LAMPUS NOTES Dr. Lata Mehta, head of the anatomy Grace R. Wylie, assistant professor for department, Grant Medical College, at the Language Institute, spent four weeks Bombay. India, recently visited Dr. Arvind during the summer studying the Japanese Dhople, head of the Medical Research In- language and culture at a branch of Showa stitute's infectious diseases division. The University in Fiyiyoshida. On the main cam- primary purpose of her visit was to begin a pus of Showa in Tokyo is one of Asia's collaborative program in leprosy research. foremost teaching hospitals. The main thrust of the program will be the study of nerves from armadillos infected Dr. Bruce Rakrt of Physics and Space with leprosy, as well as endothelial cell Sciences presented a talk on "observation of culture. The two researchers also discussed the W-serpentis stars" to the Department of the prospect of starting another collabora- Astronomy at the University of Florida, ser- tive project in India under the hdo-U.S. ving as colloquium speaker. His preliminary Science and Technology Program, aimed at work on the binary stars has also been pub- developing new methods for detecting drug lished in the journal of International resistance in leprosy. Amateur-Professional Photoelectric Pho- Also visiting M.R.I. was Dr. Jindrich tometry, and will appear as a chapter in Karda, head of the microbial biology divi- Microcomputers in Astronomy II. Support sion of the Borstel Research Institute, West for his research totalling $70,000 has been Germany. He is coordinator of a collabora- announced by the National Science Founda- tive program in the in vitro cultivation of tion, Research Corporation, and the Ameri- leprosy bacillus.-- &. - CPR- -- -. Dhople and Dr. L. Kato of Catherine Booth Visitors from afar Hospital Center in Montreal. 01s. Kazda Susan Downey has joined the Public and Dhople reviewed progress in the work Affairs Department as chief of graphic arts. Agmup 01 oflkiala hom thn Plople'a Republlc ol China mad. F.I.T. OM ol U*lrslop. during ajou~yto over the past six months, and planned future She received her B.S. in design from Briar- 0ath.r inlormailon about 5o.alal praesws. Dm. Dean Nonle and Don Staubk of Oceanography and Ocean Emlmmrlna- - were hoatk Pktund with delwatlon member Taw Zhao 1s Stauble and Dr. Diane work. diff College. Originally from Fairfield, CT, Barila, adjunct fawlfl member. she worked for Bookmakers, Inc., in Con- Dr. James A. Rigney, professor of necticut as a designer of educational books chemistry at University of Prince Edward for Reader'sDigest andMcGraw W, and of Force. He also piloted the Air Force's super- During WW I1 microseisms were used to Island, Canada, is a visiting profemor at history books for AUyn & Bacon of Boston. sonic T-38 ~alonfiiter aircraft. His three- track storm centers in the North Atlantic. Chemistry for the Fall Quarter. He is cur- In Melbourne she was art director for child family lives in Melbourne Beach. However, the system was not very reliable rently on sabbatical leave, and is pursuing National Printing. due to the complex nature of the phenom- interests in the chemistry of marine plants, Residents of the Eau Gallie area of Ralph Johnson, Director of Dewlop- ena. Hathaway's study will provide might and completing a series of articles on exer- Melbourne for three years, she and husband ment, has announced thenaming of F.I.T. in into the generation and propagation of cises in undergraduate biochemistry labora- Rob - a professional photographer - are a $70,hX1 tax avoidance trust. The trust will microseisms. tories. avid windsurfers. They have won several provide income for two of the donor's He plans to study the microseisms pro- local and statewide regattas. relatives while they live, then assets will duction on the Gulf Coast of Florida, at Dr. Donald Stauble, professor in become available to the university. The use F.l.T.'s Vero Beach facility, and on the coast Oceanography and Ocean Engineering, pre- Warren Woodrow became a fulltime of the tax avoidance technique was stressed of northern California. The study is being sented a paper at the 19th International faculty member for Aeronautics with the in a nationwide teleconference in which conducted with the assistance of Anita CoastalERgineeringConference inHouston. start of the Fall Quarter. He is a graduate of Johnson participated. Individuals creating Wooldridge, an M.S. candidate under the The paper, entitled, "An assessment of the Naval Academy with his degree in aero- trusts qualify for a charitablegift deduction. direction of Dr. Steven Costa. Thegrant will beach nourishment sediment characteris- nautical engineering, and attended the puestions about the plan should be directed help cover transportation costs, electronics, tics," reviewed ongoing research in beach Naval Post Graduate School. He is cam- to extension 8036. and supplies needed for the research. nourishment technology. The conference is pleting work at F.LT. on the M.S. degree in