SERVING THE STORRS COMMUNITY Established 1896 Circulation 6,000 Cflttttwitntt (Eamjma Vol. XXXVIII Storrs, Connecticut, Monday, March 24, 1952 No. 64 Chief Goodale Cites Dining Hall Silverware, Higher Accident Rate On Eagleville Roads Bottle Losses Total $1,515 Katherine The Queen Connecticut Grant Security Chief Lawrence Good- Miss Connecticut ale today told The Campus, "The Brings Insurance Students' Fault accident rate on the North Eagle- Will Be National ville and South Eagleville Roads Expert's Talk Here Claims Bollen has increased in the past several Beauty Contestant The loss of milk bottles and sil- years." The first of a five lecture verware from the North Campus The statement was made in an- When Miss Connecticut is chos- series, to be presented as the re- swer to the question, "Can you Dining Hall since last September en in the coming Community sult of a $5,000 grant to the Uni- give The Campus any figures versity of Connecticut, will be totaled $1,515.48, Albert E. Bol- Chest Carnival the awards she pertaining to the accident de- given this Wednesday night. len, director of dining halls dis- crease on the two roads?" could receive may far surpass hei The school of business admin- closed today. More than nine "There hasn't been a decrease," wildest dreams. istration announced today that thousand milk bottles were lost replied the Security Chief. "Ac- Robert Teichmann, publicity Connecticut is one of five schools in February, an increase of 7,000 cording to our figures, we've no- director for the Community throughout the country to re- ticed a slight increase." Goodale Chest Carnival run by Alpha Phi ceive a special grant from the over the month of January. explained that the increase was Omega, has announced that Miss New York Life Insurance Com- Attributing most of the loss to probably due ot the vast increase Connecticut together with five pany. The purpose of the grant students who take the items from in cars on campus and increased other contestants will be entered is to emphasize career aspects in the cafeteria, Bollen said only a traffic due to University and con- in the Max Factor national beau- life insurance and stimulate pro- small portion of the blame could struction workers commuting to ty contest. fessional relationships in the in- be given careless employees. Storrs. Photo Pool surance field. "It's easy to see where the For the past week, The Cam- Forget Your Modesty Katherine Palton Hardgrore, 18 Universities receiving the grant items are going", he said. "Stu- pus has focused attention on dan- year-old freshman from Spring- are given a free hand in deciding dents take milk bottles, ice gerous North Eagleville Road, dale, was chosen Froshmore how the funds should be spent. cream dishes with silverware to but Goodale today cautioned Martin Weiner, chairman of the Miss University of Con- Queen at the Week-end dance A five lecture series, scholar their rooms and never return drivers about "equally danger- held Friday night in Hawiey Ar- ships and aid to summer insur- them." The director has noticed ous" South Eagleville Road. The necticut committee for the Community Chest Carnival, mory. Escorting the attractive Pi ance institutes comprise this the same situation with sugar road runs parallel to the North Phi was Richard Rollins. school's program. bowls and added the has been Eagleville Road and connects seemed appalled today that The first lecture of the special forced to use soup bowls due to highways 195 and 32. only ten women's living units program will feature Charles J the shortga.e Goodale also told reporters that had entered candidates in the "Vampire Squad" Zimmerman, a leader in the in- Indevidual prices of bottles, "apparently students and Uni- contest. "I could pick out two dozen surance field, whose talk, "Dis- dishes, and silverware were post- versity workers are exercising ed on each counter of the cafe- more care." He said last week's candidates while walking to Canvasses Dorms tribution Trends in Life Insur- ance," will be given this Wed- teria last September with the sudden storm that covered the my eight o'clock class," said Weiner, who urged girls here For Blood Donors nesday at 7 p.m. in Home Eco- hope that students would become area with two inches of snow nomics 123. aware of the expense. "Students "did not produce an accident." "to forget their modesty and enter the contest." Outstanding Salesman heeded the notice for a short "Ordinarily," he explained, Members of the Student Sen- time but now seem to have for- "there are about three mishaps Zimmerman, selected by Forbes ate will be asked Wednesday Magazine as one of "America's gotten it," added Bollen. on Montgomery Hill (North Max Factor, world famous night to form a "Vampire Squad" beauty authority, is conducting c Outstanding Salesman", is