July 17, 2019 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H5957 amongst the 12 wonderful people who shooter, Keith remained calm and H.R. 2325 lost their lives in the tragedy. In his thought only of how to keep other co- Be it enacted by the Senate and House of final moments, Keith showed extraor- workers safe. He led them to the safety Representatives of the United States of America dinary bravery. of a small room and directed them to in Congress assembled, Keith was an active and irreplaceable barricade the door. SECTION 1. 65TH INFANTRY REGIMENT POST OF- member of our community. He regu- Then, despite the danger, he contin- FICE BUILDING. larly attended his father’s church, New ued to look for more of his colleagues. (a) DESIGNATION.—The facility of the Hope Baptist Church, where he sang in By the time the shooting stopped, United States Postal Service located at 100 the choir with his renowned golden Calle Alondra in San Juan, Puerto Rico, Keith was among the 12 innocent vic- shall be known and designated as the ‘‘65th voice. He had hoped to follow his call- tims who were killed. His surviving Infantry Regiment Post Office Building’’. ing and his father’s footsteps and be- colleagues remember him as a kind, (b) REFERENCES.—Any reference in law, come more active in the ministry. soft-spoken, and big teddy bear. map, regulation, document, paper, or other For 12 years, Keith served the city of Madam Speaker, Keith’s heroics will record of the United States to the facility re- Virginia Beach as a public utilities em- not be forgotten. I urge my colleagues ferred to in subsection (a) shall be deemed to ployee. His coworkers described him as to support this bill, and I yield back be a reference to the ‘‘65th Infantry Regi- someone who was always nice to others the balance of my time. ment Post Office Building’’. and treated colleagues to lunch. One Mr. ROUDA. Madam Speaker, I en- The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- colleague called Keith a ‘‘teddy bear’’ courage my colleagues to support this ant to the rule, the gentleman from who always knew what to say to make bill, and I yield back the balance of my California (Mr. ROUDA) and the gen- an upset colleague smile. time. tleman from Pennsylvania (Mr. KEL- Those who knew him said Keith em- Mr. SCOTT of Virginia. Madam Speaker, I LER) each will control 20 minutes. bodied leadership. Keith’s friends and rise today in support of H.R. 3305, Desig- The Chair recognizes the gentleman family agreed that he made his impact nating the facility of the United States Postal from California. by putting the needs of others before Service located at 2509 George Mason Drive GENERAL LEAVE his own. Keith’s last day on Earth was in Virginia Beach, Virginia as the ‘‘Ryan Keith Mr. ROUDA. Madam Speaker, I ask no different. Cox Post Office Building.’’ I appreciate my col- unanimous consent that all Members During the shooting, Keith led sev- league, the gentlelady from Virginia, Mrs. may have 5 legislative days in which to eral of his coworkers to safety. Keith LURIA, for introducing this bill. revise and extend their remarks and in- then refused to take refuge, stating: Ryan Keith Cox is a Virginia Beach hero, a clude extraneous material on this ‘‘I’ve got to see if anybody else needs distinguished public servant and one whose measure. help.’’ legacy will live on forever. We will remember The SPEAKER pro tempore. Is there Keith stood watch and checked on his Ryan for his heroic actions during the Virginia objection to the request of the gen- colleagues, voluntarily exposing him- Beach massacre on May 31, 2019. He saved tleman from California? self to a deadly line of fire. One of dozens of lives by helping his colleagues find There was no objection. Keith’s colleagues summed it up: ‘‘If it a safe space to hide during the mass shooting Mr. ROUDA. Madam Speaker, I yield wasn’t for him, there would have been at the Virginia Beach Municipal Center. He myself such time as I may consume. several more people who perished.’’ was killed protecting two of his coworkers Madam Speaker, I am pleased to join In our community’s darkest hour, guarding a cubicle door while his coworkers my colleagues in consideration of H.R. Keith prioritized the safety of his col- huddled on the floor beneath two desks. 