Documents and Catalogue

Documents and Catalogue

Fil%>b Documents ISEA2002,llth International Symposium on Electronic Art, NAGOYA [~rai] F*l%>t- Documents a3s#am2m 2002 %&E [&*I ISEA2002,ll th International Symposium on Electronic Art, NAGOYA [~rai] $94 Ptz LJ9 t- 2002 42 alternative moments -%I/ L\@i%! - ~Z=@-~~Y@ABILJ~~O=Y~~~YP ' electropti [el @%&B r 58 @mEl*(DfT'ifP-k 62 YAKATA . ' 64 AY9JCO-F-93Y 70 WEb09A a #ByotfFa 76 PA. + t Y61111 [Data & Time1 80 tiZ%R7 Ye- t- in %&El 81 &\\IREE 04 .PZI Y t- rwm.4261[i=1a~i : HQ~:ER, =EI/X~(DW~MJ 919 t- rWeb of LifeJ by Michael CLElCH &JeffreySHAW 98 8-f 66f%%% 31Jl/hh12-T-i, I9Zh-93 Y CONTENTS 4 A few thoughts on [Orail-In Retrospect of the International Symposium on Electronic Art, 2002 NAGOYA MOTOYAMA Kiyofumi 32 Considerations on Possibilities of Computer Art-Beyond the trap laid by Marcel Duchamp KATSUMATA Masanao 18 [Orail-My impressions of the works of art I saw in the MEDIASELECT2002 AKIBA Fuminori ISEA2002 Official Programs Artworks 26 Exhibitions 32 Performances 36 Concerts 38 Electronic Theater MEDIASELECT2002 42 alternative moments 46 Alternative Communication@OSUElectronic Village 48 electropti [el nice meeting you@NACOYA 54 Consciousness of Water 56 Peaks 58 The Early Works of Video Art in japan 62 YAKATA 64 mental rotation 70 The immortal space Associated Programs 76 JIMCAMPBELL [Data & Time] 80 Concert for Electroacoustique and Computer Music in Nagoya 81 Lecture: Roy Ascott [PLANETARY TECHNOETICS: art, technology and consciousness] Related Programs &I ZKM Project web of Life] by Michael GLEICH & JeffreySHAW Symposium, Paper Presentation, etc. 98 Opening,lSEA General Meeting, Paper Presentation 104 [Orai] Symposium 106 Welcome Party, Excursion 108 Social Event [No, but It's all right!] 110 CAFE, GALLERY, DJ-VJevents ISEAM02 was held from the 27th to the 31 st of October 2002 In NagoyaJapan. This book Is a document of official programs of ISW002 NAGOYA [Oral], MEDIASELECT2002programs, associated programs and related programs. X bB#@$b~26, ZroE@%t~k~TSSTitjb k, %~i~\5bXTb\t:~BXiEtEitZkk, B#%m, e%mtd:%AA\5a [@*I %CD%SB\ ~B*REiCZC;lr rMEDIASELECT2002J CDBEbB +/GkL 7: [@%I Ul E%kUCDBi$B, +b?h ISEA WiJ#CZ%~%fi!!RLt:o 1989$iL?&%3k rP-f Y~JM, €/3< 0 2b\ 3, ZOW&OE14$BQBBtCL, FY4Yt$E&%% F~PP-~~:JY~Y~~Y-P-~OM%T~S%$& #i:lB, R%!Sht:%a~dj&~ ?cn%%O#E2 L Z2Tdj&, #@%Z%B2LTOX3 9-YM, 779 T, 73 / u 9-7- b, dj&b\M/\4f 37- b 2b\3 .PXu=fl)tz?&%3t: (r)l/+. 7-9%) Bif2J15, LJP 7:. 7:. 1BSE&cSF;MB#kOA\A\* 5 AqlHRR4 X ShML IL~~SSQ~~Z2 tr &37, KIB-~A%'J~~I:LT~ t:;bz\ *bRt&\ e*&TwOwb\xYfY$5 I) -7- ILTb\R2b\X&, ?htE%L, ISEAelO3-XM, bOBB&2 LT(n#!lH64%37b\t:, ?Oz 2M, $74 B%OQ%BB, 3%0EW%, 3 5t:%%Q, Iff+& #ShkP-74 X b ~OH.