50¢ October 24, 2010 Think Green Volume 84, No. 37 Recycle this paper Go Green todayscatholicnews.org Serving the Diocese of Fort Wayne-South Bend Go Digital TTODAYODAY’’SS CCATHOLICATHOLIC Centennial celebration Pope canonizes Brother André St. Adalbert rejoices in 100 years Pages 10-11 Bessette and five others Calls them ‘shining examples’ Prayers answered of holiness Chilean miners rescued BY JOHN THAVIS AND BROTHER CHARLES MCBRIDE, CSC Page 3 VATICAN CITY (CNS) — Pope Benedict XVI pro- claimed six new saints, including an Australian nun and a Canadian brother, calling them “shining exam- ‘To protect the ples” of holiness and the power of prayer. faithful in the future’ Canadians cheered the canonization of Holy Cross Brother Blessed André Bessette, 1845-1937, a door- Diocese found in man known for his devotional practices and his healing touch. He became known as the “Miracle Man of compliance with charter Montreal.” Page 5 The pope said St. Bessette “showed boundless char- ity and did everything to soothe the despair of those who confided in him.” Although he had little instruc- tion, he “understood what was essential to the faith” and had an intense prayer life, the pope said. Top 50 Catholic “For him, everything spoke of God and his pres- ence,” the pope said. Thanks to this simplicity, St. school Bessette led many people to God, he added. St. Bessette “lived the beatitude of the pure of Saint Joseph’s recognized heart,” the pope said. “May the example of Brother on national honor roll André inspire Canadian Christian life!” Holy Cross Father Richard V. Warner, the superior Page 8 general of the Congregation of Holy Cross in Rome, said, “For the Congregation of Holy Cross both in the South Bend area and throughout the world, the canon- ization of St. André Bessette is a sacred moment in the BROTHER CHARLES MCBRIDE, CSC Telemachus Award Thousands of pilgrims attended the canonization ceremony for six new Catholic saints on Sunday, Oct. 17. BESSETTE, PAGE 20 Bishop D’Arcy honored at banquet for life Page 12 Car raffle is investment in youth, diocese and Church their faith there. BY KAY COZAD The WYD event will begin with a special Mass concelebrated by bishops from across ne-hundred-twenty Catholic pilgrims the globe. Other activities will include a city- Ofrom around the Diocese of Fort Wayne- wide Stations of the Cross devotion high- South Bend are excitedly anticipating the lighted by famous historic statues at each sta- upcoming pilgrimage to Madrid, Spain, for tion location across the city, morning catech- World Youth Day (WYD) in August of 2011. esis, divided into language-specific groups The diverse group, which includes 16- to 35- and daily Mass. Afternoons are free choice year-old teens and young adults, seminari- with opportunities to attend concerts, the cen- ans, young adult priests, sisters and adult tral expo there, question-and-answer ses- chaperones, including staff from the diocese, sions, or hear international speakers. will be led on the trip by Bishop Kevin C. Eucharistic Adoration and Reconciliation Rhoades. will be available daily as well. PROVIDED BY MEGAN OBERHAUSEN The trip will begin Aug. 10 with a visit to The World Youth Day event will culmi- J.D. Kimes, a senior at Bishop Dwenger High School Lourdes, France, and additional stops in nate in a pilgrim walk on Aug. 21, beginning in Fort Wayne and World Youth Day hopeful, poses Loyola and Burgos, Spain, before reaching at the Almudena Cathedral in the heart of with the Dodge Caravan that is one choice of two Madrid for the week-long WYD activities. It Madrid. The throngs of Catholic youth will vehicles being raffled off to raise funds for pilgrims has been estimated that 2.2 million youth traveling to Madrid, Spain for World Youth Day in from around the world will gather to share 2011 who are in financial need. RAFFLE, PAGE 3 2 TODAY’ S CATHOLIC OCTOBER 24, 2010 TODAY’S CATHOLIC MASS OF THANKSGIVING FOR CANONIZATION OF ST. ANDRE BESSETTE (ISSN 0891-1533) (USPS 403630) Official newspaper of the Diocese of Fort Wayne-South Bend P.O. Box 11169 Fort Wayne, IN 46856 PUBLISHER: Bishop Kevin C. Rhoades EDITOR: Tim Johnson NEWS EDITOR and STAFF WRITER: Kay Cozad Editorial Department PAGE DESIGNER: Francie Hogan FREELANCE WRITERS: Lauren Caggiano, Michelle Castleman, Karen Clifford, Elmer J. Danch, Bonnie Elberson, Denise Fedorow, Diane Freeby, May Lee Johnson, Sister Margie Lavonis, CSC, Joe Kozinski and Deb Wagner CNS PHOTOS/PAUL HARING Business Department Above, Cardinal Marc Ouellet of Quebec arrives at Santa BUSINESS MANAGER: Kathy Denice Andrea della Valle Church in Rome Oct. 18 for a Mass of AD GRAPHICS DIRECTOR: Mark Weber