September 11, 1998 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD Ð SENATE S10247 Mr. O'Donnell was born in Boston and the US House, he said, ``If you can under- TRIBUTE TO RITCH K. EICH UPON graduated from the Boston Latin School, stand Fields Corner, you can understand HIS RETIREMENT AS U.S. NAVY Brown University and Suffolk Law School. Congress.'' REPRESENTATIVE TO THE ADJU- He taught history at a Somerset (Mass.) In 1975, he set up one of the first computer- TANT GENERAL, INDIANA NA- High School and then took a job with Mayor ized voting lists for the White campaign. On Kevin H. White of Boston and ran Mr. TIONAL GUARD the day of the election, in a Boylston Street White's successful re-election campaign. office building, he checked every polling · Mr. COATS. Mr. President, on behalf After leaving the Speaker's office, Mr. place in the 22 wards to see how light or of Senator RICHARD G. LUGAR and my- O'Donnell was president of the Center for heavy the turnout was in pro-White pre- self, I am pleased to offer this tribute National Policy, a Democratic advisory cincts. The White political organization had to Captain Ritch K. Eich, United group, and he was a leader in the unsuccess- Chicago-sized ambitions, and Mr. O'Donnell ful Democratic Presidential campaign of Mi- States Naval Reserve. Captain Eich re- chael S. Dukakis in 1988. He was a senior harnessed its resources to provide telephone tires in September after 30 years as a partner in the Washington law firm of Akin, reminders and transportation to the mayor's reservist, the last three of which he Gump, Strauss, Hauer & Feld. supporters. spent on active duty, representing the Mr. O'Donnell is survived by his wife of 26 Mr. O'Donnell's encyclopedic knowledge of Navy in the Office of the Adjutant Gen- years, Kathryn; his daughter, Holly, and his Boston politics brought him to the attention eral of the Indiana National Guard. son, Brendan, all of Washington. of Speaker O'Neill after White was re-elected Ritch Eich has been a valued member to a third term. [From the Boston Globe, Sept. 7, 1998] of the Indiana team since 1989, when he Since the mayor had been considered vul- started work for me as a member of my KIRK O'DONNELL, 52; TOP ADVISER TO nerable, his relatively easy victory prompted NATIONAL, MASS. DEMOCRATS Service Academy Selection Committee, a call from O'Neill, who was seeking a new screening and recommending promis- (By Beth Daley) counsel to succeed Charles D. Ferris, the ing Hoosier high school students as Kirk O'Donnell, 52, a prominent Washing- Dorchester native who had just been named ton lawyer who once worked with Boston's by President Carter to head the Federal candidates for our nation's Service most colorful politicians, died Saturday Communications Commission. The man who Academies. Three years ago, he took after collapsing while jogging near his popularized the phrase ``All politics is local'' on the additional responsibility of serv- Scituate summer home. wanted someone at his side who knew the ing as the U.S. Navy's Liaison Officer Known for his morality as much as his similarity between Fields Corner and Con- for the State of Indiana, working in the dedication to the Democratic cause, Mr. gress. office of Indiana's Adjutant General. O'Donnell entered the political world after a At first, Mr. O'Donnell was reluctant. He During that time, Ritch made substan- brief stint as a history teacher to work on had left City Hall to start a law practice tial contributions to readiness plan- former mayor Kevin H. White's failed 1970 with his friend, Robert Holland. But the fa- gubernatorial bid. ning in Indiana. He completed Disaster bled O'Neill charm suggested to him brighter He went on to serve as general counsel to Preparedness Operations Plans for In- vistas in Washington than in Boston. US House Speaker Thomas P. ``Tip'' O'Neill diana Naval, Marine Corps and Coast Jr., for eight years and quickly gained the After the election of President Reagan in Guard facilities, and ensured a close reputation in Washington as a skilled strate- 1980, Tip O'Neill became the best-known working relationship between the Indi- gist and a straight-talker. Democrat in the nation. Mr. O'Donnell's aim ana National Guard and the State Although he held key Democratic positions was to prepare the House speaker strategi- Emergency Management Office. that included White House adviser and cally and tactically for dealing with the former president of the Center for National White House. The president's popularity Ritch Eich's civilian job during this Policy, Mr. O'Donnell relished quiet time made difficult the chore of holding House period was as the chief marketing, pub- with his family at their summer home in Democrats together. lic affairs and physician relations offi- cer for Indiana University