DECLASSIFIED e. •28/rad 5750 gM4~qJ6a SECRET (Unclassified upon removal of enclosure (l)) FIRST ENDORSEMENT CG, III MAF ltr 3K/jld over 5750 Ser: 00110569 dtd 22 September 1969 From: Commanding General, Fleet Marine Force, Pacific To: Commandant of the Marine Corps (Code A03D) Subj: Command Chronology for the period 1-31 July 1969 1. The subject chronology has been reviewed for completeness and is forwarded herewith. ~iG~~ • • R. D. WHITE By direction Copy to: CG, III MAF •••• • ••••••• • • ••••••• ••••••• ••• ••• ••••••• ••• ••• ••• • •••• ••• • •••• 2 ~ UNCLASSIFIED DECLASSIFIED DECLASSIFIED 28/rad 5750 UOLo07 SECRET (Unclassified upon removal of enclosure (l~qT 111969 FIRST ENDORSEMEN'l' CG, III MAP ltr 3K/jld over 5750 Ser: 00110569 dtd 22 September 1969 From: Commanding General, Fleet Marine Force, Pacific '1'0 : COMnandant of the Marine Corps (Code A03D) Subj: Cor~and Chronology for the period 1-31 July 1969 1. The subject chronology has been ~eviewed for completeness and is forwarded herewith. R. D. WHITE By direction Copy t.o: CG, III HAF •••• • •••••• • •• • ••••••• ••••••• ••• ••• ••••••• ••• ••• ••• • •••• ••• • •••• 2 UNCLASSifiED DECLASSIFIED DECLASSIFIED UNITED STATES MARINE CORPS HEADQUARTERS ••III MARINE AMPHIBIOUS FORCE MILITARY ASSISTANCE COMMAND. VIETNAM FPO. SAN FRANCISCO 96602 SECRE~ IN REPLY REFER TO: 3K/ jld 5~ S2 n 01] 0569 ~ SEP J969 SECRET (Unolassified upon removal of enolosure (1» Froma Commanding General Toa Commarviant of the Marine Co~s (Code A03D) Vias Commanding General, Fleet Marine Foroe, Paoifio Subja Canmand Chronology (U) Refs (a) MCO P5750.1A (b) FMFPaoO 5750.8A Enola (1) III MAP Command Chronology, July 1969 1. In accordance with referenoes (a) aM (b), enolosure (1) is eubmitted herewitho •••• • g~ ••••••• R. L. REED ••••••• • 8Y DIRECTION • ••••••• •••••• ••••••• •••••• ••• • •••• ••• • •••• S~ET cOpy Nf I OF LCOPIES _.-- -- '.-- ....- - DECLASSIFIED DECLASSIFIED , \ • • .'- ..... -.--.,...,.~ HEADQUARTERS III Marine ~hibious Foroe Mi1itary Assistanoe Command, Vietnam SECREt: FPO San Franoisoo 96602 COMMAND CHRONOLOGY 1 July 1969 - 31 July 1969 INDEX PART I ORGANIZATIONAL DATA PART II NARRATIVE SUMMARY •• PART III SEQUENTIAL LISTING OF •• • SIGNIFICANT EVENTS •••• •••••••• PART IV SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS • ••••• •••• ••• •• ••• • ••• •• •••• •••• SECREt ENCLOSURE (1) CROUF'-~L1 1 !'(lvmgradod (11 3 )loar intorvals; r o c.I(1~. si fhd of ~o r ] 2 voors, DECLASSIFIED DECLASSIFIED , ~ • • -.-.---- -_.~ PART I ORGANIZATIONAL DATA (' (" ~'Y'l 1. DESIGNATION CO!!W!DER ; .. ,-. III Marine Amp hibious Foroe Lieutenant General Herman rod' .. ''1. NICKERSON s«, U. S. Marine Coxps ', ~ .... 1-31Jul69 \ " .. DEPUTY OOMMANDER Major General Oar1 A. YOUNGDALE, U. S. Marine Corps 1-11Jul69 Major General George S. BOWMAN Jr., U. S. Marine Oorps 12-31Jul69 Su:BORDINATE UNITS XXIV 001'PS Lieutenant General Melvin ZAIS, U. S. Amy 1-31Jul69 3d Marine Division Major General William K. JONES, U. S. Marine Oorps 1-31Jul69 •• •• • 101et Airborne Division Major General John M. WRIGHT, •••• (Airmobile) U. S. Amy • • 1-31Jul69 ••••••• ••••••• 1st Marine Division Major General Ormond R. SIMPSON, •••• : u. S. Marine Oorp s • ••• 1--X1 Jul69 • •• ~ .. • 1 st Marine Ai romft Wing Major General Oharles J. QUILTER,···. : u. S. Marine Corp s ••• 1-l0Jul69 •••• : •• Major General William G. THRASH, U. S. Marine Corps ll-31Jul69 Amerioal Division Major General Lloyd B. RAMSEY, U. S. Amy l-31Ju169 ENOLOSURE (1) 2 --------------------- DECLASSIFIED DECLASSIFIED • • .I_._ _ .