Geology and Geochemistry of Abyssal Plains 7 J I I F I I iG1 I 2( I I I I ~7 3( I i i 4q I r 5q I I ~H BI I r 6( I I El W I i tY" 7( I I I-- I 7 LU I a( I I I I I I I W I G I 8 10(., I I B' i 110 --4 I IJ I I 3 I I 120 I I I I p I 130 I K D I I .. 4 140 D" 9 51 i,, 150 4 I 155 E Photograph of piston core D10688 from the Madeira Abyssal Plain. Lettered units are interpreted as turbidites and numbered units are intervening pelagic layers (the numbers refer to oxygen isotope stage determination). Note bioturbation of pelagic units and tops of turbidites; coarser laminated bases of turbidites B, B 1 and G and to a lesser extent in turbidites E and F; structureless make-up of the thick turbidites; distinct colour changes in organic-rich turbidites A 1, E, F and H representing relict oxidation fronts; chemical laminae above colour changes. For more detailed discussion of these sediments see papers by Jarvis & Higgs, De Lange et al. and Weaver & Rothwell. GEOLOGICAL SOCIETY SPECIAL PUBLICATION NO 31 Geology and Geochemistry of Abyssal Plains EDITED BY P. P. E. WEAVER & J. THOMSON Institute of Oceanographic Sciences, Wormley, Godalming 1987 Published for The Geological Society by Blackwell Scientific Publications OXFORD LONDON EDINBURGH BOSTON PALOALTO MELBOURNE Geological Society Special Publications Series Editor K. COE Published for DISTRIBUTORS The Geological Society by USA and Canada Blackwell Scientific Publications Blackwell Scientific Publications Inc Osney Mead, Oxford OX2 0EL PO Box 50009, Palo Alto (Orders:Tel. 0865 240201) California 94303 8 John Street, London WC1 2ES (Orders: Tel. (415) 965-4081) 23 Ainslie Place, Edinburgh EH3 6AJ 52 Beacon Place, Boston Australia Massachusetts 02108, USA Blackwell Scientific Publications 667 Lytton Avenue, Palo Alto (Australia) Pty Ltd California 94301, USA 107 Barry Street, Carlton 107 Barry Street, Carlton Victoria 3053 Victoria 3053, Australia (Orders: Tel. (03) 347 0300) First published 1987 British Library Cataloguing in Publication Data 1987 The Geological Society. Authorization to Geology and geochemistry of abyssal plains.-- photocopy items for internal or personal use, or the (Geological Society special publications, internal or personal use of specific clients, is granted ISSN 0305-8719; no. 31) by The Geological Society for libraries and other users 1. Abyssal zone 2. Chemical oceanography registered with the Copyright Clearance Center I. Weaver, P.P.E. and Thomson, J. II. Series (CCC) Transactional Reporting Service, providing 551.46'083 GC87 that a base fee of $02.00 per copy is paid directly to CCC, 27 Congress Street, Salem, MA 01970, USA. ISBN 0-632-01744-9 0305-8719/87/$02.00 Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data Typeset, printed and bound in Great Britain by William Clowes Limited, Beccles and London. Geology and geochemistry of abyssal plains. (Geological Society special publication; no. 31) Bibliography: p. Includes index. 1. Submarine geology. 2. Chemical oceanography. 3. Abyssal zone. 4. Marine sediments. I. Weaver, P. P. E. and Thomson, J. II. Series. QE39.G454 1987 551.46'08 86-29978 ISBN 0-632-01744-9 Contents WEAVER, P. P. E., THOMSON, J. & HUNTER, P.M. Introduction vii PILKEY, O.H. Sedimentology of basin plains 1 KUIJPERS, A., DE LANGE, G. J. & DUIN, E. J. Th. Areal sedimentation rate patterns of the 13 southern Nares Abyssal Plain, Western N Atlantic LEDBETTER, M. T. & KLAUS, A. Influence of bottom currents on sediment texture and sea- 23 floor morphology in the Argentine Basin KIDD, R. B., HUNTER, P. M. & SIMM, R.W. Turbidity-current and debris-flow pathways to 33 the Cape Verde Basin: status of long-range side-scan sonar (GLORIA) surveys SEARLE, R.C. Regional setting and geophysical characterization of the Great Meteor East 49 area in the Madeira Abyssal Plain WEAVER, P. P. E. & ROTHWELL, R.G. Sedimentation on the Madeira Abyssal Plain over 71 the last 300 000 years WILLIAMS, S. R.J. Faulting in abyssal-plain sediments, Great Meteor East, Madeira 87 Abyssal Plain HUGGETT, Q.J. Mapping of hemipelagic versus turbiditic muds by feeding traces observed 105 in deep-sea photographs SCHULTHEISS, P. J. & NOEL, M. Evidence of pore-water advection in the Madeira Abyssal 113 Plain from pore-pressure and temperature measurements SHEPHARD, L. E., RUTLEDGE, A. K., BRYANT, W. R. & MORAN, K.M. Geotechnical 131 characteristics of fine-grained turbidite sequences from the Nares Abyssal Plain DE LANGE, G. J., JARVIS, I. & KUIJPERS, A. Geochemical characteristics and provenance of 147 late Quaternary sediments from the Madeira Abyssal Plain, N Atlantic THOMSON, J., COLLEY, S., HIGGS, N. C., HYDES, D. J., WILSON, T. R. S. & SORENSEN, J. 167 Geochemical oxidation fronts in NE Atlantic distal turbidites and their effects in the sedimentary record JARVIS, I. & HIGGS, N. Trace-element mobility during early diagenesis in distal turbidites: 179 late Quaternary of the Madeira Abyssal Plain, N Atlantic