' . .'. .. .- .• , '. .. Page Fourteen THE JEWISH POST Thursday! May 12, 1966 . Israel. The Morris' Rothstein to "provoke" an armed clash with Concerns of Canadian Jewry Discussed With P.M. Memorial Award for Brotherhood Syria. Similar attacks against Israel Hillel Foundation Montreal - A Canadian Jewish Congress delegation led was awarded to Miss Elaine Stein- have been carried during the last could not participate hecause of conferences with the U.S. (2) Immigration: Referring to the joint brief on the Awards Banquet few days in many Soviet publica­ by Michael Garber, Q.C., president Of Congress, submitted Ambassador"to t!he United Nations, Arthur Goldberg, who Jewish Immigrant Aid Services of Canada and Canadian tions, local and ~giona1. a brief this week. to the Canadian Government covering was visiting Ottawa on the same day. Jewish Congress was the submission reiterated that the Gov­ The new advisory board executive Certificates of honor and various major areas of concern to Canadian Jewry. The Canadian Jewish 'Congress delegation comprised the ernment reject that portion of the report of Joseph Sedgwick, and the student council executive prizes for outstanding work were Topics discussed, were: Legislation to combat hate propa­ following, in' addition to Mr. Garber: Monroe Abbey, Q.C., Q.C., which would substantially curtail the immigration of ganda; immigration; Royal Commission of Bilingualism and of the B'nai B'rith !Hillel Foundation awarded. Certificates went to 'Ber­ Lavy Becker, Saul Hayes, Q.C., Samuel Harvey, Harold close relatives. DR. ADENAUER Biculturalism; The Status. of the Jewish Community in the Lande, Q.C., Leon Kronitz, all of Montreal; Myer Gasner, at the University of Manitoba were nard Vigod, Alvin Dolgin, Berna­ (3) Royal Commission on Bilingualism and Biculturalism: (Cont. from page 1) USSR; Statute of Limitations in the event of war crimes; L. Herman, Q.C., Samuel Sable, all of Toronto; M. Mirsky, The brief asked for assurances "that the concept of an equal installed Sunday, 'May 8. In· addi­ dine Gross and Mendle Meltzer. to the 6,000,000 Jewish martyrs of 'sationai Convention on t!he Elimination of all forms Hy Solway, Q.C., both of Ottawa. Milton Klein. Q.C., M,P., partnership between two founding races be rejected as a tion, awards and scholarships were Certificates and "A Jewish Reader" the Nazi holocaust. After the church cial Discrimination; United Nations High Commissioner and Herbert E. Gray, M.P., were also in attendance. working proposition and substituted therefor by one more presented by Rabbi Irving P. Glick­ by Glatzer. were awarded to Elaine services, Dr. A,denauer visited Kib­ uman Rights; War Criminals in Canada; Jewry of Highlights of t!he submission include the following: felicitous in greater harmony with the facts of Canadian gary' and Czechoslovakia and the reunion of families. man,' director. A scholarship to Steingarten, Paul Pascal, Murray butz Afikim, and showed great inter­ (1) Legislation to combat Hate Propaganda: The brief life. Such a realistic. approach would envisage an equal OC( articipating in the conference were the Hon. Mitchell noted the Canadian JewiSh Congress . had studied the Report partnership of BritiSh and French languages and culture Brandeis Institute in California was Arenson and Ed Rotstein. Certifi­ est in the life and activities of the Israeli settlers there. Before return­ ~, Minister of Finance; the Hon. JOhn W. Pickersgill, of the Special.Committee on Hate Propaganda and stated but would also demand an equality of all citizens. awarded to Ronald Fa ins t e in; cates and 'The Legacy of Maurice ing to Germany he planned to visit "~ter of Transport; the Hon. Guy Favreau, president of that "We 'believe further that moral issues are present in (4) Status of Jewish Community of USSR. The brief scholarships for the Hillel Summer Pekarsky" ,by Dr. Jospe, went to former Prime Minister David: Ben­ the Queen's Privy Council; the Hon. Arthur Laing, Minister addition to strictly legal ones and must be met. We believe requested that the Prime' Minister and the Secretary of IilStitute 'at Camp B'nai· B'rith in Garry Vickar, Sherwin Lyman, Bon­ Gurion, at. the latter's home' at' Sde of Indian Affairs and Northern Affairs; the Hon. John R. , that in no democratic society must free speech be the instru­ State for EXtern,,1 Affairs' do all in their power through Nicholson, Minister of Labour, the Hon. Bedai-d RobIchaud, ment for self~destrUction nor for unbridled attacks 'of vill­ Starlight, Pe)ll1., were' awarded to nie Bokhaut and Mh and Mrs'. Eatle Boker: .. governmental resources to encourage amelioration' of the Minister of Fisheries, and the Hon. Roger Teillet; Minister. fic~tion and outrageous abuse. We ~lieve that appropriate posiHon of Soviet Jewry. '. Miner. Hillel's highest honor, the. At a dinner givcn