--I• Foroe Logistio Command Brigadier General James A. FEELEY. U. S. Marine Corp s l-31Jul69 Headquarters and Service Company Colonel Don D. EZELL. III Marine AJnphibious Foroe U. S. Marine C011> s Headquarters COllll1andant l-31Jul69 A~4CHKD UNITS 1st Radio Battalion Lieutenant Colonel Patrick J. FENNELL. U. S. Marine Corps l-18Jul69 Lieutenant Colonel Delos M. HOPKINS, U. S. Marine C011>S 19-31Jul69 29th Civil Affairs Company Lieutenant Colonel Robert R. RAFFERTY. U. S. 4'JJI1Y 1-31Jul69 7th Psyohologioal Operations Major Miohael FORTINI, Battalion U. S. A'JJI1Y 1-31Ju169 2. LOCATION 1-31 July 1969, East Danang, Quang NaJIl Provinoe, Republio of VietnaJll. ••••• 3. STAFF OFFICERS •••••• • Deputy Commanding General, Air Major General Charles J. Q,UIL'l'ER(·····• • U. S. Marine Corps •••• 1-lOJul69 : :: •• • •••• Major General William G. THRASH,: :: U. S. Marine Corps •• • ll-31Jul69 ••• : •••• Chief of Staff Brigadier General George E. DOOLE1... : U. S. Marine COJ:Ps ••: l-31Jul69 Deputy Chief of Staff Colonel Lewis G. POGGEMEYER, U. S. Marine Corps l-31Jul69 ENCLOSURE (1) SECREt DECLASSIFIED DECLASSIFIED • • Deputy Chief of Staff, Plans Brigadier General William .L BURKE, U. S. Amy 1-31.Jul69 Assistant Chief of Staff, G-l Colonel George W. CALLEN, U. S. Marine COl'ps 1-31Jul69 Assistant Chief of Staff, G-2 Colonel John S. CANTON, U. S. Marine Corp s 1-31Jul69 Assistant Chief of Sta.ff, G-3 Brigadier General Leo J. DULACKI, U. S. Marine Corps l-3lJul69 Deputy G-3 Colonel Robert H. BARROW, U. S. Marine corps 1-19Jul69 Colonel Roy L. REED, U. S. Marine Corps 2O-31Jul69 Assistant Chief of Staff, G-4 Colonel Lawrenoe C. NORTON, U. S. Marine Corp s 1-19Jul69 Colonel Oliver R. DAVIS, U. S. Marine Corp s •••• • 2O-~IJu169 ••••••• •• Assistant Chief of Staff, G-5 Colonel Gilbert R. HERSHEY, ••••••• U. S. Marine Corps ••••••• l-27Jul69 •••••• •••• Colonel Theodore E. METZGER, • •• U. S. Marine Corps •• • 28-31Jul69 ••• • •••• Assistant Chief of Staff, 0-6 Colonel Bill E. HORNER, ••• • u. S. Marine corps •••• 1-31Ju169 Force Psyohologioal Operations Colonel Harold CHASE, Offioer U. S. Marine Corp B l-16Ju169 . ENCLOSURE (1) 4 DECLASSIFIED DECLASSIFIED • Oolonel W111iam• E. BARBER, U. S. Marine Oorps 17-31Jul69 Force Supply Officer Oolonel Alfred O. TAVES, U. S. Marine Oozps 1-~lJul69 Force Staff' Judge Advocate Oolonel Paul W. SEABAUGH, U. S. Marine Oozps 1-31Jul69 Force Engineer Officer Oolonel Thomas O. SHAN.AH.AN, U. S. Marine Oorps 1-~Jul69 Force Adjutant Major James H. LYLES, U. S. Marine Oorps 1-~Jul69 Asaistant Ohief of Sta.f'f, Ma,jor Thomas F. DEAOHER, Oomptroller U. S. Marine Oorps 1-~Ju169 Force In1'o~ational Servioes Oolonel Paul M. MORIARTY, Officer U. S. Marine Oorps l-18Ju169 Oolonel Oharles B. REDMAN, u. S. Marine Oorps 19-31Jul69 ••••• ••••••• Officer in Oharge, Oombat Lieutenant Oolonel John S. KYLE..