E2516 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks December 13, 2005 of USU Physics Day at Lagoon in 1990. In Early on, Senator Fong showed his ability to waii a full and sovereign Federal State along fact, Ron was one of the participants at a work well with both Democrats and Repub- with the other 49. Other important legislation summer workshop for secondary teachers licans as he forged a coalition of independents included the Interstate Highway system, the held at USU in 1989 when the idea for a USU from both parties and was elected Speaker of National Parks, full inclusion in the land grant Physics Day was founded. Ron has been a the House during his first term. university system, the new Hawaii Institute of tremendous asset to us . in connection Senator Fong went on to serve 17 years in Geophysics, etc. with the American Association of Physics the United States Senate, where he was the Senator Fong died on August 18, 2004, at Teachers’ regional activities and as a source first Asian-American U.S. Senator. After leav- the age of 97. of some of the best students in physics here ing politics, he focused on building a financial After Senator Fong’s passing, the Hawaii at USU.’’ empire based on real estate, insurance and fi- State Legislature established the Senator His greatest achievement is his ability to nancing. Hiram L. Fong Commission in order to honor draw students through hands-on projects into Born on October 15, 1906, in Kalihi, Senator and recognize the distinguished political, busi- his lessons. Even though setting up student Fong was the seventh of 11 children in an im- ness and community leader. The Commission lab projects takes extra time, money and ef- migrant family. He worked his way through the consisted of eleven members selected from fort, it is these demonstrations that shook the University of Hawaii and graduated from Har- the Fong family, the Chinese-American com- school, once literally, and had students clam- vard Law School. munity, the business community, the labor unions and the University of Hawaii. oring to enroll in his class. His public service was distinguished by his After extensive deliberations, the Commis- Ron Cefalo knows that the success of a ability to bridge party and ethnic lines. He did sion made seven recommendations on how teacher is only as great as the success of his so by championing civil rights, labor rights and the State of Hawaii should honor Senator students. As a dedicated teacher, Ron in- immigration reform. At the same time, he was Fong. One of the recommendations is to des- structs year-round, spending his summers at a firm believer in the free market and the need ignate a post office after the distinguished Johns Hopkins University, working at a center to stand on one’s own feet. Senator. for gifted youth from all over the world. One The Senator’s electoral victories owe greatly That is why I am introducing this bill today, summer, a gifted, but troubled student from a to the support of the labor unions, particularly to designate the post office located at 1271 dysfunctional home intentionally broke a num- the International Longshore and Warehouse North King Street in Honolulu as the Hiram L. ber of items in one of the classrooms. Another Union, ILWU. In its testimony in support of the Fong Post Office Building. I hope my col- instructor considered the boy to be ‘‘too dan- establishment of the Senator Hiram L. Fong leagues will join me in this worthy endeavor. gerous’’ and kicked him out of the class. The Commission by the Hawaii State Legislature, f Principal, faced with the option of sending the the ILWU stated, boy home early, asked Ron to give the kid The Senator was a successful businessman TRIBUTE TO C.A. MACK MCKINNEY one last chance. Ron Cefalo willingly stepped and a Republican, but he never forgot his forward and took this troubled youth into his humble beginnings. He was a strong sup- HON. WALTER B. JONES classroom and taught him without further inci- porter of civil rights and often ‘‘crossed the OF NORTH CAROLINA dent. aisle’’ to cooperate on issues important to IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Hawaii’s unions and workers. As expressed in the lyrics of Utah’s Senator This was recognized by the ILWU Local 142 Tuesday, December 13, 2005 ORRIN HATCH in the song, ‘‘Every Day Hero’’: who endorsed his candidacy and campaigned Mr. JONES of North Carolina. Mr. Speaker, Some people have helping hands that go a for his re-election. I rise to recognize an American hero, a loyal second mile It would be appropriate to recognize and friend to everyone who wears the uniform of They’re willing to love and lift a brother for honor Senator Hiram L. Fong, who we be- a while lieve, in his heart and soul, understood what our Nation’s military. C.A. ‘‘Mack’’ McKinney, Everyday Heroes live in every neighbor- it meant to represent the people of Hawaii veteran of three wars and distinguished