BOOKKEEPING/CIRCULATION: Kathy Voirol thanksgiving for the canonization of Canadian St. André [email protected] Bessette. The Canadian was among six people proclaimed Advertising Sales saints by Pope Benedict XVI a day earlier at the Vatican. Tess Steffen (Fort Wayne area) At right, a woman at Santa Andrea della Valle Church in (260) 456-2824 Rome carries an image of St. André Bessette during the Jeanette Simon (South Bend area) Oct. 18 Mass of thanksgiving for his canonization. (574) 234-0687 Web site: www.todayscatholicnews.org Published weekly except the fourth Sunday in June, second and fourth weeks in July and August and the first Pilgrims flock to Vatican for new saints week of September by the Diocese of cle used in St. MacKillop’s can- he said, before finding a place to and met with Australian pilgrims Fort Wayne-South Bend, 1103 S. BY CINDY WOODEN Calhoun St., P.O. Box 390, Fort Wayne, IN onization cause. pray. Oct. 16. He told them, “This is all 46801. Periodicals postage paid at Fort Canadian St. André Bessette, Holy Cross Father David L. about a singular woman’s life.” Wayne, IN, and additional mailing office. VATICAN CITY (CNS) — Each the Holy Cross brother also can- Guffey, director of film, televi- “This is an unconstrained cele- of the thousands of pilgrims who onized Oct. 17, had a reputation sion and video for Family Theater bration of something that is pure- POSTMASTER: Send address changes to: flocked to St. Peter’s Square Oct. as a healer. Productions, was with 150 mem- ly good,” he said. “It’s not just a Today’s Catholic, P.O. Box 11169, Fort 17 had a special reason for being Diane Guillemette from bers of the U.S. Holy Cross line. When you read this Wayne, IN 46856-1169 or e-mail: there. Montreal said that when her Family Ministries’ pilgrimage. He woman’s life you see she did [email protected]. Ricky Peterson, a 50-year-old mother was 16 years old “she had now lives in Santa Monica, more good than all of us together. man from Kansas City, Kan., a problem with her ear and she Calif., but was the director of She is a woman of guts, courage MAIN OFFICE: 915 S. Clinton St., Fort credits the intercession of went to Brother André and he Andre House, a soup kitchen in and determination.” Wayne, IN 46802.Telephone (260) Australia’s first saint, Mother healed her.” Phoenix, Ariz., in 1990-96. The Australian pilgrims who 456-2824. Fax: (260) 744-1473. Mary MacKillop, with healing Guillemette, a member of the Father Guffey said St. Bessette gathered by the camper consis- BUREAU OFFICE: 114 W.Wayne St., South him of Parkinson’s disease 27 Pilgrims of St. Michael, a lay is a constant reminder “that the tently pointed to St. MacKillop’s Bend, IN 46601.Telephone (574) 234- months ago. missionary movement, said that simplest act of welcome and hos- determination to minister to 0687. Fax: (574) 232-8483. Before traveling to Australia in for her, “Brother Andre is an pitality means so much to peo- Catholics in Australia’s remote 2008, he said he had read about example of patience, humility and ple.” outback, even when some bishops News deadline is the Monday morning Blessed MacKillop and prayed love of work.” In addition to prayer vigils tried to impose a more traditional before publication date. Advertising that she would be “a travel guide Sylvia Nazon, a New Yorker around Rome Oct. 16 in honor of way of life on her community. deadline is nine days before publica- for the World Youth Day pil- now living in Paris, also came to the six men and women who “She came to Rome to fight tion date. grims” he and his wife brought to Rome to celebrate St. Bessette. were about to be declared saints, for a rule that was very unusual Sydney. “He was so humble, a wonder- the Vatican Museums and the for her time,” said St. Joseph LETTERS POLICY: Today’s Catholic wel- Visiting her grave in Sydney ful servant of the Lord and even Australian Embassy to the Holy Sister Anne Derwin, the congre- comes original, signed letters about July 18, 2008, “I prayed, ‘Lord, issues affecting church life. Although more devoted to St. Joseph than I See organized an evening of abo- gational leader. “Our aim is to be we cannot publish every letter we I’ve asked Mary to pray with me. am,” she said. “I love St. Joseph riginal art, music and dance at the very ordinary women out among receive, we strive to provide a balanced I’d love nothing more than to and I took him as a stepfather for museums Oct. 15. the people,” just as St. MacKillop representation of expressed opinions leave this disease and the tremors my children when their father The event included the open- was, she said.
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