••••••• Operations Oenter U• S. Marine Oorps • l-31Jul69 ••••••• •••••• Force Food Servioe Off'icer Lieutenant Oolonel Leslie P. DAY~ ••• • •• U. S. Marine Oorps ••• ••• l-31Ju169 • ••• ••• FOrce Ohaplain Oaptain Robert W. RADOLIFFE, •• U. S. Navy ••• • l-31Jul69 •••• Force Surgeon Oaptain Oharles E. IeEE, U. S. Navy 1-31Jul69 Force Dental Offioer Oaptain John G. OHUDZINSKI, U. S. Navy l-31Jul69 ENOLOSURE (1) 5 SECREt DECLASSIFIED DECLASSIFIED • • Foroe Motor Transport Offioer Lieutenant Colonel Morris S. SHIWNOFF, U. S. Marine Co11> s l-31Jul69 staff Secretary Lieutenant Colonel James W. STJiloIPLE, U. S. Marine Corps l-31Jul69 Protoool Offioer Lieutenant Colonel Paul F. MAGINNIS, U. S. Marine COlps 1-31Jul69 Foroe Speoial Servioes Offioer Oolonel William BIEHL Jr., U. S. Marine C011>S 1-31Ju169 Direotor, Transportation Oontrol Lieutenant Colonel William H. TARRANT, U. S. Army l-31Ju169 Force Inspeotor Colonel James LEON, U. S. Marine Oorps lJu169 Colonel David H. SIMMONS, U. S. Marine COlpS 2-31Jul69 USMC Liaison Offioer, MACV Colonel Carl E. SCHMIDT, USMC Liaison Offioer, 7th J3 U. S. Marine COlpS •••• • l-9Jul.69 •••••• • Oolonel Jack L. REED, •••••••• u. S. Marine C01pS • lQ..31Jul69 ••••••• •••••• ••••••• •••••• ••• • •••• ••• • •••• ENCLOSURE (1) 5 SECREt DECLASSIFIED DECLASSIFIED • • 4. AVERAGE MONTHLY STRENGTH a. III MARINE AMPHIBIOUS FORCE HEADQUARTERS OFFICERS ENLISTED USMC USN USA USAF USMC USN USA USAF H&SCO, III MAF 28 1 0 0 359 7 0 0 HQ,STAFF, III MAF 213 9 29 0 490 5 13 0 1ST RAD BN 27 0 0 0 338 12 0 0 CAG'S 42 0 0 0 1979 103 0 0 29TH CA CO (ATT) 0 0 32 0 0 0 102 0 7TH PSYOPS CO (SUP) 0 0 32 0 0 0 164 0 !) lJ Ie I') -;j It ( ! b. III MARINE AMPHIBIOUS FORCE OFFICERS ENLISTED USMC USN USA USAF USMC USN USA USAF 5295 406 5334 21 73297 2739 56970 25 •••• • ••••••• • • ••••••• ••••••• ••• ••• ••••••• ••• ••• ••• • •••• ••• • •••• "7 DECLASSIFIED DECLASSIFIED • • PART II NARRATIVE SUMMARY 1. INTRODUCTION A. GENERAL. During July 1969, III Marine Amphibious Force Headquarters was located in East Danang, Republic of Vietnam. The average personnel strength was 11+4,081; an increase of 1,949 over the previous month. B. ACTIVITIES. III Marine Amphibious Force continued to be guided by CO~IDSMACV Directive 10-11 dated '1 November 1968 in pursuit of its objectives for July 1969. 2. OVEHALL EVALUATION : A. GENERAL. During July 1969 the tempo and intensity' of enemy engagements decreased to the slowest pace of 1969. Despite the general drop in activity a few areas experienced significant contact during the period. The 3rd Marine Division on Operation IDAHO CANYON in Quang Tri Province inflicted 131 KIA on the enemy. The 101st Airborne Division on Opera- tion MONTGOMERY RENDEZVOUS in Thua Thien Province accounted for 180 enemy KIA and on Operation LAMAR PLAIN in Quang Tin Province killed 1$2 enemy. The Americal Division operating ••••• in Quang Tin and Quang Ngai Provinces had 219 enemy KIA on ••:••• Operation FREDERICK HILL, 131 enemy KIA on Operation GENEVA PARK, and 199 enemy KIA on Operation IRON 110UNTAIN. :••••••• • •• On major operations the Marine Corps received 51 KIA, 293: : vITA and 2 MIA while accounting for 416 enemy KIA, 89 Detainees:· 13 PW, 14 1 IWC; and 35 CSWC. The U.S. Army had 1;,13r:' KIA, 100 :':••• WIA and no MIA. They accumulated 1088 enemy KIA, 702 Detaineeg; 21 PW, 351 IWC, and 13 CS\'1C. • •• •• Small unit operations achievements included 355 enemy KIA, • 197 Detainees, 2 PW, 83 IWO, and 9 CSWo. .ft'riendly losses wer~•••••:• 17 KIA and 386 WIA. These casualties reflect Marine figures as all U.S. Army units were participating on major operations. Quang Nam Province was the center of small unit activity. SECRET: 8 ENCLOSURE (,) DECLASSIFIED DECLASSIFIED • • PART III SEqUENTIAL LISTING OF SIGNIFICANT EVENTS pURING JULY 196~ 1.
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