GOVERNMENT OF INDIA OFFICE OF THE CHIEF COMMISSIONER OF INCOME TAX & CHt\lRMAN CENTRAL GOVERNMNET EIV1POlYEES VVELFARE CO-ORD!NATION C0MMITTEE AAYAI{AR BHAW.ll.N,16/69, CIVil LINES I<ANPUR F. No. CGEWCC/AMA! 2018-19/ t..-\ ~ 13 Dated: 31.12.2019 To All the Heads of Central Government Department, KA N PUR. Sir, Sub: Empanelment of AlJthorised Medical Attendant (A.M.A.) for Central Government Employees for the (~alendar Year 2020- Reg.- • Kindly refer to the above. The Hon'ble Chairman, CGEWCC, Kanpur has been pleased to accord approval for empanelment of the following Doctors as Authorized Medical Attendant (A.Nl.As) for. the Calendar Year, 2020 for such Central Government Employees who come within the purview of CS ([VIA) Rules, 1964 with reference to letter O.M. No. S-11025jll0/79-NS, dated 20.03.82, issued by the Ministry of Health & I=amily Welfare. Their empanelment is valid upto 31.12.2020 . •• .~ISTOF APPLICANTS FOR .L\PPOiNTrvlENT A~ A.fvU\. FOR niE CALFNDAR YE.il,r;2020 r-Sl~·-lNar~-e-.&-'---'R-e-si~-e-nt-ia-I A-d-d-r~-'s-- -C--li-n-ic-A-d-d-r-e~-;r--W--h-p-_- t-h-er-- -W-h-et-her--\ili-he-therl No. Qualification Contact No. fresh case Owned Assessed of Doctor or renewal any to Tax case Nursing I S/Shri/Srnt. Horne/ ---OJ ---ruc----Kakkar,.--------117/518,---.---Pandu----.-Nagar----.,--. --119/434,.--.----------1---Renew---al--..~?SPi~No Yesr-----· MEWS, MD Kanpur-05 Darshanpurwa, Case (Med.) Kanpur-12 025:1<. Gupta, 3/25,Vi;tmupuri, :~:::.:178 Renewal r-N~---~Y~S MBBS, MD Kanpur-Oz Vishnupuri Kanpur- Case I (Med.) 02 I I 9415044135 0310, M;;~Z 44.AS!G),A;.andpu;C -~ :::;::,4:.3:locrl Renewal IN~----~es- _-I I_J~BBS__ ..J TP. N:g:,anpur ...J~:;;il,:r, ._LI I._._J V V' .~ c-) ',--'" ,....-----'( r o~t"-rMr~Ganga. 44-AB (G), Anandpuri, 128/99, F- Block, Renewal No Yes !'. I Misra, MBBS T.P. Nagar, Kanpur. Kidwari Nagar, Case Kanpur 9651690720 _._----- 05 Gopal Gupta, 81-N, Block-C, 144/6, Old Shivli Renewal No Yes MBBS, Indira Nagar, Kanpur Road, Kalyanpur, Case M.D.(Medicine) Kanpur I i 9839504323 I r----------+----------r--------~---~-----r_------! 06 I Vipin 39, Azad Nagar, SBI 57, Bithoor Road, Renewal No I Yes ! ! Srivastava,MB I Building, Kalyanpur, Kalyanpur,l<anpur Case I I BS . Kanpur-02 . 0512-:2570398/ I I 9415133048 I 07- M·.1-(-.- -A-ga--r-w-a-I,--t--F-la-t-N-o--P--us-h-p-i.-6-0-4---,+-S-i n-g-h-a-IM-e-d-ic-a-I--+-R-e-ne-w-aI---+-N-O---Ir-Y-e-s---l MBBS, MRSH Appartment 522, Centre (Pvt.) Ltd., Case I! (London) Sharda Nagar, Kanpur GC-95, Panki Road, I i Kalyanpur, Kanpur I 9936798218 I 9336818218 I 08 5.1<Bajpai,. 29S, M Block, Yashoda 295, M Block, Renewal No Yes I BMS (Homeo) Nagar, Kanpur Yashoda Nagar, Case ! Kanpur I' I 9336477080· ! 09 K.C.Kapoor, HIG-48, Ratan Lal 6/4, Block-L, Renewal No Ye-;:---l , MBBS Nagar, Kanpur Govind Nagar, Case I Kanpur 9839182756 I 10 A.A. Zafri, 70-LlG, Indira Nagar, 53, Bithoor Road, Renewal No Yes---I MBBS Kanpur Kalyanpur, Kanpur Case I . 0512-2570148/ , I 9389888181/ 9839162002 -.-f-----------r------- ..-.-----+- 11 Dr. Kamal 21, MIG, Indira Nagar, . Siddarth Nagar, I--Renewal-+1----No+-+--Ye-s---: : Tripathi, l<alyanpurKanpur Gooba Garden, Case I BAMS Kalyanpur & I Chandial Gate, , Nankari, Kanpur ! 9839065572 I i-- -+-- .P-a-n-d-e-y-,- -. -Ir-1-1-7-j-H·--2-j-S,-p--a-n-d-u---t-9---10-,-o-e-e-p----I-R-e-n-e-~-a-I--+-N-o------t Yes---- 12 J N ---I MBBS Nagar, Kanpur-05 Chandra Park, Case I "i Vishnupuri, I' Kanpur-O? i 9335923337 i 1-13-+-Y-.P-.