History of Genetics Book Collection Catalogue Below is a list of the History of Genetics Book Collection held at the John Innes Centre, Norwich, UK. For all enquires please contact Mike Ambrose [email protected] +44(0)1603 450630 Collection List Symposium der Deutschen Gesellschaft fur Hygiene und Mikrobiologie Stuttgart Gustav Fischer 1978 A69516944 BOOK-HG HG œ.00 15/10/1996 5th international congress on tropical agriculture 28-31 July 1930 Brussels Imprimerie Industrielle et Finangiere 1930 A6645004483 œ.00 30/3/1994 7th International Chromosome Conference Oxford Oxford 1980 A32887511 BOOK-HG HG œ.00 20/2/1991 7th International Chromosome Conference Oxford Oxford 1980 A44688257 BOOK-HG HG œ.00 26/6/1992 17th international agricultural congress 1937 1937 A6646004482 œ.00 30/3/1994 19th century science a selection of original texts 155111165910402 œ14.95 13/2/2001 150 years of the State Nikitsky Botanical Garden bollection of scientific papers. vol.37 Moscow "Kolos" 1964 A41781244 BOOK-HG HG œ.00 15/10/1996 Haldane John Burdon Sanderson 1892-1964 A banned broadcast and other essays London Chatto and Windus 1946 A10697655 BOOK-HG HG œ.00 15/10/1996 Matsuura Hajime A bibliographical monograph on plant genetics (genic analysis) 1900-1929 Sapporo Hokkaido Imperial University 1933 A47059786 BOOK-HG HG œ.00 15/10/1996 Hoppe Alfred John A bibliography of the writings of Samuel Butler (author of "erewhon") and of writings about him with some letters from Samuel Butler to the Rev. F. G. Fleay, now first published London The Bookman's Journal 1925 A65336167 BOOK-HG HG œ.00 15/10/1996 Reichert Edward Tyson A biochemic basis for the study of problems of taxonomy, heredity, evolution file:///C|/Documents and Settings/walkera/Desktop/TMPa790lqqbn9.htm (1 of 393)10/30/2007 14:46:07 file:///C|/Documents and Settings/walkera/Desktop/TMPa790lqqbn9.htm etc with especial reference to the starches and tissues of parent-stocks and hybrid-stocks and the starches and hemoglobins of varieties, species, and genera Washington Carnegie Institution of Washington 1919 A70809806 BOOK-HG HG œ.00 2/10/1998 Reichert Edward Tyson A biochemic basis for the study of problems of taxonomy, heredity, evolution etc with especial reference to the starches and tissues of parent-stocks and hybrid-stocks and the starches and hemoglobins of varieties, species, and genera Washington Carnegie Institution of Washington 1919 A70809805 BOOK-HG HG œ.00 1/8/1994 Carrington Richard A biography of the sea the story of the world ocean, its animal and plant populations, and its influence on human history London Chatto and Windus 1960 A38277227 BOOK- HG HG œ.00 31/5/1990 Gates Reginald Ruggles A botanist in the Amazon valley an account of the flora and fauna in the land of floods London H.F. and G.Witherby 1927 A40568027 BOOK-HG HG œ.00 28/8/1991 A calendar of the correspondence of Charles Darwin, 1821-1882 with supplement Cambridge Cambridge University Press 1994 05214342388540 BOOK-HG HG œ.00 25/4/1994 Romanes George John A candid examination of theism London Kegan Paul, Trench, Trubner 1892 A48644270 BOOK-HG HG œ.00 8/12/1992 A century of Darwin. Cambridge Harvard University Press 1958 A17695988 BOOK-HG HG œ.00 15/10/1996 Portugal Franklin H Cohen Jack Sidney A century of DNA a history of the discovery of the structure and function of the genetic substance Cambridge, Mass MIT Press 1978 A51765501 BOOK-HG HG œ.00 7/9/1998 Windle Bertram Coghill Alan Sir A century of scientific thought and other essays London Burnes and Oates 1915 A61725735 BOOK-HG HG œ.00 15/10/1996 Lempriere John 1765?-1824 A classical dictionary containing a copious account of all the proper names mentioned in antient authors with the value of coins, weights, and measures, used among the Greeks and Romans and a chronological table London T. Cadell 1839 A65596202 BOOK-HG HG œ.00 15/10/1996 A companion to Greek studies Cambridge Cambridge University Press 1906 A67376303 BOOK-HG HG œ.00 15/10/1996 A companion to Latin studies Cambridge Cambridge University Press 1913 A65986262 BOOK-HG HG œ.00 15/10/1996 file:///C|/Documents and Settings/walkera/Desktop/TMPa790lqqbn9.htm (2 of 393)10/30/2007 14:46:07 file:///C|/Documents and Settings/walkera/Desktop/TMPa790lqqbn9.htm Stroup Alice A company of scientists botany, patronage and community at the seventeenth-century Parisian Royal Academy of Sciences Oxford University of California Press 1990 052005949210330 œ46.00 17/11/1999 A concordance to Darwin's Origin of species, first edition. Ithaca Cornell University Press 1981 A17704919 BOOK-HG HG œ.00 15/10/1996 A concordance to Darwin's The Descent of Man, and Selecion in Relation to Sex. Ithaca Cornell University Press 1987 A80897615 BOOK-HG HG œ.00 15/10/1996 Gruber Jacob W A conscience in conflict the life of St.George Jackson Mivart