This drawing is to be read in conjunction with drawings prepared by the architects, structural engineers and service consultants and all other relevant details and information. Any queries or discrepancies must be reported immediately to the architect. Do not scale: use figured dimensions only. All dimensions must be verified by the main contractor before the commencement on site of any item of work or the preparation of shop drawings for their own work or that of Arborfield Garrison - Parcel O1 sub-contractor or suppliers. 0800 5700 6700 7300 0001 0005 8100 4700 7000 9500 0001 3030 B Drain Bdy Ward Track Track (um) Path Path BM 84.76m (um) Drain Golf Course Track Drain Golf Course Gleniffer Farm Drain Gravelpithill Drain Gravelpit Hill 12 102 Lane Def Track 6 Drain 6792 Vine Ridge Drain 14 Farm 6089 2991 98 Path (um) Path Drain 4889 (um) Track Coombes Lane (Path um) 2 9989 0044 LIMMER 18 15 CLOSE 5886 Path CR (um) Wireless 87 17 Well Mast Tricorne Stables 7685 Drain Hughes Green 45.7m 57 43 CARTERSHILL 47 20 Path (um) 39a 1 39 41 37 COOMBES 37a LANE LANE 41a Def 3882 CR Path St Bartholomew's Church (Track) ELLIS'S HILL 9782 Drain 83.4m Drain SANDY Leesons LANE 1 25 Hunter's FB ROAD BM 48.48m Reading Room MOLE 85 Point 2 68 BM 58.55m Alexion House Cottage Sandy 62 Lane Oldfield 2879 Sandy Bottom Brook CP Def 1 Ford 5579 58 2 Cottages 52 Path (um) 50a 2278 2978 46 50 60.1m 59.7m Lych CR 42 40a 36 Gate 40 38 58.0m Acre 26 86a 22 Half Church Hall Park Side Chimneys Woodpeckers Newhaven Drain 86 Playground 79 Hill Cottage (um) Church Silent Springs 82a The Pheasantries Path 84 Cottage Park View BB 1.22m Rectory CHURCH 75 LANE Close Ellis's Hill Farm Pond 56.1m 82 Rivendell 8671 5 The Pightle SANDY The Apple Tree 1 73 LANE Rectory Cottage Parkhill GP 16 Drain Almond Tree 47.8m The Old Rectory Longcroft Cottage 71a THE SHIRES Path 0068 BB 3269 1768 Elllis's Hill Sluice 76 49.5m BM 56.80m Path Pond CHURCH LANE 0068 4 Oakwood (um) 74.4m 15 Drain Nursery Farm 37 2 Drain 14 Pond 72 71 Coombe Hill 48.3m Red Roof 2b GP 31 32 Little 2a 19 Hayes Little Grazings 20 28 BM Drain 14 THE RH 1.22m 30 2 .22m 73.65m 1 JUNIPERS 1664 RH 11 28 29 (Track) 6864 13 Jakanoro Copsewood LANE 23 Wood HAYES 10 Phyllena Orchard Lane 13a Cloud Stables (Path 1 Def Woodside 12 um) The Cottage El Sub Sta Pond 10 Ashcombe Path Cottage Oaks Well 66 (um) Path 32 House Drain 3 Rose Cottage (um) 10 17 65 JAPONICA 17 15 4 62 Lavender Hamilton House WOODLANDS 1 1 to 6 12 2 11 20 THE 5 Cottage 10 ROAD Well 3 Arborfield The Spinney 3 8 14 CLOSE 60 Grange Arborfield 9158 9759 61 9 Seasons 22 6 House 34 The Coombes CLOSE 9 16 7 58a ALMOND um) 1 26 Seasons Merrie (Path El Sub GROVE 15 BEARWOOD 2 Lane 2357 Drain TREE Barkham Hill Sta 14 2 Bells Cole LANE 21 Arborfield 55 Path 7 CHERRY 71.3m 58 (um) 28 1 CHURCH 37 12 57 3 RH 1 Bdy 39 295 .22m Ward 1 17 11 9455 1 Tank 19 Drain 56 BROOM 30 Badgerwood 3145 61.6m GROVE 53 Pond 25 32 A 327 Barkham Coombes House SOMERVILLE 6253 52 9 11 3 3552 1 7 15 26 3349 B LB BM CLOSE 10 26 Greensward Hatteralls 11 THE LILACS 47.96m LB 328b 50 15 Cott Long 1 (um) PO El Sub Sta 14 Path ETL 6952 1 Cottage 5 30 17 72.2m Pump 1350 5650 6 3 5 (Track) 20 12 4 LANE Gorran 45a HAYES Bear