Craton Gold High-Grade Gold Underexplored Terrain JulyCraton 2016 Gold Craton Gold Pty Ltd www.corporategeosciencegroup.com Disclaimer. Cautionary Statement This Document provides a summary of Craton Gold Pty Ltd (ACN 609 094 653) (“CRT”). This Document is not, and should not be, construed to represent any form of prospectus or formal support to any capital raising activities as outlined in Section 708 of the Corporations Act. It is supplied for the benefit of those with an interest in CRT, not as specific investment advice to any particular party or person. Forward Looking Statement Whilst based on information from sources considered reliable, CRT does not represent, warrant or guarantee, expressly or impliedly, that the information in this document and presentation is complete or accurate. To the maximum extent permitted by law, CRT disclaims any responsibility to inform any recipient of this document and presentation of any matter that subsequently comes to our notice, which may affect any of the information contained in this document and presentation. Competent Person Statement Information herein relating to Exploration Targets and Results is based on information compiled by Drs Oliver Kreuzer and Kris Butera, who Members of The Australian Institute of Geoscientists (AIG) and The Australasian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy (AusIMM), and Dr Amanda Buckingham, who is a Member of The Australian Society of Exploration Geophysicists (ASEG). Drs Kreuzer, Butera and Buckingham have more than 15 years experience relevant to the style of mineralisation and type of deposit being reported and to the activity which they are undertaking to qualify as a Competent Persons as defined in the 2012 Edition of the 'Australasian Code for Reporting of exploration Results, Minerals Resources and Ore Reserves' (the JORC Code). This report is issued with the prior written consent of the Competent Persons as to the form and context in which it appears. Drs Kreuzer and Buckingham are Directors, and Dr Butera is a Shareholder in CRT. Craton Gold Pty Ltd 2 Highlights. Value Proposition Granted exploration license E 70/4787 over Bottleneck Recent shallow gold discovery in the southwestern Yilgarn Craton of Western Australia eBroad- or grade intervals up to 30 m down hole, and high grades up to 75 g/t Au Openn- dow plunge and along-strike Possible system of stacked high-grade ore shoots Excellent upside and potential for new gold discoveries along the controlling Kukerin shear zone Additional applications with identified high-priority exploration targets E 70/4853 (Lake Grace), E 70/4854 (Kulin), and E 70/4855 (Griffin’s Find) Proven award-winning targeting technology and approach 3rd place in both the Integra (herox.com/IntegraGoldRush) and Karelian (goldrush.endomines.com/) Gold Rush challenges Proprietary targeting and geophysical technology and methodologies Craton Gold Pty Ltd 3 Objective. Create Value Through Exploration Pre-IPO fund raising for a maiden exploration program, including: Geochemical surveys (Roadside) laterite sampling covering all four of CRT’s tenements Auger or RAB drilling to better define known and newly identified high-priority target areas Detailed ground gravity surveys Better define geological controls on the location and distribution of gold mineralization, in particular at Bottleneck Drilling D efine the size and grade potential and continuity of the gold mineralized system at Bottleneck T est for the presence of a stacked lode system at and additional mineralization near Bottleneck Modest program of RC drilling to test the most promising targets beyond Bottleneck IPO within 18 to 24 months from initial fund raising Craton Gold Pty Ltd 4 SW Yilgarn. Underexplored Gold Terrane SW Yilgarn. Underexplored Gold Terrane Historic exploration of the Archean Southwest Terrane was sporadic Despite the region hosting the giant, world-class Boddington gold mine (>30 Moz Au, >0.8 Mt Cu) Prior exploration of the SW Southwest Terrane possibly hampered by Agricultural potential of the Wheatbelt region of Western Australia taking precedence over mining exploration The region being more densely populated than the eastern and northern Yilgarn Extensive regolith cover and sparse outcrop Previous lack of high-resolution geophysical data Lack of understanding of the geology, which is more complex than previously thought Prevailing doctrine of high-grade metamorphic rocks having no, or little, potential for hosting large gold deposits The 2005 Tropicana gold mine discovery (>6 Moz Au) rebutted this argument for good! Scarcity of new gold discoveries post 1980s The sum of the above equals big opportunity Craton Gold Pty Ltd Photo: Southern Portion Of CRT’s Griffin’s Find Project (Looking S) 6 SW Yilgarn. Underexplored Gold Terrane Southern Cross Belt Calingiri (10 Moz Au) (1.4 Mt Cu) Edna May (1.6 Moz Au) Southwest Terrane Perth Mt Holland (Yilgarn Craton) (2.5 Moz Au) Tampia (0.3 Moz Au) Boddington (30 Moz Au, 0.8 Mt Cu) Katanning Bottleneck (0.6 Moz Au) Great Southern (1.0 Moz Au) Craton