E PL UR UM IB N U U S Congressional Record United States th of America PROCEEDINGS AND DEBATES OF THE 104 CONGRESS, SECOND SESSION Vol. 142 WASHINGTON, WEDNESDAY, MAY 15, 1996 No. 68 House of Representatives The House met at 9 a.m. WELCOMING THE REVEREND REES and civic activity. I am grateful that The Reverend Rees F. Warring, sen- F. WARRING Reverend Warring could lead us in ior pastor, Elm Park United Methodist (Mr. MCDADE asked and was given prayer today. He is a man who has en- Church, Scranton, PA, offered the fol- permission to address the House for 1 riched countless lives through his spir- lowing prayer: minute and to revise and extend his re- itual and community leadership. God of all people and nations, You marks.) And, my friends, on a personal note, who created and are still creating, may Mr. MCDADE. Mr. Speaker, let me I would like to extend on behalf of all we be willing partners of Your cre- begin by saying how nice it is too see of us a most happy 58th birthday today ation. Help us to be merciful and just, so many familiar faces in the Chamber to Reverend Warring. compassionate and caring, that this this morning. We are delighted that so f will be a more merciful and just, com- many of our colleagues are here, and of RECESS passionate and caring world. We pray course we all welcome you back to this that the quality of all life will be bet- magnificent House. The SPEAKER. Pursuant to clause 12 ter because of the way we live and Mr. Speaker, I am privileged to wel- of rule I, the House will stand in recess, work. Enable each of us to be an in- come to this Chamber the Reverend subject to the call of the Chair, to re- strument of Your peace, working to Rees F. Warring, and I want to thank ceive the former Members of Congress. eliminate all that separates peoples him for his beautiful opening prayer. Accordingly (at 9 o'clock and 8 min- and nations from You and from each Reverend Warring is the pastor of the utes a.m.), the House stood in recess other. Free us from all bigotry and Elm Park Methodist Church in the city subject to the call of the Chair. prejudice, from pride of place and sta- of Scranton and has served several f tus, from the lack of vision and the churches in northeastern Pennsylvania b 0908 loss of faith. Inspire us, this and every for over 30 years. day, to be so concerned about Your In every congressional district of this RECEPTION OF FORMER MEMBERS way and truth, that Your will may NationÐand no one knows this better OF CONGRESS eventually be done on Earth as it is in than the people assembled here todayÐ The SPEAKER of the House presided. heaven. Amen. there are extraordinary people who ex- The SPEAKER. On behalf of the emplify the positive forces for good and Chair and this Chamber, I consider it a f selflessly serve their fellow man. Rev- high honor and a distinct personal erend Warring and his wife, Jean, who privilege to have the opportunity of THE JOURNAL is with us today, are such individuals. welcoming so many of our former The SPEAKER. The Chair has exam- They have tirelessly devoted their time Members and colleagues as may be ined the Journal of the last day's pro- and energy helping the less fortunate present here for this occasion. I think ceedings and announces to the House people in their community and provid- all of us want to pause and welcome his approval thereof. ing spiritual solace to their congrega- each of them. Pursuant to clause 1, rule I, the Jour- tion. Because of their good works, Let me also say, if I might, that if nal stands approved. northeastern Pennsylvania and the Na- the House will indulge me to speak tion is a better place in which to live. from the chair for a minute, that I am f They have also raised four wonderful particularly delighted today to be here children, one of whom, also with us to recognize the distinguished gen- PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE today, is their son, John, who serves as tleman from Illinois, Mr. Michel, for The SPEAKER. Will the gentleman an important member of my Washing- the amount that this House owes the from Pennsylvania [Mr. MCDADE] come ton staff. gentleman from Illinois for his years of forward and lead the House in the In addition to his spiritual efforts at service, for his sense of commitment to Pledge of Allegiance. Elm Park, Reverend Warring has been the representative process, to his pas- Mr. MCDADE led the Pledge of Alle- active in leading the restoration effort sion for freedom, and his willingness to giance as follows: in Scranton to preserve the area's serve his country under a wide range of I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the many historic church buildings. Elm circumstances. I would say that I be- United States of America, and to the Repub- Park serves as both an architectural lieve all Members of the Chamber lic for which it stands, one nation under God, landmark in downtown Scranton and would join me in recognizing that the indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. as a community center for religious gentleman from Illinois always placed b This symbol represents the time of day during the House proceedings, e.g., b 1407 is 2:07 p.m. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor. H5055 H5056 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD Ð HOUSE May 15, 1996 the House and the country above both will be joining you next year, and a John Jenrette, Jr., of South Caro- his own personal interest and his par- number of us will be joining your lina; tisan interest. ranks. I do not know if that will be im- Hastings Keith of Massachusetts; I must say, at a personal level, that proving your ranks, but it will improve David King of Utah; without his having been my mentor the ranks here. A lot of Members will Ernest Konnyu of California; and without his having literally at be pleased to have us go. Thanks for Peter N. Kyros of Maine; times helped train me, usually with the joining us again. Mel David of Wisconsin; best of cheer, but on a rare occasion The years do go by fast. Welcome Norman F. Lent of New York; with a direct and firm manner, I would back to the Chamber. Wiley Mayne of Iowa; not today be Speaker. While the Demo- The SPEAKER. Before the chair rec- Romano L. Mazzoli of Kentucky; crats in the Chamber may regret that ognizes the distinguished gentleman Paul N. (Pete) McCloskey of Califor- part of his career, I can say, at least on from Florida, let me just say again as nia; behalf of the Republicans, that we are a history teacher, I particularly appre- Bob McEwen of Ohio; all in Mr. Michel's debt for having ciate all of you coming back because Matthew McHugh of New York; taught many of us a great deal about the process of freedom is an organic Lloyd Meeds of Washington; Robert H. Michel of Illinois; the art of leading in a free society. So process. The degree to which Members Abner J. Mikva of Illinois; it is a great honor to me to have this and former Members are able to edu- opportunity to be here and to state my Wilmer D. Mizell of North Carolina; cate the community, the degree to John S. Monagan of Connecticut; feelings about the gentleman from Illi- which each of you in your working life nois. Frank E. Moss of Utah; and in your chances as a citizen once Charles H. Percy of Illinois; Let me at this time yield to the gen- you leave this place are able to reach tleman from Mississippi [Mr. MONT- Shirley N. Pettis of California; out and help others understand this Howard W. Pollock of Alaska; GOMERY] on behalf of the minority. complex process that we call represent- Mr. MONTGOMERY. Mr. Speaker, on Joel Pritchard of Washington; ative self-government is a very, very behalf of the minority leader, the gen- Thomas F. Railsback of Illinois; important part of the way in which we tleman from Missouri, DICK GEPHARDT, John Rhodes of Arizona; educate ourselves each generation. on the Democratic side, I would like to John J. Rhodes III of Arizona; So I think the fact that you have re- also welcome former Members to this Don Ritter of Pennsylvania; mained active and that you are back great assembly Hall and also offer my Paul G. Rogers of Florida; here today is a very important part of congratulations to Bob Michel, who John Rousselot of California; that historic chain that takes us all you will give this award to this morn- Donald Rumsfeld of Illinois; the way back to the very first Congress George F. Sangmeister of Illinois; ing. Bob Michel was minority leader and that will carry us forward to future Ronald A. Saracen of Connecticut; for a number of years and also a war Congresses beyond our own service. So Harold S. Sawyer of Michigan; hero. As you know, you have the privi- I appreciate very much your being here Richard T. Schulze of Pennsylvania; leges of the floor for the rest of the today.
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