Westport, Conn. Greenwood Press 1980 03132204178672 BOOK-HG HG œ.00 8/7/1996 Parker Thomas Jeffery A course of instruction in zootomy (Vertebrata) London Macmillan 1884 A51189531 BOOK-HG HG œ.00 15/10/1996 Huxley Thomas Henry 1825-1895 Martin Henry Newell A course of practical instruction in elementary biology London Macmillan 1875 A28867798 BOOK-HG HG œ.00 29/4/1994 Morgan Thomas Hunt 1866-1945 A critique of the theory of evolution lectures delivered at Princeton University, February 24, March 1,8,15, 1916 Princeton Princeton University Press 1916 A47949500 BOOK-HG HG œ.00 15/10/1996 Brackman Arnold C A delicate arrangement the strange case of Charles Darwin and Alfred Russel Wallace New York Times Books 1980 081290883X8884 BOOK-HG HG œ.00 7/9/1995 Newton Alfred A dictionary of birds assisted by Hans Gadow with contributions from Richard Lydekker, Charles S. Roy and Robert W. Shufeldt London Adam and Charles Black 1896 A65796235 BOOK-HG HG œ.00 15/10/1996 Palmer Alan Warwick A dictionary of modern history 1789-1945 Harmondsworth Penguin Books 1962 A34717553 BOOK-HG HG œ.00 25/3/1991 Larsen Anton 1827-1888 A dictionary of the Dano-Norwegian and English languages Copenhagen Library Gyldendal (F. Hegel) 1897 A65576201 BOOK-HG HG œ.00 15/10/1996 Descartes Rene 1596-1650 A discourse on method translated by John Veitch introduction by A. D. Lindsay London Dent 1934 A277531 œ.00 29/4/1994 Sedgwick Adam 1785-1873 geologist A discourse on the studies of the university Leicester Leicester University Press 1969 A53645093 BOOK-HG HG œ.00 15/10/1996 file:///C|/Documents and Settings/walkera/Desktop/TMPa790lqqbn9.htm (3 of 393)10/30/2007 14:46:07 file:///C|/Documents and Settings/walkera/Desktop/TMPa790lqqbn9.htm A discussion on ritualization of behaviour in animals and man London Royal Society 1966 A45727851 BOOK-HG HG œ.00 13/10/1998 A discussion on ritualization of behaviour in animals and man London Royal Society 1966 A45726704 BOOK-HG HG œ.00 15/10/1996 A discussion on the dynamics of natural populations London Royal Society 1956 A31226619 BOOK- HG HG œ.00 15/10/1996 A discussion on the meiotic process London Royal Society c1977 A44638264 BOOK-HG HG œ.00 26/6/1992 Grobstein Clifford A double image of the double helix the recombinant-DNA debate San Francisco W.H. Freeman 1979 07167105608282 BOOK-HG HG œ.00 12/9/1991 Keller Evelyn Fox A feeling for the organism the life and work of Barbara McClintock San Francisco W. H.Freeman 1983 A41605414 BOOK-HG HG œ.00 15/10/1996 Butler Samuel 1835-1902 A first year in Canterbury settlement London Longman, Green, Longman, Roberts and Green 1863 A63476044 BOOK-HG HG œ.00 15/10/1996 Carter George Stuart A general zoology of the invertebrates foreword by Julian S. Huxley London Sidgwick and Jackson 1965 A21919162 BOOK-HG HG œ.00 15/10/1996 Ptashne Mark A genetic switch gene control and phage Oxford Blackwell Scientific Publicaions 1986 086542315610213 œ.00 24/11/1998 Rieger Rigomar Michaelis Arnd Green Melvin M A glossary of genetics and cytogenetics classical and molecular London George Allen and Unwin Ltd 1968 A81494006 BOOK-HG HG œ.00 21/12/1999 Hilts Victor L A guide to Francis Galton's "English men of science" Philadelphia American Philosophical Society 1975 A69626947 BOOK-HG HG œ.00 15/10/1996 Lawrence Eleanor A guide to modern biology genetics, cells and systems Harlow Longman 1989 04702140158916 BOOK-HG HG œ.00 15/10/1996 A guide to the fossil remains of man in the Department of Geology and Palaeontology in the British Museum (Natural History) London British Museum (Natural History) 1922 A21246470 BOOK-HG HG œ.00 15/10/1996 Bunyard Edward Ashdown A handbook of hardy fruits more commonly grown in Great Britain Apples file:///C|/Documents and Settings/walkera/Desktop/TMPa790lqqbn9.htm (4 of 393)10/30/2007 14:46:07 file:///C|/Documents and Settings/walkera/Desktop/TMPa790lqqbn9.htm and pears London John Murray 1920 A50658052 BOOK-HG HG œ.00 10/8/2000 1 Ramsbottom John A handbook of the larger British fungi London British Museum 192310375 œ.00 10/8/2000 A handbook on evolution London British Museum (Natural History) 195910163 œ.00 23/11/1998 Singer Charles Joseph 1876-1960 A history of biology to about the year 1900 a general introduction to the study of living things London Abelard-Schuman 1959 A86178950 BOOK-HG HG œ.00 9/5/1996 Pycraft William Plane A history of birds with an introduction by Sir Ray Lankester London Methuen 1910 A53155603 BOOK-HG HG œ.00 15/10/1996 Green J Reynolds A history of botany, 1860-1900 being a continuation of Sachs "History of botany, 1530-1860." Oxford Clarendon Press 1909 A30736822 BOOK-HG HG œ.00 15/10/1996 Owen Richard 1804-1892 A history of British fossil mammals and birds London John Van Voorst 1846 A51065874 BOOK-HG
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