mili- hoods. without ideological politicized division. tary legislative advocate for over 30 years died November 15, 2005. He was 80 years old. Everyday Heroes, helping in the way a neigh- Senator Fong’s legislative accomplishments bor should. In 1942, Mack McKinney enlisted with the Giving just a little time; sharing just a little owe greatly to the collaboration and coopera- Marine Corps at age 17 to join America’s. fight love. tion of Democratic colleagues, particularly the against tyranny and oppression, and shipped God bless each one of those everyday heroes. other Senator from Hawaii, Oren E. Long, and off to war. He served honorably and tirelessly It was an honor to teach alongside an Senate Majority Leader, Senator Lyndon John- for over 29 years and participated in the inva- ‘‘Every Day Hero’’ before coming to Congress, son. sion of Okinawa during WorId War II, the Ko- and I personally know the commitment Ron Upon the Senator’s death in 2004, Frank rean conflict, and the Tet Offensive during the brings to his job and the ‘‘helping hands that Damon, administrative assistant to Senator Vietnam War before retiring as a Sergeant go a second mile’’. Fong in 1959–61, wrote in a letter to a local Major of Marines in 1971. McKinney is the re- Each of Ron Cefalo’s students recognize his newspaper, the Honolulu Advertiser: cipient of 16 medals and commendations in- uncommon talent for making them personally A major accomplishment of Senator Hiram cluding the Combat Action Ribbon. feel important and realize that they have value L. Fong during the early days of Hawaii’s McKinney’s service to this country did not and someone cares. Every year Ron helps statehood was the passage of Senate Bill 3395 end with his retirement, however. Over the (introduced by his colleague Senator Oren E. next 34 years he lent his time and efforts to kids mature and learn. Every month Ron gives Long) which established the East-West Cen- of himself for others. Every week Ron creates ter. The ultimate success of this bill, incor- improving the recruiting, retention and readi- a learning environment in which kids want to porated into the Mutual Security Act of 1959, ness of the Armed Forces by petitioning Con- participate. Every day Ron makes the world a could not have occurred without the leader- gress for military compensation and benefits better place. ship and political acumen of Hawaii’s two packages commensurate with the ‘‘extraor- f new senators, Sen. Fong and Sen. Oren E. dinary demands and sacrifices associated with Long, a former Governor of Hawaii. military service.’’ McKinney devoted his talents ON THE INTRODUCTION OF A BILL Senator Fong, a Republican, met often and to a number of organizations dedicated to TO NAME A POST OFFICE AFTER successfully with members of the Eisenhower bettering the lives of America’s fighting forces, SENATOR HIRAM FONG Administration; and Sen. Long, a Democrat, as well as their families. At the time of his won the advocacy of Lyndon Johnson, Presi- dent of the Senate. Our Hawai’i senators per- death he was legislative counsel for the Fleet HON. NEIL ABERCROMBIE suaded many of their senatorial colleagues Reserve Association (FRA), headquartered in OF HAWAII to join them, bringing the total sponsors to Alexandria, Va. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES 49, a number unheard of at that time and Mack McKinney began his long public-serv- perhaps even today. Prominent scholars such ice career with the Marine Corps League Tuesday, December 13, 2005 as Everett Dirksen, Mike Mansfield, Hubert (MCL) and the Non-Commissioned Officers Mr. ABERCROMBIE. Mr. Speaker, Senator Humphrey and Robert Byrd joined as cospon- Association (NCOA). He played a key role in Hiram L. Fong gave over 30 years of out- sors.’’ these organizations and was credited with standing public service to the people of Ha- The establishment of the East-West Center helping stem the losses of highly skilled mid- waii. He began his career of public service at was a tribute to Senators Fong and Long. In career military personnel by convincing lead- the age of 31, by serving from 1938 to 1954 the early days of statehood the two colleagues ers of the Senate and House Armed Services in Hawaii’s territorial House of Representa- collaborated on much important legislation, Committees to authorize two consecutive dou- tives. particularly the omnibus bill, which made Ha- ble-digit pay raises during the late 1970s. VerDate Aug 31 2005 05:50 Dec 14, 2005 Jkt 049060 PO 00000 Frm 00012 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A13DE8.044 E13DEPT1 December 13, 2005 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E2517 Recognizing that there is strength in num- McKinney was also famous for his sense of and women serving in Iraq are doing; the men bers, McKinney became a driving force behind humor and was quick with a joke.
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