... ... Like movies in your kitchen A place where you can eat dinner and ; watch a movie at the same time! What THE CHRONICLE a great country' Sep Weekend; p. 4- FRIDAY, APRIL 17, 1998 DURHAM, NORTH CAROLINA CIRCULATION: 15,000 VOL. 93, NO. 132 Duke Transit, DATA ponder possibility of merging routes • Discussions between University has set the stage for a change. "There's not a lot to say," said Joe and Durham officials have barely Pietrantoni, associate vice president begun, but both sides are optimistic for auxiliary services. "We are waiting for a final document to come in [from about striking a deal. DATAJ." Regardless of what happens, he noted, the services provided to stu­ By MEREDITH YOUNG dents will not be affected. Chronicle staff writer DATA recently sent a rough propos­ The wheels on the bus go round and al regarding a merger to University of­ round, and thus far, so have the dis­ ficials, Pietrantoni continued. In the cussions between city and University plan, he said, "they tried to put togeth­ officials about a potential merger be­ er a global statement. But the core doc­ tween the Durham Area Transit Au­ ument has not been refined." thority and Duke Transit. The proposal discusses, in general Many of the parties involved in the terms, the benefits and goals of merging talks are hesitant to make concrete the two transportation systems. DATA's predictions about the outcome, but particular interest, The News & Ob- DATA'S merger with Duke Transit could result in more federal dollars for Durham. DATA's recent suggestion for a merger See DATA on page 10 • INTRODUCING. .. EDWIN MCCAIN A.LIZA GOLDMAN/THE CHRONICLE Vandalism has long been a problem for gardens officials. Months of vandalism beset gardens, angering officials • Drunk students are throughout a particular area. ballads, however, began long before Mc­ During the weekend of April 3, fyou don't know Edwin McCain and Cain became popular on the radio. considered the chief suspects for example, vandals not only I his band by sight or by name, you are When McCain was a teenager growing in several late-night incidents hurtled cans and bottles sure to recognize them ifyou hear up in Greenville, S.C, he would sneak around a given area but also their songs on the East Campus quadran­ out of the house at night to travel to of property destruction. threw eggs and tried to pry gle this afternoon. A popular performer Black Mountain, N.C, to hear open a collection box. throughout the nation and particularly in singer/songwriter David Wilcox, who he By CHRISTINE PARKINS Bill Culberson, director of the Carolinas, McCain's songs—such as said influenced his music later in life the current hit singles, Til Be," and "Soli­ Chronicle staffwriter the gardens and Hugo L. and prompted his decision to pursue The Sarah P. Duke Memor­ Blomquist professor emeritus tude"—have enjoyed sustained popularity music as a career. on radio stations in the area. ial Gardens have long served of botany, said he does not McCain described Wilcox as a "fantastic as a tranquil escape for mem­ know who is committing the Hobex will open for McCain starting at songwriter," and he noted that Wilcox was bers of the University and acts but added that he believes 4 p.m. today in a tree concert sponsored able "to correctly convey the emotional Durham communities. The many instances involve inebri­ by the East Campus Council. sense of the song," something that McCain comeliness of the gardens, ated University students. The Duke is just one of the band's many has tried to imitate. however, has been threatened alcohol-related litter is a stops—McCain tours heavily, playing at After starting out by himself playing in recent months by a sharp tremendous burden, Culber­ venues ranging from college campuses small shows in Charleston restaurants increase in acts of vandalism. son added, because the gar­ to blues houses all across the country. Most of the vandalism dens' few staff members have The inspiration for the band's soulful See McCAIN on page 18 takes the form of beer cans to spend valuable time picking and wine bottles scattered See GARDENS on page 11 > • HOOF V HORN'S 'JESUS CHRIST SUPERSTAR' OPENS: WEEKEND, PAGE 4 • MEN'S LAX GEARS UP FOR CAVS REMATCH: SPORTS, PAGE 19 THE CHRONICLE • PAGE 2 WORLD AND NATIONAL FRIDAY, APRIL 17, 1998 Newsfile Former Cambodian leader Pol Pot dies at 73 Associated Press Q The former dictator, who led dered the weary Cambodians to leave circle of revolutionaries adopted a com­ Russia Compromises: The In­ their homes, emptying the cities and munism based on Maoism and Stalin­ ternal Revenue Service and Russian brutal Communist regime in 1970s, towns to begin life at "Year Zero' as ism, then carried it to extremes: They officials have hammered out an agree­ dies of heart failure and complica­ worker-peasants in the fields of Cam­ and their Khmer Rouge movement tore ment