- DUBLIN SAN RAMON SERVICES DISTRICT Board of Directors NOTICE OF REGULAR MEETING TIME: 6 p.m. DATE: Tuesday, May 2, 2017 PLACE: Regular Meeting Place 7051 Dublin Boulevard, Dublin, CA AGENDA Our mission is to provide reliable and sustainable water and wastewater services to the communities we serve in a safe, efficient and environmentally responsible manner. 1. CALL TO ORDER 2. PLEDGE TO THE FLAG 3. ROLL CALL – Members: Duarte, Halket, Howard, Misheloff, Vonheeder-Leopold 4. SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENTS/ACTIVITIES 5. PUBLIC COMMENT (MEETING OPEN TO THE PUBLIC) At this time those in the audience are encouraged to address the Board on any item of interest that is within the subject matter jurisdiction of the Board and not already included on tonight’s agenda. Comments should not exceed five minutes. Speakers’ cards are available from the District Secretary and should be completed and returned to the Secretary prior to addressing the Board. The President of the Board will recognize each speaker, at which time the speaker should proceed to the lectern, introduce him/herself, and then proceed with his/her comment. 6. REPORTS 6.A. Reports by General Manager and Staff 6.B. Joint Powers Authority and Committee Reports LAVWMA – April 19, 2017 DSRSD/Pleasanton Liaison – April 20, 2017 Water Resources – April 26, 2017 Tri-Valley Water Liaison – April 26, 2017 6.C. Agenda Management (consider order of items) 7. APPROVAL OF MINUTES 7.A. Regular Meeting of April 18, 2017 Recommended Action: Approve by Motion 8. CONSENT CALENDAR Matters listed under this item are considered routine and will be enacted by one Motion, in the form listed below. There will be no separate discussion of these items unless requested by a Member of the Board of Directors or the public prior to the time the Board votes on the Motion to adopt. 1 of 216 Dublin San Ramon Services District Board of Directors Agenda, Regular Meeting, Tuesday, May 2, 2017 Page 2 8.A. Approve Amendment No. 1 to the Agreement for the Sale of Recycled Water by the DSRSD-EBMUD Recycled Water Authority to the Dublin San Ramon Services District and East Bay Municipal Utility District Recommended Action: Approve by Resolution 9. BOARD BUSINESS 9.A. Adopt Initial Study/Mitigated Negative Declaration for the Dublin Trunk Sewer Rehabilitation Project (CIP 16-S021) Recommended Action: Adopt by Resolution 9.B. Award Construction Agreement to Insituform Technologies, LLC, Authorize a Construction Change Order Contingency, Authorize Execution of Task Order No. OC-8 with The Covello Group, Inc. for Construction Management Services, and Approve a Capital Improvement Program and Project Budget Increase for the Dublin Trunk Sewer Rehabilitation Project (CIP 16-S021) Recommended Action: Approve by Resolutions (2) and Authorize by Motion 9.C. Authorize an Interfund Loan to the Local Wastewater Replacement Fund from the Local Wastewater Expansion Fund Recommended Action: Authorize by Resolution 9.D. Discuss Tri-Valley Water Liaison Meeting and Potable Reuse Feasibility Study Recommended Action: Discuss and Provide Direction 9.E. Receive Presentation on District Water Supply Outlook for 2017 to 2021 Recommended Action: Receive Presentation 9.F. Receive Presentation on the FYE 2018 and FYE 2019 Budget Document Recommended Action: Receive Presentation 9.G. Approve Casting of District’s Vote and Ranking of Candidates in the Alameda County Local Agency Formation Commission (Alameda LAFCo) 2017 Election for Alternate Special District Member Recommended Action: Approve by Motion 10. BOARD MEMBER ITEMS • Submittal of Written Reports from Travel and Training Attended by Directors 11. ADJOURNMENT All materials made available or distributed in open session at Board or Board Committee meetings are public information and are available for inspection at the front desk of the District Office at 7051 Dublin Blvd., Dublin, during business hours, or by calling the District Secretary at (925) 828-0515. A fee may be charged for copies. District facilities and meetings comply with the Americans with Disabilities Act. If special accommodations are needed, please contact the District Secretary as soon as possible, but at least two days prior to the meeting. 2 of 216 Item 7.A. DUBLIN SAN RAMON SERVICES DISTRICT MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS April 18, 2017 1. CALL TO ORDER A regular meeting of the Board of Directors was called to order at 6 p.m. by President Richard Halket. 