DRDC-RDDC-2015-N043 September 2015 Preparation and Validation of Defence Research and Development Canada’s (DRDC) Microsatellite Ground Station Captain Ian Mok Defence R&D Canada Ottawa, 3701 Carling Avenue, Ottawa, ON, K1A 0Z4 [email protected] Budgets for traditional “big” space mission are generally higher in comparison to those of “microspace” missions. Defence Research and Development Canada (DRDC) used the Maritime Monitoring and Messaging Microsatellite (M3MSat) project [4, 7], a Canadian maritime surveillance satellite, to apply this low cost microspace approach [3] when building the primary Ground Station (GS). DRDC prepared a GS that will operate the microsatellite with a small operations team. Key to DRDC’s implementation of the GS was satellite control automation to conduct operations with M3MSat. This paper will document how DRDC designed, implemented, built, and validated their Mission Operations Centre (MOC) and GS as well as the training of their operators. I. INTRODUCTION staff, while maintaining a readiness for satellite operations, while retrofitting the aging GS. In preparation for the operation of a new microsatellite, M3MSat, DRDC stepped away from the II. BACKGROUND traditional big-space philosophy and applied the micro space approach when developing their GS and Mission One of the greater challenges that was tackled was MOC The satellite will carry an Automatic the number of operators available to support this Identification System (AIS) [2] payload in Low Earth mission. While the operational team consisted of six Orbit (LEO) and DRDC, with a 4.6m and 9.1m antenna, people for this mission, four of those were military was to host the primary GS. personnel. Military personnel are generally posted into new positions every few years and, during the lifetime M3MSat is a microsatellite whose primary mission of M3MSat DRDC would’ve experienced 100% is to demonstrate the use of Automatic Identification turnover rate of the military staff during the satellite System (AIS) signals from marine vessels in space. operations phase. Any handover process, however Com Dev International [8], a designer and manufacturer comprehensive it may be, is hard to replace the hours of of space hardware, was contracted to build the satellite. hands-on time and training done by the original As per the contract, they were to build the operators on the console with the Flatsat led by Com microsatellite, secure a launch into LEO, train the Dev, the company who was contracted to build the DRDC satellite operations team, and deliver a flatsat to. satellite. So the handover process was flagged as a The flatsat is a ‘spare’ satellite kept on the ground point of focus for incoming replacements when scoping consisting of flight and engineering model components our training requirements. This drove the heavy for testing, training, and troubleshooting. Aside from emphasis on the documentation of our work, lessons risk reduction for integrating and testing, the flatsat also learned, trouble shooting, observed issues, etc. yet it had provides a great source for hands on training, as will be to be generic enough to accommodate the technical discussed further on. The project consists of multiple background of the incoming personnel. Much effort phases from the preliminary Requests for Proposals was put into the recruitment of CAF personnel with (RPF) to Operational Readiness Review (ORR) and satellite communication experience and through Royal throughout each milestone, a Mission Review Board Military College (RMC)’s exchange program with (MRB), consisting of project managers from the United States Air Force Academy (USAFA), as well as Canadian Space Agency (CSA) and DRDC, gives the their own internal GS for high altitude balloon trials final word of proceeding to the next phase of the with radiation detection payloads, and alumni of the project. International Space University (ISU), DRDC was able to put together a diverse team. Even so, the Although the M3MSat launch is slated for 2015, for documentation that was created included very clear this paper we’ll still be able to focus on the steps DRDC step-by-step instructions. took, with the help of CSA, to address the manning, validation of the ground segment, and training of DRDC Page 1 of 5 Raw & Proc’d Mission P/L Data Products Mission $VPHQWLRQHGHDUOLHUWKH05%FRQVLVWHGRISURMHFW UserUser PDQDJHUV IURP '5'& DQG &6$ WR JLYH WKH JRQRJR FULWHULD IRU HDFK PLOHVWRQH RI WKH SURMHFW $SSO\LQJ D Payload Ops Center DRDC MOC DRDC Ground Station CSIAPS DM ITOS T3 9m ANT User Reqmtt PLFURVDWHOOLWHDSSURDFKWRWKLVPLVVLRQWKHUHZDVKHDY\ Sensor TM Commands TM TC TC IRFXV RQ WKH YDOLGDWLRQ RI WKH UHDGLQHVV RI WKH *6 AIS Task Report Payload Tasking MON MPS Special Instructions TRK ZKLFKLQKHUHQWO\LVOHVVUREXVWDVZHOODVWKHUHDGLQHVV PNT ACS TT&C RIWKHRSHUDWRUVZKRZLOOSOD\PXOWLSOHUROHVWKURXJKRXW StationStation OperatorOperator WKH VDWHOOLWHV OLIHWLPH 7KH (QG WR (QG (7( WHVW Storage Device M3MSat T3 PNT Outages TRK SOD\HGDFULWLFDOUROHLQGHPRQVWUDWLQJWKHUHDGLQHVVRI STC MON P/L Data P/L Data FD (STK) APS RSHUDWRUVDQGWKH*6IRUWKHVHPLOHVWRQHV Reports HSDL 4m ANT GSA Contact Times IF Raw P/L Data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¶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Note that, unlike Figure 3, the users in The AIS data aboard the satellite needs to be Figure 2 are blue indicating that their input is not downlinked to our GS as frequently as possible to required and that the process is continuous prevent the memory onboard to fill up, as well as to autonomously. ensure the science users can get the latest AIS data that they requested in CSIAPS. The payload tasking RF commands generated in the MPS include commands to The Antenna Control System (ACS) is a program M3MSat to downlink the scientific data back to the GS written in Agilent VEE to control the IF/RF switching, during a satellite pass. Once it is received on the down converters, up converters, and power amplifiers. ground, it’s then automatically routed away from the GS This program also reads from the pointing file. Each and MOC to our science labs and the science users. satellite of interest has their polarization, uplink and downlink frequencies stored within a satellite database inside the program so when a satellite enters line of sight, it will set the correct polarizations and frequencies IV. VALIDATION for the GS to communicate with the satellite on their respective equipment. Tracking and Testing Tracking validation was accomplished using several Payload Tasking and Satellite Commands methods.
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