THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 16, IM I Tkia Whather ForaawK of U. S. Weather Bataan P4SK ixsm nass Manchester Evening Herald Averate Daily Clrenlation Fee fha Maath at Jaaaary. 1848 Fair, attle change In tempera* lure tealght; astnrday ceaalder* Mrs, Ann Risley, president of 9,063 able cloudlneas aad somewhat Mons 'Ypres Auxiliary announces Local Red Cross Girls Gets Hawaii Welcome Center Church Off lor Training Parking Limit colder. About Town Home on Leave that tickets for the Irish .tea par* Maaabar at tha Audit ty, March 17, at the British Amor* Buiaua at Obealattonn lean clubhouse are selling rapidly. Lenten Topics Set by Board Manchester— A CUy of Village Charm M l— J o u C. fontana and MIm None will be sold at the door and (TWELVE PAGES) PRICE THREE CENTS /flo r n e a A. PaUaln, both o f Man* MANCHESTER, CONN., FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 16, 1945 ' 'eliMtar, wtr« amonr 82 itudeiiti Pastor Simpson An-r n -'l West Side o f Main Street (OaaaUled AdvaHtatag an Page 18) VOL. LXIV., NO. 116 at Hartford Hoapltal School of From Center to Locust Nuraliig who received cape Friday nie Keibish ,Mrs. Mary Hall, Mrs. nounces List of Ser- nie Keibish, Mrs. Mary Hall, Mrs. nilhtrw b. 9. elgnlfytag: that they mons for Holy Season. Comes Under Ban. p"i£ had aatlefactorily completed the ley or Mrs. Elisabeth Cordy. Guerrillaa Kill Japs in Maoila ■ tint alz months of their training. Bruno Allczi, U. 8. N., son of Rev. Clifford O. Simpson, pas­ Parking on the west rtde t»t Russian Troops Bear Mrs. Anna Allcsi of 83 Bissell Main street from the Center south ICanadians Thrust Mr. and Mrs. Harry Benson, of tor of the Center Congregational street has recently Informed his to Locust street will be limited to 182 Hartford road, have been reg- mother of an advanced rating he church, will give a series of special Jatored at the Barblson-Plaza'Ho^ sermons during Lent on the gen­ two hours end this w ill become ef­ y y if. has received, that of A. M. M. 2-c. fective es soon as the necessary tel. New York City/ Deeper in (Lower A t the present he Is stationed at eral topic “Living Our Faith” be­ signs can be secured to poat the the Alameda. California Navad Air Down on Spree Line; ginning Sunday and continuing atreet. The Memorial altar frontal, Base. one of five gifts to St Mary’s through April 1. Those without This action was taken the church, dedicated last Sunday by church homes in Manchester ar6 meeting of the Police Commission p Walter H. Gray, was cordially Invited to worship at H last night after a request had Rhine Valley Area available to the church by Icaltli Director o’clock at the' Center church. been made by a delegation from Violet M. Dougan, o f 63 Feb. 18— First Sunday in Lent. the Chamber of Commerce. Thle Turn Toward Berlin atreet, in the name o f her Is Club Speaker Topic: “ We Believe In God. the delegation consisted of Herbert he»,\Mrs. Martha Dougan and Father, Infinite in Wisdom. Good­ Swanson, F. T. Bllsh, Jr., Russell I Gain Almost Mile, l)e-! g C irC U S M c il her liite^^rs. Olive Dougan Per- ness. and Love." Text: "Sir, didst S. Potterton and Herbert B. House. | Reason for Action spite Storms o f Heavy Armored Mass of Ko­ Idna. Dr. Millard Knowlton, director thou not sow good seed in thy ■ A--.e*. They appeared, they said, aa of the Bureau of Preventable Dls- fleld? from whence then hath it Risks Life tares?” Matthew 13:27. Question: MWw Dorothy M. Irwin members of a con\pilttee to plan Artillery and Mortar Face Penalty Martial Law nevas Army Smashing Robinson, son eaac.<i for the State of Connecticut, Frivate Wllllk* r-O Walter H.. Joyner for parking after the war and said Qblnson, of 79 waa guest speaker last r\}ght at “ W hy does God permit wars to Fire Thrown by Ever Toward Beeskow and of Mrs. Matilda continue ?’’ 'M iss Dorothy M. Irwin, who re­ that the chief trouble at this time Spruce atreet ha* \arrlved In the regular meeting of the Man­ To Thwart Flight Officer Walter H. Joyner, Feb. 25—Topic: “We Believe in cently enlisted in the Woman’s was the lack of a limit on parking Increasing Flood of For Fire Toll For Almost Cottbus; Neisse River France. Private R6blni<m left for chester Exchange club. being set on Main street, west aide, ' Camp Devens last AilguaK^e was son of Mr. and Mrs. W alter B. Dr. Knowlton was introduced Jesus Christ His Son, Our Lord and Army Corps, has left for Hunter Savior.” Text: “That every tongue from the Center south to Locust Freab Nazi Troops. Defenses Shattered trained at Camp Blandihg, Florida, Joyner, of 31 Holl street, who by Dr. D. C. Y . Moore, a long­ College, New York, where she street, while there was a limit on j All Germany N azi'Trap and Gamp Meade, MaryiandN^He time friend and associate, and should Confess that Jesua Christ will receive her basic training. Officials to Be Sentenced After Fierce Battles graduated as an aerial navigator is Lord.” Philippians 2:11. Ques­ the east side. , Paris, Feb. .