Copse Yorvik 22 328a 330 House 46 LB 6 8 Bridge 2 Leander 11 42 1 Hazeltons Copse 47 48.2m Track Barkham Hill Farm 311 House 10 WHITEBEAM 4 313a Wood (um) Drain Path 332 Lane 1 Drain GP 42a (Path 43 45 Suilven CLOSE 14 313 um) 12 The Old 10 332a 42 7145 18 School SINDLESHAM 3 Ramblers Drain 6 334 14 SILVER BIRCHES Stonehaven Meadowside 41a 5144 ROAD 9046 22 1 THORN 12 52 Sewage Works CLOSE 14 0743 39a 41 Grange 1 25 Pump House 69.8m 20 2 Cottage 39 4 0042 8443 2 0042 63.4m HILL Drain 1 36 21 DOLES Grange READING Drain ROAD Ford 9 Windwhistle Track 22 Hyway Cottages Homestead 5 26 4 Oakfields Elgol 344 Spring Croft Arlington Track 3141 WAY 3 12 Ridgefield 323 FB 18a House ASH 27 31 10 Posts 7 16 18 323a El Ridgefield 35 12 Sub THE Gailana 1 Farm 11 12 Cross Lanes Rustlings Issues 15 VINES 325 Sta Pond 17 Farm 14 BM 49.87m 28 2 14 325a 21 50.9m 7 31 Oakdene 12 1 20 327 Poppins Chetwood CLOSE 20 352 (um) HORNBEAM 327a Wormstall Honeys 29a Path CR Causeway Farm 27a 354a 329 Meiarth Riding 1534 School Paviland Sherborne 18 Track 329a 354 St. Clair 12 29 14 Works 329b 16 1 17 24a 329c 5 1 Wormstall Farm (um) 23 4 Path Cottages Drain 2 Drain (um) 356a Path AGGISTERS 331 356 22 21a Stables 9731 Drain Drain Clovelly 7 12 333 61.9m Yd Nursery LANE 15 21 333a CR Faraway 358a Pond Builder's 11 335 Willows Colbeck 358 AVENUE Oakwood WALDEN Ashill Reverie Roseholme Drain Drain 351 The 360 Chalet Wychelm Lockey Farm 351a 12 Drain Oranje 1 13 7125 366 GREENSWARD Woodside 11 El 2 Pond 353 ROAD 368 366a Sub Sta Drain BARKHAM LANE Wrens Nest Stables Belton House 7 65.5m 359 368a (Track) Pond 13 7423 370 18 Wibsey TCB LANE Pudding Lane Nursery 64.0m COLE Chestnuts 62.5m Und 21 (Horticultural) Laburnum Coppid Hill Square Drain Foot Bridge 384 6219 One LANE 1020 A 22 327 Pound Bignells Copse WOOD 3 19 1 Def Copse 72.2m 1 0318 3118 Kingsway A 327 Drain BM 73.50m House Drain Drain 1a 7016 60.4m 1417 Drain Newland Farm Drain RH Half Way 3016 Tree BM 65.59m Track Coppid Hill Highlands Barkham Rectory PUDDING 0004 House Drain The 0914 Cottage Little Drain 0014 LANE Gables 0014 The EVENDON'S LANE Drain White Ward Bdy Track (Track) House READING Villa BM 59.78m Arborfield Park Field ROAD Lych B 3030 Gate Fisher Cottage House EDNEY'S Tel 66.1m Ridgelands Fern HILL Drain House Ex War Memorial House Gate Winslow House The House Meadow Croft St Water Leonards Borris Arborfield Cross LANE BM 67.01m WOOD Playing Field Arborfield Park Drain 5607 Water Coppid Hill Bridlewood Path ETL Oakfield 60.7m The Lodge Barkham Manor (Track) Bull Sunnyridge RIDE (PH) 56.1m Playing Field FB CR Mortimers Lee of the Hill Charmesbury 1 NASHGROVE The Bungalow ROAD Woodlands Larkrise Lodge Farm TCB 3 The Coombes School B 3349 1 .22m SWALLOWFIELD 1 BB Drain Arborfield, Newland Tourmakeady 2 1 to Shelter 4 10 Bdy Water EVERSLEY and Barkham Drain Lanka Ward 2 SCHOOL 9 Edneys House ROAD RD C of E School House The Studio 9000 5 to 7 Woodlands Farm 8 Coombe 1 A 4500 7400 0060 327 Swimming Pool 6800 0600 0004 View 8700 Drain High Bank 3349 Tennis Court B Pond Little 14 5 B 3349 7200 0500 1200 3300 Folly 7400 0600 The 18 0500 1200 5800 Coombe Tank 8700 3800 A 1500 Gable 11 B El Sub Sta 6800 5900 327 3349 2500 4400 Pavilion