WELCOME ATTEND THE F "I 4,cul.Uj SOCCER GAME Vol. 4, No. 1 WILKES COLL5GE, WILKES-BARRE, PA. Friday, September 23, 1949 REVENGEFUL WILKES- ELEVEN DEFEATS MR. ROBERT MORAN ADMIRAL HAROLD R. STARK (RET.) HIGHLY FAVORED BLOQMSBURG SQUAD BEGINS DUTIES JOINS WILKES BOARD OF TRUSTEES EARL lOBES guard, Zapatoski who left the game "I will continue to remain in Admiral Harold H. Stark (ret.), former chief of United States Beacon Sports Editor with an ankle bone fractured. He Wilkes College as long as the music naval Commander of European Naval will be lost to the Colonels for six operations and Forces 'Ihe Colonels cf Wilkes College situation grows." These were the established themselves as a team weeks. The game was well received during World War II, and one of the first to donate property to to be reckoned with among the by the people of Plymouth, and words of Mr. Robert Moran, the Wilkes College, has been apointed to the Board of Trustees they hope Wilkes small colleges of the east, when expressed that new instructor on the Wilkes Col- at the College, according to ci recetit announcement by Gilbert thei scored a stunning 20 to 7 vie- will return another day. Some one lege music staff, during an inter- suggested that at least 500 pepole S. IVlcClintock, chairman of the board. tor:T over Bloomsburg State Teach- view with a representative of the ers College at Huber Stadium, Ply- in the large crowd were relatives In 1937, when it was decided that mouth,, last Sturday. Although of Norman Cross. Tomorrow the BEACON. permanent properties should be ob- this may be considerrd as an upset Colonels journey to Loretta, Pa., to Originally from. Detroit, Mr. tained by the school, Stark gener- in some quartersfr'm this corner show St. Francis their new pass Moran toured the country as trom- ously donated the present admini- defense. Last year the Saints strative building, Chase Hall, to the final score was good indica- bonist with Horace Heidt before tior ct the differenc in the two passed the Colonels dizzy and Bucknell University Junior College. eans The Colonels hard running walked off with a 31 to 0 victory entering the Navy to play in the The Admiral retired from naval acksworking behind a superbly despite a minus yardage total on Naval Dance Band, which played at service in April, 1946, following 47 larging linewent about their the ground. hospitals, clamps and war bond years of duty. He entered the ser- work in a confident manner. In con- We won't jinx the boys by pre- drives throughout the country. Aft- vice through the Naval Academy dicting a win, but your reporter trast, the Huskies, realizing that er being discharged from the Navy, in 1899 and during the last war was they were meeting a vastly under- feels certain that this year the rated as one of the allied forces top rated team, turned to a razzle score won't be 31 to 0 in favor of he attended the Eastman School of military officials. dazzle game in an effort to get St. Francis. Music from which he graduated Stark, who makes his permanent their' attack functioning. But all Since the Colonels won't be home last June. During the summer he home at Lake Carey, now joits the tomorrow, why not turn out and through the game the Colonel line sent to Northwestern University ranks of many other former top ground watch Mr. Partridge's proteges in- leaders who have entered gave grudgingly, and the for work military backfield threw up a pass defense augurate soccer at Wilkes? The toward his master's de- the education field. He met with that was as near perfect as a pass Colonel booters open their season gree in music education. the other members of the board for defense can be, hut again the with the Huskies from Bloomsburg, Mr. Moran's duties at Wilkes are the first time last Wednesday, Colonels hard-charging line gave (that name sounds familiar), and many. They are teaching Music when the initial meeting of that the Husky passers little time to they hope to get off to a good start. Appreciation and Orchestration, body for the 1949-50 year took find a receiver. To try to single out Mr. Partridge doesn't promise any- giving music lessons and directing place. any one player as the star of the thing sensational this year, but he the band. In his classes he will in- The appoint ment of the former game would be doing a gross in- does say that his boys will be try- elude both symphonic and modern naval officer to the Board of Trus justice to the rest of the players ing all the way. Next week the music in order to give a more com- tees brings the total number of who took partand even to those Beacon is