:=::;~-------------------- ----- - --- -- • v ~ , • • j '.", ~ CENTRAL SUBSCRIPTION SERVICE I~ Philippine Social Science Council WHERE YOU CAN GET - books on Philippine culture authored by Filipino and foreign scholars VOLUME 18 NO. 4 OCTOBER - DECEMBER 1990 - journals and books on thirteen disciplines of the social sciences: anthropology, communication, demography, economics, geography, history, linguistics, political science, psychology, public administration, social work, sociology, statistics - specialized publications of the Institute of Philippine Culture, Social Weather Stations, Health Action Information Network, Summer Moral Recovery and the Filipino Culture Institute of Linguistics - publications such as the PSSC Social Science Information, State Violence, Faces of Philippine Poverty, Social Survey Series, the Maguindanaon Dictionary V61ues Education: Reflections of a Teacher and many more in Psych ology Violeta V. Bautista WE ALSO - handle journal subscriptions Educating Young Children for Peace - offer mailing and handling services at reasonable costs Cristina L. Yuson 2nd floo r, Philippine Social Science Center Commonwealth Avenue, Diliman, Quezon City Tel. no. 922-9621 local 324 The Transcendent - Interactive 'Process: How Children Learn Values their Parents do not Teach Them Ma. Lourdes Arellano - Carandang for your typesetting needs: Personality, Temperament and Values of a Group of newsletters, annuals, manuals, brochures, invitations, letterheads, programs Selected Military Officers: An Exploratory Study price lists, certificates, books, magazines, journals, reports, monographs Natividad Dayan ,.. Come and see us at the second floor, Philippine Social Science Center, Commonwealth Avenue, Diliman, Quezon City. Or call tel. no. 922·9621 local 307 or 319. Look for Elvie or Francis. :; " Ang Pagpapahalaga so Paggawa ng Manggagawang ~ Pilipmo The PSSC Desktop Publishing Unit Amaryllis T. l'orres quality typesetting need not be expensive - I I THE PHIUPPINE SOCIAL SCIENCE COUNCIL OCTOBER- DECEMBER1990 THE GOVERNINGCOUNCIL DOMINGO C. SAUTA,Chairperson IBARRAM. GONZALEZ,S.J. The views expressed In each artiCle are by the LESLIEE. BAUZON,Voce-Chairperson GABRIELU. IGLESIAS author and do not necessarUyreflect those of the RUBEN F. TRINIDAD,Secretary RENATO S. OCAMPO, $.J. Philippine Social Science Council. CARMENCfTAT. AGUILAR BONIFACIOS. SALAMANCA WlLFREDOL ALBERCA AMARYLLIST. TORRES BENJAMINE. DIOKNO IMELDAK. VlLLALUZ WILHELM FLIEGER,S.V.D. ROMULO A. VlROLA GLORIAA. GONZAlEZ ALLEN L. TAN, ex-ofliclo CONTENTS THE EXECUTIVEBOARD SPECIAL FEATURES ALLEN L TAN, President HECTOR B. MORACA LOURDESS. BAUTISTA,\Iice·President . EVELINAA. PANGALANGAN RUBEN F. TRINIDAD,Secretary EMMA E. PORIO 4 MARCELOM. ORENSE,Treasurer SOCORROL REYES Moral Recovery And The filipino Culture LEONORM. BRIONES PATERNOR. SANTOS RAMON 6. CARDENAS MICHAELL. TAN 14 ROLANDOS. DELAGOZA,CM FLORANGELR. BRAID Values Education: Reflections of a Teacher In GEORGINAR. ENCANTO ex-offlclo DOMINGOC. SAUTA, ex-offlcJo Psychology by VioletaV.BaUf{sta, Ph.D. 17 Educating Young Children for Peace IiiE THEPSSCSOCIALSCIENCE· by CristinaL. Yuson,Ph.D. I~ INFORMATION 20· The Transcendent-Interactive Process: How The PSSC Social Science Information Is published Children learn Values their Parents do not ~~~~~~yc~~n~~~R~~e~~n~d~hix~~~f~~~~'ft Teach Them is produced by the Information and Special Services by Ma. LourdesArellano-Carandang, Ph.D. Division. All correspondence should be addressed to the Editor, PSSC Social Science Information, 2nd floor, 28 Philippine Social Science Center, Commonwealth Personality, Temperament and ValueS of a Avenue,Dillman,Quezon City. Group of' Selectlid Military OffIcers: An ex­ ploratory Study Editorial : Francis M. Egenias,Elvira S. Angeles by NatividadDayan,Ph.D. Circulation : Lydia G. Wenceslao,Emily G. Tuzon 37 Ang Pagpapahalaga sa Paggawa ng Manggagawang Pilipino ni AmaryllisT.Torres,Ph.D. REGULARS 41 Newsbriefs 43 r~ew Publications Prepared with the assiStance of the Psychol,ogical Association of the Philippines ALL RIGHTSRESERVED .. To quote from this pUblication, proper acknowledgment should be given. - PSSC SOCIAL SCIENCE INFORMATION Moral Recovery and the Filipino Culture The events in our country in February 1986 tion, Arts and CUlture and the Committee on Social not only ousted a dictator but also demonstrated to Justice, Welfare and Development to conduct a joint the world and to ourselves our great strengths as a inquiry into the strengths and weaknesses of the char­ people. At EDSA we saw courage, determination and acter of the Filipino with a view of solving the social strength of purpose, we saw unity and concern for one ills and strengthening the nation's moral fiber. another, we saw deep faith in God and even in the A task force was