University of Massachusetts Amherst ScholarWorks@UMass Amherst Afro-American Studies Faculty Publication Series Afro-American Studies 1983 Statement by New Afrikan Prisoner of War Kuwasi Balagoon Amilcar Shabazz University of Massachusetts Amherst, [email protected] Follow this and additional works at: https://scholarworks.umass.edu/afroam_faculty_pubs Part of the African American Studies Commons, International Law Commons, and the Military, War, and Peace Commons Recommended Citation Shabazz, Amilcar, "Statement by New Afrikan Prisoner of War Kuwasi Balagoon" (1983). Afro-American Studies Faculty Publication Series. 97. Retrieved from https://scholarworks.umass.edu/afroam_faculty_pubs/97 This is brought to you for free and open access by the Afro-American Studies at ScholarWorks@UMass Amherst. It has been accepted for inclusion in Afro-American Studies Faculty Publication Series by an authorized administrator of ScholarWorks@UMass Amherst. For more information, please contact [email protected]. The lntroduction to the King Alfred Plrn, d plan to be utilized by the U.S. Defense and Justice Deparunents in the event of rebellion, reads: "Even before 1954, trhen the Suprs|e Court of the thlted States of Arc.ica decl lred unconstitutional separdte educltional and recreational facilities, racial unrest and dlscord hd becone very nearly d plrt of the Amerlcln wdy of life, 8ut that ray of life tras repugnant to most Al€rlcans, Since 1954, hmver', that unrest and discord have broken into widespread violence which incrersingly hls p'laced the pelce md Statement stability of this nation in dire jeopardy. This violence has r€sulted in loss of life and limb ad prop€rty, and has cost th€ by taxpqyers of this country billions of dollars. And the end is not ln sight. Thls same violence has raised the tr€mrdously grave questim 6 to rhethr the trp rrces c'l ever li\€ in peace rlth emh other.' The U.S. doesn't intend to nnke fundrmentrl chrnges, it inteids to bully tl6r Afrikrns forevr and maintain thls colonial NewNewAfrikan Afrikan re'lltlonship based on coerclon, or Norse, ! "flnll solution." This matls that sorE fl Afrlkd soldiers 'like myself rrust mlke PrisonerPrironer of w.Wr our stlnd clelr and encourlge tb Afrik p€ople to pr€pare to deferd thellselves frcn gernci& by the Aneric nazis -- study our nistakes; build r polltical progrrn brsed on land.and lndependence; d counterintel'ligence progran to ferret out traltors the llkes of Tyrone Rison, S Brfln rd Peter iddleton dd be r€ady tr fight and figm lnd rgmize our p€ople to reslst Kuwael gCeoon on sery level. iV dlty n t revolutiondry ln this m*ter is to Knwcl tel'l the truth, dlsresp€ct this court and nake it c'lear that the gr€ltest cqrseqrxnce lnr'ld be falllnq to step forvrrd. - i hale throm my lot in with the revolutlon and only regret that due to personr'l slDrtcqrings m my pa.t, fallure io accept collective responsiblllty, rnd bureaucratic, hierarchical tendencies rlthin the LL.A,, i haven't been Sle to contribute withnnldl ....an hilioduc:tlonInOodnfon by thethr as nrdr as i should cr tuild a bettr defeme agrinst ny clpture due to deni.l of fuse. i rn confident that D. cutrddea still at 'large will correct their thinking rnd prrctice through crltlcisn/self-crltlcicr dd begin to strlke consistent blqs;t NatIonaltldonal CommitteeConrmlttn to Defend.Detcnd the u.S, Imperiallst. i rJsh i