![Iwomi HAS DAY ' of MANY SURPRISES MRS. Im A. PRICE](https://data.docslib.org/img/3a60ab92a6e30910dab9bd827208bcff-1.webp)
12 Pat«' INGHAM COUNTY NEWS. MASON, MICH.^ THURSDAY, AUGUSTJMMl COLK I'AMILV MI'^ICTIXG. Tho llfili aiinuiil reunion of the UUVS ,FltI',l) NICHOLS' HUSINKSS.l I Cole association was held at tho Ma- SUiiirl. M. jMiuiniMB has-bought, t.bo AUGINSEASONSMS ;son City park August 23,'102.1. Mom- Iiro iiiici vulcanizing business of Fred 1 i bors of tho.family from Munith, Hen- S A , Nichols on North lUainstvoot. and will, nrjiii ysii *ij< • riotta, Leslie, Bunkorbill, Fitchhurg, LOSES PASllER ' begin thoro this weolc under tho tlrm KIIUI nSjl W|] BIG SALE 8EPI181 ,Dansville, Mason and Aurelius wore name of tho Manning Tiro Co, Mr.; IIURU _IIWU IMSJ WILLIAMS'I'ON WON I.IUD.VY BY HIG, present, 3S in numbers. Uogrets wore 101IHESE Loui.s a. OI;K WILL SI^LL r, TO i .SCOIMO. ! Manning has boon connected with th^ LANSING PKOl'M OIWKC rcceivod from Jackson and Dansvlllo. iM-: Brunswick agonc.v in LIST LN HUNKEUHILL. Tlllllll'l IJUlLI)IN<i rMUMEOTS TO ASSESSMI'INT. A bountiful.dinner was served alter 1M.0V .VIJOUX 150 mu\. ilast two and one-half years and has which a ball gaiuo and other sports Ixiwiils TKiii li'owlervillc When Posi- lion In Leujiuo H^ice l.s Tlirenlciio«l { had much expLKperlcnc o in this business, i ,,..,.i,.Tv <)„ t'ovcrt, Hoad .As- Mr. OIU Snys Thnt He Coiiid j^j- wore ;it tlio atlotic Hold. Melons were ondorsoment of a numbor, I'"'"''' '"[^S If 'P He ford To Isnoro Tho Tlu.u.s«.ul.s 01 —Clowns Conic Toinoriow. Work llOiMg KiisiiuItiisbed UlOnl •..•v.I'avoiiieiit. , Ho has tho sorvod. Ofl'icors were elected ; Prosi- of tire men1 of Lansing. .II'M^I^M'^timhly. MOWS Kondcrs; A.-""- ,dcnt, Mrs. C. F. Myers; secretary and (Jondiijisnry AddiUuu And School In one of the host nnd fastest IJnildiiig—I'nviiig IJnily. several years ' treasurer, Loyd i3rooks. Arijournod Larro Dairy Feed will guarantee Tho City oi: East Lansing has ap- Louis G. Oik, for _ ganios played in Mason this season Supervisor from Bunkorhill township itu moot at the park next year Willianiston triiiinied tho locals 5 to Mason has the usual number of cU- you more milk. Get It at Grow's liealed from tlio nBSOssnieiit made by 34w2 has sold one of his big farms in lliatj _ •1 last Prid.ay. Or perhaps it would-, iaons wlioso time hangs lionvy on Elevator, Mason. the county road coniniissioncrs on tho township and will soil bis entire slock sound bolter if it was said tliat one thoir hands iu oi'dinary tiinos. Nowa­ Covert Ito'ari Assossiiiont Dlstrlt No. of iniplemonls, bay, grain, tlilrty- Mr. Tutllo, assisted by eight other days tlicy arc runjiing tliomselvos to tlio road running from Grand threo bead of caUle, thirteen horses PAPEfiS Wllliiiiiiston players, walloped Mason. poor M'atcliing tho tlii'oo diffuront River road in East Lansing north on and sliooi) nnd hogs al puljllc oucLion 'ruLlle wns the wholo offonsivc works building projocts wliioh aro under Abbot road, and tlio township line for the Williamston team. In five - li~'ur a part of last I road to the Pine lake road. Tho City j on Tliursday, llio lirst day ot Sepleni- ,way iu the city E FINNIE limes at bat lio got a double and a wock tliU coiniiioncing of tlie oxcavat- ! Council of East Lnnsing claims that bor. This is the first sale of the o:raru:;;';cl^or grounds dl- HAVE IDEAL tho city at largo is assossod loo high season and like all sales of any im- single, two walks nnd got on In tho lioi'tance in Ingliani county, it is; ad­ SHIOKII'T' LFAVES li'OK OALII'OU- soveiij.h on .slips made by Otis and vorce^^criL^nionod iliuso iiion of f ioi.surl^i--^--;o from tha- and llio abutting iiroporty owners too NIA FOll PlilSONEll. AUKIOLIUS, ItAH.NKS AM) GHF/IV littlo. For throe yoars tho iiiiprove- vertised In the NBWS. Carven. In tour of these five times TON SCHOOLS-IIAVli] MEKW iiiont on this road has b^en urged Mr, Oik estimates that his sale will he scored. In other words he made SiLsby (Jets M.xtrndition Papers F«ir four of Wllliamston's five runs, and Into oi s d vtded and no longer can 111)011 the coiiiiiiissioiiui's and tho pe­ amount lo something over $0,000 and Day Wn.s Idonl And Lnige Number bo had had bills printed at another Man Who Mnde Getaway From bad four stolen bases to his credil. Ibl^company ho found in on.pl-- tition has asked for a concrete road Lociiil -lull Last .Mine. ' Atlcii(l-:-lii(oreHMiig Pro«rniii in the City ot East Lnnsing, and a place. However, ho said that be did Both Harkne.ss