jMrT-"'-- ^*&£&foi*dBaM ••*«•*' -••--•-•>•• :v,..^>*vw* •- -•'Jl-•'"•".!;;iflvrJ«-" 1S*?">. -- • ..^_. DEVOTED TO BASE BALL AND TRAP SHOOTING VOL. 65. NO. 4 PHILADELPHIA. MARCH 27, 1915 PRICE 5 CENTS THE FEDERAL PROBLEM SOLVED Agreement Reached With the Kansas City Club Whereby That Club Retains Its Franchise and Team, and Steps Taken to » Transfer the Indianapolis Franchise and Team to Newark Base Ball Company to the laid federal LeagM of Professional Base Ball Clnbs. the said matter The Federal League's vexatious of accounting shall Immediately be referred to circuit problem will have been a Master of this court for decision and report. solved, or placed well on the way "And It Is further agreed that the above ac­ to be satisfactorily solved, by the counting shall not include any amounts claimed upon the exchange of player Cullop for players time this issue of "Sporting Life" Shaw, Maiwell and Bradley, but said exchange* greets its readers. An agreement shall be held for naught, and players returned. has been reached whereby the Kan­ "And It is further agreed that the said Fed­ sas City Club will retain its fran­ eral Base Ball Company shall make and deliver its surety company bond in the sum of forty chise and team. A stipulation to thousand dollars ($40,000) conditioned in accord­ that effect will be filed in court on ance herewith, to perform the conditions of thla Wednesday, thus ending the injunc­ stipulation, which bond shall be delivered upon the filing of this stipulation, and upon the said tion proceedings and obviating a accounting having been made this action shall he decision by Judge Baldinn. The dismissed without costs. Indianapolis Club will be taken over "And It is further expressly understood and by the Federal League, the receiver­ agreed that this stipulation shall be. and it la hereby effective and binding from the date of ship proceedings being only a step Its execution, as folly, and to the same extent in that direction; the stockholders as If the said itipnlation were Immediately filed will be taken care of, and the fran­ iu court tn the above entitled cause. It Is under­ stood, however, that the said stipulation shall not chise and team tcill be transferred actually be died ill the cause until the twenty- to Xewark, A'. J., thus clearing up third day of March, A. D. 1915. qn embarassing situation to general "Executed at Chicago, this seventeenth day advantage. of March, 1915. "Federal League of Professional BaM Ball Clubs, "By JAMES A. GILUORE, F it. Kansas City «Case Settled "R. B. WARD. CHICAGO, Ills., March 23. Kansas City "W. E. ROBERTSON, "Executive Committee of aaid Tttf will retain its franchise in the Federal League eral Leagne. with all rights to its players as a result of "DELBERT J. HAIT, & stipulation to be filed before Judge Bald­ "A. F. GORDON, win in the Circuit Court of Cook County to­ "On behalf of said Federal Base Ban morrow. The agreement is signed by Del- Company. bert J. Haff and A. F. Gordon, representing "Myen and Gates, the Federal Base Ball Company, of Kansas "Jones, Addington. Ames and Selbold, City, and James A. Gilmore, president, and "Counsel for Defendant. R. B. Ward and W. E. Robertson, represent­ "Jehn M. Zane. ing the Executive Committee of the Federal "Clarence E. Eldrldge, League. From Judge Baldwin's remarks last "Counsel for Complainant." week before the hearing was postponed to allow the litigants to reach an agreement Indianapolis In for Transfer outside of court, if possible, it was felt that he intended to decide in favor of the com­ INDIANAPOLIS, Ind., March 23. Ther» plainants, who opposed the transfer of their is no longer any donbt here that the Indian­ franchise to Newark. Apparently this view apolis Club affairs are to be settled up and was taken by Federal League counsel. Hence that the team ami franchise will be trans­ the conferences and filing of tile stipulation. ferred to Newark. This matter will be set­ Despite denials from Indianapolis, the ru- tled at a meeting of the stockholders to be) more is persistent that the Hoofed*, as they held this evening. Pending this meetine are nick-named, will not be in the circuit this steps were taken yesterday to declare the club season, although they won the championship insolvent. Upon that allegation, Pliny W. of 1914. President Gilmore admits trying to Bartholomew, former Judge of the Superior buy out the Hoosiers. and those "in the Court, and a stockholder, brought suit yes­ know' 1 profess to believe he ha^s been suc­ PFEFFER terday to place the club in the hands of » cessful, although official confirmation is lack­ EDWARD J. receiver. He alleges that in addition to an ing. Certainly the Federal League cannot