thr Costs have almost doubled and Eagleville Road) during an aver- as part of a campus-wide blood with present losses Director Bol- national contest among colleges managing director of the Agency age snowfall, but this time there drive this week. len stated that the dining hall wasn't a single one." and universities to discover the Management Association. Having According to Senate president played a leading role in the loses two cents for every bottle The Chief indicated his staff one girl who best personifies the Peter Brodigan, representatives growth of the American College of milk sold to the students. would make more arrests "if "fresh, young, natural American look." The winner, who will be of the regional Red Cross blood of Life Underwriters in Phila- A memorandum concerning necessary", but he felt drivers program will attend Wednesday's the problem has been sent to the would use their own discretion crowned "The Max Factor Girl" delphia, Zimmerman is known as Senate meeting in Gulley 1 to (Continued on Page 5) and prevent such action. will be given a $1,000 scholarship, one of the outstanding men in an all-expense paid trip to Hol- enlist student aid in the cam- the insurance industry in the en- paign for blood. tire country. lywood and twelve "expensive" ISO Ready Be There On Time gifts. On Thursday night, March 27, In addition to a lecture series designed to bring outstanding every student senator will be The Independent Students The Factor letter, addressed to men in the insurance industry All students scheduled to do- asked to canvass at least one liv- Organization is sponsoring a nate blood tomorrow have Student Senate president Peter here, four $250 scholarships will ing unit for as many blood don- rally tomorrow at 7:30 p.m. at been urged by Carl Fischer, Brodigan, declared that Max Fac- be awarded to two juniors and ors as possible. the rear of Holcomb hall to tor is convinced that, "the most two seniors majoring in insur- chairman of the local drive, to "This will be the only oppor- introduce ISO candidate* for appear at the Community beautiful girls today are enroll- ance. They are Clement Pontillo ed in America's colleges and uni- tunity for the Senate to obtain a the Student Serial*. House on lime. He also re- (Continued on Page 6) versities." definite listing of prospective minded students under 21 thai denors," said Brodigan, "and it they musl bring signed per- The school entering the win- ner will be given a fund of $1,000 is most important that all Stu- mission slips with them. (Continued on Page 3) dent Senators participate in this canvass." Courant Editor Urges All (Continued on Page 3) Williams Announces New Uconn Team Ninth Educators To "Speak Up Fraternity Party Rulings In Bridge Tourney A formula leading to better in- majority—and newspapers could terpretation of education through aid in establishing an informed the medium of press and radio majority," The Courant editor New regulations concerning dance, and identification cards A Connecticut team of Harriet was offered Friday by Charles L. declared. hours, drinking and other limi- Donner and Ruth Liebman plac- Towne, city editor of The Hart- for students and guests when Also participating in the panel tations at fraternity parties at they attend fraternity functions ed ninth out of twenty-five ford Courant. Williams College, were announc- A tentative limit of 180 guests schools competing for the New Speaking on a panel discussion discussion entitled: "Educators- ed last Friday by Dean Robert was established by the Dean. He English District championship of sponsored by the Supervision Meet the Press" was Norman Ru- R. Brooks. Dean Brooks said the also said fraternities would not the National Intercollegiate Council of the State Department bin, editor of the Meriden Jour- new rules have no connection be allowed to hold joint Sunday Bridge Tournament, announced of Education at the North Haven nal, who stressed the value of with the recent death by shoot- parties after house party week- Jeffrey Mott-Smith, tournament Junior High School, Towne told mutual understanding between ing of Millard Romaine Jr., 19, ends. director. Connecticut educators to give up the school reporter and the ad- whose body was found in his fra^ Dean Brooks admitted it was Dr. Walter McKain, faculty their stagnant serenity of "no ministrator. ternity house February 18. difficult to establsih a hard and coach, said he was pleased with news" and "no comment" and August L. Loeb, editor of the Williams and four other New fast fule on limitations of drink- the results of the Uconn entry, speak out for what is right and Southington News, discussed England colleges are said to have ing at house parties where Wil- who won five out of a possible best.
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