168 HIGH EASTER. ESSEX. [KELLY'S Franklin' Alfred Henry, wheelwright MatthewB Frederick John, larmer &; Oliver Henry, farmer &; landowner, &; carrier landowner, Parsonage farm Lower house Gowlett Shadrach, farmer, Bury farm Matthews Frederick John, jun. frmI'. Porter Edward, shoe maker Hill Albert, baker, post office White's farm Root Geo. farmer &; carrier, Games Joyce James, farmer Matthews G-eoffry, farmer, King- Staines WItr.frror.House Grounds frm Knight George S. farmer, Haydens st'Jns farm Stokes James, Punch Bowl P.H Luckin Samuel', grocer Millbank George, farmer, Crippens Turner !saac, beer retailer Marlin Thos. Wm. Cock &; Bell inn l\fillbank John, farmer, Old house Warder Brothers, farmers, Poplar Mathams Charles, farm bailiff for Nunn James. farm bailiff to F. J~ WebsteI' Eliza (Mrs.), miller (wind &I Guy's Hospital, Lawn Hall farm Mathews esq steam) EASTHOBPE (or Thorpe) is a village and parish burials dates from 1572; marriages 1756. The living is. close to the ancient Roman and modern highway from a reotory, net yearly value £II2, with 30 acres of glebe London to Colchester, liI miles south from Marks Tay and residence, in the gift of the Duchy of Lancaster, and. Junction station of the Great Eastern railway, 0+5 h~ld since 1,894 by the Rev. Mow-bray Pinckney Mason from London, 7 Bouth-west from Colchester, and 4 east M.A. of C.orpus Christi college, Oambridge. 'lThe prin­ .from Coggeshall, in the Eastern division of the county, cipal laadowners a,re the Earl of Onslow, who is lord of Lexden hundred, Lexden and Winstree petty sessional the mano,r, and Mr. J. 8mith.The soil as light; subsoil, division and union, Colchester county court district, and clay. 'The chief crops are wheat and barley. The area i8 in tAe rural deanery of Coggeshall, archdeaconry of Col- 990 acres; rateable value, £1,022; the population in 189.1 chester and diocese of St. Albans. The church of St. WlIIS 93 in the civil, and 107 in the eCclesiastioal parish-. Mary is a very small building of brick in the Early and in 1901, 120. English style, consisting of chancel, nave, south porcn By Local Government Board Order 22,363, March 24, and a belfry with spire at the west end: in the south 1889. Canfields Farms were transferred from Easthorp& wall is a recessed arch, perhaps the burial place of the to Dirch, and The Bell P.R. &c. from the latter to the­ founder,' and there are some remains of ancient heraldic former parish.. q glass: some of the Kingsmill , who held this estate from Parish Clerk, Charle'l Wilcher. the time of Sir George Kingsmill kt. justice of the Letter Box cleared a~ 5.30 p.m.; no collection on SUll'- .Common Pleas, ob. 20 March. 1605-6, are buried here, days. Letters through Kelvedon B.S.O. which is the- including Anne, daughter of Thomas Blagrave, of Ox- nearest money order office; Messing is the nearest' lord, gent. and wife of George ;Kingsmill, ob. 18 Sep.t. receiving office. The telegraph office is at Marks Tey~ 167-, and their daughter Margaret, ob. 25 June, 1652: 3 miles distant there are 250 sittings. The register. of baptisms and The children uf this parish attend the school at Copford' ,Mason Rev. Mowbray Pinckney M.A. Brazier Robert, shopkeeper ,Mee Thomas, farmer &; overseer. Littli.> Rectory Chaplin WaIt. Jas. frmr. Lit. Badcocks Birch Holt COYMEROLU. Hart Harvey, Bell P.H Smith Joseph, farmer, Gt. Badcocks Alexander Robert. frmr. Green frm Mitchell GeQ. farmer, Easthorpe hall GREAT EASTON is an ancient village and parish Little Easton, 88 heiress to the late Viscount Maynard. on tl!e road from Dunmow to Thaxted and on the is lady of the manor and principal landowner. The soil" river Chelmer, 3 miles north from Dunmow station: is· various; 1mbsoil, principally clay. The chief crops on the Bishops Stortford, Dunmow and Braintree line· are wheat, barley aud oats. The area is 2.554 acres; ()f the Grean Eastern railway, and 41 from London by· rateable value, £2,039; the popuLation in 1901 was-{)ivil.. road., in' the Western division of the county, Dunmow 644; ecclesiastioaJ., 543. hunared, petty sessional division, union and county. h . .. eourt district, rural deanery of Dunmow, archdeaconry of ~UT~N illLL, a amlet, ~ nule south-,!est! In thIS Essex and diocese of St. .A1bans.