17384 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD—SENATE, Vol. 157, Pt. 12 November 15, 2011 loves to explore his deep Greek herit- mination, good planning and persever- Yesterday, it was my honor to age. Jonathan’s ancestors made their ance. If any team epitomizes that be- present Marv with the Purple Heart living as divers in the Aegean Sea, and lief, its the Bangor Girls Soccer Team, Award Certificate he should have re- Jonathan is known to regale his friends which overcame the heart-wrenching ceived nearly 50 years ago, and with it and colleagues with fascinating anec- loss of last year to become the best a corrected ‘‘DD 215’’ discharge form. dotes about Greek history and culture, team in Class A soccer this year. History shows us that Marv is an such as the history of the Hippocratic Again, I congratulate and commend honored recipient of the Purple Heart, Oath. the Bangor High School Girls Soccer and all the benefits that come with it. I wish Jonathan Topodas, and his Team on their well-deserved victory as In researching Marv’s records, we family, nothing but the best as he gets well as their extraordinary efforts. learned that Marv never received sev- ready to begin a well-deserved retire- What a wonderful success story they eral other decorations he earned years ment.∑ are for Bangor and our great State of ago. Yesterday, I also had the honor of ∑ f Maine! presenting to Marv, the Navy Good f Conduct Medal, and the National De- BANGOR HIGH SCHOOL’S GIRLS fense Service Medal. It was also my SOCCER TEAM TRIBUTE TO MARVIN BREWSTER ∑ honor to present the Vietnam Service ∑ Ms. SNOWE. Mr. President, today I Mr. TESTER. Mr. President, today I Medal with three Bronze Stars, and the honor Marvin Brewster, a veteran of extend my most heartfelt congratula- Presidential Unit Citation Ribbon. Yes- the Vietnam war. And a familiar volun- tions to the Bangor High School Girls terday I also presented to Marv the teer in the community of Great Falls, Soccer Team, which on November 5, Combat Action Ribbon and the Viet- MT. For years, Marv has been very ac- 2011, clinched the programs first-ever nam Campaign Medal with 1960 Device. tive in Toys for Tots, and the Marine Maine Class A State Championship, These decorations are small tokens, Corps League, and the Great Falls and in doing so achieved the remark- but they are powerful symbols of true able feat of a perfect season! I applaud Farmers Market. Marv Brewster is also an artist. He heroism—sacrifice and dedication to Coach Johnson and each and every service. member of the team on their milestone sculpted the 13-foot angel that graces the Montana Veterans’ Memorial. Any- These medals are presented on behalf accomplishment! of a grateful nation that wishes you Indeed, the story of the Bangor Girls one who has visited that memorial has no doubt been uplifted by the power and your family, Marv, the very best in Soccer Team is truly inspiring, charac- the future.∑ terized by an extraordinary strength of and comfort of Marv’s statue. Through all of his work in this com- f character and conviction that could munity, Marv never asked for recogni- not be more emblematic of our great MESSAGES FROM THE PRESIDENT tion. He just did as all Marines do—the State of Maine. The team embarked very best he could on behalf of his fel- Messages from the President of the upon this season imbued with the dis- low citizens. United States were communicated to tinct recollection of its heartbreaking Forty-six years ago, Marv joined the the Senate by Mr. Pate, one of his sec- loss in last years championship match, Navy. He served with M Company, 3rd retaries. but under the steadfast leadership of 12 Battalion, 7th Marines as a combat f seniors who have been lifelong friends corpsman in Vietnam. EXECUTIVE MESSAGES REFERRED and teammates, the team admirably I would like to read what COL C.H. transformed that defeat into an inde- Bodley, the commander of the 3rd As in executive session the Presiding fatigable drive to seize the gold ball. Battalion, said to Marv in 1966. And Officer laid before the Senate messages From that point forward, the team this is a direct quote: from the President of the United demonstrated an awe-inspiring, un- You have performed your duties as Platoon States submitting sundry nominations matched fortitude and tenacity that Corpsman in an outstanding manner . which were referred to the appropriate propelled them to victory after victory. Your potential was more fully exploited as committees. As senior Liz Hintz stated in a Bangor you participated in eight major operations (The nominations received today are Daily News article, We took every and numerous small unit activities. On Oper- printed at the end of the Senate pro- game