for Dr. Adenauer Murray Arenson and Ed Rotsteiri; by the Israeli Premier, Levi Eshkol, of Veterans Affairs. The Hon. Paul Martin, Secretary of legislation for amendments to the Criminal Code should (5) Statute of Limitations on War Cnmes: The brief also, Miss Carol Crust will partici­ Hillel pin or charm, was awarded at his Jerusalem hOil1e, Mr. Eshkol Staa ic for External Affairs, who was also to be present, no longer be delayed." . See CANADIAN JEWRY, page 16 <-. -- . pate in the Hillel Summer Institute to Miss T~rry Miner and I. Jack said in an address: "We have, not Gutkin. The Marsha and Mendle forgotten and cannot forget the holo­ Meltzer Lecture was established for caust In which we lost six million of our pl>ople .... The Jewish people' the ~'ear 1966-67.' looks for a sign and a testimony thal Aftermath .of a Visit SOlJlething For Germany recognizes the burden of· Partition Dbmay the past and seeks a new path for i Tel Aviv. (JCNS) - To Israelis. thE' most' sllrprising thing about OPTIMISM herself amid the family of nations." NIAGARA TORRENT - Visitors point to th~ brink of I Dr. Konrad Adenauer's historic visit last week was Dr. Adenauer Everyone Dr. Adenauer, .. visibly angered, Niagara's Horseshoe Falls 176 feet above their vantage point. himself. (Cont. from page 1) ' retorted in his speech: "Our people Free ,booklets on Niagara Falls' scenic attractions are avail­ . During his visit to the archives of the Yad Vashem Remembrance • departure to Cairo of Soviet Pre­ was. indeed, responsible for the j able from Dept. I of the Chambers of Commerce at Niagara Authority. it ·was revealed that Dr. Adenauer was an active sup­ In the I mier Aleksei Kosygin for an 'II-day dreadful past. \>ut we should en­ Falls, U.S.A: and Falls, Canada. porter of the Pro-Palestine Committee, a Zionist organization in 'visit as guest of the Egyptian Presi- deavour to heal the wounds. I can .~ WINNIPEG, THURSDAY, MAY, 19, 1966 No. 20, Germany nearly four d!,cades ago .. I dent Gamal Abdel Nasser. An attack only say that we have done what we . Someone produced a copy of an invitation to a conference "For I , Jf!wish 'Post I I,on Israel was carried in Izvestia, could and will continue to demon­ Fostering Jewish Settlement in Palestine" on November.22, 1927. Dr. I i i official organ of the Soviet Govern­ strate our good intentions. If these , .Diefenbaker. to Speak I Adenauer's name appears in the invitation alongside those of Kurt 1 ment; asserting that Israel is trying are not. recognized, nothing. good - Blumenfeld. the leader of German Zionism. and Dr. Max Wiener, , can come out of it." He did not the rabbi of Berlin.· Dr. Adenauer,was then Mayor.of Cologne. :. raise his glass for the toast. Before he departed' aboard an' El A:l aircraft. he gave this advice ' EXPERIENCED BUSINESS MAN CANADIAN .CONFE·RENCE' to Israel. in the course of an interview with the. press: "Do not get .Strains for Call1eras' I . involved- more than absolutely necessl).ry in international politIcs. "The Store that Shows You How" Sol Estrin , I . Concentrate on one point - buttressing your power from within. i REQUIRED TO LEASE A NEW • WARREN • 2 Loc,tions BARRISTER & SOLICITOR Do everything you can to bring your brethren from the Soviet Union. 'I .ULTRA . MODERN 3 - BAY' SERVICENTRE (Co~ from pIige 1) 318 Smith St.· WH 3-6595 Phone 424-8011 . Area Code 403 ON SOVIET .JEWRY SET, but ,for Heaven's sake, do not let your chariot be managed by Soviet AND ACCESSORY STORE LOCATED ON serter!, "peace is, the over-riding Polo Park Shoppiric Centre 200 Agency Bldg. Montreal, (Speeial) - ':I'he Ri·. Hon. John G. Diefenbaker, leader of the Progressive Conservative Party, horses because that would be the end." His last word: "I do not concern' of ·the ·human race; we SVDSet 3-6070 Ave. Edmonton will be a guest speaker at the forthcoming Leadership Co'nference on Soviet Jewry to ,be held May 29· in believe it would be a good thing for' this country to have atomic I ought to be willing to bend our best weapons." , . : MAIN STREET NORTH. Montreal· at the Quee'h Elizabeth Hotel, according to a statement issued by Saul Hayes,. Q.C.; executive 'Ai rt Talks ., , energies and intellect to a con~ , . vice~president, Canadian Jewish Congress. .'. ~ , sideration of how the ethical in­ Dr. Adenauer and Mr. Eshkol had anot»er cqance to talk at Lydda .OPENING DATE JULY 1st, 1966 Offiee Phone Rea.' Phone I I WHitehall 8-4464 JU.tI.. 2-4886 : S;Jntll1 S/'Nittlr, CA. just prior to the departure of the ex-Chancellor's aircraft. In an sights of each nation can ·be trans­ . The will 1 Beth Tzedec Congregation, Dean Jewish Congress, will bring together d~-day bco~er~dc~ ~e~- obvious effort to demonstrate that he retained no anger over last patea into a charter of peace .for all I Chartered Accountant .
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