2_3_pages_1to3.qxp_redesign 2/2/21 3:03 PM Page 1 MIDWEEK: FEB 3-6, 2021 CLOSING OUT THE WINTER SEASON History Columnist - The regular season ends Winter Springs was this week before the full almost called postseason begins Semoran See Sports, Page 7 See People, Page 5 S ANFORD HERALD LAKE MARY, LONGWOOD, WINTER SPRINGS, OVIEDO, GENEVA, CASSELBERRY, OSTEEN, CHULUOTA, ALTAMONTE SPRINGS, DEBARY Vol. 130, No. 52 • © 2020 READ US ONLINE AT MYSANFORDHERALD.COM Since 1908 HEADLINES FROM Seminole County urges residents ASSOCIATED PRESS City Hall gates one front entrance to use local vaccination Study: Russia's Sputnik V vac- cine appears safe, registration portal, not the State’s effective to direct all visitors to indoor lobby MOSCOW (AP) — Russian sci- By Steve Paradis entists say the country's Sputnik V By Steve Paradis Herald Staff vaccine appears safe and effective Herald Staff against COVID-19, according to Seminole County managers are still review- early results of an advanced study When work is completed this month, ing the state’s online COVID-19 vaccination published Tuesday. new fencing at Sanford City Hall will cre- registration system that rolled out Friday. ate a single point of entry to the main “As feedback from other counties has been FBI: 2 agents killed, 3 lobby and add safety for the public and mixed, Seminole County has elected to not add wounded, suspect dead in employees during the pandemic, city of- additional stress to our residents by going with Florida ficials said. a system that still has bugs,” the county an- Inside the main lobby is an informa- SUNRISE, Fla. (AP) — Two FBI nounced Saturday on social media. tion desk covered in plexiglass like you agents were fatally shot and three might see at grocery stores. The idea is to wounded Tuesday while serving a provide answers to some of the common See VACCINES, Page 6 federal search warrant in a child questions that visitors to City Hall often exploitation case in South Florida, have before they move throughout the authorities said. building searching for them. Herald photo by Steve Paradis Capt. Tom Moore, UK veteran Newly erected gates will block the additional entrance on the Brother, sister drown who walked for NHS, dies at west side of City Hall. See CITY HALL, Page 6 100 in pond near their home LONDON (AP) — Capt. Tom Moore, the World War II veteran By Steve Paradis who walked into the hearts of a Herald Staff nation in lockdown as he shuffled up and down his garden to raise A pair of toddler siblings drowned in an ad- money for healthcare workers has jacent pond Sunday evening after they ran died. away from their home at the Highcroft Pointe Myanmar's Suu Kyi detained Townhomes in unincorporated Longwood. again — without her old support See CHILDREN, Page 6 BANGKOK (AP) — A day after Myanmar’s military pulled off a well-choreographed coup, the country’s civilian leader, Aung San Suu Kyi, finds herself right back See what’s going on where she was just over a decade ago. in Seminole County – Pandemic cuisine: Odd pairings, old favorites on the See Seminole menu NEW YORK (AP) — Whether Happenings, Page 4 it's kimchi, beets or broccoli, the pandemic has had a strange im- pact on food cravings that goes be- yond the joy of comfort eating. Seminole Smile sponsored by Oakport Dental Pakistan orders man acquitted in Pearl murder off death row Herald photo by Steve Paradis Visitors will now be directoed to use the entrance on the east side of City Hall, where they can enter through See Page 2 the lobby and gain assistance at the information desk. STOCKS OF LOCAL INTEREST Seminole State College’s spring theater As of 3 p.m. Tuesday session returns with in-person shows Allegiant $187.49 By Steve Paradis SEMINOLE SMILE Faro $73.04 Herald Staff Fastenal $46.58 HCA Healthcare $166.20 Seminole State College’s spring theater season will see the Invacare $10.17 return of in-person student per- Lowes $167.19 formances, but first two online NextEra $83.82 productions will kick off the se- mester. Tractor Supply $144.41 “Our students have shown Toro $96.36 unbelievable creativity and per- sistence in the wake of the pan- Wells Fargo $30.85 demic, but I know they are thrilled at the chance to perform in person once more,” said Dr. Michele Cuomo, dean of Arts and Communication at the col- lege. Photo contributed Theater students faced obsta- In November 2019, Queen of the Fairies Titania, played by Seminole cles even before the COVID-19 Sanford Herald State student Samantha Caldwell, addresses the audience at the outdoor pandemic when a sinkhole The is not subsidized production of "A Midsummer Night's Dream" at the Sanford/Lake Mary Hayden Turner - Hagerty High School by the Federal Government. Campus of Seminole State College of Florida. See THEATER, Page 6 Student Correspondent 2_3_pages_1to3.qxp_redesign 