could insplre more people, especlllly tler Afriktn people, to take the road to liberrtion, Newtlew AfrikanAfilean FreedomFncdom FIghtersFlghrbrr ard adequit€'ly express rU contcnpt fcr the U.S. rullng class lnd its govermcnt. fther than that, i have nothing else to say. I ?1 cmpulsory tax" to carry cn r€volution. llo flEtber of the 8.L.A. Introductionlnt'odrcdon hds ever opened fire during an expropriation unless forted to by a fool. Actually r€'d prefer not to a shot, because the TheThc PrisonerPri'p.ner ofof WarWst (P.O.(P.O.W.) W.J slatementstatemlnt beforeblote youyou is aa master/ulm8aetut fire b purpose of an exproprJation is to get funds .nd rpt to execute presentationpt*ntation ojol lhe E central&ntnl aspectsrytrs ojol thethe historicalhittodcrl andand presentq6ent tillydiy political. Nliticol, b quards or police, as d retaliating rctim night be for, but also economicdlelatumiul andond sodoI*A conditions.gtditions ojof thethe NewNe Afrikan (Black)(Dlock) NationNotion in lhettv Altikot in because shots are signals. The idea'l epropriatim Js carrled context@tltd ojoI lhelhe globoldoful crisisctitb O/Iheof UE AmerikkanAmenkkan empire.empiE, ThisThb statementttotenEnt underscoresundetvot6 p out wittFut ayorE outside of the actlon being any the f,lser. lhe fundamentalfutdo,nantal contradictionconttdiction thaithat Welye thethe 40lO millionmilion descendantsd^cendants ofof AfrikanAftikan Uhen the 8.L.A. hds'assassindted police officers dl grpose and slavesfure5 onon thettE NorthNoflh AmerikanAmetikan continentcontincnl facetoe dayfut inin andand daydat outout -- U.S.U.S. @lorlidijfi. W design l€'!e issued ccrrun iques explainlng why, and leavlng no colonialism. 1JuItTtst isis toto say,&t, thetla rocistr,lcist oppressionoppr$ion andotd supersu,€t exploitationqloitation ojoJ ourour ql.€stions. nation,natian, itsiA peopleNple andand itsits land.laad. lly conrade Sekou odinga_has been reJected frm this case InIn December,D@mh., 198/19EI thetre bravebmve wturiorwanio. whopho wrote*rot thisthb statement,sta@menl, ComradeComrdc dd indicted in a federal cdse charged kete€ring justified Kuwas;Kuv,{/ Bologoon.fulag@n, wasw6 capturedcapnud byb! thethc enemyerrsny forces 0/ the u.s. military stote. xith R by loirn5 o! ttv U.S. military stale. the sane incidents that leaves ne HeHe hodhd beenban wantedvantd for severaltwml year.s for escapingelping from a maximumnatimum security charged wlth murder and lot Ws lot ftun *r].,firy robbery, so that tlE Ner Afrlk position cln be hopefully put prisonp.ien inin Tl'l!nton.ftaton, NewNaw J~terty where||l@a he wasv6 Ulegallyilbgallt col1fined.co4fnd. Kuwos;Kuteasi isis oneotg ojoJ a ,,uiminah', out of focus by the st6te, by having cne defendlng numberNmtu ojol P.O.P,O.W.s W.s lockedl6kd down and brandedbrundd "criminals" by thethe U.S.U.S. oo/oniolcotonial ih Afrik against tlE s'lE crioinal chcges rnti , autlt ond slsten, !s ho rhit! -imerl al ists C'OIU1$ and InjustiuU&tfua SYS/~. I an def$dlrE the revo'lution, the state's frdngsrEnts r.e of rc Thent JoUowinglouowing statementstaten e ep.w thehe U.S.II.S- government'sgovem enl's reactionaryEmtiontry ryg con:iequence. It do€s not natter rhlt tt€ legal outcone trill be. policyNicy ofof denyingd.nying lhelhe warwt goinggoing on insideinside itsits imperialistimryiatil borden,bda' anda.d inin so doing our fates are not in the hands of the state, hrt ln ttB