US 20100184864A1 (19) United States (12) Patent Application Publication (10) Pub. No.: US 2010/0184864 A1 Hamajima et al. (43) Pub. Date: Jul. 22, 2010 (54) COMPOSITE MATERIAL AND METHOD FOR Publication Classification PRODUCTION THEREOF (51) Int. Cl. A6II 3/16 (2006.01) (75) Inventors: Tadashi Hamajima, A6IR 8/42 (2006.01) Higashi-Osaka-shi (JP); Tomomi A6IPI/00 (2006.01) Yanagibayashi, Higashi-Osaka-shi A6IP3/00 (2006.01) (JP); Ryuji Arakawa, A6IP 9/00 (2006.01) Higashi-Osaka-shi (JP); Morihiro A23D 9/007 (2006.01) Aoyagi, Higashi-Osaka-shi (JP); (52) U.S. Cl. ......................................... 514/627; 426/611 Masayoshi Kushi, Higashi-Osaka-shi (JP) (57) ABSTRACT Disclosed are: a material which contains a lipophilic compo Correspondence Address: nent having a pungent taste or flavor Such as a spicy compo MARSHALL, GERSTEIN & BORUN LLP nent (e.g., a capsaicin) and a bitter component (e.g., a tur 233 SOUTH WACKER DRIVE, 6300 WILLIS meric extract), in which the pungent taste and/or flavor of the TOWER lipophilic component can be reduced effectively, and in CHICAGO, IL 60606–6357 (US) which the separation among components contained therein is not caused; a method for producing the material; a composi (73) Assignee: HOUSE FOODS tion Such as a food, a beverage, a cosmetic and a medicine, CORPORATION, which contains the material; and a liquid composition having Higashi-Osaka-shi, Osaka (JP) such a form that the material is dispersed in water. Specifi cally disclosed are: a composite material comprising a lipo (21) Appl. No.: 12/665,021 philic component having a pungent taste and/or flavor, a plant-derived cholesterol ester and a cyclodextrin; a compo (22) PCT Filed: Jun. 27, 2008 sition comprising the composite material; a liquid composi tion which comprises the composite material, water and a (86). PCT No.: PCT/UP2008/O61744 thickening agent and has such a form that the composite material is dispersed in water; and a method for producing a S371 (c)(1), composite material comprising a lipophilic component hav (2), (4) Date: Dec. 16, 2009 ing a pungent taste and/or flavor, a plant-derived cholesterol ester and a cyclodextrin, which comprises mixing the lipo (30) Foreign Application Priority Data philic component, the plant-derived cholesterol ester and the cyclodextrin in the presence of water to form the composite Jun. 29, 2007 (JP) ................................. 2007-172987 material. US 2010/01 84864 A1 Jul. 22, 2010 COMPOSITE MATERIAL AND METHOD FOR icins and bitter components such as a turmeric extract, the PRODUCTION THEREOF material being capable of effectively inhibiting the irritating taste and/or odor of the lipophilic components and of avoid TECHNICAL FIELD ing the separation of the components; and a production method thereof. 0001. The present invention relates to: a composite mate 0010. Another object of the present invention is to provide rial containing a lipophilic component having an irritating a composition, such as foods, beverages, cosmetics and phar taste or odor typified by pungent components such as capsa maceutical drugs, including the above-described material icins and bitter components such as a turmeric extract; and a blended therein. production method thereof. 0011 Moreover, still another object of the present inven tion is to provide a liquid composition in which the above BACKGROUND ART described material is in a water dispersed form. 0002 Capsaicins, which are pungent components of cap (0012. The present invention provides a composite material sicum pepper, for example, and one of the lipophilic compo comprising: a lipophilic component having an irritating taste nents having an irritating taste or odor, are known to have and/or odor; a phytosterol ester, and a cyclodextrin. various effects useful for organisms, such as an effect of 0013. In addition, the present invention provides a com appetite stimulation, an effect of vasodilation and vasocon position comprising the composite material blended therein. striction, an effect of increasing salivation, an effect of 0014 Further, the present invention provides a liquid com increasing gastric acid secretion, an effect of increasing peri position comprising the composite material, water and a staltic movement of the intestinal tract, an effect of decreasing thickener, wherein the composite material is in a water dis the cholesterol level in the circulatory system, an effect of persed form. increasing energy metabolism, and an effect of increasing the 0015. Furthermore, the present invention provides a release of bioactive peptides. However, capsaicins have a method for producing a composite material comprising: a strong pungency, and hence the application range thereof to lipophilic component having an irritating taste and/or odor; a foods and beverages has