sponsoring another Colo- plete understanding and apprecia- that group to 23. Other members players who didn't get into the nels Caravan. This one will journey tion of all music. are: Chairman Gilbert S. McClin- ADMIRAL STARK gameas they helped to get the to East Orange, N. J., to take in Mr. Moran enjoys having classes tock, Charles H. Miner, Jr., J. B. Kocyan, Miss Mary R. Koons, Reu- regulars in shape by taking part the Wilkes-Upsala game. Be a in the converted private homes at Carr, Mrs. Charles E. Clift, Mrs. ben H. Levy, Arnaud C. Marts, Dr. in unglamorous scrimmage ses- Colonels Booster. Join the Colonel' Wilkes and is impressed by the Frank G. Darte, Dr. Samuel M. P. P. Mayoek, F. E. Parkhurst, Jr., sions almost daily for the past Caravan. friendly spirit which prevails here. Davenport, Miss Annette Evans, Col. J. Henry Pool, Dr. Charles S. month. Skipping the details and re- Idward Griffith, George W. Gu.ck- Roush, Andrew J. Sordoni, Julius newing the highlights of the game elberger, James P. Harris, Mrs. Long Stern, and Frederick J. brings to mindFlorkiewicz skirt- FRESHMAN TRIBUNAL SESSIONS OPEN; Edward H. Kent, Dr. Joseph J. Weckesser. ing right end to score the Colonels firsi touch down. Alex Moitsh (the JURY, JUDGES, ATTORNEY APPOINTED fugitive from Brooklyn) brought CHORAL CLUB MEETS RADIO PROGRAMS the Wilkes fans to their feet, when The most high, dignified, and where in a shadowed corner the he intercepted a Husky lateral, and sanctimonious court of no appeals, court executioner will finger the TUESDAY, SEPT. 21 RESUMED AT WILKES headed for touchdown territory better known as the Frosh Tri- paddle of righteousness in keen an- R. T. like an I. express leaving bunal, will soon throw wide its hal- ticipation. The spectators will lean A reorganization meeting of the Radio programs originating from Flathush Ave. In the last quarter lowed From silently ap- on the third floor of portals. beyond its forwsrd in their seats, held on the studio Paul Thomas added insult to injury grim walls will once again issue plauding the tactfulness of thd de- Wilkes Choral Club will be Chase Hall will resume on Monday, when he took a 55 yard Florkiewicz forth the pathetic wails of doomed fense counsel and sneering inward- Tuesday, September 21, at 11 A. M., October 3 over Station WHWL. aerial and scampered to paydirt. freshmen; those who favored folly ly at the prosecutors cutting re- in Gies Hall, Mr. Cobleigh, direct- Cooperation of all is needed im- Paul was helped on his way when to wisdom. There the merciless marks. This audience will twist and or, has announced. mediately. Give the idea of a radio thE most beautiful block of the will of show sponsored by your group prosecutor hurl his fiery invec- squirm, and shed huge tears The Choral Club performs sev- night, thrown by McM.ahon. cut tives and bring down the wrath of sympathy for the accused . if some consideration. Call the Public down the last two Husky defend- an Achilles upon the heads of the the case is lost. eral times during the year at school Relations Office with your sugges- ers. It is interesting to note that cringing offenders. The emotion The most Honorable Olie Thomas functions, and also, for various tions for shows. the 20 points scored by the Colonels choked voice of the Defense Coun- has been officially appointed as civic organizations in this valley. Some department heads and club exceeded the combined total (19) sel will rise and fall as he begs and chairman of the Tribunal. He is a In order that Wilkes College may advisors have an opportunity to of all Bloom's opponents of last pleads before the impassive and mm- man of unblemished integrity; a obtain prepared scripts for 15- be well represented at these ap- year. Phree newcomers, Ed Bogu- partial jury. And the jurors, those man who has spent sleepless nights minute shows. Please advise us and ;ko, Frank Radaszewski and Frank learned debators of right and ponderin.g upon the qualities of the pearances, all students possessing then write for material. Zapatoski, all linemen, showed up wrong, will solemnly weigh the evi- various individuals that he has any ability in the vocal field are re- Students interesed in radio writ- veil in their first game for Wilkes. dence and cast their verdict with chosen to serve in court capacities. quested to see Mr. Cobleigh either in.g please come to Public Relations oach Ralstcti also has some prom- al'l due sobriety and equity. The The people that he has chosen are before the Tuesday meeting or as Office between the hours of 10 A.
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