Processor Names Reference Guide © 2021. Cybersource Corporation. All rights reserved. Cybersource Corporation (Cybersource) furnishes this document and the software described in this document under the applicable agreement between the reader of this document (You) and Cybersource (Agreement). You may use this document and/or software only in accordance with the terms of the Agreement. Except as expressly set forth in the Agreement, the information contained in this document is subject to change without notice and therefore should not be interpreted in any way as a guarantee or warranty by Cybersource. Cybersource assumes no responsibility or liability for any errors that may appear in this document. The copyrighted software that accompanies this document is licensed to You for use only in strict accordance with the Agreement. You should read the Agreement carefully before using the software. Except as permitted by the Agreement, You may not reproduce any part of this document, store this document in a retrieval system, or transmit this document, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, recording, or otherwise, without the prior written consent of Cybersource. Restricted Rights Legends For Government or defense agencies: Use, duplication, or disclosure by the Government or defense agencies is subject to restrictions as set forth the Rights in Technical Data and Computer Software clause at DFARS 252.227-7013 and in similar clauses in the FAR and NASA FAR Supplement. For civilian agencies: Use, reproduction, or disclosure is subject to restrictions set forth in subparagraphs (a) through (d) of the Commercial Computer Software Restricted Rights clause at 52.227-19 and the limitations set forth in Cybersource Corporation's standard commercial agreement for this software. Unpublished rights reserved under the copyright laws of the United States. Trademarks Authorize.Net, eCheck.Net, and The Power of Payment are registered trademarks of Cybersource Corporation. Cybersource, Cybersource Payment Manager, Cybersource Risk Manager, Cybersource Decision Manager, and Cybersource Connect are trademarks and/or service marks of Cybersource Corporation. Visa, Visa International, Cybersource, the Visa logo, and the Cybersource logo are the registered trademarks of Visa International in the United States and other countries. All other trademarks, service marks, registered marks, or registered service marks are the property of their respective owners. Version: 21.02 Processor Names | 2 Processor Names Many• Cybersource reports include a payment processor v<PaymentProcessor>alue: • In XML reports, the name of the element is usupaally ment_processor . In CSV reports, the name of the field is usually . In most reports, a payment processor value is a raw, unmapped value from the Cybersource software. A few reports use mapped payment processor values. For information about the main Cybersource reports, see the Business Center Reporting Developer Guide. Raw Payment Processor Names Raw Name Processor aibms AIBMS amexbrighton American Express Brighton amexbrighton2 American Express Brighton amexdirect American Express Direct barclays Barclays barclays2 Barclays bofaach Bank of America ACH This processor is part of the Cybersource ACH Service. cardnet LloydsTSB Cardnet cielo Cielo citiindia Citibank India citimb Elavon Citibank Meerbusch This processor was formerly called . cmcic Credit Mutuel-CIC comerciolatino Comercio Latino elavonamericas Elavon Americas fdccompass FDC Compass Processor Names | 3 Raw Name Processor fdcgermany FDC Germany fdcsouth FDMS South fdiaus FDI Australia fdiglobal FDC Nashville Global FDI Global This processor was formerly called . getnet Getnet globalcollect Ingenico ePayments Global Collect This processor was formerly called . gpn GPN hbos HBoS hsbc HSBC HSBC is the Cybersource name for HSBC U.K. The acquirer is Global Payments U.K. jcngateway JCN Gateway latinamcc Cybersource Latin American Processing Cybersource Latin American Processing is the name of a specific processing connection that Cybersource supports. In the Cybersource API documentation, Cybersource Latin American Processing does not refer to the general topic of processing in Latin America. litle Replaced with vantivcnp ( Worldpay VAP). Litle was purchased by Vantiv, which was then purchased by Worldpay VAP. If you have any questions, contact your account manager at Worldpay VAP. lynk Lynk migs Asia, Middle East, and Africa Gateway moneris Moneris natwest Streamline networkintluae Ahli United Bank in Bahrain, BLOM Bank, Network International omnipaydirect Global Payments International Acquiring on OmniPay Direct. omniire OmniPay-Ireland Processor Names | 4 Raw Name Processor OmniPay-Ireland is the Cybersource name for HSBC International. omnipayfdi Llyods-OmniPay