· The church of St. l'arIsh, u now attached to Tilty for eccleSIastIcal pur.. John, built chiefly of flint, is an ancient structure in poses.. mixed styles, the arches of the vestry and south porch Paflsh Cle~~, Samue~ Hart. being very early Norman; it consists of chancel, nave Sexton, William Seer. and a wooden tower at the west end, containing a clock Post Office.-Thomas Bell, sub-postmaster. Letter~ and 5 bells: there are monuments to the family of Meade, from London & Chelmsford arrive by mail cart from JI614-1761; to the Rev. Joseph Plume B.D. reotor, ob. Dunmow every morning at 6.45 a.m. &; 12.15 p.m.; Jan. 16, 1686; tlbe Rev. Thomas Leader, rector, ob. rJ.7 dispatehed at 8.45 a.m. ~ 5.20 p.m. &; sunday at .1:2 June, 16118, and the Rev. Thomas Cecil, rector, ob. Jan. p.m. Postal orders are Issued here, but not paId~ 29, 1627; a memonial window to the 131te WaIter Smith, The nearest ~oney: order &; telegraph office is at erected in 1'895, and an east window, given by the Dunmow, 3 miles dIstant Countess of Warwick in 1895: in the church is a list of Wall Letter Box, Duton Hill, cleared at 8.15 a.m. &i redt'Ors from 13'20: the chancel was restored in 1877, and 5.10 p.m.; sunday at 12 noon the ~hU1I'ch part~ally resbored in 1899, at a cost of aboM Police Station Joseph Myall, constable £900. Tlhe regIster dates from the year 1561. The ' .. liivng is a rectory, net yearly value £355, with residence, Church of England School. (mIXed), .built ID 1881, 0.T?- in the gift ·of Viscount Maynard's trustees, and held since half an acre of land gIv~n by VISCOunt Maynar~'8 r877 by the Rev. Horntio BladenCapel. Meade's charity, trust.ees, who also ~ontnbuted £350 towards. rh amounting to £55 vearly arising' from two erectIOn; they also glVl~ £5 annually ~or EducatlOna? farms left in 1759 by Mrs. 'Rebecca Meade, is now purposes; the school will hold 25 0 children; averagll' in hands of trustees for educational purposes. In J887 attendance, 113; Samuel Hart, master a flint celt, 5 inches long, was picked up on the glebe Oarrier to London.-George Saunders, from 'Bell,' thurs. land. The Countess of Warwick, of Easton Lodge, to 'Saracen's Head,' .A1dgate Capel Rev. Horatio Bladen, Rectory Butcher James, hurdle &; rake maker ISmith Charles, farm bailiff to Mr; Forster Geo. Wm. Hillside cottage Cant John, blacksmith Charles Webb, Mayesland farm Pomeroy Jas. Wolseys, Duton hill Clark William. jun. Swan inn Smith George, Three Horse Shoes P.B! Stock Frank Clarke William, farmer, cattle dealer & Smith Thomas, farmer, Dovehouse dairyman, Bridge foot Stock E'rnest E. .Bell inn &; grocer COMMEROIAL. Collin Henry, beer retailer Taylor Charles, farmer, Cranes Appleton Wm. farmer, Mill End green Dorking William. farmer, Avesey frm, Taylor John, farmer, Welch's farm Barnard Thoma.s, Rising Sun F.H. Halfyard William, farmer, Breach farm Turner Thomas, blacksmith, Duton h1' Duton hill Harvey Henry, farmer, Hall farm Watson Edgar, farmer, Bush farm &;. Beadle Frederick, farm bailiff to Mann Mary (Mrs.),shpkpr.Duton 'hill LiHIe Cambridge James Pomeroy esq. of Wolseys, Prime Samuel (Mrs.), miller (wind) &; Watson William, farmer &; landowner, Duton hill baker, Mill End green Duton hill &; Meads Burton John, farmer, :Moat 'house Saunders George, carrier Woodwa.rd Alfd. frmr.Blamster's haJIl LITTLE EASTON is a village and parish, on the of rubble in the Early English style, consisting of chancel. north side of the Chelmer, 2 miles north-west from Dun- nave of two bays, and north aisle, with a chapel on the mow \Station, on the Bishops Stortford, Dunmow and south side of the chancel and a western embattled towel" Braintree section of the Great Eastern railway, containing 4 bells and B clock: the east window is a me­ and 40 from London by road, in the Western division morial to Henry, 3rd and last Viscount Maynard. who. of the county, Dunmow hundred, petty sessional died 19 May, J865: the chapel, a portion of which W!lS' division, union and county court district, rural originally the Bourchier chapel, and since used as the' ieanery of ,Dunmow, archdeaconry of Essex and diocese burial place of the MaynaI'd family, has some very finEl' Itf St. Albans. The church (name unknown) is an edifice monuments, with figures of members of that family, from.
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