Murray State's Digital Commons The Ledger & Times Newspapers 6-9-1961 The Ledger and Times, June 9, 1961 The Ledger and Times Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalcommons.murraystate.edu/tlt Recommended Citation The Ledger and Times, "The Ledger and Times, June 9, 1961" (1961). The Ledger & Times. 5081. https://digitalcommons.murraystate.edu/tlt/5081 This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the Newspapers at Murray State's Digital Commons. It has been accepted for inclusion in The Ledger & Times by an authorized administrator of Murray State's Digital Commons. For more information, please contact [email protected]. a) -1!1(11 Selected As A Rest All Round Kentucky Community Newspaper • "'"II Largest The Newspaper • Circulation In The City With The Lti;\4; ;Wi ,t Largest \‘‘ Circulation ,„ • Circulation In The County 'nitric] Press International IN OUR 82nd YEAR Murray, Ky., Friday Afternoon, Jpe 9, 1961 MURRAY POPULATION 10.100 Vol. LXXXII No. 135 JFK IS SCORED ON CASTRO "BLACKMAIL" Poll Tax Is 'Tiny Red Shoe Was JFK Buck Rogers Takes A The Clue, But It And Murrow Both Ripped Removed By , Was Found Too Late By Senator Barry Goldwater By BERNARD W. CAUGHEY As Rocket United Press Back Seat International Fiscal CONCORD, N. H. irPli - Life By WILLIAM J. EATON to those Cuban patriots who sought Court aitni Internation.11 and death were the stakes in a to free their native land with in- WASHINGTON TN -Sen. Bar- grim game of hide-and-seek. A tiny effective and misleading help from Air ry Goldwater said today President Man In t h e United States," Goldwater Propels met- red sneaker The Calloway Fiscal Court was the clue. Kennedy has done the nation a on Tuesday of this week in a regu- A half dozen times, one or an- said. "disservice" by endorsing the pro- By DARRELL GARWOOD into the air and soared over a lar session. other of the frantically searching "We owe it to them and to all , led posed tractors-for-prisoners deal 99c Press International truck. Raymond Schultz, an attorney for mothers joined by worried neigh- freedom-loving people to develop United !two-ton with Cuban Premier Fidel Castro, Fr EUSTIS, Va. (UPS - At the left Buck Rogers with little a number of people living in the bors glanced out on the side porch, # firm policy which will speak It The Arizona Republican said the nod, a weirdly dressed disintegrator gun to call his East Fork of the Clark's River Wa- of the Loughery home. But none from strength and countenance no fpneral's but a 'Chief Executive's action shocked with rockets at his side and own. tershed. appeared before the court attached any significance to the bowirig to Communist demands." man very the public- because it sanctioned handlebars over his shoulders roar- -year-old test engineer to register the opposition of his little shoe beside the frozen food Hits Spending What 77 the "blackmail demands of a Com- Harold M. Graham of Buffalo, N. clients to the present watershed locker - until it was too late. Goldwater accused the adminis- munist dictator against whom they Y., was demonstrating to program. While the mothers hunted, only tration of reacting frantically to Army were united as never before." brass Thursday was a personal rock- Schultz presented the opposition a few feet away at times, three Soviet advances abroad and pro- 39c LIBRARY CLUB DINNER - From Lpft (seated) George Hart, Mrs. Goldwater, a spokesman for the Violent Storm et belt. Its what spacemen will of the people he represents and small boys, Keigh Loughery, 6; his posing inflationary spending pro- W. Z. Carter, Supt. W. Z. Carter, Moss conservative wing of his party, need to repair their ships in flight, reported to the court that he had Shirley Stalls,. president; Prin. 4-year-old brother, Glen and their grams at home. made the statements in a speech or travel from one spaceship to 300 signatures of roperty owners Fred Schultz and Mrs. Schultz, Miss Laurel Parker; Standing from chum, William Anderson. 