been limited. phytosterol ester; and a cyclodextrin, the method comprising 0003) To inhibit the pungency of capsaicins, novel glyco the step of mixing the lipophilic component, the phytosterol side capsaicinoids have been proposed which are obtained by ester and the cyclodextrin with each other in the presence of modifying the molecular structure of capsaicinoids to elimi water, to thereby form the composite material. nate their strong pungency (Patent Document 1). However, 10016. The present invention makes it possible to provide: the glycoside capsaicinoids are novel chemically synthesized a material including lipophilic components having an irritat compounds, and hence are not approved for use in foods or ing taste or odor typified by pungent components such as beverages. capsaicins and bitter components such as a turmeric extract, 0004 Moreover, a masking agent which is characterized the material being capable of effectively inhibiting the irritat by including a polyglycerin condensed ricinoleate and a food ing taste and/or odor of the lipophilic components and of including the masking agent have been proposed (Patent avoiding the separation of the components; and a production Document 2). Specifically, a masking agent-containing chili method thereof. oil has been disclosed which is obtained by adding 0.1% of a (0.017. The present invention also makes it possible to pro capsicum pepper extract oil and 0.5% of hexaglycerin con vide a composition, such as foods, beverages, cosmetics and densed ricinoleate to sesame oil. However, the application pharmaceutical drugs, including the above-described mate range of this masking agent is limited to foods and beverages rial blended therein. containing a large oil component, and in addition, this mask 0018 Moreover, the present invention makes it possible to ing agent is likely to affect the flavor of foods and beverages provide a liquid composition in which the above-described because of a waxy odor thereof. material is in a water dispersed form. 0005. Furthermore, an edible microcapsule has been pro posed which is characterized in that an edible fat and oil BEST MODES FOR CARRYING OUT THE containing capsaicin is used as a core material, a wall mem INVENTION brane is formed of protein and a coacervate agent, and a trans 0019. A composite material of the present invention by glutaminase is used as an agent for curing and crosslinking which an irritating taste and/or odor from a lipophilic com the wall membrane (Patent Document 3). However, the ponent having the irritating taste and/or odor is inhibited present inventors have actually prepared this edible micro includes: the lipophilic component having the irritating taste capsule and stirred this edible microcapsule with hot water (at and/or odor; a phytosterol ester, and a cyclodextrin. 97°C.) in a beaker, and as a result, the core material leaked (0020 Typical examples of the lipophilic component hav and floating oil was observed. Therefore, the edible micro ing an irritating taste and/or odor and used in the present capsule was found not to be suitable for beverages. invention include capsaicins, which are one of the lipophilic 0006 Patent Document 1: Japanese Patent No. 31.56240 pungent components. The capsaicins include capsaicin, dihy 0007 Patent Document 2: Japanese Patent Application drocapsaicin, nordihydrocapsaicin, homocapsaicin, Vanillyl Publication No. 2002-65177 nonanamide, and vanillyl butyl ether. Since they contain a 0008 Patent Document 3: Japanese Patent Application large amount of capsaicins, capsicum pepper extracts such as Publication No. 2003-47.432 capsicum oleoresins are suitably used as a raw material con taining capsaicins. DISCLOSURE OF THE INVENTION 0021. Meanwhile, examples of the lipophilic component 0009. An object of the present invention is to provide: a other than the capsaicins include: (6)-gingerol, (6)-shogaol. material including lipophilic components having an irritating Zingerone, and (8),(10)-shogaol, which are pungent compo taste or odor typified by pungent components such as capsa nents of ginger; piperine and piperanine, which are pungent US 2010/01 84864 A1 Jul. 22, 2010 components of pepper, Sanshool, which is a pungent compo 0028. The composite material of the present invention can nent Japanese pepper, and allyl isothiocyanate, which is a be obtained by mixing the lipophilic component, the phy pungent component of Japanese horseradish, Western horse tosterol ester, and the cyclodextrin in the presence of water. radish, mustard and the like. A pepper extract, a ginger The amount of the phytosterol ester which is present in pro extract, and a Japanese pepper extract can be Suitably used as ducing the composite material of the present invention varies
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