SLINGSHOT ENTERTAINMENT 2003 PRODUCT CATALOG TITLE FORMAT CAT LIST UPC CODE Academy Awards DVD 9827 $ 29.99 0 1707 89827 2 5 Africa: The Serengeti DVD 9802 $ 19.99 0 1707 89802 2 6 Alaska: The Spirit of the Wild DVD 9837 $ 19.99 0 1707 89837 2 2 Alien Adventure (2D & 3D) DVD 9264 $ 19.99 0 1707 89264 2 2 Amazing Journeys DVD 9252 $ 19.99 0 1707 89252 2 7 America the Beautiful Yellowstone, Niagara, Grand Canyon DVD 9178 $ 54.99 0 1707 89178 2 6 Animal Kingdom Bears, Wolves DVD 9964 $ 34.99 0 1707 89964 2 5 Animation Greats! DVD 9812 $ 12.99 0 1707 89812 2 3 Animation Legend Winsor McCay DVD 9817 $ 12.99 0 1707 89817 2 8 Antarctica: An Adventure of a Different Nature DVD 9810 $ 19.99 0 1707 89810 2 5 Battles of Reverence (2 disc set) DVD 9902 $ 19.99 0 1707 89902 2 5 Bears DVD 9862 $ 19.99 0 1707 89862 2 8 Bela Lugosi Collection Volume 1 DVD 9822 $ 9.99 0 1707 89822 2 0 Bela Lugosi Collection Volume 2 DVD 9106 $ 9.99 0 1707 89106 2 9 Beneath The 12 Mile Reef DVD 9823 $ 14.99 0 1707 89823 2 9 Best of the West: Outlaw/Santa Fe Trail DVD 9107 $ 9.99 0 1707 89107 2 8 Birth of a Nation DVD 9138 $ 9.99 0 1707 89138 2 8 Black Tights & The Bolshoi Ballet '67 DVD 9170 $ 12.99 0 1707 89170 2 4 Book of Lulu DVD 9848 $ 19.99 0 1707 89848 2 8 Camp Blood (2D & 3D) DVD 9886 $ 19.99 0 1707 89886 2 8 Caruso: A Man & His Music DVD 9139 $ 9.99 0 1707 89139 2 7 Cinema's Dark Side DVD 9852 $ 9.99 0 1707 89852 2 1 Comedy Noir DVD 9115 $ 9.99 0 1707 89115 2 7 Craig Huxley's Chasing Rain DVD 9829 $ 19.99 0 1707 89829 2 3 Crime Stoppers Volume 1 DVD 9119 $ 9.99 0 1707 89119 2 3 Crime Stoppers Volume 2 DVD 9166 $ 9.99 0 1707 89166 2 1 Dementia 13 (2D & 3D) DVD 6037 $ 19.99 0 1707 86037 2 9 Dreams of Flight: Air DVD 9104 $ 19.99 0 1707 89104 2 1 Dreams of Flight: Space DVD 9105 $ 19.99 0 1707 89105 2 0 Encounter in The Third Dimension (2D & 3D) DVD 9265 $ 19.99 0 1707 89265 2 1 Eruption of Mount St. Helens DVD 9141 $ 19.99 0 1707 89141 2 2 Euroshockers DVD 9261 $ 9.99 0 1707 89261 2 5 Fay Wray Collection DVD 9125 $ 9.99 0 1707 89125 2 4 Felix DVD 9816 $ 12.99 0 1707 89816 2 9 First Emperor of China DVD 9809 $ 19.99 0 1707 89809 2 9 Flash Gordon Conquers the Universe (2D & 3D) DVD 9954 $ 19.99 0 1707 89954 2 8 Genesis DVD 9834 $ 19.99 0 1707 89834 2 5 German Silent Masterworks Collection DVD 9127 $ 9.99 0 1707 89127 2 2 Grand Canyon: The Hidden Secrets DVD 9804 $ 19.99 0 1707 89804 2 4 Great Barrier Reef DVD 9835 $ 19.99 0 1707 89835 2 4 Great North DVD 9868 $ 19.99 0 1707 89868 2 2 Great North Collector's Edition (with CD soundtrack) DVD 9266 $ 29.99 0 1707 89266 2 0 Greatest Places, The DVD 9833 $ 19.99 0 1707 89833 2 6 Haunted Castle (2D & 3D) DVD 9263 $ 19.99 0 1707 89263 2 3 Hearst Castle: Building The Dream DVD 9842 $ 19.99 0 1707 89842 2 4 Hedy Lamarr Collection DVD 9146 $ 9.99 0 1707 89146 2 7 Hermitage Museum of St. Petersburg DVD 