HUGO GERNSBACK Editor Constructing the In This Issue "RADIOLAMP rt RADIO- CRAFT'S Listener's Table Receiver DX Forum See Page 648 Broadcast Station List - Constructing A Micro- Midget Analyzer Rewiring Sets For 2 -Volt Tubes -A Battery- Operated Midget RADIO'S LIVEST MAGAZINE M`MU LVER THE ONLY CUSTOM -BUILT RECEIVER OFFERED FOR 10 DAY TRIAL No strings to this offer. Try the Masterpiece 1O days. Keep it if you like it ... or send it back for prompt refund. 14 inch, 42 lb. Speaker This giant speaker is 4 times as efficient as others. Full tone range at any volume. 13 -570 Meter Calibrated Dial Identifies all stations in- stantly without reference to charts or station finders. A. V. C. Holds fading stations at con- stant volume. NOW is the best time for European reception. This is the most daring offer ever made by a Manual and Auto- But, you don't want to spend your money for maker of custom -built receivers. 10 day free matic Tone Control an All -wave receiver until you KNOW, beyond all doubt, that the receiver trial! 10 days in which to prove to yourself, by Gives any desired interpre- you intend to buy will fully meet your expectations, and will actually give tation of musical programs any kind of test you can conceive of, right in at any volume. you the reception you hope to get. You are right. You should not be asked your own home, that The Masterpiece is the fin- Meter Tuning to gamble. Yet the Masterpiece is the only receiver you can buy, without est All -wave receiver made today. Permits micrometrically ac- gambling. The Masterpiece is the only custom -built radio in the world whose curate tuning. London, Paris, Berlin, Madrid, Lisbon and other maker knows it fo be so fine that he dares offer it to you for a ten day free Noise Squelch foreigners are coming in at their best now -with trial in your own home, with only you to be the judge if it is satisfactory in Circuit excellent volume and clarity. You want to hear Cuts out all inter -station every way before you decide it's the set you want. Good? The Masterpiece these stations clearly, distinctly ... each word, noise at the turn of a knob. has got to be good to justify such a guarantee! each note sharply defined ... exactly as though Audio -Beat you were there. Hear them that way with The Oscillator The throw of a switch ma':es Masterpiece -on trial! very low -power foreigners easy to find. Send 6c in stamps for my 16 -page book giving McMURDO SILVER INC. Individual Curves complete technical description of the Master- Personally made by myself 1132 W. Austin Ave., Chicago. piece and its many new and outstanding operat- on your own set, which they accompany. Six cents in stamps enclosed. Send me your book giving full technical details ing and performance features. Full details of my and performance facts on The Masterpiece. offer will be included. Please use the coupon Accurately Logged On at least 3 European or Name from this announcement. Asiatic stations in final test. Street Town State McMURDO SILVER INC. 1132 West Austin Avenue Chicago, U. S. A. LEARN RADIO IN 10 WEEKS! PA YAFTERYOUGRRADUAiE I am making an offer that no other school has dared to do. I'll take you here in my shops and give you this training and you pay your tuition after you have graduated. Two months after you complete my course you make your first payment, and then you have ten months to complete your payments. There are no strings to this offer. I know a lot of honest fellows haven't got a lot of money these days, but still want to prepare themselves for a real job so they won't have to worry about hard times or lay offs. I've got enough confidence in these fellows and in my training to give them the training they need and pay me back after they have their training. If you who read this advertisement are really interested A scent in the big, busy Radio Shops at Coyne. Here you see in your future here is the chance of a life time. Mail the fellows working on real Radios-not reading about them from coupon today and I'll give you all the facts. books or lessons. This is THE way to prepare for the big - money field of Radio! TELEVISION and TALKING PICTURES Television is already here ! Soon there'll be a demand for THOUSANDS of TELEVISION EXPERTS! The man who learns Television now can have a great future in this great new field. Get in on the ground -floor of this amazing new Radio development! Come to COYNE and learn Television on the very latest, newest Television equipment. Talking Picture and Public Address Systems offer oppoh ' .nities to the Trained Radio Man. Here