and Messenger were Given. gravel road outside. They were very not liguro that bo, or anyone else, going good. But nine men faced Mes­ with a sale of any importance could Sherlfr Hugh W. Siisby left Mason senger in the Ilrst three Innings, and urgent tliat this road be put through Monday evening for San Francisco, to The Aurelius, .Barnes and Gretton afford to ignore the many readers of he allowed but eight hits In the garnet^ ahead of al! otliers, nnd the rond bring back Georgo Finnie, a prisoner partly bocaiiso thoro is none of the school reunion was held on tho Aure­ the NICWS. "Situated as you are, iu Hallie was still more stingy with hits coiiunissioners agreed to get the of­ who escaped from the local jail last local ta.''''^'>^'"|'K ontori lius scliool gi'ouiid August 10. Tho llio center of the county and with a allowing but seven. However, he was fice work completed, if Easl Lansing June. Last Thursday afternoon Sher­ and ow day was ideal and at an early hour a largo circulation, there are so many unsteady at times and gave four would furnlsli'the engineer to do the iff Siisby received a telegram from doiisnry is nui. _ . largo number gatliored from .far and buyers who depend upon your paper walks and hit Gorsline in the last in­ work. This was promptly done, and tbe Siin Francisco police, that the Thoro are nearly (Ifly mou omployod near to ronow old aCQunintances nnd Cor tho auction sales," said Mr. Oik, ning, which forced 'in the winning tho hearing of tlic asse.ssiuciit dis- man they have been holding there, thoro aud the work is rapidly and talk of bye gone days. Following the "that a man must use this paper, in run. trioo was held-August 11th. The City wlio claimed to be Clarence George satisfactorily progressing. This build- potluck dinner at noon a short busi­ order to insaire a successful sale." He The game was featured throughout Si of liast- Lansing was represented at Raudnll, admitted tiiat his name was bo complotod before cold ness mooting was lield after which a added that lie believed that the day of by fast fielding. Eber Olis'made'two lug wil the hoaring and at that time they George Fiiinie,~ who was wanted by wuathur. lino program was rendered. tho auction bill had passed. People siicclacular stops of hard hit balls & Co. were told lo make Uio appeal for the Ingliaiu county officers. However Ibo ik'iriimiiig iMonday Uyaii --^ — travel too fast nowadays and they and both Heliner and Surateaux All joined in singing "America." Board of Uoviow. This thoy havo 'Frisco officers forwarded several pic­ «tiSi now Koohriiig Puvor lU. caloli only a Iloeliiig glance of the bill handled some hard chances in the Iiov. J. H. IDavis led In iirayer. A dono, tho date to ho Salurday. 'I'hc tures of the man, togothor wltb his lacked to the post or on the side of a oulfiold. Ghl al short for Mason let •solo, "Swoot Southern Dreams," by county is assossod 25 iior cent of tho linger prints and full description. building. three easy chances roll between his Iroiie WIlco.'C. A rocitnl ion, "Tho Old cost, Lansing township «'/•:, Meridian Those readied hero Tuesday morning, Jowoll & Clark aro the auelionocrs feet. Carven was the only other Ma­ Maid's Prayor," l)y i.liklred iillls- l.ownsliij) B % iier ooiit, iiast Lansing and there can bo no doubt but what who will handle Mr. Oik's sale. Mr. son player to make a bobble, and that worth. A duet, "IJroniiiy Slunilier 215 while tho properly owners in the lhe man in the west is Finuio. Time," by Morle Parkor and .loliii (listricl nro assessed 37 per cent. The Clark, allhoiigh not as active as in was partly excusable when Eber at- lit^rroadrtor-^ramc for throe t^arkcr. A rocitatloii, "You Got Up" total cost of lhe road is $39,843.91. formor years, will oooperale with Mr. Sherirr Siisby hns sp'onl much lime toiiipled lo handle Tuttlc's grounder by I^^ITie JDroscha, were all enjoyed. By this arrangoinoiil Ingham county .fowell again this fall. Clayton .lewell In coiiiiiiunlcatiiig with llie police in- too fast In Iho sovonlb. The result ciupliatic in Si;'sta^lnoi^ £t -tny IVill pay .fO.lG-L.lO; East Lansing al sold lO'l auction sales last season and that cily, lo be certain that tbey had was a fumble nnd a quick throw walking on the Short talks were thou givoii by Gv,| porson driving or _ _ C. Barnes, Charles F. lloiiiaiis, Ilev. largo, $10,757.80; the abutting prop­ ranked second in this rospocl among llio riglitmnn before iiiakiiig tlic trip, whiuh wns low.
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