vice and' toe cause of world peace, pmtunity to devttpp in leadership. w^hat IT any actioD^ will be tohaa cise year” of the death and crud- AskFffstYew. that .Sanders.desires to relinGuish section in .a drive aplnat Jehol fixion of Jesus Christ *Tias not been bill to leGalise 3.05 beer ahd-wine the post wi^dn a ftm mootoa at th* F^w have been able to break into by too, General AasenUdy to enabt City, the provincial c^iitaL Aed latalAat niGbb'' She was 48. into l^IttatioB toe pkteoaala for hiatovicaUy aaootafoed, neverthe- was forced todity. when the SenMe wife of Pyof. Francis lAtcsL tttottiGh b* bas A s h ^ ^ charmed ehtde. That ia toe .real A oounter-fttack by chincss economy, made la it WsSlL in laas the fact In Itndf x x x if of judidary diRBBrMttae fa il^ to , xtnik eoripeseent inbm ^B ot TUfsoti w toe ladk of leaders on toe troops aGalast T^mGHao, diracMy such grmvllBt And>-fmpnttanae WiaUnGtoB, Jkn.
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