&~IA\~%3A\At3 L LA< (mediate) %fetk LTkkt: 5b\Tb\B0 53 LTarhSh T$&, aTsw+%?-v~- t-t:~%ash~: < L\, t:BPR2&74 t-++1-32M, &#A\EJ~I[~#BX~M~ &&b\M?3E%ShSZ2QOQ%&b\T&33P- LTOS%Q*b\, % F-f 77- t-Q€$=xAO*M- 74 x b t:4 < M&cb\OTdj&o TP-7Y 3 J T 230 A\XTOT&Bo BBShk TP-b &f 3/UV-J OSflM, F#Sa N3t:OT&&, rMEDIASELECT2002J O#dr6At, % F4 77- b KB!& %F4P-kb3 b%SdB;$&5. ?OZt:KQ%trtlT L 2ts <, BE%T&.<&!It:\ A\ts 0GlPeSaO%leB2 3 i.b3f:o ?LTISEAK\ %?4PP- b2~Yf285 Tb\t:L 2 i~~~@Q&l;t:A%b~t:E3.5~At, Zh& LJ-Y-bOM#@R83#2L7O8%%@GTL\R., Q %k CBdtl co-+t23k0 ~@iBt:%, I&1QEBtr\ OESOO~~M,manma, ~~A\T&BI&O& IBilQt:AA\3 GLLt:2J<3T, @&PA\tsY3?-93'/Q 133>=YYTdj&, PH STUDIO kb\3, P4T"PL: tw~,+FBMW~~~%F-~ YA\BPIB~TL\ <. x*Jb+-i:%%t:Y)b-3t:&&a%274 X7'J Y93 PYAHA\~+~MTZ~~:%&B%MN@OVA+f Y >BSl:T, %?4 PP- bO&YUt%GLH-GA~@G 5 ~;JLSM, eora BL&L:sam+3tsmmtsA\cr, 7 hk, %63\5rblSl/\ %Q&irhBgSiL~R5Sh&2b\ %F-iP2P-bOW~&c~~~&+i&o%ti\ %32 3%?4YY- b~#B!A~,SM2E%2i:&3703< %%HK@S$&lTEY?5 LJ-%HT8L&ck,ht: rF i !.I?J\XSh&O #a#xO=F~%Bt3, @@O#BK-Z EWXMJ &, FEi2b\3 €Ss=XAO%d%, r@QJ %~O#J@~@~gM@#~T&T:&K,fib%l%O3- %Be&&XTMb\tb8 LTb\?z, XAzbsl#3hko SiLbh\3TtROARMW&Sh, & M#AM%EQtiB3Tb~&0--BillB@jhbfjlzM, a3St I #tbGrM%%At%h~S, %%AWLZAT < 6, 3-XO 2%9-f PP- b kb\3, &.~:30~#CL3b\TTdjbo j ilCilfstBaBrJS'it&Z 2t=&7T\ IP%MR~fJ\3~~CL~ LO T%PH#J O&HK&b\T, 9F-fP-k L3bMm I S/ tl-)bSh, @&(n#&(nS@t~f #~CL%F&T&~ mtsn0 r9~477-b~ 2~\3m~m~st:,eh Zh74 b,=-3A\Bts&PIRBT, @%BMl;&2Tb i:3b\TM%qJPLM% ta tf A43Bht: At, rat3tMQ 9F-fPP- b8&+i&2b\38%MI XR~$CE%JR#% %%b\&J L2Rkt:, r~7-fP2OBgRQR83JZ2 4 * d:%BiWE3 t:, i~tbt-, Lk~O%BtrMb\~Tb\&2b\3.%)gl~@I& 5 LKM, Bs$RTM&8 O%EMDb\. BWSrtz, 3tl9- 4 f 4 YYXT&%BA\G-fTS6k, [Media Art1 T lz Y b I T6#BAt rElectronic ArtJ cDfEBktZ3ko 4 8 3h %hkT&, khD6HBkU2i3$LNk Lt:6, *h%I t:MB8lDatZ15t0 %sfBTmWQ#%ZLt:OM, MIHI2000 $a/.evA& a%T&3t:o w@MMM=*B, 994Y* b9 bas! ISEABA#Gz&T:37M, iZhk3CZS < OlAt:%trl?tG-f SFW, #%T rtPQ5J a*~aBi!iflBlA\5a~da 7b\ktZC 8 Lt:, ISEA Japan ~lW#?i3%&hEMC81, Re, &6t~&%ar%la%htL\GZ4&6kZ3OISEA* Zb)ZTISEAfiS<h\d\b37St:At:%A\6H, @GZ dkaz5~=3--9a>Ft;.eD24&5, BBQtzb\t:6 Mat;R6$tb, & 5 &b\&Ektd:6.A3GZkY FIf-1Xk QTOiBa5 M#LTYHPMDh\3t:, HI% LEf t-f%G-f%Lko %kt:, IAMAS (nf&&k+AJP T3L~:DA\TI#&~~:ISEAT&~~:A~, &isO!!l!i Y-FY~89/97O&i%&8ST4 b9$-Bddrl;&kT6# @~BB~~~LTMRSG~~L\~~E~~~BBLT~\6aPFPSRaA4SrtzM, ne 5 ss&bka.aa e~td:s 60 3@S&&h7b~t:. *Y b7-9SBEMCtb2T f K, Tfh\3S*!SrtLk 5 < hTb\t:tZSB Ltzo 7- b 6-1 >75mDB#M, I#$6/1?