— (/P)— The. ' le ft for overseas, Jan. 4. and was commissioned a Flight gave an interesting and informa­ She la the daughter o f Mr. and 16 — American Red Cross Photo tion: "Is Jm u s Man or OodT” Out of Tovra Parkers On Charges of Man­ fficer at San Marcos, Texas, last tive talk on Connecticut's health Mrs. Thomas D. Irwin of 123 Ben­ They reported that a number of Canadian First Army, aimed! In Areas of Forst and Mis.s Erne.stine Montie, of 89 Now street, third from left in photo March 4— Holy Communion and Sweeping Decree C^lls Doughboy Tells Com - The Mothers’ Circle of the a^urday, as stated in yesterday’s problems, especially• those having ton street, and until recently was residents from out of town were toward the heart of the in­ slaughter; Plead Nolo reception of members. Topic: “We I Guben; Link Formed. end Heart will meet this evening er1|)d, la now home on leave for to do with„.... contajgious..... ____ diseases._________ ibovc. was given a typical aloha welcome upon her arrival in Hawaii employed in< the purchasing de­ driving their cars into Manchester 1 For Military Trial r€tdes to Fire Right at Believe in the Holy Spirit, Renew­ dustrial Ruhr, thrust almost a t 8:18 at the home of Mrs. M. R. ld^a>f before reporting for fur­ Knowlton traced the progre.ss ! recently. ^ With two other Red Cross girls she, is shown receiving a partment of the Pratt A Whitney and leaving them parked in this Contendere Today. Kyan, 478 Parker street ing, Comforting, Inspiring the a mile deeper into the lower ther sssl^nm enL^ ____________ made down through the years in i crown flower lei from a beautiful native girl in costume. The three Aircraft plant at Blast Hartford. area and taking buses out o f town Of ‘Whoever Tries to Him/ to Wipe’ Out London, Feb. 16.— (^P)—rAil reducing the number of deaths j Red Cio.ss girls are,- left to right: Jane Whitney, Stamford, Conn., Souls«of Men.” 'Text: “But the Her office associates gave her a for work. They suggested -that a | Rhine valley of northwest The office of the tax collector In Hartford, Feb. 16--(P)—Six of­ Macliine - Gun Nest. armored mass jof Marsh#!: Ko­ from this cause to its present low i Miss Monlie. and Barbara Stone, Providence, R. I. _______ • Comforter, which is the Holy Spir­ farewell party st the Bond hotel parking place be provided by tba Evade His Duties’. Hie Municipal building wUl be open Missionary Soci­ it, whom the Father ■will send toi Gemai\y today through ficials of RingUng Brothers, Bar nev’s First Ukraitilaiv Army The W d m ^ s level. and presented her with a purse of town in the rear of tha Municipal this svenlng tmtll 9 o'clock for the ety of EmahuSI.^ Lutheran church my name, he shall teach you all stonhs of heavy artillery and T . ih u «. The door prize of War Stamps turers Association for the past IS money. building as the cars left were be- I num A Bailey’s combined ,shows London, Feb. 16—\./P)— Almost bore down on Berlin's Spree convenience of those who wish to will be in chaise the vesper seiv things.” John 14:26. Question; "Do mortar fire thrown by an Washington, Feb. 16 — (4’) — was won by Harold Suits. years, Mr. Ford was appointed ex­ ^ Saturday evening Miss Irwin’s lieved to be owned by war work­ will be sentenced in Superior court river defences jFtom the ' pay their old age assistance tax. vice Sunday at 5 o’dbck. Devotions Christians still believe in The Trin­ all Germany was placed under sr^s a real hero: A doughboy New Executive ecutive director last month and VelaUvea and friends to the num­ ers. They reported that a count I aver increaelng flood of enemy re­ southeast t6d|ii% smashing^ ^ will be led by Mrs. Arthur Tolf, ity ? ” serves. The Canadians held 20 thle afternoon on manslaughter virtual martial laW^ today by 'who risked hia life to warn his the new post of executive vice ber of ninety from this town and taken of cars parked in tha apacAl toward BeeskoW and Cottbus* and vocal solos will be rendered by March 11—Topic: "We Believe other places gathered in her honor miles o f the south bank of the charges resulting from the circus sweeping decree calling for mil: comrades of a Germrfn trap in Pastor Palmer.
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