Property of MARINE CO:IFS HISTORICAL LIBRARY AUG 3 19S9 Please Return to Room 3127 'VOL. VIII, NO. 29 U. S. MARINE CORPS AIR STATION, KANEOHE BAY, T. H. July 17, 1959 `Point of the Barb' ANNUAL I. G. INSPECTION SET Scheduled Tonight FOR AIR STATION NEXT MONTH Col. Janie' II. Christensen will head a group of 14 officers hiring the annual Inspector General's inspection of personnel, At Station Theater equipment. a lid facilities of the Air Station here next month. One of the season's most amusing Scheduled to begin with a conference and briefing in the live productions shown on the is- tdolinistration Bldg. at 8 a.m., Aug. 3. the five-day inspection will end with a critique Aug. 7. land will be presented tonight at The Inspector General's party, 7:30 at Theater Number One. En- Recon Co. Starts currently inspecting the 1st Ma- titled "Point of the Barb," the show rime Japan, is a musical comedy featuring a 1 Death Valley Hike e eraeduAllerdtof t ngarrWivieherien byair from production cast of 50 memberi nd Iwakuni on July 31, On Aug. I, they ,in 18 piece band. Two hundred and fifty Marines will report the results of their in- spection of the 1st Wing to Lt.Gen. "Point left Barstow, Calif., Monday night of the Barb" is a satirical Vernon E. Megee, Commanding hike from the scorch- musical comedy concerning the in- on a 175-mile General, Fleet Marine Force, Pa- : ognifo visit of the Secretary of the ing heat of Death Valley to snow- cific. Navy to the Naval Air Station at capped Mount Whitney. Maj.Gen. Thomas G. Ennis, Barber's Point. For the Kaneohe Armed with some 20,000 salt tab- named to the Marine Corps In- Bay presentation there will be spe- TECHNIQUE OF INSTRUCTION - ActSSgt. Herbert Olayvar runs lets, the marchers from the 1st spector General's past June 1, did cial material adapted to the local througn an instruction on bayonet fighting, utilizing a pool cue for Recon Company of the 1st Marine not accompany the inspection Installation. one of his props. He was among a group of enlisted men in Service Division expect to complete the party to the 1st Wing but may Written and produced locally by 3n. who competed to represent the unit in competition against other hike in 14 days. Tabbed "Operation arrive in Hawaii in time for the ervice personnel, ':Point of the Battalions in the Brigade next month. Photo by ActSgt. Bruce Hamper. Hi-Lo," the march is designed as a Kaneohe Bay inspection. Barb" has been presented at Bar- toughening up and training mission. In addition to Col. Christensen, is composed of ber's Point and at Midway Island During the first phase of the the inspecting party Capt. C. z,efore some 3000 people. Tun Tavern Reconstruction Group operation the Marines will en- LtCol. D. M. Persinger, FL Livingston, Capt. William J. There will be admission counter 130-degree heat at 252 an charge Benyo and Capt. J. Ward. of 50 cents feet below sea level. They will per person. All proceeds Plans Revised Historical Calendar Specialists inspectors are: Lt.Col. will be donated to the local Auxiliary A revised Marine Corps wealth of ficaLs have reserved the site later find temperatures of around completely Hazel E. Benn (Special Services), of the Navy Relief Society. Calendar for 1960 will be 30 degrees at the 14,496-foot peak Historical for the project. Maj. A. S. Dooley (Troop), Maj. H. available about the middle of Sep- of Mount Whitney. The scheduled movie for tonight, William Derderian, executive sec- A. Staklstrom (Troop), Maj. C. L. tember. A million of the new calen- Westbound." will not be shown retary of the committee, said that Air drops of supplies will be made Goode (Maintenance and Operation dars will be printed as compared Theater Number One. It will be the completed project will serve a daily to the Marines during the of Facilities). Maj. L. J. Carainiti with 180.000 published for the 1959 from lowest point in the shown tomorrow night at Theater three-fold purpose: "1. A museum of march the (Marine Corps Exchange and Au- year. to what was, until Number Two as scheduled. Corps history; 2. A workshop where United States ditor), Maj. E. J. Orem (Organic became a Owners of the copyrights on the the tools for the defense of the Alaska state, the highest. Supply), Capt. E. H. Utley (Organic calendar, the National Committee Corps will continue to be forged and In training far the operation for Supply), Capt. W. E. Douglass (Food 49 GENERALS for the Reconstruction of Tun Tav- 3. A much needed nation headquart- over a month, the marchers expect Services) and Capt. A. M. Beach ern, noted that revenues obtained ers for the congressionally charter- to arrive atop Mount Whitney July (Communication-Electronics). IN MEETING from the sale of the calendar would ed Marine Corps League." 