2325, to designate the facility of the leagues over his own. He was a true The Virginia Beach community will remem- United States Postal Service located at servant leader who made the ultimate ber Ryan as a cherished friend and one who 100 Calle Alondra San Juan, Puerto sacrifice. always put others before himself. He was soft Rico, as the 65th Infantry Regiment This is our chance to tell Keith’s spoken, encouraging, positive and considered Post Office Building. story, to showcase his heroism to our by all to be ‘‘a good man’’. community, our Commonwealth, and In 1899, a year after the Spanish- He was active in his Church and partici- American War, Congress authorized the our Nation. I was proud to introduce pated in Anointed Voices, Men of Hope, the this bill to name a local post office creation of a unit of volunteer soldiers Male Chorus and the Men’s Ministry at New in the new territory of Puerto Rico. after Keith. When we walk by that post Hope Baptist Church. office and see Keith’s name, we will Redesignated in 1920 as the 65th Infan- Madam Speaker, the designation of this try Regiment of the United States think of the sacrifice and of the lives post office in Ryan Keith Cox’s honor will for- that he saved. Army, this unit served admirably in ever remind us of his valor and his 12-year World War II and the Korean war. I thank the Virginia delegation for long career with the City of Virginia Beach. I supporting this bipartisan legislation In World War II, the 65th Infantry urge my colleagues to support this bill. Regiment suffered casualties defending to honor Keith’s legacy and impact on The SPEAKER pro tempore. The our Virginia Beach community. against enemy attacks, with regiment question is on the motion offered by members earning one Distinguished Madam Speaker, I urge support of the gentleman from California (Mr. this bill. Service Cross, two Silver Stars, two ROUDA) that the House suspend the Bronze Stars, and 90 Purple Hearts. Mr. KELLER. Madam Speaker, I rules and pass the bill, H.R. 3305. yield myself such time as I may con- In the Korean war, when General The question was taken; and (two- MacArthur ordered the evacuation of sume. thirds being in the affirmative) the Madam Speaker, I rise today in sup- the Hungnam enclave, the 65th Infan- rules were suspended and the bill was try Regiment played a crucial role, and port of H.R. 3305, introduced by Rep- passed. resentative LURIA. The bill names a ultimately, under the Regiment’s pro- A motion to reconsider was laid on tection, 105,000 troops and 100,000 refu- post office located in Virginia Beach, the table. Virginia, in honor of Ryan Keith Cox. gees were evacuated. Ryan Keith Cox served the city of f These brave Americans protected the Virginia Beach for 12 years. He worked very foundation of this great country. in the Public Works Department as an 65TH INFANTRY REGIMENT POST Naming a post office to honor the 65th account clerk until he was murdered, OFFICE BUILDING Infantry Regiment who served and sac- saving the lives of his friends and co- Mr. ROUDA. Madam Speaker, I move rificed for us is but a small price of workers earlier this year. to suspend the rules and pass the bill what these brave men and women de- On the morning of May 31, 2019, a city (H.R. 2325) to designate the facility of serve from the country to whom they employee resigned from his job at the the United States Postal Service lo- have given so much. municipal building where Cox work. cated at 100 Calle Alondra in San Juan, Madam Speaker, I reserve the bal- That afternoon, the former employee Puerto Rico, as the ‘‘65th Infantry ance of my time. returned with evil intentions. Regiment Post Office Building’’. Mr. KELLER. Madam Speaker, I When a coworker ran into the office The Clerk read the title of the bill. yield myself such time as I may con- with news that there was an active The text of the bill is as follows: sume. VerDate Sep 11 2014 08:24 Jul 18, 2019 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00043 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K17JY7.081 H17JYPT1 H5958 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE July 17, 2019 Madam Speaker, I yield as much oism in battle, and I am indeed proud rules were suspended and the bill was time as she may consume to the gen- to have them under my command. I passed. tlewoman from Puerto Rico (Miss wish that we could count on many A motion to reconsider was laid on GONZA´ LEZ-COLO´ N), my friend. more like them.’’ the table. b 1615 For its extraordinary service during f the Korean war, the Borinqueneers re- ´ ´ REQUEST TO CONSIDER H.R. 2447, Miss GONZALEZ-COLON of Puerto ceived many unit-level awards, includ- Rico. Madam Speaker, I thank Mr. JOBS AND PREMIUM PROTEC- ing two Presidential Unit Citations. TION ACT KELLER for the opportunity. Soldiers in the regiment earned a total I am very humbled but, at the same of nine Distinguished Service Crosses, Mrs.
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