2. PLEDGE TO THE FLAG 3. ROLL CALL Boardmembers present at start of meeting: President Richard M. Halket, Vice President Georgean M. Vonheeder-Leopold, Director D.L. (Pat) Howard, Director Edward R. Duarte, and Director Madelyne (Maddi) A. Misheloff. District staff present: Dan McIntyre, General Manager; Carol Atwood, Administrative Services Manager/Treasurer; Judy Zavadil, Engineering Services Manager; Jeff Carson, Operations Manager; Carl P.A. Nelson, General Counsel; and Vivian Chiu, Administrative Analyst I. 4. SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENTS/ACTIVITIES General Manager McIntyre reported on the following: o On Friday, April 7, Governor Jerry Brown declared the end of the drought emergency except in four counties. o There are new permanent conservation regulations under development by the State Water Resources Control Board to supersede the 20x2020 regulations. o The Department of Water Resources increased the deliveries of the maximum entitlement from 60% to 85% to State Water Project (SWP) contractors. Lots of carryover, water banking, and water recharge are expected. o The Zone 7 Water Agency’s data shows that the groundwater basin is about 95% full as a result of artificial recharge in the last couple of years and natural recharge in the last couple of months. o There were scouring problems due to high water intake at Clifton Court Forebay, a key element of the SWP. Repairs started a few weeks ago and were completed earlier than planned. The reopening provides for unrestricted SWP operations again. 5. PUBLIC COMMENT (MEETING OPEN TO THE PUBLIC) – 6:03 p.m. No public comment was received. 6. REPORTS A. Reports by General Manager and Staff Event Calendar – General Manager McIntyre reported on the following: o EBMUD (East Bay Municipal Utility District) Director Frank Mellon is presenting an annual briefing on Tuesday, May 16, at 7:45 p.m. at Knudsen’s Ice Creamery in Castro Valley. Boardmembers interested in attending should contact staff. o Tomorrow at 8:30 a.m. is an internal ribbon cutting for the Field Operations Facility at Commerce Circle. The breakfast event will provide another opportunity to celebrate the District’s 64th birthday. o The DSRSD/Pleasanton Liaison meeting will be held on Thursday, April 20, at 4 p.m. at the Field Operations Facility at Commerce Circle. o The Tri-Valley Water Liaison (formerly known as the Water Policy Roundtable) meeting will be held on Wednesday, April 26, at 4 p.m. in the DSRSD Boardroom. DRAFT3 of 216 Regular Meeting of the Board of Directors April 18, 2017 Operations Manager Jeff Carson announced that the District will receive the San Ramon Valley Recycled Program Leadership Award in the water management category at the Green California Summit on Tuesday, April 25, at 5 p.m. at the Sacramento Convention Center. The District will also speak at the summit on Thursday, April 27. Correspondence to and from the Board on an Item not on the Agenda – President Halket noted that he will not be able to attend tomorrow’s ribbon cutting and asked Vice President Vonheeder-Leopold to take his place. B. Joint Powers Authority and Committee Reports – None C. Agenda Management (consider order of items) – General Manager McIntyre requested to switch the order of Item 9.A and Item 9.B. The Board agreed to re-order the items as requested. 7. APPROVAL OF MINUTES – Regular Meeting of April 4, 2017 Director Duarte MOVED for the approval of the April 4, 2017 minutes. Director Howard SECONDED the MOTION, which CARRIED with FIVE AYES. 8. CONSENT CALENDAR Director Misheloff MOVED for approval of the item on the Consent Calendar. Director Howard SECONDED the MOTION, which CARRIED with FIVE AYES. A. Accept the Following Regular and Recurring Reports: Water Supply and Conservation, Warrant List, Upcoming Board Business, and District Financial Statements – Approved 9. BOARD BUSINESS A. Receive Presentation on Wastewater Treatment Plant and Biosolids Master Plan and Refer Master Plan Review to Water Resources Committee Engineering Services Manager Zavadil presented the second half of an overview of the Master Plan (Plan) first presented on March 18. She introduced Kathryn Giese, project manager from West Yost, who was present and available to answer questions. Ms. Zavadil provided a brief recap of three of the six areas covered in the first presentation: secondary treatment process, potable reuse, and biosolids management. She then reviewed the last three areas: energy management, odor control, and asset management. She concluded with a summary of how the Plan will provide guidance for the future regarding capital budgets, rates, nutrient removal, potable reuse, biosolids disposal diversity, energy self-sufficiency, odor control, and long-term rehabilitation and replacement needs. The Board and staff discussed the distribution and future developments of the Plan. The Board referred further review of the Plan to the Water Resources Committee and thanked Ms. Zavadil for the detailed presentation. B. Receive Presentation on Regional and Local Wastewater FY 2018 – FY 2022 Rate Review and Schedule a Public Hearing 2 DRAFT 4 of 216 Regular Meeting of the Board of Directors April 18, 2017 Administrative Services Manager Atwood and consultant Shawn Koorn of HDR Engineering Inc. reviewed the item for the Board. Their presentation covered the goals and objectives of the local study and regional study, revenues, expenses, cost of service, funding for long-term capital replacement, resources for preventative maintenance, proposed rate adjustments, recommendations, and a timetable to address key objectives.
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