9838 $ 49.99 0 1707 89838 2 1 Hidden Hawaii DVD 9807 $ 19.99 0 1707 89807 2 1 High School Terrors DVD 9870 $ 9.99 0 1707 89870 2 7 Hollywood Musicals DVD 9874 $ 9.99 0 1707 89874 2 3 Horrors From Space DVD 9853 $ 9.99 0 1707 89853 2 0 Hunting Season (2D & 3D) DVD 9896 $ 19.99 0 1707 89896 2 5 6/16/2003 1 SLINGSHOT ENTERTAINMENT 2003 PRODUCT CATALOG Impossible Spy DVD 9856 $ 14.99 0 1707 89856 2 7 India: Kingdom of the Tiger DVD 9860 $ 19.99 0 1707 89860 2 0 Into the Depths of the Ocean Great Barrier, Sharks, Hawaii, Whales DVD 9967 $ 74.99 0 1707 89967 2 2 Irene Dunn Romance Classics DVD 9118 $ 9.99 0 1707 89118 2 4 Italian Masterworks DVD 9109 $ 9.99 0 1707 89109 2 6 Jackie & Joe DVD 9850 $ 9.99 0 1707 89850 2 3 Jane Eyre DVD 9140 $ 9.99 0 1707 89140 2 3 Jane Goodall's Wild Chimpanzees DVD 9906 $ 19.99 0 1707 89906 2 1 Joris Ivens: Spanish Earth/400 Million DVD 9134 $ 9.99 0 1707 89134 2 2 Jose Carreras: The Jubileum Concert DVD 9159 $ 14.99 0 1707 89159 2 1 Kilimanjaro: To the Roof of Africa DVD 9904 $ 19.99 0 1707 89904 2 3 Larger Than Life Amazing Journeys, Alaska, Africa: The Serengeti DVD 9965 $ 54.99 0 1707 89965 2 4 Last of the Mohicans DVD 9851 $ 14.99 0 1707 89851 2 2 Legend of Loch Lomond DVD 9258 $ 19.99 0 1707 89258 2 1 Little Shop of Horrors (2D & 3D) DVD 9961 $ 19.99 0 1707 89961 2 8 Lost World, The (Silent) DVD 9819 $ 14.99 0 1707 89819 2 6 Lost Worlds: Life in the Balance DVD 9864 $ 19.99 0 1707 89864 2 6 Martin Luther DVD 9168 $ 9.99 0 1707 89168 2 9 Medwyn Goodall's Natural World DVD 9253 $ 19.99 0 1707 89253 2 6 Monster From A Prehistoric Planet (2D & 3D) DVD 9958 $ 19.99 0 1707 89958 2 4 More! Animation Greats DVD 2197 $ 12.99 7 2411 72197 6 5 Mother Nature Takes Over Wild Australia, Origins of Life, Solarmax DVD 9966 $ 54.99 0 1707 89966 2 3 Mysteries of Egypt DVD 9839 $ 19.99 0 1707 89839 2 0 Mystery of the Maya DVD 9803 $ 19.99 0 1707 89803 2 5 News from the West DVD 9841 $ 19.99 0 1707 89841 2 5 News from the West: Single DVD 9135 $ 9.99 0 1707 89135 2 1 Niagara: Miracles, Myths & Magic DVD 9840 $ 19.99 0 1707 89840 2 6 Night of the Living Dead (2D & 3D) DVD 9912 $ 19.99 0 1707 89912 2 2 Nothing Sacred DVD 9824 $ 14.99 0 1707 89824 2 8 Ocean Oasis DVD 6015 $ 19.99 0 1707 86015 2 7 One Step Beyond (TV Series) DVD 9103 $ 19.99 0 1707 89103 2 2 Origins of Life DVD 9884 $ 19.99 0 1707 89884 2 0 Paper Wedding DVD 9130 $ 19.99 0 1707 89130 2 6 Pearl Harbor: Before and After (2 disc set) DVD 9259 $ 19.99 0 1707 89259 2 0 Pillar: On the Road, All Day Every Day DVD 9974 $ 19.99 0 1707 89974 2 2 Plymptoons DVD 9815 $ 12.99 0 1707 89815 2 0 Pope John Paul II: The Conscience of the World DVD 9845 $ 19.99 0 1707 89845 2 1 Radar Men From The Moon (2D & 3D) DVD 9956 $ 19.99 0 1707 89956 2 6 Rikyu DVD 9129 $ 19.99 0 1707 89129 2 0 Ring For Doom Service DVD 9108 $ 9.99 0 1707 89108 2 7 Ring of Fire DVD 