Compton — ‘Two Distant Strangers’ In The History Books! SoCal Legend: Keyshawn (See Page D-2) Johnson (See page E-2) VOL. LXXXVII NO. 19, $1.00 +CA. Sales Tax “For Over Eighty Years, the Voice of Our Community Speaking for Itself.” THURSDAY, MAY 13, 2021 VOL. LXXVV, NO. 49 • $1.00 + CA. Sales Tax “For Over Eighty Years The Voice of Our Community Speaking for Itself THURSDAY, DECEMBER 12 - 18, 2013 He leaves with a legacy of Cleaner Air, Achievements for Environmental Justice and Historical Inclusionary Votes For All with the booming ware- health, and providing a and initiating the Health house industry. The rule voice for the public on air Effects of Air Pollution would reduce pollution in quality issues. On his first Foundation to research communities near these day as chair in 1997, he the potential connections warehouses, particularly announced environmen- between air pollution, lung communities of color. tal justice would become tumors and brain cancer. Dr. Burke retired after 27 a central focus of South To help engage the next years of service, including Coast AQMD. His ef- generation of clean air poli- an unprecedented 23 years forts included developing cymakers and scientists, as chair. The Diamond Bar the Environmental Justice Dr. Burke expanded out- headquarters auditorium Community Partnership to reach initiatives to youth was newly named after build stronger ties with EJ and young adults by spear- Dr. Burke for his lifelong groups and communities heading the Why Healthy dedication and service as a to address environmental Air Matters (WHAM) leader and environmental inequities in communi- school program to increase justice (EJ) trailblazer. ties of color in the region; awareness of air quality is- “As I’ve said before, spearheading the formation {See BURKE A-11} clean air is a right, not of The EJ Advisory Group; a privilege. I have spent my career fighting to be a voice of the unheard, so that all people have the opportunity to breathe clean air,” said Dr. Burke. “I’m so proud of the work accomplished during my tenure and when the sun sets on my last day of service, I felt at peace be- Dr. William A. Burke COURTESY OF SCAQMD cause I did the best that I could.” BY DANNY BAKEWELL, JR. ing Board meeting at South AQMD’s Governing Board As Chairman, Dr. Executive Editor Coast Air Quality Manage- approved the Warehouse Burke left a long list of ment (South Coast AQMD) Indirect Source Rule, a first- accomplishments in tack- Dr. William A. Burke making history yet again. of-its-kind regulation aimed ling regional air quality Dr. William A. Burke and Danny Bakewell Sr. at the finished his final Govern- On May 7th South Coast to curb emissions associated issues, improving public South Coast AQMD Martin Luther King Day of Service event. COURTESY OF SCAQMD SENTINEL NEWS SERVICE Its leaders aim to Usher in a new era of banking for South Los Angeles With less than a week to go until the votes are SENTINEL NEWS SERVICE counted in the 54th Assem- bly Special Election (Tues- On Thursday, May 6, day, May 18, 2021) Heather Chase Bank (on the corner Hutt is taking nothing for of Crenshaw Blvd. and granted. She has walked Vernon Blvd.) marked the every neighborhood in grand opening of its first her district for the past 2 community center branch months explaining to voters in California, a completely why she is the most quali- Jeff Prang , Jan Perry, Maxine Waters, Heather Hutt, redesigned banking expe- fied candidate to be elected and Autumn Burke at a rally at the LA Sentinel. PHOTO E. MESIYAH rience for the South Los to the seat and encouraging MCGINNIS / LA SENTINEL Angeles community in the voters to make sure they Crenshaw District. vote in this special elec- trying to suppress our vote, person, but we must vote.” The new branch has a tion. “Voters are tired, this our voice so I am asking and Stated Heather Hutt. focus on helping people of Ribbon cutting with Chase Bank Los Angeles Commu- district has been voting for encouraging our community Heather Hutt has not color and small businesses nity Manager, Jordan King; Crenshaw Branch Manager, over a year, but I am asking to vote. We are not Georgia, been walking the district owners in underserved Christanne Fuston and EVP, The Bakewell Company/ voters to keep voting, keep we can vote, we can vote alone. She has been joined communities. Executive Editor, LA Sentinel/LA Watts Times, Danny fighting. Other states are by mail, or we can vote in {See HUTT A-10} {See CHASE A-11} Bakewell, Jr PHOTO E. MESIYAH MCGINNIS / LA SENTINEL 54th Assembly ‘A Bridge Home’ is the first shelter for families in Council District 9 BY CORA JACKSON-FOSSETT District Special Staff Writer Elected officials, Election homelessness providers and community members