seriously. We knew we couldnt ation Mallard’ the company sustained 13 cas- ualties from Viet Cong small arms and mor- ceedings.) afford to let down for even ten minutes tar fire. Without hesitation, you moved f because we knew it could cost us. That through the area administering aid and com- undeterred, laser beam focus was re- forting those in need of your assistance . MESSAGES FROM THE HOUSE flected in their statistics as well. In Your performance on Operation Mallard’ is At 4:22 p.m., a message from the the regular season alone, the team in- indicative of the consistently fine work you House of Representatives, delivered by credibly outscored their opponents 98– have been doing. Your eagerness to serve, Mrs. Cole, one of its reading clerks, an- 8, and in the postseason, an even more unswerving loyalty and professional ability nounced that the House has passed the have earned you the respect and confidence impressive 18–0. of all who have been associated with you. It following bill, without amendment: The teams unwavering motivation is indeed a pleasure to have men of your cal- S. 1412. An act to designate the facility of led them all the way to their second iber in my command and I highly commend the United States Postal Service located at consecutive championship game where, you for a job well done. 462 Washington Street, Woburn, Massachu- in a rematch of the previous years title On April 21, 1966, Marv was wounded setts, as the ‘‘Officer John Maguire Post Of- contest, they again confronted the in combat during ‘‘Operation Hot fice’’. reigning champion. Undaunted, the Springs.’’ For his sacrifice, he received The message also announced that the team played with the unflagging pas- a Purple Heart. House has passed the following bills, in sion and willpower that had become its Marv got the medal. But his Purple which it requests the concurrence of hallmark characteristic, working tire- Heart was never recorded in his official the Senate: lessly on both offense and defense and records. The Navy said it was the Ma- H.R. 298. An act to designate the facility of never relenting to a challenge. That ir- rines’ job. The Marines said it was the the United States Postal Service located at reversible tide of momentum as the op- Navy’s job. 500 East Whitestone Boulevard in Cedar posing coach called it carried Bangor Decades later, Marv Brewster Park, Texas, as the ‘‘Army Specialist Mat- to a convincing 4–0 victory and its first reached out to my office to fix his thew Troy Morris Post Office Building’’. Class A Championship. record once and for all so he could ac- H.R. 588. An act to redesignate the Noxubee National Wildlife Refuge as the The legendary Mia Hamm once as- cess the health benefits he earned as he Sam D. Hamilton Noxubee National Wildlife tutely observed, The backbone of suc- faces another tough challenge: cancer, Refuge. cess is usually found in old-fashioned, related to Agent Orange exposure in H.R. 2422. An act to designate the facility basic concepts like hard work, deter- Vietnam. of the United States Postal Service located VerDate Sep 11 2014 10:29 Mar 25, 2015 Jkt 099102 PO 00000 Frm 00030 Fmt 0686 Sfmt 0634 E:\BR11\S15NO1.001 S15NO1 rmajette on DSK2TPTVN1PROD with BOUND RECORD November 15, 2011 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD—SENATE, Vol. 157, Pt. 12 17385 at 45 Bay Street, Suite 2, in Staten Island, Office of the President of the Senate on No- EC–3927. A communication from the Direc- New York, as the ‘‘Sergeant Angel Mendez vember 9, 2011; to the Committee on Bank- tor of the Regulatory Management Division, Post Office’’. ing, Housing, and Urban Affairs. Environmental Protection Agency, transmit- EC–3920. A communication from the Direc- ting, pursuant to law, the report of a rule en- ENROLLED BILL SIGNED tor of the Regulatory Management Division, titled ‘‘Approval and Promulgation of Imple- At 5:30 p.m., a message from the Environmental Protection Agency, transmit- mentation Plans; Reasonably Available Con- House of Representatives, delivered by ting, pursuant to law, the report of a rule en- trol Technology for Oxides of Nitrogen for a Mr. Novotny, one of its reading clerks, titled ‘‘Air Quality Designations for the 2008 Specific Source in the State of New Jersey’’ announced that the Speaker has signed Lead (Pb) National Ambient Air Quality (FRL No. 9486–1) received in the Office of the the following enrolled bill: Standards’’ (FRL No. 9492–3) received in the President of the Senate on November 9, 2011; Office of the President of the Senate on No- to the Committee on Environment and Pub- H.R. 398. An act to amend the Immigration vember 9, 2011; to the Committee on Environ- lic Works.
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