Ahfachkee students dig Ahfachkee hits Tampa topping out up the past the court COMMUNITY Y 4B EDUCATION Y1B SPORTS Y 1C Volume XLII • Number 12 December 31, 2018 Brighton Natives keep watchful tree eye on ICWA ceremony developments ushers in BY DAMON SCOTT Staff Reporter A federal judge in Texas ruled the Indian Christmas Child Welfare Act was unconstitutional in early October – something that’s never happened since the law was enacted in 1978. &RXUW DSSHDOV ZHUH LPPHGLDWHO\ ¿OHG LQ BY DAMON SCOTT response. Staff Reporter The ICWA was designed to prevent the separation of Native children from their BRIGHTON — The Brighton parents and extended families by state child community gave a 28-foot nod to Christmas welfare and private adoption agencies. with a tree lighting ceremony and celebration Since the October ruling, Indian Country Nov. 30. has kept close tabs on developments regarding 7KHHYHQWD¿UVWIRU%ULJKWRQWRRNSODFH the ICWA. Some of what has unfolded has from dusk until about 9 p.m. on the vacant lot been encouraging, although experts say the at the northwest corner of Harney Pond and situation is still far from resolved. Reservation roads. In early December, the U.S. Fifth Circuit Brighton Reservation Council Court of Appeals granted a stay on the ruling Representative and special events coordinator by U.S. District Judge Reed O’Connor of the Lewis Gopher was the emcee of the event. Northern District of Texas. The stay means It featured a 28-foot Christmas tree from the ICWA is still the law of the land in all 50 Oregon decorated with about 2,000 lights states pending appeal. and ornaments, many made by students from “The critical work between states and the Pemayetv Emahakv Charter School. Derrick Tiger tribes to apply the gold standard in child The tree was expected to stay lit through From left, Hollywood Board Rep. Gordon Wareham, Hollywood Councilman Chris Osceola, Miss Florida Seminole Cheyenne Kippenberger and President welfare by keeping Indian children with their the holiday season. Mitchell Cypress bring a present to a young patient at Joe DiMaggio Children’s Hospital on Dec. 6 in Hollywood. Toys from the Seminole Tribe of Florida Inc. family and community will continue,” a joint Vendors sold hot chocolate, pumpkin toy drive were given to several patients. Toys from the drive were also delivered and distributed to kids in Immokalee and South Bay. VWDWHPHQW UHOHDVHG E\ ¿YH QDWLRQDO 1DWLYH pie, fry bread, popcorn, chili, hot dogs, American organizations stated soon after the hamburgers, fries and ribs to hungry Tribal stay was granted. Members and visitors. O’Connor’s ruling argued that the The all woman musical group Native ICWA “illegally gives Native American Voices sang traditional Christmas songs Toy drive brings families preferential treatment in adoption including Silent Night, Little Drummer proceedings for Native American children Boy and Joy to the World. PECS students based on race.” He found that the law was also sang Christmas songs like Jingle Bells in violation of the Fifth Amendment’s equal and Up on the Housetop, directed by PECS protection guarantee in the U.S. Constitution. teacher Jade Osceola. holiday cheer to kids The Brackeen vs. Zinke case was When it was dark and time to light the brought by a Texas couple who sought to tree, Gopher introduced Jennie Shore to serve adopt a Native American baby – one whose as the ceremonial person to turn on the power BY KEVIN JOHNSON toys this year. Tribal and Gaming employees holiday spirit, such as that provided by the biological parents were from the Cherokee switch. The crowd of about 200 helped with Senior Editor were among those who helped with the toy drive, can help them during the season of and Navajo tribes. The couple fostered the a countdown from 10. and drive. Toys made it into the hands of kids perpetual hope. baby from the time he was 10 months old to “We thought about who we wanted to DERRICK TIGER in December, starting with young patients at President Mitchell Cypress and Santa age two. get to light the Christmas tree,” Gopher said. Staff Reporter Joe DiMaggio Children’s Hospital on Dec. Claus spread the joy of Christmas at the The couple initially sought to adopt the “We looked toward one of the matriarchs in 6. hospital with assistance from Hollywood male child with the support of the baby’s the community – someone that’s served the Patients in a children’s hospital in Each year many children in the U.S. Councilman Chris Osceola, Hollywood biological parents. But a family court in Texas have to spend the holidays in hospitals like Board Rep. Gordon Wareham, Miss Florida prevented the plans, blocking the adoption on community for a long time and continues to +ROO\ZRRG DQG VWXGHQWV DW D QRQSUR¿W serve,” he said of Shore. educational center in Immokalee and a Joe