24 and then continue to the exit of be used to erect a facsimile of the the national forest, a distance of Forty-nine top ranking generals Flag Flies In D.C., Marine Corps' birthplace. about 33 miles. The operation offi- met at Marine Corps headquarters The committee, a non-profit cor- cially ends July 27. Calif. on Same Day Monday for tile 1959 Marine Corps CAREER MILITARY poration composed of former ma- of it General Officers' Conference MU, I IN SENATE It is believed that this march is Though the ceepeeetion rines, plans to raise $300,000 for the the first of its kind by an organized Southern California congressman Gen, Randolph McC. Pate. Com- Career military men retiring after restoration of Tun Tavern at the group. and the speed of e commercial jet mandant of the Marine Corps, con- corner of Sixth and Arch Streets in 20 or more years of service will airliner, a 49-star flag which was vened the three-day conference to Philadteehia. City and Common- reap educational. farm and home raised over the nation's capitol at discuss with general officers some loan guaranty. and vocational bene- MX GROCERY STORE 8 am. was lowered at Del Mar, Cal- of the Corps' current fits if a bill approved by the Senate problems. Hours of operation of the new if., that evening. Labor and Public Welfare commit- Highlighting the conference were Staff T'masters MX self-service grocery section are Congressman Rob Wilson, central tee wins approval on the Senate :alks by Secretary of the Navy as follows. figure in the drama covering the floor. William B. Franke; Adm. Arlelgh width of the United States, made Choose Speaker Sun and Mon. 12 noon to 10 p.m. A. Burke, Chief of Naval Opera- Action on the bill is expected the arrangements for the flag. Ma- A of the NCO Tues., Thurs. and tions; Gen. Pate, visiting command- member Stall in the next two weeks. rines from the San Diego Sea School Club who joined the ers. and the heads of moat of the Toastmasters Sat. .. 3:30 to 10 p.m. participated in the lowering of the organization a month ago won the The bill. to a large degree, ex- staff divisions and departments of War II Wed. and Fri . .6 to 10 pm. oplogg. top two speaking awards Tuesday tends the benefits of World 7,1arine Corps hesdquarters. and Korean veterans to cover "cold ; during the Ladies Night meeting. Mustering-out pay In addition, the conferees took Bill Schuster, in his second speech war" veterans. dropped. part in a series of discussions with the club, was voted both "Best is one of the provisions in Marine Corps plans, programs. Speaker" and "Most Improved Under the bill, a man would not .md policies. Speaker." have to leave the service within a His seven-minute humorous talk, specified time to be eligible. li entitled "Different Types of Drink- could complete a full 20 or 30-year Per Diem Payments ers," won the majority vote of the career with the knowledge that ins be available Pau for Some Ranks' 35 members and guests in the au- schooling money would dience. when lie wanted to use it. Payment of the per diem allow- :rice for pay grades E-4 with less Stan Payne was voted as the at the :Isan four years service), E-3, E-2 night's "Best Evaluator" Exchange Inventory and E-1 will not be made to per - meeting 'veld in the Staff NCO Club. .onnel reporting to Casual Compa- Elected to fill the treasurer of- To Close Stores fice in the club was Herb Sanchez. ny, Treasure Island, with depend - Due to inventory, the Main Ma- Art Nash served as "Toastmaster of "nts traveling concurrently with rine Exchange. the 1090 Exchange the Night. 'hem on a space available basis. and Beverage Sales will be closed Principal speakers for the meet- It has been the practice of July 27, 28 and 29. The exchanges the ing next Tuesday will be Charles Casual Company to Issue these in- will reopen for business July 30. Kinnard. Ken Polk and Sanchez. , dividuals certificates of eon-avail- Instructor for the meeting will be The following activities will not ability of government quarters and John Gibbs. be affected: food facilities. watch messing facilities. This permitted optical repair, portrait studio, Meetings of the Staff NCO Toast- I and the Marines to reside with their de- masters Club are held at 7 p.m. barber shops, beauty shop, service GIFT ActSgt. Nicholas 0. G. pendents during the processing pe- ALOHA - Black and ActCpl.
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