is a great new Radio field just beginning to grow ! Prepare NOW for these wonderful opportunities! Learn Radio Sound Work at Coyne on actual Talking Picture and Sound Reproduction equipment. machines and Sound equipment. You learn Wireless Operating on PREPARE NOW and be actual Code Practice apparatus. We don't waste time on useless theory. We give you the practical training you'll need -in 10 ready for Radio's many short, pleasant weeks. MANY EARN WHILE LEARNING opportunities You get And don't let lack Forget offs Free Employment Service for Life. pay -cuts -lay- -unemployment! Don't be tied down to of money stop you. Many of our students make all or a good part an man's future. You - untrained NEED TRAINING IN A FAST of their living expenses while school and you should GROWING MONEY -MAKING TRADE. Here's going to if your chance of a need this help just write me. 33 Coyne lifetime to get it! Hundreds of now in to Coyne is years old. opportunities open Radio. Training is tested- proven beyond all doubt. You can find out every- My sensational offer, explained below, makes it possible for you thing absolutely free. coupon my to START AT ONCE! Just mail for big free hook! The right way to learn Radio is the Coyne way -not by books, H. C. LEWIS, Pres. RADIO DIVISION Founded I899 but by actual, practical work on actual Radio, Television and Sound equipment. Here at Coyne you'll service and operate scores COYNE ELECTRICAL SCHOOL of modern Radio receivers, huge Broadcasting equipment, late type 500 S. Paulina St., Dept.53-8H, Chicago, Ill. Television apparatus, Talking Picture machines, Code transmitters Mail and receivers, etc. In 10 weeks you can step into a BEAL JOB, Coupon Today for All the Facts a salary of week leading to $50 a and UP! H. C. LEWIS, President Radio Division, Coyne Electrical School ALL PRACTICAL WORK 500 S. Paulina St., Dept. S3 -eH, Chicago, Ill. I'ar Mr. Lewis: Send me your big FREE Book; details of At COYNE your FREE Employment Service; and tell me all about your in Chicago special ALL ACTL AL, PRACTICAL WORK. You offer of allowing me to pay for training on easy monthly build radio sets, terms after graduation. install and service them. You actually operate great Broadcast- ing equipment. You construct Television Receiving Sets and ac- Name tually transmit your own Television programs over our mod- ern Television equipment. You work on real Talking Picture Address City State RADIO -CRAFT for MAY, 1933 641 OUR JUNE ISSUE IS A SPECIAL AUTOMOTIVE RADIO NUMBER THE See Page 652 /RdioaftFOR SERVICE MAN DEALER RADIOTRICIAN HUGO GERNSBACK, Editor -in -Chief LOUIS MARTIN R. D. WASHBURNE Associate Editor Technical Editor CONTENTS OF THE IN OUR NEXT FEW ISSUES: MAY, 1933, ISSUE HOW TO MAKE AN ULTRA -MIDGET CAR RADIO SET. Because VOLUME IV NUMBER 11 of the extreme adaptability of the little A.C.-D.C. ultra -midget sets, many set makers have provided for their use with battery supply, and are recommending their use as an automotive re- Editorial -DX Listening Hugo Gernsback 647 ceiver. However, while most of these sets are extremely convenient to use, due to their portability and ready adaptability How to Build the "Radiolamp" Table Receiver to any con- venient 6 V. current outlet, such as a dash -board or instrument - Clyde Fitch 648 board light socket, they lack the extreme sensitivity and A.V.C. The Latest Radio Equipment 651 feature of most automotive sets. To meet this demand, there has been designed a new "ultra- midget ": a car radio receiver which the The Vest -Pocket, Seven -Tube Superhetero- Ultradyne.. average set builder will have no difficulty in constructing. Build Ulysses Fips 654 this new "money maker." Building a Battery- Operated "Personal" Receiver H. G. Cisin 657 THE AUXILIARY ANALYZER AND TUBE TESTER. This interesting device picks up the problem of set and tube testing where older Building a Laboratory- Standard Analyzer analyzers leave off, and enables the Service Man to continue the Leon J. Littmann 658 use of his old tester in the service of new sets and tubes. Making Money with Amplifiers, Part V Hubert L. Shortt and Frank Lester 660 RADIO -CRAFT is published monthly, on the fifth of the month preceding Constructing the Micro- Midget Analyzer that of date; its subscription price is $2.50 per year. (In Canada and George G. Serotta 662 foreign countries, $3.00 a year to cover additional postage.) Entered at the post office at Mt. Morris, Ill., as second -class matter under the act of The Volt- March 3, 1879.
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