opdbams Bank of America Merchant Services on OmniPay Direct opdcardnet Cardnet International on OmniPay Direct opdfde First Data Merchant Solutions (Europe) on OmniPay Direct payeasecn PayEase China Processing prosa Prosa rbsworldpay RBS WorldPay Atlanta rede Rede rupayhdfc HDFC Bank on RuPay six SIX smartfdc FDMS Nashville smartpay Chase Paymentech Solutions This processor was formerly called Paymentech New Hampshire. softwareexpress Getnet on Software Express streamline2 Streamline The acquirer is WorldPay. telecheck Telecheck uatp UATP vantivcnp Worldpay VAP vdcaaib Arab African International Bank (AAIB) on Visa Platform Connect vdcaaib Arab African International Bank (AAIB) on Visa Platform Connect vdcabsa Absa Bank on Visa Platform Connect vdcacbvietnam Asia Commercial Bank (ACB) on Visa Platform Connect vdcagbkchina Agricultural Bank of China (ABC) on Visa Platform Connect vdcanzbank Australia and New Zealand Banking Group Limited (ANZ) on Visa Platform Connect vdcasb Auckland Savings Bank (ASB) on Visa Platform Connect vdcaxis Axis Bank Ltd. of India on Visa Platform Connect vdcbanamex Banco Nacional de México (Banamex) on Visa Platform Connect Processor Names | 5 Raw Name Processor vdcbankmuscat Bank Muscat of Oman on Visa Platform Connect vdcbarclaysbw Barclays Bank Botswana on Visa Platform Connect vdcbarclaysghtzug Barclays Bank of Ghana Limited, Barclays Bank of Tanzania Limited, and Barclays Bank of Uganda Limited on Visa Platform Connect vdcbarclayske Barclays Bank of Kenya on Visa Platform Connect vdcbarclaysmu Barclays Bank Mauritius Limited on Visa Platform Connect vdcbarclayssc Barclays Bank Seychelles on Visa Platform Connect vdcbarclayszm Barclays Bank of Zambia on Visa Platform Connect vdcbay Bank of Ayudhya (BAY) on Visa Platform Connect vdcbbl Bangkok Bank Ltd. on Visa Platform Connect vdcbccardkr BC Card Co., Ltd. on Visa Platform Connect vdcbcellao Banque Pour Le Commerce Exterieur Lao (BCEL) on Visa Platform Connect vdcbcosafrabr Banco Safra on Visa Platform Connect vdcbksinarmasid Bank Sinarmas (Omise Ltd.) on Visa Platform Connect vdcbni PT Bank Negara Indonesia on Visa Platform Connect vdcbocmacau Bank of China (BOC) on Visa Platform Connect vdcbocom Bank of Communications on Visa Platform Connect vdccbq Commercial Bank of Qatar on Visa Platform Connect vdccitihkmo Citibank Hongkong and Macau on Visa Platform Connect vdccitimy Citibank Malaysia on Visa Platform Connect vdccitisg Citibank Singapore Ltd. on Visa Platform Connect vdccredimax CrediMax (Bahrain) on Visa Platform Connect vdcctbc CTBC Bank Ltd. on Visa Platform Connect vdccubtw Cathay United Bank (CUB) on Visa Platform Connect vdcfdmsbn First Data Merchant Solutions in Brunei on Visa Platform Connect vdcfdmshk First Data Merchant Solutions in Hong Kong on Visa Platform Connect vdcfdmsmy First Data Merchant Solutions in Malaysia on Visa Platform Connect vdcfdmssg First Data Merchant Solutions in Singapore on Visa Platform Connect vdcfnb FirstRand Bank on Visa Platform Connect vdcguatemala Visa Guatemala on Visa Platform Connect Processor Names | 6 Raw Name Processor vdchabibltd Habib Bank Ltd. (HBL) on Visa Platform Connect vdchdfc HDFC Bank Ltd. of India on Visa Platform Connect vdchsbcbank Global Payments Asia Pacific on Visa Platform Connect vdcicici ICICI of India on Visa Platform Connect vdcimbank I&M Bank on Visa Platform Connect vdckeb Korea Exchange Bank (KEB) on Visa Platform Connect vdcmashreqbk Mashreq on Visa Platform Connect vdcmaybankmy Maybank on Visa Platform Connect vdcnacombk National Commercial Bank on Visa Platform Connect vdcnbad National Bank of Abu Dhabi (NBAD) on Visa Platform Connect vdcnbk National Bank of Kuwait (NBK) on Visa Platform Connect vdcocbc Overseas Chinese Banking Corp (OCBC) on Visa Platform Connect vdcpromerica Promerica in Honduras and Nicaragua on Visa Platform Connect vdcqnbqa Qatar National Bank (QNB Group) on Visa Platform Connect vdcsacomb Sacombank on Visa Platform Connect vdcsmcc Sumitomo Mitsui Card Co. on Visa Platform Connect vdctaishintw Taishin Bank Ltd. on Visa Platform Connect vdctechcomvn Vietnam Technological and Commercial Joint-stock Bank on Visa Platform Connect vdcuob United Overseas Bank (UOB) in Singapore and Vietnam on Visa Platform Connect vdcuobth United Overseas Bank (UOB) in Thailand on Visa Platform Connect vdcuruguay VisaNet Uruguay on Visa Platform Connect vdcvantiv Vantiv on Visa Platform Connect vdcvietcombk Vietcombank on Visa Platform Connect vdcvietin VietinBank on Visa Platform Connect vdcwestpac Westpac on Visa Platform Connect vdcwhb Wing Hang Bank on Visa Platform Connect vdcwinglung Wing Lung Bank on Visa Platform Connect vero Vero vital TSYS Acquiring Solutions Processor Names | 7 Raw Name Processor Vital This processor
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