Medical Cen- Scituate at least as much as being near the Mr. O'Donnell, a gregarious man with a center of power in the nation's capital. booming voice, spoke in a straightforward ter, whereÐover the course of a dec- ``He was politics at its best,'' said US Rep- manner to House members, with the same adeÐhe has helped to build a vibrant resentative Barney Frank, who first worked determination as he did while dealing with and effective health care environment with Mr. O'Donnell during White's guber- the foot soldiers of the Kevin White organi- for Hoosiers. According to one health natorial bid. ``Talented and principled, he zation. really worked to make the world better and care executive, Ritch had helped ``de- fairer.'' After O'Neill retied, Mr. O'Donnell worked fine our vision, map our strategies, de- Most well-known for his advice, Mr. as head of a Washington think tank, the Cen- liver on our promises and guide our af- O'Donnell was a highly sought-after adviser ter for National Policy, aimed at reviving filiations.'' And for Rich, ``helping Hoo- to the Democratic party and served in that the Democratic party. In conferences and siers access the best healthcare in the role for former Massachusetts governor Mi- seminars, he sought to focus the intellectual mid-west'' was what it was all about. chael S. Dukakis's failed presidential cam- energy of a party that had consistently lost In all his endeavors, Ritch Eich has paign in 1988. presidential elections while continuing its demonstrated a skill and dedication President Clinton said yesterday Mr. domination of Congress. O'Donnell ``was a gentleman and patriot who that reflect great credit upon himself, After he left the center, he was succeeded brought wit, common sense, and a genuine the State of Indiana and the United as director by Madeleine Albright, now sec- humanity to his public work and private life. States Navy. I feel privileged to offer retary of state. An old Washington hand and He was a very good man and left us much too this tribute to Ritch on the occasion of a former chairman of the Democratic Na- soon.'' tional Committee, Robert S. Strauss, re- his retirement from the Naval Re- The son of a Dorchester investment adviser cruited Mr. O'Donnell to his Washington law serves. We wish him well.· and a homemaker, Mr. O'Donnell attended firm, Akin, Gump, Strauss, Hauer & Feld. As Boston Latin School and graduated in 1964 f a senior partner, Mr. O'Donnell represented a with a passion for history and football. At Boston Latin, he remains in the Sports Hall variety of clients, from Liberty Mutual to TRIBUTE TO THE 50TH ANNIVER- of Fame for his football exploits. the government of Puerto Rico. SARY OF THE EMMY AWARDS After graduating from Brown University, One lasting friendship that came from his · Mrs. FEINSTEIN. Mr. President, I where he also played football, he was a his- legal work was with a partner of Salomon rise today to recognize the golden anni- tory teacher at Somerset High School. Brothers, now Salomon Smith Barney. After versary of the Emmy Awards telecast With the 1970 governor's race sparking a Robert Rubin, now secretary of the treasury, from Los Angeles. For fifty years, hun- lifelong interest in politics and law, Mr. asked Mr. O'Donnell for political advice in O'Donnell taught while he attended Suffolk Washington, a close friendship developed. He dreds of the nation's brightest and Law School, graduating in 1975. When then- also advised another Cabinet member, Sec- most popular personalities have at- mayor White pledged to bring City Hall to retary of Housing and Urban Development tended this prestigious event to honor the neighborhoodsÐliterallyÐMr. O'Donnell Andrew Cuomo. television excellence. was hired to run the Fields Corner Little Mr. O'Donnell leaves his wife of 26 years, Beyond the captivating glow of the City Hall and worked from a trailer parked Kathryn Holland O'Donnell, and two chil- Hollywood spotlight, the yearly awards beside Town Field. There he helped residents dren, Holly of Washington, D.C., and presentation is a celebration of Califor- navigate the downtown City Hall bureauc- racy while studying politics and human na- Brendan of Scituate. nia's thriving entertainment industry. ture at close quarters. A funeral Mass will be said at 11 a.m. Television arts and production contrib- Years later, while serving as one of the top Thursday in Holy Name Church in West ute billions of dollars to the California strategists for the Democratic leadership of Roxbury.· economy, generating rapid job growth, S10248 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD Ð SENATE September 11, 1998 higher income, and greater tax reve- sands of troops while they were away inquire of the majority leader, who I nues.
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