October 6, 2005 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS 22543 NATIONAL LATINO AIDS AWARE- the rescue efforts that grew to include hun- Hurricane Katrina. And when Hurricane Rita NESS DAY AND THE REAUTHOR- dreds of personnel from across the country. hit land mere weeks later, many again an- IZATION OF THE RYAN WHITE Sacramento Metropolitan Fire District Chief swered the call for assistance. For their ef- CARE ACT Rick Martinez led an Incident Support Team in forts, we owe them our thanks. I am truly hon- Gulfport, Mississippi with Assistant Chief Mike ored to represent these renowned individuals HON. EDOLPHUS TOWNS Johnson, Dave Stoddard, Dave Odgers and and the fire departments they work for in Con- OF NEW YORK Hank Linscott. Coordinating rescue efforts in gress. Once again, I thank the women and IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES New Orleans from this Incident Support Team men of the Sacramento Fire Department’s was Assistant Chief Ed Vasques, Ford Davies Swiftwater Rescue Team and the Sacramento Thursday, October 6, 2005 and Larry Hopkins from the Sacramento Fire Metropolitan Fire District’s Urban Search and Mr. TOWNS. Mr. Speaker, today I rise to Department, along with Ron Pierce and Rescue Team for their unwavering dedication support the National Latino HIV/AIDS Aware- Hernando Carson from the Sacramento Metro- and service to our country during this tragedy. ness, October 15, 2005. The National Latino politan Fire District. f HIV/AIDS Awareness Day is a time of national Sacramento’s Swiftwater Rescue Team reflection for all Americans affected by HIV/ quickly responded to the tragedy of Hurricane THE LIFE AND LEGACY OF AIDS. Katrina by immediately flying to New Orleans JOSEPH H. RAINEY Residents of Brooklyn, NY disproportion- to assist in the rescue efforts. Trained on the ately represent newly reported HIV/AIDS often unpredictable currents of the Sac- HON. CHARLES B. RANGEL cases in the U.S. According to national fig- ramento and American Rivers, they quickly OF NEW YORK ures, New York City Latinos account for 7 per- adapted to the situation in New Orleans. This IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES cent of the U.S. Latino population, but more team led by Sacramento Fire Department As- Thursday, October 6, 2005 than 25 percent of the Latino AIDS cases na- sistant Chief Jay Bowdler and Battalion Chief tionwide. Simply put, the City of New York has Kristi Seargeant included Chris Costamagna, Mr. RANGEL. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to more Latinos diagnosed with AIDS than Miami Craig Wiedenhoeft, Michael Bartley, Charley pay homage to one of the most significant and Los Angeles combined. Sprague, Jeff Cooke, Niko King, Brian Morr, men in my life and in the Congressional his- For nearly 25 years, tremendous strides Chris Swarbrick, Martin Cordeiro, Sage Peart, tory, John H. Rainey, the first African Amer- have been made in developing comprehensive Dave Baldwin and Greg Powell. ican to serve in the United States House of approaches to education, prevention, diag- Once on site, the team worked long days in Representatives and the second Black U.S. nosis and treatment for those infected by this the flooded city to rescue hundreds of people Congressman. Without his courage, strength destructive disease. Yet, far too many people stuck on rooftops, trapped in their attics and and will to represent the issues and concerns are becoming infected by HIV/AIDS and are stranded in the streets. Working in challenging of the once voiceless community of freed without access to quality care. and unfriendly conditions—at risk to their own slaves, I would not be what and who I am As we move toward the reauthorization of health and safety—these dedicated individuals today. the Ryan White Care Act, let the National brought hope and medical care to those most Joseph H. Rainey was born on June 21, Latino HIV/AIDS Awareness Day provide a in need. 1832 in Georgetown, South Carolina. His par- time to remember the significant role this key Members of Sacramento’s well praised and ents were both slaves, but his father, Edward, legislation has made in the decline of HIV/ highly trained Urban Search and Rescue had a successful business as a barber, ena- AIDS cases throughout this country. Future Team also spent over two weeks working in bling him to purchase his family’s freedom Ryan White funding levels must be adequate many severely damaged communities along shortly after Joseph Rainey’s birth. As an to respond effectively to those who des- the Gulf Coast—searching for survivors adult, Rainey followed his father by becoming perately need the medical care, prescription trapped in their homes and in other buildings a barber. In 1861, with the outbreak of the drugs, and key support services these funds where they had sought shelter from the storm. American Civil War, Rainey was drafted by the provide. Many on this team had previously