came out on May 11, to dedicate the Lillian Mo- VOTE FOR bley Family Housing, “A HEATHER HUTT Councilmember Curren Price, center, is surrounded by well wishers as he cuts the ribbon at the dedication of the Lillian Mobley Family Housing. COURTESY PHOTO Bridge Home” (ABH) facility located at 4601 S. Residents will have access shelter and the first of its Figueroa in Los Angeles. to job training, life skills, kind in Council District 9. The structure will support case management and a L.A. Councilmember 15 families and includes a children’s playground area Curren D. Price Jr. was children’s playground. to help them a[as they] joined by L.A. County Expressing his delight transition to permanent Supervisor Holly Mitchell about the project, Price housing. and Mobley’s family to exclaimed, “This is a great “It’s appropriate that Vote by Mail or In-Person, see voting locations www.lasentinel.net applaud the opening of the day in the ‘New Ninth!’ {See MOBLEY A-12} on page A-12 A-2 LASENTINEL.NET NEWS THURSDAY, MAY 13, 2021 White House COVID-19 Response Team Unites with Black Press to Encourage Vaccinations BY CORA JACKSON-FOSSETT son & Johnson vaccines are me hear a bit more about were discriminated ed so far. allocation of COVID-19 Staff Writer safe, yet people are reluc- why you are still in a wait against,” she recounted. As far as the number of resources and relief funds, tant to get vaccinated due and see mode.’ That’s the “So, we know there are Blacks vaccinated to date, effective outreach and Seeking to reassure Webb noted that “about 9% communication to under- African Americans that the of those who have been served and minority popu- COVID-19 vaccinations vaccinated are Black and lations, and improving cul- are safe, the White House 12-to-13% are Hispanic. tural proficiency within the COVID-19 Health Equity Those numbers have con- Federal Government.” Task Force united with the tinued to improve since The group will also pre- Black Press to spread the January.” pare a final report that word. Still, since denoting includes “a long-term plan Dr. Marcella Nunez- race or ethnicity is not a to address data shortfalls Smith, Task Force chair, required data field by many regarding communities of and Dr. Cameron Webb, a states, there is not an accu- color and other under- key member, spoke with rate count of the total num- served populations” as well Dr. Benjamin Chavis, pres- ber of African Americans as advocate future actions ident and CEO of the who have been vaccinated. to reduce health inequities. National Newspaper Pub- Webb said that the task Chavis said, “The lishers Association, NNPA force is coordinating with NNPA wants to continue to Chair Karen Carter state governments to work with Dr. Nunez- Richards, and Stacy include that information so Smith, Dr. Webb, and The Brown, NNPA senior NNPA PHOTO that the task force can “see White House COVID-19 national correspondent, on Dr. Marcella Nunez-Smith and Dr. Cameron Webb who is getting vaccinated.” Response Team to ensure May 5, to promote the facts According to the White that Black America and eradicate the myths to complacency, confi- posture we have to take to contemporary realities as House website, “the task receives updated and vital surrounding the vaccines. dence and convenience. get through to more and well as historic realities as “Ultimately, we’re try- Complacent individuals more folks away from wait to why people have that ing to get everyone in the don’t believe that they will and see to yes, I’m ready to skepticism. But, we are country vaccinated who is catch the virus, he get vaccinated,” empha- always eager to provide medically able to. We know explained. Others lack sized Webb. facts and bring information we have to do it as quickly confidence in the safety of Nunez-Smith, who is to the table.” as possible to get people the product, which trans- also an associate professor Another factor driving connected back with their lates to not “trusting in the of internal medicine, public reluctance is the rumor that lives,” said Nunez-Smith, government that’s telling health, and management at the vaccines are not safe who indicated that she you to get vaccinated,” said Yale University, acknowl- and “people think it’s put- hopes all African Americans Webb, who is the senior edged that vaccine hesitan- ting the virus in your will embrace this effort. policy advisor for COVID- cy by African Americans is body,” added Nunez- Stressing that it’s not 19 equity and a physician understandable, especially Smith. However, she only President Joe Biden’s and professor at the Uni- considering historical inci- pointed out that more than or the nation’s goal to get versity of Virginia.
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