hands of clulracterWngcrarsbtizing ourou people'speoplc's resistancer''l''stancc os a domesticdom6tic ptod.mprobkm of terrorism,crrotisrn, criminalcdmhtzt tlE masses €r, Afrika people, In revolutidt, one conspincid and iotous outbursls, $0 govmmcnt of either tins COnspiracies and riotous outbursts. In doing $ thisthis government imprisollSim itu/,as ourow or dies. This crse ddjts bigger consciouscor'J/cious armedomd freedom frghters andond seekseeks to deprivedqniye them vn ofol theirthch rightsngh|l ! Jury, fdom f8ht.6 In regards to the death of the money co'urier and the tro accordingeoding toto interruztiona/intarn4lional hlltnllnitarionht nonitaian conventiOllScgnruntiatl4t ond lhette conduct@nAld of war·suchwor-flach poljce officers, i an insu'lted that itrs thought of rs slxh a (If6 theltv GenevaCcnaea AccorcbA.@tdt and lhetlE UniledUnited NationsNaaio'1t 1977l9n Protocols.hot6oh- horrendous act, by the media and a population thlt doesn't AttMAt ltv timetim. ofol hishis CllptUTectptue KuwasiKuvsti wartt'6 chargedchond with beingbcirg a pa.ticipn,participant in conclude that twenty-five murders of ller Afrikan dli]dren Jn tltea October&tohr 20th,mh, 1981Iql «lionactbn invDlvinginwbing a Brink'sEdnk's armoredormored car containing S1.6 .6 Atlanta since tlE incarc€r*lm of Iayie TilliilE cr the drorni ng ntiIliontiuion andond ao shootoutshntout at a rcadblockroadblock in upstate NewNew York.Yo*. AboAlso captutedcaptured aafew lew d croided boat of Haiti s under the eyes of tlle tlnlted States monthsmoatht before&lon werewcrc NewNev .lhikanAfrikan Ft@domFreedom FrghtetFighter Sekou&'kou Odinga and anti-anti· of Coast Guard, a b'ig deal. imperialistinFialisl whites,whita, Judy,Iud, ClarkCla* and David Ailben.Oilbert. Eventually, 9kouSekou was sewrcdsevered But the systen, llke Publjc Ld 831-81 Congress, Title from thelfu casew tolo be triedtdd in the E infamous RICO ConspiracyCorLy,taq Case,C@, which invobd,involved, that's tam Sectim 102, 103, 104, other$ise knosl ds the l,lcclrran Act, for the first timelime in history, lEthe ueuse of federal statutesttatut6 otitiluoriginally d.eeloddeveloped to ll, lot fist f.deml t which authorizes Concentration (Detention) Canps should the prwukprosecute organizedo4anized crimecdme syndicates againstogoi(st teyolutionaryrevolutionary political organiztaionsorganizations Endicatg F,olitical president proc laim an Internal Security Bnergency. Security ls and movements. The U.S. Army has 350 record centers contalning . Kuwari,Kuwlti, Judy otdand fuvADavid were essentwlly€g,ntially tid,tried, conictedconvicted and ynlenedsentenced the nord. substantirl infonnation on civilian po'litical activists. The without their presence in court. It war, (If they said, a rihllllirial. The times they pentagon has 25 ntillion cards on individuals and 760'000 m qwdappewed ini, court twere eE onltonly to raiserui'€ ttethe talff!Q1 issuesi5s,./f5 of lhe the c@case ondand to go on t6otdrecord cganizrtlons held by tlE defeflse Centrat Index of Investigltions ,elnot (If crimilulJs,('imiwb, 6(If the statetta'z vot@would htvh4ve it, but taolutioiutrevolutionary anedarmed freedom a fradom alone, rnd this inforoatioo lncludes political, sociologlcal I'd fighl6$. KtKuwasi lrf5i nadetrUlde kno||nknown thethefact that hche itis a toldiatsoldier in the nnksranks oJof theth.
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