Lt. Cmdr. Marty He&, who is com- held every two years to allow coastal engi- science education, with a computer science Dr. John Hozler, Holtrer-Lequear pleting hisMBA in logisticsin theF.1.T. off- C. neers from around the world to share infor- option. He is a pilot and airborne navigator AssociateofBiologidScienas, hasboen with 55OO hours, and has extensive ex- campus program at S* ANG Baser mation. awarded a $295,W0 research conhrct by perience in aircraft maintenance and data Michiin, has received the Chief of Naval Dr. Stauble and graduate student Jeff the Fatvironrnental Protection Agency processing. He and wife M~IYare Palm Bay Operations Aviation Supply Excellence Hael attended the annual meetire of the for molecular and cytogenetic studies on Florida Shore and Beach Preservation Asso- residents. Award that honors the Navy's best supply oncogenes inlung weer. Oncogenes are department in support of P-3 Orion anti- ciation, held at Captiva Island, Florida. The thought to becellular genes that normally submarine aircraft squadrons. F.I.T. center association is composed of coastal engi- Amanda Mykoo, an F.I.T. honors control growth. However, under some and graduate in aircommerce/flight technology, director hieFrench points out that the two neers, scientists, managers, local and circumstances, on oncogene is switched state officials who are concerned with ero- has become an adjunct faculty member for supply officers preceding also earned on, resdting *I the growth Aeronautics. Now anMBAcandidate, she is the MBA. sion control and other coastal management that is cancer. problems a flight instruct~r,and an air frame and Mary Hannon. a qenior in no$in~rCorn- . - --- - mu;licatibn.was oresentedak2v to theti+- Former graztudent C.A. Bb of ~elboumeand a plaque signid by aydr jowsL1, now at the University of South Harry Goode at a monyrecognizing her Florida Medical Schwl, and Dr. George C. outstanding work as an intern during the Webskr of Biological Sciences are the Hungry summer. authors of an artide, "Effect of age on pep- humanists? tide chain initiation and elongation in Dr. Charles D. Beach has joined Elec- preparations from brain, liver, kidney and Th. ~awlflRecqMion pmrlded trical and Computer Engineering as asso- an oppMunity for back.m. skeletal muscle of the C57B1/6J mouse," in waran wmmstlona and - ciate professor. He has extensive industrial Mechanisms of Aging and Development. ~ ~ ye- -. .~~.. - ---~~ experience, and for swen wasdirector -8~cLaworlhy olmnlhuslasm. of research and development at the Florida A field workshop to evaluate the relative Hamming lor thn oscsalon am Solar hergy Center at Cape Canaveral. He accuracies and efficiencies of various Fmm blU Dm HmlFRyholar, aadon Pattenon, and Rudolph earned his M.S. in electrical engineering at methods of visually assessing reef fish New York University, andhis Ph.0. in that populations was held this summer at the discipline at the University of Colorado. His LooeKey NationalMarine Sanctuary, about research interests are in non-linear systems, 30 miles from Key West.The workshop was adaptive systems, and signal processing. coordinated by Dr. William S. Akvizon of Biological Sciences, with major funding pro- h. Randall L. Alford, Director of the power plant mechanic. She has passed her Kent Hathaway has received a $750 vided by Florida Sea Grant. Additional Language Institute, has been invited to be Boeing 727 flight engineer written exam, and grant from the Gulf Coast Association of sponsoring agencies included The Sanctuary guest lecturer at the Toronto Institute of flit dispatcher written and practical Geological Societies financial a~dto students Program Division of NOAA, National Linguistics on the campus of Victoria UN- exams. She will be teaching the flight dis- committee to aid in his thesis research. Marine Fisheries Service (NOAA), and Sea versity in Toronto. patcher course, and federal aviation regula- Hathaway is in the physical oceanography Grant offices of other southeastern states Dr. Alford has also been invited by the tions. Ph.D. program. tfis research involves stu- and California. Who's Who Board of Advisors for a bio- dying the relationshipbe- minoseismic Participants included several graduate graphical inclusion in the 19th edition of Mark Ramsower will be teaching air activity and ocean waves. students from F.I.T., and reef fish workers Who's Who in the South and Southwest, a navigation for Aeronautics. His B.S. degree Microseisms, the continuous back- from the southeast, California and Puerto regional reference guide and companion ex- in aeronautical operations is from California ground noise recorded by seismometers, are Rico. Several hundred dives were logged tension of Who's Who m America. He has State University, and he holds an associate often associated with ocean wave activity. during the 11-day effort, which should yield also been selected for a profile in the 1985 degree in mathematics.
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