Pitcher of the Brooklyn National League Club indebtedness of $57,000, the club is indebted operate with nine clubs. Here is a copy of to the stockholders for the non-payment of the stipulation to be filed tomorrow: Edward J. Pfeffer. the star right-handed pitcher of the Brooklyn National League 6 per cent, dividends on $50.000 worth of riub. was horu at Seymour, Ills., on March 4, 1889, and started his professional base stock. Judge Bartholomew alleges that the- "State of Illinois, County of Cook, ss.: In the ball career with the La Crosse, TYis.. Club in 1909. In the Fall of that season he club is in an embarrassed financial condition, Circuit Court of Cook County., Federal Base and is losing money every day. He further Ball Company of Kansas City, Missouri, Com­ was purchased by Fort Wayne, where he played until the Fall of 3911, when DenTer, of plainant, vs. Federal I/eague of Professional the Western League, secured him. Early in 1912 DenTer sent him back to a lower alleges that he has been informed that the, Base Ball Clubs, Defendant. STIPULATION. class league, to Grand liaplds. Not thinking him worth further trial DenTer did not corporation controlling the club is about to "It Is hereby stipulated by and between the exercise Its option, and he was again with Grand Rapids In 1913. In the Fall of 1913 dissipate its property and assets by transfer­ parties hereto that It Is hereby acknowledged Pfeffer was purchased by Brooklyn and was an Instantaneous sensation. Last season ring the club to unknown parties without in and agreed that the Federal Base Ball Company bis work was sensational throughout the season, despite the poor standing of the any way providing for or securing the pay­ of Kansas city. Missouri, complainant. Is en­ Brooklyn Club. He is now rated at* one of the rery best young pitchers in the game, ments to its stockholders or debtors sums al­ titled tn hold and retain its franchise, stack, and and, barring accidents, should have many seasons of major league ball before him. ready due them. E. E. Gates, counsel for1 ball players' contracts, its lease, and all other the Federal League, said yesterday that thn rights and -property as a constituent member of creditors could be saved and he thought th« the Federal League of Professional Base Ball stockholders paid, for there have been "good ftubs. defendant, subject to the Articles of overtures made for the disposal of the. club's Association. By-l-aws, Rules and Regulations City, Missouri, jointly with the other cities rep­ to b« due and owing from said Federal League interest to outside parties." Mr. Gates also thereof, and that the *ald Federal League hereby resented by the other constituent members of Base Ball Company to said League, upon an ac­ said that unless Indianapolis citizens wero waives all alleged causes of forfeiture. If any. said League and iu all respects upon the same counting to be had between the accountant of and said Federal Base Ball Company of Kansas terms as all otber members of said League with­ said Federal League, which accounting shall able to lift the indebtedness from the club City. Missouri, as a constituent member of said out discrimination or unfair treatment of any include legitimate expenses of the training camp and place it on a firm financial basis, in all Lrasue, is entitled to represent Kansas City, Mis­ kind, as a member of said League at Kansas and all voluntary assessments heretofore made probability it would be transferred from here. souri, iu the playing and contesting of base ball City, Missouri. by said Federal League, which have been or games wltU the other constituent members of said "And the said Federal Base Ball Company of shall have been, paid and discharged by each Gilmore Satisfied With Procedure Federal League of Professional liuse Ball Clubb Kansas City, Missouri, agrees that within fifteen and every, or all of the other Clubs in said CHICAGO, Ills., March 23. Prospects for and to share in said games according to an an- il.i) day» from this date, it will pay to the said League; and if the parties hereto cannot agree pual ichedule at game* to include uid Kaniaa Federal League whatever amount li determined upon the anouat to dot from the said Federal Continued on seventeenth page SPORTING LIFE MARCH 27, 1915 News of the Fraternity Base Ball in the Colleges o idea that they are in base ball far more to o rs, but as a whole, he has been handicapped LATEST OFFICIAL NEWS FROM further what they deem to be their own inter-' THE OUTLOOK FOR STARS IN by rather poor material and his teams have ests than they are for the good of the game. never been good hitting aggregations.
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