responded Confederate government to,work on fortifica- I urge my colleagues of both sides of the to crises in Oklahoma City and at the World tions in Charleston, South Carolina, as well as aisle to act together to reauthorize and ade- Trade Center following the terrorist attacks of to work as a laborer on blockade-runner ships. quately fund the Ryan White CARE Act in a September 11, 2001. Leading this team was In 1862, he and his wife were able to escape timely manner as we commemorate the goals Dave Whitt, a Battalion Commander with the to the West Indies. They settled in St. and ideals of the National Latino HIV/AIDS Sacramento Fire Department. Georges, Bermuda, where Rainey continued Awareness Day. Serving on the Urban Search and Rescue to work as a barber for the duration of the f Team from the Sacramento Metropolitan Fire war. District were Dave Brown, Jeff Metzinger, Kyle In 1866, following the war’s end, Rainey re- IN HONOR OF SACRAMENTO’S Johnson, Mark Wells, Mike McGuirk, Ron Von turned to South Carolina. He quickly involved PRESTIGIOUS FIRE DEPARTMENTS Allworden, Randy Gross, Mike Daw, Mike himself in politics, joining the executive com- Hazlett, Jim Johnson, Chris Anaya, Bob mittee of the state Republican Party. In 1868, HON. DORIS O. MATSUI Gorman, Randy Wootton, Tyler Wagaman, he was a delegate to the convention which OF CALIFORNIA Mike Wiggington, Bob Santee and Phil Allen. wrote the state’s new constitution. In 1870, IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Also on this team from the Sacramento Fire Rainey was elected to the State Senate of Department were Erik Saari, Rick Lee, Teresa South Carolina. Later that year, he was elect- Thursday, October 6, 2005 Ortenberger, Lisa Stumpf, Doug Ross, Ernie ed to fill a vacancy in the Forty-first Congress Ms. MATSUI. Mr. Speaker, I rise in tribute Partridge, Randy Browning, Rodney Tateishi, of the United States as a Republican. This va- to the men and women of Sacramento Fire Micki Anacleto, Scott Williams, Ken Murray, cancy had been created when the previous in- Department’s Swiftwater Rescue Team and Joe Jackson and Ed Crum. They were joined cumbent, B. Franklin Whittemore, was cen- the Sacramento Urban Search and Rescue by Dr. Dennis Gardner, Blake Rothfuss and sured by the House for corruption and subse- Team for their tireless and heroic actions in Mike Kaszpurenko who served as medical and quently re-elected, after which the House re- response to Hurricane Katrina. Between the structural support staff. Teresa Ortenberger fused to seat him. Rainey was seated Decem- Sacramento Fire Department and the Sac- handled the cadaver dog. ber 12, 1870 and was re-elected to Congress ramento Metropolitan Fire District, sixty-one Additionally, Darren Taylor, Scott McKenney four times; he served until March 3, 1879, senior level managers, firefighters and res- and Larry Savage of the Sacramento Metro- which made him the longest-serving black cuers went to the devastated areas in New politan Fire District headed-up an Incident Lo- Congressmen prior to William L. Dawson in Orleans and across the Gulf Coast to help gistic Management Team at the Stennis the 1950s. those most in need. I ask all my colleagues to Space Center in Mississippi. During his term in Congress, Rainey fo- join me in honoring and thanking some of our Each of these men and women left their cused on supporting legislation to protect the nation’s finest first responders. families and loved ones in Sacramento; plac- civil rights of Southern blacks. This pursuit At the behest of FEMA, senior leaders from ing their lives on the line to come to the aid eventually proved unsuccessful, with the end both departments were called on to manage of their fellow citizens from the devastation of of Reconstruction effectively meaning that the VerDate Sep 11 2014 12:20 Feb 28, 2017 Jkt 000000 PO 00000 Frm 00190 Fmt 0689 Sfmt 9920 E:\FDSYS\2005BOUNDRECORD\BOOK16\NO-SSN\BR06OC05.DAT BR06OC05 ejoyner on DSK30MW082PROD with CONG-REC-ONLINE 22544 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS October 6, 2005 black electorate lost all political power. In tribute to pay for programming rather than ex- nalist at Marquette University in Milwaukee, 1876, Rainey won re-election against Demo- pecting it from the taxpayer. I congratulate holds a master’s degree from Montclair State cratic candidate John Smythe Richardson; them on 2 decades of excellence and look for- University, and earned a doctor’s degree in Richardson however challenged the result ward to another 20 years of quality Christian education from Fairleigh Dickinson University. as invalid on the grounds of intimidation by talk radio. He also graduated from the New Jersey Mili- federal soldiers and black militias. Two years f tary Academy and served as a commissioned later, as the opponents of Reconstruction so- officer in the New Jersey National Guard.
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