&#laBBCD% k CE, 8- bOS%HT4&67- b)f5g-1XaX9 ~70X9 %!dCZT%?:, %~:a@%X$v=-Jbhq&%&ht:)s Q&ht:%M, RBB#LaZkD<Bf %b37<h% 7 %-UYXOl+a, 5 9%TO!fbR%A~YEiLt:H%A I/ko %L7S$#TM, @$<a85>?47AqISEAZ? S!GZ~~\T+J, # 5 D td: <fi Lt:o RfiSl&Bi#@Tb X27<h% Lt:, SfiSRO-Ak L7, %t:9T"-fP %SE(nlHA~38 <#EL, i&#h\5Ullfi6X5;tzt: -tz ~9 ba-~trLT, &~t:~~awaa@%~a~x t:%%Dtib3o Lt:L\kZ!G\f To 'PB3ia&tZz~t:OM, $#BIh\GMC<O!F&5A~+lnL kBaa, #aP97%lt~A\6a#mfnlT< D;b\3kZ k, T LTBPIPXA\GO+~~~~C~L"<-~CLrm h\~~t~t: aczDePm*B%bDc-fhMD 6DL\O;n\J 2%S$6 AAqb\t:Z kt?, Kl%tr3b\TM, d;9FtalA9[%&3 3 A<, BQ#%A\GBlBE9cf~b\t:ktj' 5 cr, r&%J kb13E IDS%trt8T6Z 2 kD3t~~%%tz3b\TM, ISEA ~~ktd:~;a*4t;mt~~~q~\~tz~~cz~ajl,~~c\a~\ ~@G?I~htzLk%AZ*PYPh\63-tl ~)fT88#& h7b\6ISEA Srtz+fiaTbak, ;fUIi!!!dZ3-~ ';r/fib\G F A few thoughts on [orail point. We also asked Mr. AKIBA Fuminori to write a temporal - h Retrospect of the International Symposium on Electronic Art, and spatial description about [Orai] with the exhibition of , 2002NAGOYA MEDIASELECT2002 as a main topic. MOTOYAMA Kiyofumi -To provide a forum where various opinions "come and go (Chairperson, Steering Committee, 11th lntern&.onal Symposium (i.e. [Orai])" relating to electronic art and media art. on Electronic Art, 2002 NACOYA/Representative, MEDIASELECT) -To provide a chance for electronic art to mutually stimu- late and corroborate on "street (i.e. [Orai])" with various fields International Symposium on the Electronic Art, 2002 and sciences in close'relationship, such as cognitive science. NAGOYA has ended. The 5-day long official programs were -To provide a site to carry out experimentation within the the forum for 328 artists and researchers from 30 countries increasing city "traffic (i.e. [Orai])" between the real world and presenting their work and thoughts. Over 10,000 general virtual world. I public participated. 34 related events organized in various parts of Nagoya and others combined, it turned out that as -To provide a place for "contact (i.e. [Orai])" where people of many as 120,000 people saw the electronic art firsthand. At Asian and Western cultures meet and realize their differences. the Port of Nagoya Public Aquarium, Oasis21 in Sakae Park -To provide a place for "communication (i.e. [Orai])" where and in Shirakabe-cho house, many citizens experienced new the citizens and those relating to art, communicate and pro- breeds of art and witnessed their beauty. mote mutual understanding. What are the things that ISEA brought about and left behind? While it is certainly true that we could feel a sense These are the thematic topics that have been upheld for of fulfillment and some kind of reward in the thick atmo- Nagoya Symposium and have been mentioned several times sphere filled in the warehouses of Garden Pier and Harbor already. Although I dare not to repeat them here, I should Hall, it also seems true that achievements or significance of like to point out a few issues discussed in the preparation all the events still need some time before they take shape.

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