2/2/21 3:03 PM Page 2 PAGE 2 • Midweek: Feb 3-6, 2021 SANFORD HERALD THE BULLETIN BOARD: The Corey Donaldson Foundation to hold Valentine’s Pop-Up Shop By Sheralyn Brinson world. Whatever it is, the way you African Americans' lives. She under- tell your story can make all the dif- stood that the circumstances that led The Corey Donaldson Foundation, ference. to her brother's death resulted from Inc., presents: “Will You Be My Corey’s Tragedy. In 2011, Corey generations of trauma that would Valentine?”, a Pop-Up Shop, Parent Donaldson, father of 6, a son, brother continue to plague the minds of and Kid Edition, on Saturday, Febru- and friend, was murdered in a African Americans if no one took the ary 13, 2021. Location: House of quadruple shooting in Sanford, time to help them heal and take back Christ Ministries (Elder Calvin Don- Florida. Known as "John the Baptist" control of their lives. Often, a lack of aldson, Pastor); 2589 S. Sanford Av- in the local community, Corey pos- resources leads individuals to feel enue in Sanford, FL; 12n-4 p.m. The sessed a spirit of grace and charity. mentally defeated, which influences community is invited to come and He was faithful to his message be- them to commit violent acts and even enjoy shopping, food, music and cause he wanted to make society’s further destroy their lives. Through more. Vendors are invited to partici- outcasts feel loved, protected, and community connections, The Corey pate. encouraged to remain faithful to the Donaldson Foundation, Inc. works Ongoing events sponsored by the higher vision they hold for their towards ensuring that African Amer- Corey Donaldson Foundation in- lives. icans in Central Florida have the sup- clude: Youth Support Group Sessions Corey’s Legacy. The Foundation’s port and resources they need to every other Thursday and Free Jun- goal is to teach African Americans in overcome their daily challenges and ior Business Courses bi-monthly for the Central Florida community to elevate their lives. youth, ages 10 and older. For more cultivate an abundance mindset. The Foundation is focused on gen- details and registration information Many African Americans live with- erating awareness about how a lack for any of their events, call 407-710- out passion because we were taught of useful resources can stop us all 8622; visit their website online: to depend on oppressive systems from living fuller lives. Programs Photos contributed www.tcdfinc.org; or e-mail: thecorey- that don't validate our worth. When and Services include: (1) Literacy The late Corey Donaldson Niecy Gaines, President and Chief Ex- [email protected]. the world tells us “no”, we believe Programs designed to build a genera- ecutive Officer, The Corey Donaldson The Corey Donaldson Foundation, that is the final answer. But the tion of thinkers by encouraging read- verse marketplaces. The Foundation Foundation, Inc. Inc., a Florida not-for-profit corpora- Corey Donaldson Foundation be- ing. The fastest way to amplify a hosts monthly pop-up shops and tion, was founded by the late Corey lieves that with the proper protec- child's imagination is through a works closely with the Small Busi- The Foundation also hosts an annual Donaldson’s older sister, Sharon tion, grace, and faith, African book. The Foundation invests in new ness Development Council to publi- Holiday Drive to commemorate Presley, to honor her brother's life. Americans can begin to say “yes” to workbooks, one-on-one sessions and cize upcoming training sessions and young scholars in our community Their Mission: To develop the con- themselves, uplift themselves, and group readings. We can empower workshops. (4) Parent Appreciation. and celebrate their achievements. (6) nections and resources that will en- create the resources they need to live our community through literacy. (2) A lot of good, hard working parents Mental Health. Mental health serv- courage local residents to think richer lives. “To every generation an The Arts. The City of Sanford has a in this community rarely get time for ices are absent in communities of deeper, think bigger, and think suc- unconventional voice is given. One long history of the arts. Through themselves. Often, single parents do color. Adults and their children are cess. Mrs. Niecy Gaines serves as who God uses to go where others partnerships with local organiza- not have time to celebrate their victo- left to deal with trauma alone. The President and Chief Executive Offi- cannot go and draw those who seem tions, the Foundation helps local resi- ries and achievements. Every year Foundation partners with mental cer. unreachable. It is he who has the dents locate arts organizations and the Foundation sponsors a parent ap- health experts committed to engag- Corey Donaldson, the man.
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