9806 $ 19.99 0 1707 89806 2 2 Roger Corman Retrospective Volume 1 DVD 9114 $ 9.99 0 1707 89114 2 8 Roger Corman Retrospective Volume 2 DVD 9131 $ 9.99 0 1707 89131 2 5 Search for the Great Sharks DVD 9836 $ 19.99 0 1707 89836 2 3 Seasons DVD 9970 $ 19.99 0 1707 89970 2 6 Sedona: The Spirit of Wonder DVD 9257 $ 19.99 0 1707 89257 2 2 Shape of Life: Origins & Life on the Move DVD 9975 $ 19.99 0 1707 89975 2 1 Shape of Life: The Complete Journey DVD 9979 $ 69.99 0 1707 89979 2 7 Shape of Life: The Conquerors & Survival Game DVD 9977 $ 19.99 0 1707 89977 2 9 Shape of Life: The First Hunter & Explosion of Life DVD 9976 $ 19.99 0 1707 89976 2 0 Shape of Life: Ultimate Animal & Bone, Brawn & Brains DVD 9978 $ 19.99 0 1707 89978 2 8 Silent Steel DVD 9854 $ 19.99 0 1707 89854 2 9 Sinatra DVD 9826 $ 24.99 0 1707 89826 2 6 6/16/2003 2 SLINGSHOT ENTERTAINMENT 2003 PRODUCT CATALOG Solarmax DVD 9262 $ 19.99 0 1707 89262 2 4 Solarmax Collector's Edition (with CD soundtrack) DVD 9876 $ 29.99 0 1707 89876 2 1 SOS Planet (2D & 3D) DVD 6013 $ 19.99 0 1707 86013 2 9 Spike & Mike Sick & Twisted DVD 9814 $ 19.99 0 1707 89814 2 1 Spike & Mike's Classic Festival of Animation DVD 9148 $ 19.99 0 1707 89148 2 5 Spike & Mike's Classic Sick & Twisted Box Set DVD 9880 $ 29.99 0 1707 89880 2 4 Story of Yosemite, The DVD 9110 $ 14.99 0 1707 89110 2 2 Straight Up! Helicopters In Action DVD 9980 $ 19.99 0 1707 89980 2 3 Sydney: A Story of a City DVD 9180 $ 19.99 0 1707 89180 2 1 Texas: The Big Picture (available 7/15/03) DVD 6039 $ 19.99 0 1707 86039 2 7 Timeless: A National Park Odyssey DVD 6010 $ 19.99 0 1707 86010 2 2 Tropical Rainforest DVD 9811 $ 19.99 0 1707 89811 2 4 Ultimate 3D Collection DVD 9910 $ 99.99 0 1707 89910 2 4 Ultimate 3D Horror Collection Volume I DVD 9898 $ 99.99 0 1707 89898 2 3 Ultimate 3D Horror Collection Volume II DVD 6011 $ 99.99 0 1707 86011 2 1 Ultimate G's (2D & 3D) DVD 9174 $ 19.99 0 1707 89174 2 0 Waves: Inspiring Moments - Spiritual Journeys DVD 9986 $ 19.99 0 1707 89986 2 7 Waves: Soothing Scriptures - Christian Retreats DVD 9987 $ 19.99 0 1707 89987 2 6 Waves: Virtual Vacations: Californian Dreams DVD 9982 $ 19.99 0 1707 89982 2 1 Waves: Virtual Vacations: Californian Zen DVD 9984 $ 19.99 0 1707 89984 2 9 Waves: Virtual Vacations: Hawaiian Dreams DVD 9983 $ 19.99 0 1707 89983 2 0 Waves: Virtual Vacations: Hawaiian Zen DVD 9985 $ 19.99 0 1707 89985 2 8 Whales: Unforgettable Journey DVD 9805 $ 19.99 0 1707 89805 2 3 Wild Australia: The Edge DVD 9260 $ 19.99 0 1707 89260 2 6 Wolves DVD 4010 $ 19.99 0 1707 84010 2 8 World of Youssou N'Dour, The DVD 9162 $ 19.99 0 1707 89162 2 5 Yellowstone DVD 9808 $ 19.99 0 1707 89808 2 0 Zion Canyon: Treasure of the Gods DVD 9161 $ 19.99 0 1707 89161 2 6 Zombie Chronicles (2D & 3D) DVD 9892 $ 19.99 0 1707 89892 2 9 6/16/2003 3.
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