Coombes Swimming Pool Arborfield Park Highbank End 3349 View B School Tennis Old School The Woodlands Farm Court 61.6m 24 Betiscott ROAD House 1 Post .22m BARKHAM BB Playing Field House Arborfield Newland House Drain Skene 42 9195 and Barkham C of E 64.3m Drain 47 Junior School 15 36 BM 63.57m ROAD Corylus PUDDING Woodlands Farm 15a House 7 B 3349 Bailiff's (Track) LANE GP Pond Playground SWALLOWFIELD 34 a Cottage B 3349 Drain RH 34 1 LANE Willow Path Highfield ANDERSON CR WOOD 53.3m Kingsway 37 CRESCENT Pond Field BM Follyfoot Cottage Farm 0093 SCHOOL House The Corringa Pippins 56.26m Drain ROAD BM TCB Copper Pondoroza Swan Drain 27a 1 Beech 1 48.59m .22m 23 27b (PH) RH 60.4m EDNEY'S Shaw Drain 46 1 7 BARKHAM Drain Mount Sunrise Birch 6 Applemore BM 50.78m STREET 9090 BM Langleypond Council Houses RH Cottage Tinkers House Def 24 51.2m The Bull HILL .22m 1 61.31m GARDENS 22 67.7m Farm (PH) 69 14 40 13 ROAD Greenacres 1 CHAMBERLAIN'S Barn Cottage .22m RH BARKHAM 64.6m EMBLEN 4687 Diagon House CRESCENT Sherwood Garage Redridge 0088 LANE 6288 Inglewood EVENDON'S Greenbank Sparks Farm Und 15 Greenways Pickwick 9290 Edneys Hill Farm Hall 1 The Steading Magnolia 20 Cottage 22 Pond 12 Def Meads CLOSE 6086 Nursery Drain The Well House 59 BM 64.57m Windrush Caldwell House 8084 5 Cott The Nook 1 Fieldfare 59.1m PO Feathercot Harvest Cottage CLOSE Drain 4 Chamberlain's BRANTS Maple El 2 Ami LB 51.2m 10 Farm Bon Sub 48.8m 1 4786 Sta WAY WHITEWELL Drain 49 4 LINK Und 52.1m 9586 11 Yew Tree Drain 21 38 Cottage 24 Willow Drain Brae 8282 Tennis 17 Court 3681 5981 Cregnybaa 0080 SCHOOL 0080 2 ROAD Bdy Handpost Farm RH Byways Ward 9380 Mogeta .22m 1 39 Chirundu LB 5179 Quesada Redwood Pond MELROSE El 10 Tk Arborfield Cross The Gables GARDENS Sub 11 26 RH Gables Sta .22m 1 High 1 El Sub 0477 Sta Primrose 14 Cottage Cerney Plas 56.7m The Japonicas Suncot 12 Newydd 29 Grantley GREENSWARD GP (um) 6475 Path LANE 70.4m 5675 Pype Nursery 2 Hayes 2 Bungalow 8774 1 7274 Langley Common 0073 4873 Manor Cottage 21 Leehaven 0074 11 0073 Rowan (um) 1 Path Track 8070 1 1 .22m Farfield RH Rosemount 14 Field House 11 15 4868 17 14a Pantiles 20 Little 16 Bourne 14 21 51.2m 12 Drain Path 11 Charnwood (um) 0065 0065 10 1662 27 Primrose Brook Farm Firs Three Cottage Nashgrove 7265 8 7 Ride 55.8m 8 Barkham 30 Drain HARTS 6 Grange CLOSE (Track) 1.22m FF 4 3 60.0m Pump Church BARKHAM RH Barn Court Gardens View 2 .22m Club 1 34 6960 BM 61.99m 1 1 STREET 2 0057 Brook GP House Track Drain (um) 38 Path 4656 0057 Brook 50 7953 The Cottage Lodge Path (um) 66.1m 10 The 48 White Cottage (um) ETL 6451 7 Path 7650 The Croft Track Barkham 52 18 7150 21 2 54 60.7m EVERSLEY 24 56 Bdy ROAD 11 2 Ward Garage 3 Arborfield Court to 5 1 Pump House Targetts Hall Farm St James's Church House 62 Little Oaklands 4043 Langley House 51.5m Targetts 64 32 CHURCH LANE Pond GP Caravan Park Tank 52.7m ROAD 1 BM 54.28m Drain 9743 SWALLOWFIELD Pond Pond Tank Drain 53.0m SD BM 58.49m Mallards 0038 Path Drain 3739 (um) Drain New Cottage 6336 (um) 4437 Path Builder's Church Yard l ETL Brokers Cottages 4 59.1m Stable House 5 (um) Water Path 2 55.8m Tower ROAD Church Nest Farm Ducks
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