Gold Pty Ltd 7 SW Yilgarn. Underexplored Gold Terrane Gold deposit styles of the Archean Southwest Terrane, Yilgarn Craton Katanning Style Tampia (Gault) Style Boddington Style (Re-)Discovery Year 1979, 2010 1987, 2011 1979 Endowment (Moz Au) >0.6 >0.3 >30.0 Average Grade (g/t Au) 1.3 2.0 1.0 Copper Credits (t Cu) None 800,000 Archean gold rich porphyry, or metamor- Deposit Model & Age Metamorphosed Archean orogenic gold system phosed intrusion-related gold system Outcrop Minimal (c. 1%) None Mafic gneiss (granulite) of the Katanning Mafic gneiss (granulite), banded felsic gneiss Diorite and andesite, and pyroxenite dykes of the Host Rocks Greenstone Belt (granulite), granitic intrusions, dykes and sills Saddleback Greenstone Belt Metamorphic Grade Granulite facies Amphibolite to granulite facies Greenschist to amphibolite facies Gold, pyrrhotite, pyrite, chalcopyrite, magnetite ± Gold, non-magnetic pyrrhotite, arsenopyrite, Gold, chalcopyrite, pyrrhotite ± galena ± Ore Mineral Assemblage molybdenite chalcopyrite ± pyrite molybdenite ± scheelite ± diverse trace minerals Quartz Quartz (veins are common), albite, sericite, illite, Gangue Mineral Assemblage (veins are rare) actinolite, clinozoisite, biotite Multiple stacked lodes, up to 20 m thick and Multiple stacked lodes, up to 25 m thick and Multiple vein stockworks, breccia and lateritic Orebody Shapes greater 1,200 m long greater 150 m long reserves over an area of c. 5 by 1 km Free gold and gold attached to and within Free gold and gold attached to and within Free gold and gold attached to and within Gold Mode Of Occurrence sulphides; nuggetty; high grades up to 53 g/t Au sulphides; nuggetty; high grades up to 109 g/t Au sulphides; gold in laterite (lateritic reserves) Gold Recovery Factor 92% 82% No Data Shear zones, faults, competency contrasts, Shear zones and faults, Shear zones, faults, competency contrasts, Structural & Genetic Controls Plunging, tight (isoclinal) fold hinges, Plunging, tight (isoclinal) fold hinges K-rich, post-tectonic monzogranite intrusion Felsic igneous (adamellite) dykes Stockwork, breccia and regolith hosted, Orebody Styles Disseminated and breccia hosted Disseminated disseminated Geochemical Signature Au ± As Au-Cu ± Bi ± Mo ± W We can very effectively target these systems using proprietary geophysical tools and our Southwest Terrane database Craton Gold Pty Ltd 8 Bottleneck. Our Flagship Project Bottleneck. An Outstanding Opportunity Excellent prospectivity Shallow (near surface) gold discovery with existing high-grade intercepts up to 75 g/t Au Broad mineralised intervals up to 30 m downhole length Gold deposits in the region are known to occur as clusters of stacked lodes greater 1,200 m long and up to 25 m thick Excellent potential down-plunge and along strike Previous drilling appears to have missed the down-plunge extension of the Bottleneck gold system Previous drilling very shallow (average hole depth = 36 m) Most holes were aircore holes designed to obtain a geochemical sample of concealed bedrock Complimentary portfolio of high priority targets and concepts Located in a neglected, underexplored part of the Yilgarn Craton Excellent access Craton Gold Pty Ltd 10 Bottleneck. Prospective Belt Not Recognised Until 2008 Located At A Fault Bend, And Within A potential Metamorphosed, Dilatant Setting Tightly Folded Greenstone Belt (>20 km-Long) Bottleneck Bottleneck E70/4787 Craton Gold Pty Ltd 11 Bottleneck. Broad Intercepts, Exciting Grades Hole ID From (m) To (m) Interval Au (g/t) 08KUAC075 * 24 45 21 3.5 including 33 36 3 12.2 09KUAC012 18 36 18 3.5 including 27 30 3 18.8 09KUAC009 30 45 15 5.3 including 33 36 3 16.7 09KUAC008 ** 18 48 30 2.0 including 33 48 15 3.5 09KUAC011 33 48 15 1.5 including 42 45 3 6.8 09KUAC158 24 31 7 6.4 including 24 25 1 21.4 09KUAC164 21 26 5 17.3 including 24 25 1 75.1 * Discovery hole; ** Hole ends in mineralisation. Craton Gold Pty Ltd 12 Bottleneck. Broad Intercepts, Exciting Grades 08KUAC075 (Discovery Hole) 164 007 012 Bottleneck X-Section 158 002 009 6308100mN 008 (next slide) 011 Stanley Red Hole Number Prefixes = 09KUAC Hill Selected Intercepts, Bottleneck Bottleneck Hole ID From (m) To (m) Au (g/t) Drill Collars 08KUAC075 24 45 3.5 (Mainly Shallow AC) 09KUAC012 18 36 3.5 09KUAC009 30 45 5.3 09KUAC008 18 48 2.0 09KUAC011 33 48 1.5 09KUAC158 24 31 6.4 E70/4787 09KUAC164 21 26 17.3 Craton Gold Pty Ltd 13 Bottleneck. Broad Intercepts, Exciting Grades Source: Kingsgate Consolidated Ltd (2011) - Kukerin Project Annual Report Craton Gold Pty Ltd 14 Bottleneck. Untested Northwest-Plunging Target Plan View Vertical AC Holes Open, Untested Target N Potential For Stacked 40 m Lodes & Repetitions Angled AC Holes Grade shells Green: ≥ 0.1 g/t Au Yellow: ≥ 1.0 g/t Au Red: ≥ 5.0 g/t Au Craton Gold Pty Ltd 15 Bottleneck. Untested Northwest-Plunging Target Surface Looking North Open, Untested Target Angled (Scissor) RC Holes Missed Plunging Oreshoot Potential For Stacked Lodes & Repetitions 40 m Craton Gold Pty Ltd 16 Bottleneck.
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