DiMaggio’s. Whether it is for injuries, Seminole Cheyenne Kippenberger and the grounds of the ICWA. The couple sued a Shore, of the Otter Clan, was recently South Bay elementary school received diseases, and/or other heath related problems. Tribal employees as gifts were handed out year ago and were joined in the suit by the named National Indian Education Association plenty of holiday cheer and toys thanks to A hospital is not the most ideal place to to patients, many of them in bed. The gifts states of Texas, Louisiana and Indiana. Elder of the Year. the Seminole Tribe of Florida Inc.’s annual celebrate Christmas. By simply being paid brought smiles to children of all ages as well The Cherokee Nation and several others “This woman has dedicated her life to toy drive sponsored by Seminole Gaming. a visit from Santa a child’s outlook on their as their families. intervened as defendants. wake up every day to work to preserve our Kyla Davis, STOF Inc. marketing current condition can be improved, and help way of life,” said Gopher of Shore’s almost director, said the drive brought in about 650 them in their recovery. A kind gesture of 40 years of service. “This woman is a prime )See TOY DRIVE on page 7A )See ICWA on page 6A example of a Seminole woman and the strength that we have.” Before Shore was taken to the area where VKH¶G WXUQ RQ WKH SRZHU VZLWFK VKH EULHÀ\ addressed those in attendance. Want to pitch a business idea “I am very happy to have this opportunity to light up your Christmas tree. I feel honored to do this,” she said. Before the tree was lit, Brighton to the Tribe? Start here. BY DAMON SCOTT The PBO process is now outlined on exploring new ideas. That’s why we’ve )See TREE on page 6A Staff Reporter the STOFI website. Visitors will see the put this process in place,” Johansson said. program’s goals and intentions, including “We want to make sure it’s a good business some ideas the board will not entertain. opportunity to increase the bottom line of HOLLYWOOD — When an The process begins by emailing WKH VKDUHKROGHUV ,I LW GRHVQ¶W EHQH¿W RXU organization blazes a trail of success and application materials to pbo@semtribe. shareholders, we don’t want to entertain it. innovation like the Seminole Tribe of com. However, Johansson advises advance The board is very generous but also very )ORULGD KDV ZLWK LWV YHQWXUHV RI¿FLDOV DUH preparation. business savvy.” often bombarded with business pitches – “You’ll want to have documentation for Johansson also stresses that the board some good, some not so good. a formal presentation – basically all the stuff wants to hear ideas and that “no idea is a bad Put another way: people both within the \RX¶G¿QGLQDEXVLQHVVSODQ´VKHVDLG one.” Tribe and outside of it want a piece of the Once an applicant’s materials are “We’ll help you make it stronger and action. received, someone will ensure the packet better. If it’s not good for the board, maybe it In order to corral the many business is complete before a potential presentation is for Council or Gaming,” she said. ideas that come its way, Seminole Tribe of is scheduled before a newly formed PBO Johansson, who began work for the Tribe Florida Inc. (STOFI) has rolled out a new committee. in August 2018, oversees operations for all process – Potential Business Opportunities, “We’ll review it and decide if it’s the board’s businesses, which include cattle or PBO. a viable business idea for the board to operations, campgrounds, trading posts, PBO incorporates a set of guidelines consider,” Johansson said. FUHGLW DQG ¿QDQFH 6HPLQROH 6XJDUFDQH and requirements for Tribal members and Whether an idea is presented to the wholesale cigarette and distribution, retail QRQ7ULEDOPHPEHUVZKRZDQWWRRI¿FLDOO\ board comes after the committee does its due smoke shops, Seminole Petroleum, water, pitch their business ideas to the board. diligence – like research and background industrial cleaning services and commercial The process is led by Golden Johansson, checks. construction. executive director of operations for STOFI. While PBO guidelines are the same The PBO process covers Seminole “The board is constantly being whether the person pitching the idea is a Tribal operations, not those of Hard Rock approached and solicited to do joint Tribal member or not, Johansson said Tribal International, Johansson explains. ventures,” Johansson said. “And while we Members have access to help in organizing Johansson has worked in the banking are interested in expanding the portfolio, we a business plan and preparing a pitch. Tribal DQG ¿QDQFH LQGXVWU\ IRU KHU HQWLUH FDUHHU want to streamline the process.” 0HPEHU¶VLGHDVZRXOGEHORRNHGDW¿UVWWRR most recently at Legacy Bank of Florida and Johansson said many times board previously for Bank of America in Chicago.
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