,:■, R?' ■ift^ 1 Forums Speakers -—-mm. ' Wt i "B^w^H ***V^W^* ^^*W^W3M HPT** HQ£(£s __ 1 Discuss Problems ""^ nv«^ilIJMWH^^^B £ r - f J33K <3 J * 1 Of Urbanized Life i By JIM PALMER of cities to be near the poor, in «■' schools and public places, so that "The slum problem can't be a majority of upper class will h< handled this generation. I'm influencing a minority of the low- 1 shooting for 1990. I know the sev- er class in what are now blighted 1 enties are already shot. I'm wor- areas. 1 ried about the eighties. They al- Dr. Osmon criticized the admin- ready may be shot." istration's poverty program, say- O The grim words were delivered ing its trouble was it is "too job- to the student Forums Committee oriented and today's society is by a three-man professorial team not." 1 ) ' '. ' '' • in its second meeting on urbani- "A person can be paid to im- tm zation Thursday. ■ prove himself if he is unemploy- - The speaker was Dr. Wilbur R. ed. Maybe we need a new idi-a - < Thompson, economics professor about what work really is," he 'v from Wayne State University. Dr. said ■ -• Edward Higbee of the University of Rhode Island was the other Welfare Programs chief speaker. Dr. Thompson strongly defend- Dr. John Osmon of Brookings ed welfare programs, relating Institute, which sponsored appear- them to college. RESERVED PARKING—Someone forgot to tell ignore the blazing torches and deafening yells. ances of the three, acted as mod- "By the time a student finishes the cheerleaders who planned Friday night's mid- After all, when you pay good money for a park- erator. college he will probably have tak- night pep rally that the stadium lots are reserved ing sticker, you can afford to put up with a little Dr. Thompson began his re- en more subsidies than anyone for student parking, especially at that time of noise. marks by criticizing economists on welfare. The community must night. But at least two students did their best to —Skiff Photo by John Miller and historians as having been carry a student through four years among the last to care about the of institutional processing, which ACP-ANPA PACEMAKER American city. always costs more than his tui- He described the operation of tion," he said. the city as an "implicit price sys- Dr. Thompson concluded by say- tem." ing that money for the improve- Ways To Improve ment of the city is available. "We complain about where the Dr. Thompson suggested ways money for the city's improvement to improve the American city by will come from, and then call our- TheTEXAS CHRISTIAN UNIVERSITY Skiff • • * • FORT WORTH, TEXAS using this price system. selves the 'affluent society.' If a "We can lure school teachers man wants universal college ed- VOL. 65, No. 14 TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 1, 1966 8 PAGES into slum areas with money. ucation, he had best not worry Teachers that teach in the slum about every family having three school areas are being penalized cars," he said. because of the working conditions. At this point the Wayne State "Consequently inferior teachers professor was asked if there was are operating where good teach- any way society could have three Five Nominees Seek ers are needed the most acutely. cars per family and universal col- The price system can be used lege education, luxuries and im- to give all students an equal provements, at the same time. chance at a good teacher," said "Sure, by working harder. But Dr. Thompson. we also want shorter hours," said In related proposals, Dr. Thomp- Dr. Thompson. Dan forth Fellowships son called for prices and public Part three of the urbanization services to be used to lure the series is slated for 4 p.m. Nov. Five candidates have been nom- announced Dr. Paul Wassenich, Nominated are Jerry Kirkpat- affluent near the central areas 17 in the Student Center. inated for Danforth Fellowships, director of the Honors Program. rick, history major; Glenda Green, art major; Norman Low- rey, music major; John Robin, history major, and Joey Jeter, War Reporter To Speak 1965 graduate in religion. Kirkpatrick, McAllen senior, is a member of the Honors Cabinet, the Select Series Committee, the At Journalism Assembly University Honors Council and Phi Eta Sigma. Also he sings with "A Reporter Reports on Re- After graduation he served in the A Capella Choir. porting Viet Nam' will be the the Air Force for three years, Miss Green is a painting major topic of WIMP-TV newscaster lie is currently a reserve captain. from Weatherford. She was in In 1962 Schietfer joined the Hob Schietfer during the second "Who's Who" last year, and Ls in Star-Telegram as a police report- the Honors Program. She is a Journalism Assembly at 1 p.m. er and later worked courthouse member of Alpha Lambda Delta. 