HEGGIE, D., MARLS, C., HUDSON, A., DYMOND, J., BEACH, R. & CULLEN, J. Organic carbon 215 oxidation and preservation in NW Atlantic continental margin sediments INDEX 237 Introduction P. P. E. Weaver, J. Thomson & P. M. Hunter In this publication is assembled a set of 14 papers teristics of the 'Great Meteor East' (GME) area. from the presentations at a meeting of the Marine This area lies in the centre of the Madeira Abyssal Studies Group of the Geological Society, held on Plain and, as a result of the activities of the the 29th and 30th January 1986. The papers cover Seabed Working Group, is probably the most various aspects of the geophysics, sedimentology, extensively surveyed area of abyssal plain in the geochemistry and geotechnics of abyssal-plain world's ocean. This volume contains several sediments. papers relating to the GME area. Abyssal plains are among the least studied The distribution of individual turbidites and areas of the earth's surface. They are poorly entry points of the turbidity currents into the preserved in the sedimentary record because they GME area is discussed by Weaver & Rothwell. tend to be consumed by subduction in the long Williams describes fault structures which are term. They were not recognized as distinct common in the sediments of part of the area, and physiographic features of the present sea-floor proposes a model in which differential compac- until the late 1940s, and systematic investigations tion initiates the faults which may then act as of relatively few examples have been made. seals to pore-water flow, leading to normal or During the late 1970s an international research reverse directions of throw. Huggett, in a novel programme began to examine selected areas of approach, shows how the turbidite sediments on the N Atlantic and Pacific Ocean seabeds to the plain can be identified on the basis of assess the feasibility of disposal of radioactive macrofaunal feeding and burrowing traces from waste in deep-sea sediments. This work was seabed photographs. coordinated through the Seabed Working Group Papers by Shephard et al. and Schultheiss & of the Nuclear Energy Agency (OECD, 1984). Noel concentrate on geotechnical properties of The considerations of sea-floor properties re- abyssal-plain sediments. The former paper de- quired for such studies (Laine et al. 1983; Searle scribes the geotechnical properties of sediments 1984) had the result that some of the N Atlantic from the Nares Abyssal Plain, and the latter study areas were in abyssal plains. The availabil- discusses conflicting evidence of pore-water flow ity of new geological information from this through the GME sediments derived from tem- programme provided the impetus for convening perature and pressure measurements. The heat- this meeting, but the papers are not restricted to flow data suggest large downward advection, those deriving from such studies. whereas the pore-pressure data suggest at most a The first paper by Pilkey sets the scene by small downward movement. summarizing the sedimentological work which The paper by de Lange et al. demonstrates by has been carried out at Duke University on 13 compositional arguments that the turbidites abyssal plains. 12 factors controlling the forma- emplaced on the Madeira Abyssal Plain have at tion and development of abyssal plains are least three distinct sources. Few previous geo- discussed. The paper by Kuijpers et al. tackles chemical studies have contrasted the conditions the difficult problem of estimating accumulation developed in sediment columns containing abys- rates in the Nares Abyssal Plain, where the sal-plain turbidites with those which would sediments consist of pelagic and turbiditic clays otherwise obtain in the pelagics of deep basins containing little calcium carbonate and few (Wilson et al. 1985). The papers by Jarvis & dateable fossils. Ledbetter & Klaus show that Higgs and Thomson et al. illustrate that the sediments are supplied to the Argentine Basin by importation of labile organic carbon with turbi- down-slope processes but can be picked up by dites has consequences for the redox status, bottom currents and redistributed. The Argentine sediment colour and post-depositional redistri- Abyssal Plain thus consists of areas of coarse bution of several elements. (A recent edition of terrigenous sediments and areas of mud-waves. Marine Geology (Vol. 68, 1985) contains further In this, the Argentine Abyssal Plain contrasts papers on the contrasts between turbidites and sharply with the Madeira Abyssal Plain (in the other sediment types in the Venezuela Basin.) Cape Verde Basin) which is dominated by the The final paper by Heggie et al. compares input of fine-grained turbidites. estimates by different methods of the amount of Kidd et al. show the regional picture of parts organic carbon oxidation in the sediments of the of the Cape Verde Basin using GLORIA sono- Hatteras Abyssal Plain and its environs.
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