then organized to conduct grimmest moments, there was some laugther and this study. humor. The study was an attempt to describe the We were proud of ourselves at EDSA and we strengths (positive behaviors/traits) and weaknesses expect great changes after our moments of glory. (negative behaviors/traits) of the Filipino character. Today, two years after, we realize that most of our The following research questions were addressed: (a) problems as a nation still remain. We may have ousted What are the specific positive characteristics of the a dictator but that was the easy part. The task of build­ Filipino that we value and would like to strengthen; ing a nation is so much more difficult. And now with (b) What are the specific negative characteristics of EDSA only an inspiring memory, we are faced with the Filipino that we feel are detrimental to our our weaknesses. We see self-interest and disregard for development as a nation and would like to change; (c) the common good rearing their ugly heads. We are What are the foots of these characteristics; (d) What confronted with our lack of discipline and rigor, our specific strategies or programs can be undertaken to colonial mentality and our emphasis on DQ!!llil. And concretely eliminate our weaknesses and enhance our despite our great display of people's power, we are strengths. now passive once more, expeetingour leaders to take The main sources of data for this study were: all responsibility for solving our many problems. (a) review of relevant literature on the Filipino per­ The task of building our nation is an awesome sonality; (b) interviews and consultations with re­ one. There is need for economic recovery. There is searchers and practitioners. in the behavioral and need to reestablish democratic institutions and to social sciences, education and social welfare. Jour­ achieve the goals of peace and genuine social justice. nalists, social analysts and community organizers were Along with these goals, there is need as well to build also consulted; (c) nationwide survey of 2000 respon­ ourselves as a people. Thus there is need to change dents with the help of the Ateneo's Institute of Philip­ structures and to change people. pine Culture; and (d) focused group discussion among Building a people means eliminating our weak­ residents of a depressed urban poor resettlement area nesses and developing our strengths and this starts in Dasmarinas Bagong Bayan, Cavite; and (e) a one­ with analysis, understanding and appreciation of these day change strategies workshop. strengths and weaknesses. We must take a good look The principal behaviors/traits of the Filipino at ourselves- objectively, with scientific detachment that emerged from the study were categorized as posi­ but also emotionally, i.e., lovingly and when ap­ tiveorstrengths and negative or weaknesses. propriate, with disgust. We must view ourselves as might a lover viewing a loved one but also as a judge Strengths of the Filipino capable of a harsh verdict. We must not be self-l1agel­ Pgkikipqgkqpwg-TaO lating but neither can we afford to be defensive. Filipinos are open to others and feel one with We must change. And understanding ourselves others. We regard others with dignity and respect and is the first step. deal with them as fellow human beings. Pakikipag­ On September 18, 1987, the Senate passed kapwa-tao is manifested in a basic sense of justice Resolution No. 10 sponsored by Senator Leticia and fairness and in concern for others. It is Rarnos-Shahani directing the Committee on Educa- demonstrated in the Filipino's ability to emphathize OCTOBER - DECEMBER 1990 with others, in helpfulness and generosity in times of disorienting as the flexibleFilipino adjusts to whatever need (pakikiramay),in the practice of bayanihan or happens. We possess a tolerance for ambiguity that mutual assistance, and in the famous Filipino enables us to remain unfazcd by uncertainty or lack of hospitality. imformation. We are creative, resourceful, quick Filipinos possess a sensitivityto people's feel­ learners, and have the ability to improvise and make ings [pakikiramdam], pagtitiwala or trust and a sense use of whatever is on hand in order to create and of gratitude or utangna loob. Because of pakikipag­ produce. kapwa-tao, Filipinos are very sensitive to the quality of This quality of the Filipino is manifested in the interpersonal relationships and are very dependent on ability to adapt to life in any part of the world, in the them. If our relationships are satisfactory we are ability to make new things out of old scraps, in the happy and secure. capacity to keep old machines running, and of course, Pakikipagkapwa-tao results in camaraderie and in the creative talent manifested in the cultural
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