4 4 Wednesday in Dan D. Rogers and political beats before moving Lowrey, Titusville, Fla., music \6 An lilorium. over to WBAI' last month composition major, is a member -% Schietfer, until recently a Star- He has won a number of pro- of Phi Mu Alpha. He is chairman Telegram reporter, spent four fessional awards for both broad- of The Crucible (Wesley Foun "v 40 and a half months in the Viet casting and newspaper reporting. dation project). He has won the *3* Nam war /one last spring as a As a WBAP newsman he covers Dillon Anderson Creative Writing J *. % Star-Teli gram correspondent. and writes much of the Fort Award. A 1959 graduate of TCU, he be- Worth-Dallas area news and Robin, of Fort Worth, is on the gan his news career with radio serves as newscaster on the sta- Forums Committee and partici- station KXOL in Fort Worth at tion's 6 p.m. and 10 p.m. news- pates in the Honors Program. the age of 19. casts. Jeter is now in the Peace Corps and is stationed at Niger, Afri- ca. Amarillo is his home town. The five were nominated by a Air Force Opens Campaign University committee composed of faculty members. The candi- dates' names will be sent to the For Two-Year Applications Danforth National Committee for further consideration. Students interested in becom- If the student passes both, his ing Air Force officers should talk application is sent to the Air The Danforth Fellowship was with Maj Kenneth Thompson, Force University at Maxwell established in 1951 to provide professor of aerospace studies. AFB, Ala , for final approval and funds for senior and recent grad- The Air Force has opened the selection. The new cadet then at- uates who plan graduate work recruitment drive for its two-year tends, next summer, a summer with a goal of college teaching. program Students who have two camp at Altus AFB, Okla., or The basis for selection will be years of school left, either gradu- the Air Force Academy in Colo- evidence of intellectual power ate or undergraduate, may apply. rado Springs, Colo. which is flexible over a wide range, personal characteristics After applying, the student must At this camp, cadets receive take, either Nov. 11 or Dec. 9, which would contribute to col- survival training, athletics, drill the Air Force Officer Qualifying lege teaching, and evidence of PATCHWORK—"Military brat" Leon Mackechnie's collection of Test and a physical at Carswell and leadership training. Two ca- a broad concern rather than a shoulder patches and ribbons tell the story of the American fight- AFB. dets were in last year's program. narrow perspective. ing men from World War II through Viet Nam. (Story, page).) THE SKIFF Tuesday, November 1, 1966 KTCU-FM Begins One Less Brite Series Studiles New Music Series On List KTCU-FM has announced two "Singers' World" at 7:30-8:00 'Sociological Denials new series. p.m. on Tuesdays. This program The series are offered through will included operatic music of "Sociological Denials of Amer- ly Hall of Brite Divinity School, OfD eans cooperation with the educational historical interest by renowned ican Protestantism" is the theme he opened the series with the dis- station WUHY in Philadelphia. singers. of the fourth annual Brite Series cussion of "The Denial of the "Collector's Corner," a presen- KTCU-FM is a fully licensed ed- Anyone checking the office ucational broadcasting station. planned for Nov. 1-2 by Brite Di- City." ^directory in Sadler Hall might! tation of out-of-print recordings vinity School. The event was sponsored by the fthink there is an abundance of 1 of famous classical works, is Dr. Frederick A. Shippey, pro- Homiletic Guild, a fellowship or- kdeans, but at least one dean's! scheduled for 7:30-8:30 p.m. on DENNY MATTOON fessor of sociology of religion at ganization of Brite students and Fdesk has remained unoccupied] Mondays. ENCO SERVICE STATION Drew University, is guest lectur- faculty. ^since school started. Commentary for the program 2858 W. Berry er for the annual event. Dr. Shippey will be honored The campus has been with- will be provided by Wayne Con- The series is designed to in- Tuesday night at a dean's dinner lout a dean of men since earlyl ner, music specialist of Philadel- Three blocks east of campus crease the seminarians' under- in the cloisters of Brite Divinity fsummer when the resignation] phia. "We appreciate your business" standing of the culture to which Road Service Ph. WA 3-M25 School. At the 7:30 session fol- lof Jewell Wallace became ef-f Conner will also commentate they must minister through a con- lowing in Weatherly Hall, he will ffective.
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