in the case of $165 million in di­ bodia. Over the next three years, until apart Cambodia in an attempt to amonds and gold allegedly stolen from tions from malaria. early 1979, the Khmer Rouge govern­ transform it into a pure egalitarian so­ the nation, a court trustee said. By SETH M YD ANS ment of Democratic Kampuchea con­ ciety, free of capitalism and unwanted N.Y. Times News Service ducted a rule of terror that led to the foreign influences. Alabama prays: The state Sen­ Pol Pot, who created in Cambodia deaths of more than 1.7 million people To that end, families were pulled ate sent Gov. Fob James a bill that one of the 20th century's most brutal or a third of Cambodia's seven million apart to insure loyalty to the "Angkar," calls for a mandatory period of "quiet and radical regimes, died Wednesday people, by the most widely accepted es­ or Organization. Religion was abol­ reflection" in schools. The measure, timates, through execution, torture, ished and schools closed. Everyone was already approved by the House, is in of heart failure, according to his Cam­ starvation and disease. ordered to work, even children. Money reaction to a federal judge's ruling bodian jailors. He was 73 years old. last year that struck down Alabama's Already enfeebled from malaria, His smiling face and quiet manner was outlawed, and all markets closed. school prayer law, which allowed for Pol Pot had become seriously ill in re­ belied his brutality. He and his inner See DEATH on page 9 > voluntary prayer initiated by stu­ cent months while under house arrest dents during school-related events. by some of his former allies. In the Dictator's death leaves many unanswered questions, last two weeks, the Cambodian gov­ Fonda apologizes: Jane Fonda ernment army fought a major offen­ fails to bring closure for millions of Cambodians apologized for telling a United Na­ sive to capture Pol Pot and the few re­ By SETH MYDANS during four years of terror in the tions group that parts of Georgia re­ maining Khmer Rouge soldiers and N.Y. Times News Service 1970s, died late Wednesday night at 73 semble a Third World country, with supporters. Encircled, Pol Pot and his SIEM REAP, Cambodia — This na­ in a small thatched hut in the moun­ children "starving to death" and peo­ captors retreated further into the tion was bereaved Thursday, but it tains of northern Cambodia. Foreign ple living in "tar-paper shacks." rugged jungles of northern Cambodia. wasnot a nation in mourning. It was journalists viewed his body Thursday. His wife said he died in his sleep at Fonda's remarks hit a raw nerve with a nation liberated in some small mea­ His death came as government sol­ the last spartan holdout. Gov. Zell Miller, a native of the north sure from the shadow ofits past trau­ diers and renegade guerrillas from his Georgia mountains. Pol Pot died nearly 23 years to the mas, but it was left empty-handed, communist Khmer Rouge movement day that his triumphant Khmer Rouge without answers to some of its most were closing in on him and as the in­ army marched into Phnom Penh to painful questions. ternational community was preparing begin the most radical communist rev­ "I wish Pol Pot were still alive," said the ground for his capture and trial for olution in history. On April 17, 1975, Oum Bun Thoeun, a legal assistant, re­ crimes against humanity. Weather they captured the country after a dev­ acting to news of the death of the cre­ Now he is another of history's mass Friday astating five year war, punctuated by a ator of Cambodia's killing fields. "I still killers who escaped retribution. High: 67 • Showers U.S. bombing campaign against Pol want to know what happened, why Pol "Usually you are sad when you have Low: 53 • Winds: Norm-like Pot's army that exceeded the tonnage Pot killed so many people, why he lost a loved one," said Youk Chhang, Saturday of American bombs dropped on Japan killed my brothers. Yes, I would like to who heads a research center that has High: 73* Showers during World War II. Then with hear him say why he killed them." been collecting evidence in preparation Low: 50 • Winds: Wookie-esque breathtaking speed, Pol Pot and his Pol Pot, the man responsible for the for a trial of Pol Pot and other Khmer black-clad followers immediately or­ deaths of more than 1 million people See CAMBODIA on page 9 > Am,NORTH CREEK C\/ymasterpiece ?_J><^j£ combining living and leisure Cimarron and Duke...A Winning Team! Cimarron • Expansive-windows Homes offers a • Cozy woodburningfireplaces* variety of • Fire sprinkler system neighborhoods • Nine-foot & vaulted ceilings* that are ideally • Elegant crown molding suited for the • Close to New Hope Commons Shopping Center various lifestyles • Detached garages with opener available of the Duke • Flexible lease terms, corporate apartments available community.
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