-S-in-g-h-,--+-1-7-0-,-La-k-h-a-n-p-u-r,-V-il-~-s-r-8-/1-5-0-,-A-ry-a-N-ag-a-r-,-r--Re-J-le-w-a-I--+-N-o----4-Y-e-s----l MBBS Nagar, Kanpur Kanpur Case I 9415042270 I 1---1--------+-----:--:---------1----------+-------1-------- ------1 14 Dr. Ajay 117 jQj228-A, Sharda Nirmal RajClinic, Renewal No Yes I Shukla, B_Sc., Nagar, Kanpur Mishra Market, Case I MBBS Pachor Road, Mandhana, Kanpur i I I 9450123521 -----r----I ------1 i Dr. Surendra Plot No.91, Shanker MIG-32, Krishna Renewal No I Yes I Prasad Nagar, Maswanpur, Vihar, Avas vikas I Case Sharma, Kanpur-19 1st,Kalyanpur, ~ l . - . , /;--:-1 DHMS Kanpur 9450152474 !-- 16 Dr. B.N. Kamla Polyclinic 827, Lakhanpur Renewal No Yes Acharva, MD 14-8, Gadarian Purwa, Housing Society Case ,/ (Hom.) Vikas Nagar, Kanpur-02 (Near Sanjivini Hospital), I Awadhpuri Road, ~ t.akhanpur, Kanpur- 02 9839036919 c----- ---~ - ---+-----_.- 17 Dr. R.N. I HIG-197, Kaila'sh Vihar, 148-6, Panki Road, Renewal No Yes Tripathi, Panki Road, Kalyanpur, Kalyanpur, Kanpur- Case MBBS Kanpur-208017 17 0512-2571922 • 9415126710 .t---+--J 18 Dr. Madhukar 265-A, Navsheel Dham, 157, Awantipuram, Renewal No Yes I vashishtha, Kalyanpur, Bithoor Bithoor Road, Case MBBS,MS Road, Kanpur-17 Kalyanpur, Kanpur 7881110745 I ------ --I---+----j 19 Dr. Satish 236A, Vikas Nagar, 236A, Vikas Nagar, Renewal No Yes i Kumar Thana, Kalyanpur, Thana, Kalynapur, Case i Tripathi, BMS Kanpur Kanpllr I 9336507089 -I 9621979638 20 Dr. Rajeev 193, H-2 Block, I<idwai 133/171-A-M, Renewal No .'rYes - I Shukla, BHMS Nagar, Kanpur Block, Site No.1, Case Kidwai Nagar, I -~-I-~~-p-a-~-d-hi--'~4-7-5-,-v-a-;-u-V-ih-a-r-,---~-~-~-~~~-~-:-y-lI-V-i-h-ar-,--~R-e-n-e-w-a-I-~N-O-----~~~----I Saxena, Harjinder Nagar, Harjinder Nagar, Case I i L~.:\t1BBS, MS Kanpur Kanpur I I I _____________ ~9211125 , .._l.__. L__ J • 3.lt is requested that nomination of Authorized medical Attendant (A.M.A) may be made by individual Heads of Departments keeping in view the requirements for the employees working in their organization, under intimation to this office, as prescribed under Government of India, Ministry of Health & Family Welfare O.M. No. 14025/113/79-MS dated 28.05.82 and C&AG Cir. No. 445-Audit/17/87/111-90 (86) dated 10.08.1990. 4.AII such Central Government Employees who are residing within the limits of the CGHS dispensaries will have to take the benefits only from the CGHS, irrespective of the fact whether their departments are situated within the limits of CGHS or not. All such Central Government Employees and Pensioners who are living outside the limit of CGHS can also take benefit from CGHS. Only such employees who are residing outside the limit of CGHS and notwilling to take the benefit of CGHS will be eligible for getting medical treatment from A.M.A. (Authorized Medical Attendant). S.Tltis is made clear that all the Heads of the Central Government Departments should ensure that all such Central Government Employees, who are required to take benefit only from CGHS, cannot take ,. medical treatment from A.M.As. If any such Central Government Employee who is not eligible for medical treatment from A.M.A. and takes medical treatment from A.M.A., the responsibility for such deed would nnt be on the Central Government Employees Welfare Co-ordination Committee, but the responsibility would be on the department concerned. )t:-\y--f '1 irfJ-.'-· f 7 ,,-=,. .. ~~Thisis to bring to the notice of the Authorized Medical Attendant that if _~H.!/shewants to get his empanelment as A.M.A. renewal for the Caiendar Year 2021 also, he should furnish an application in this regard alongwith his rornplete Bio-data and all required enclosures through Indian Medical Association, Kanpur to the Chairman, CGEWCC, Kanpur on or before 30.11.2020. No applicatipn,, received after 30.11.2020 will be considered for empanelment as A.M.A. Yours faithfully J~~J~ (5.1<. Verma) 1~ Income Tax Officer-3(S.) & Secretary, CGEWCC, Kanpur For ProChief Commissioner of Income Tax/Chairman CGEWCC, Kanpur. .. •.
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