3. strug- He said the President was fol- prepared for the 1961 Conference another. expressing their opposition_ left- John Sammons, Sammy Knight, Robert Forsee, Jean Futrell, gled desperately for air. lowing a policy of "almost calcu- Hits The Area of United Press International Edi- Wears Rubber Suit The court accepted the excess Carolyn Bolen. Susan Sparks. Nancy Stalls. Nannie Herndon. Trudy Air Tight, Soundproof lated confusion" that has created 39 Sheriff in the amount Their makeshift hide-away had tors and Publishers. -by-crisis" atmos- Graham wore a loose rubber suit, fees from the Lilly. Mrs. George Hart, and Dale Sykes. a "government "This presented the world with *By United Press Internationals and looked something like a skin of $5.555.24. The audit of the .1960 suddenly turned to an air - tight, phere. a picture of American people Violent windstorms and' a pos- diver in baggy pants. Fuel bottles taxes was accepted also and a quiet- soundproof coffin with no possible The welfare programs advanced scrambling around to dig up the sible tornado struck the western were strapped to his back, and rock- as issued to the sheriff. way out from the inside. From the by Kennedy he added, would re- The May meeting of the Murray price to pay off a bush-league and southern Kentucky areas Thurs- et nozzles, held a foot from his The salary of Mrs. James, custo- New "Freedom" outside, the pressure of one finger sult in greater government spend- High School Library club was held tyrant on his own terms," Gold- day, injuring two persons at Bowl- sides, pointed at the ground. dian of the ladies rest room at the could have lifted the simple latch. ing and a reduction in the value at 6:30 Wednesday evening in the Group Is Jailed ingsGreen and blowing down a va- Protruding handles like those of court house was increased $5.00 per When the boys were finally water said. of the &Alan Triangle Inn private dining room He referred to Kennedy's ap- cant warehouse in downtown Padu- a bicycle allow him to control yaw. month for a total of $35.00 a month. 1.611•4 1.r••• lwermalleerl found, they were ,dead. "By. 1963, this would give us a with Miss Shirley Stalls, president, Si cah. pitch and acceleration. The court voted to remove the A biracial ggoup of five "Free- The red sneaker, dropped by one proval of the action by a private federal budget uf $125 billion." presiding over the dinner meeting. Two persons were injured late When he got the nod. Graham poll taxes from the 1961 tax list. dom Riders" arrived in Jackson, of the youngsters as he climbed in- group to raise $15 million to buy Goldwater said the American Awards were made for service Thursday at Bowling Green when pushed a button. The rockets at his This will amount to 91.50 county Miss., by train early today, were to the 5 by 3 -foot freezer late tractors to swap for 1,200 Cuban people are beginning to reach the in the library the past year. Miss a sudden squall, with winds clock- side roared like jet engines, churn- and $2.00 school tax or a saving quickly arrested in the segregated Thursday. did not tell its story in prisoners captured in the ill-fated breaking point. Stalls was awarded a sterling brace- at up to 67 miles per hour, but- ing up the dirt at his feet. He went to the taxpayer of $3.50. The low- Illinois Central waiting room and time. It was Mrs. Beverly Egounis, invasion. "They are beginning to suspect let with charms indicating her five ted the city and surrounding ar- straight up for 15 feet, then clear- ering or deletion of the poll tax went to jail in time for breakfast. a neighbor, who finally saw the Blasts Murrow She New Frontier has been struck years continuous service, by Mrs. eas. ed an Army truck and landed with- will offset to some extent the new The arrests, on the usual charge shoe, and lifted the freezer lid. Goldwater also questioned the with 'moon-madness' and. that George Hart, librarian. Others to Johnny M. Hayes. 61. `who had out stumbling 150 feet away. The hospital bond tax of ignoring a police order to "move Inside, two of t h e youngsters actions of-Edward R. Morrow, di- their heritage and their future are receive awards were Misses Sandy been working in his back yard, flight lasted 14 seconds. In other action the court ap- on" from the "white only" depot were crumpled in a large compart- rector of the U.S. Information being placed in hock at the whim Lilly. Ruth Boggess, Nanny Hern- vias pinned beneath a fallen tree. Graham is believed to be the first proved a motion prohibiting the waiting room, brought to 97 the ment. The third was in a small Agency, in defending the Presi- of men who. .are trying to take us don and Carolyn Bolen, and John Rescued by firemen, he was report- man to propel himself in such a county sheriff from going after a number of "Freedom Riders" jail- section dent's position. Murrow told a back to the 1930's and the failure- Sam men. ed in "fair" condition at a Bowl- manner. The belt, or corset, was fugitive from justice unless he has ed in the Mississippi capital since Light Cord Dangles news conference recently that the ridden economic remedies of that Miss Laurel Parker, a senior, was ing Green hospital.
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